WRS Pit stop: Want to Chat? - Need Help? = Post Here

  • Thread starter Tedehur
Ok just to make it straight, Ben is not leaving because of anyone on here. He has some personal things going on that have changed his life around.

I wish the guy all the best for the future 👍
Ok just to make it straight, Ben is not leaving because of anyone on here. He has some personal things going on that have changed his life around.
Ok just to make it straight, Ben is not leaving because of anyone on here. He has some personal things going on that have changed his life around.
Ok just to make it straight, Ben is not leaving because of anyone on here. He has some personal things going on that have changed his life around.
Ok just to make it straight, Ben is not leaving because of anyone on here. He has some personal things going on that have changed his life around.
Ok just to make it straight, Ben is not leaving because of anyone on here. He has some personal things going on that have changed his life around.
Ok just to make it straight, Ben is not leaving because of anyone on here. He has some personal things going on that have changed his life around.

I think Steve just wrote it a way that may seem to have suggested otherwise, although I think that was accidental.

And then look at what happened. *sigh*
I think Steve just wrote it a way that may seem to have suggested otherwise, although I think that was accidental.

And then look at what happened. *sigh*

Blind words.
That's one way to think of it. Then again, not all of us have access to an old timer forum where we can talk amongst each other and then come out with annoyances that no one's aware of except said old timers...
That's one way to think of it. Then again, not all of us have access to an old timer forum where we can talk amongst each other and then come out with annoyances that no one's aware of except said old timers...

Don't go all touchy on me now. All bigracer had to do was to keep his big mouth shut about passed issues and this wouldn't of kicked off again. Why do you think he was banned from the Rollers in the first place. Always bringing up past issues that everyone else was trying to bury. He just couldn't leave things alone, he does it on purpose because he knows that someone will react to it.

Oh btw, would you like to see what has been said about the WRS at the "old timers" forum? I think you'll be surprised. :)
Well, I guess I didn't know what I was talking about then. I haven't been a part of the Rollers forum and didn't know that Steve ever was, nor Ben, nor that any of you guys had issues in the past.(or I just forgot that you ever did?)

From my perspective it appeared you guys all of a sudden popped in here and got on Steven's case for something that most would've overlooked, but I guess that's just because there's something hidden that most of us don't know about.

So, I apologize, and no, I'd rather not see what you guys talk about the WRS on there. I don't know if I'll be suprised in a good or bad way, and I think Ipd prefer not to find out. Thanks for the offer though. :cheers:
If I was to run up and kick someone right in the nuts and then apologise and say it was an accident ... would it make it alright? :dopey: I think not! .. some things are more direct to some people as they are to others :)

For the record ... Nothing has been posted at Rollers regarding this exchange as yet ... :) everyone is hibernating for the winter over there and thats why the few old timers who dont need the sleep are over here having a great time with the young timer WRS guys ;)

edit: .. posted this before I saw Kyles response 👍
i'm out of this thread for good and ignore all the nasty things said.
gtp and wrs is for fun not for rant.

'Gentlemen': What part of this post did you all miss?

Let's not throw blame in random directions, we'll just look forward to your return Ben, hope you sort out whatever needs it

I'm seriously tempted to delete the entire last page or so of posts. Here's an idea:

How about we all put our little egos away - young, old, new, and veteran alike - and stop getting so butthurt over everything everybody says? This is a freaking GT4 RACING SERIES on an internet forum, not the Gaza Strip!

I've been watching what goes on in this forum, and I'm getting fed up with it. I know you all think that somebody else started it, but the truth is, you are ALL continuing it.

The current Steward has tried to get past this crapfest, and has been met with little but resistance. It seems you would all rather bitch than race sometimes. This isn't bench racing over a pint or a little friendly trash talk among competitors. Some of you - on all sides of the fence - just want to piss and moan and show no interest in improving the situation. That was all that prompted the Steward's "Tone" thread. Yet the pissing and moaning ruined any chance of constructive change.

Every time there is a Board Comp, everybody starts out excited and happy and ready to race. Everybody is willing to cooperate and work together to get a good set of rules and a good set of runs put together. Then, by about Round 7, the bitching and acrimony start. It's happened in all 6 Board Comps I've seen so far.

At the moment, the WRS appears to be stuck in that "Round 7" slump. Everyone has baggage and no one is willing to let anything drop. I'm pointing ZERO fingers here because there is no particular 'camp' that is more guilty than the others. Everybody has had a share is damaging the fun of the WRS and everybody is going to need to do their bit to repair it.

This passive/aggressive crap is juvenile and unproductive.

If you have a problem with another competitor, do it like the big boys do: file a protest with the Steward or report it to the moderators.

If you have a problem with the race scenarios, then make some alternate suggestions. Don't just say "this week's race sucks"; explain why it sucks, and then - here's the key - make a constructive suggestion on how it could be better! It's possible to dislike something without attacking the person who thought it up. The best way to express that is to show how it could have been improved.

The WRS is near danger of dissolving. It doesn't have to be this way. A little bit of mutual courtesy - if respect is impossible - between competitors and between racers and administration will keep it together and will return the fun factor that is currently getting pissed away.


If anybody wishes to comment on this, please feel free to do so. You can also PM me about it if you wish, but I prefer that all communication remain open.
And to return to the original subject (Various unhealthy things eaten), Hanukka starts on Friday, so I started to eat those:


The 'Sufgania', the traditional Hanukka food. One of the fattest-ever things made, it's basically fried dough with sugar and marmelade - Something like a super-doughnut. 450 Calories in each (Medium-sized) one... And it's tasty as hell.
Mmmmm fooood...

If only I had time to go to the store so I could get some! LOL!

Duke, I'm fine with having the last page deleted... FWIW. 👍
Just got back from the shops with PS2 number three.

The original brick still works but is showing signs of the dreaded DRE infestation and worst of all will not play GT4! It plays everything else so that's normally used in my loft office. My brother bought me a slimline PS2 for my birthday last year which again started showing DRE symptoms. Luckily he bought three year insurance cover with it so I've just been and swapped it over for PS2 ver3. 👍

Just got to get that funny 'new' feeling off of the controller...I don't like it...It feels funny.

Right, I'm done in here, there's a new WRS posted and a shiney new PS2 waiting for it. :D

Just got back from the shops with PS2 number three.

The original brick still works but is showing signs of the dreaded DRE infestation and worst of all will not play GT4! It plays everything else so that's normally used in my loft office. My brother bought me a slimline PS2 for my birthday last year which again started showing DRE symptoms. Luckily he bought three year insurance cover with it so I've just been and swapped it over for PS2 ver3. 👍

Just got to get that funny 'new' feeling off of the controller...I don't like it...It feels funny.

Right, I'm done in here, there's a new WRS posted and a shiney new PS2 waiting for it. :D


They released a new controller and PS2?

There's not just a new WRS, there's a guy waiting to train himself in updating splits :D
Woo! Strike!

Well, today was an interesting day. First off, we had a small party in class, which included munching some Sufganiots, sunflower-seeds and cakes. We managed to make 10 Cola-bottles "disappear" in 30 seconds. But no booze, since it's school-organized 👎
Then, rumor started to spread that the students from the highest class are organizing a strike, protesting against the 40-kids classrooms, cutting the number of hours (My brother in Elementary learns 2 hours more than I do), and against the latest batch of budget-cuts (They won't let the teachers photocopy materials, so we have to write the whole thing or print at home) and newest rules/regulations (After a murder-case somewhere up north of a girl who went to the toilet, we're no longer allowed to go take a leak. We also have to be present in every lesson, since they introduced the new "portions" system, which deducts points from your final grade in the end-of-school exams). Within an hour, the whole school joined. 4th hour (12 noon), everyone, the whole 1500 students, went home :D
And my sister, which learns in a different Campus (7th-grade only) of the same school, didn't go - because the management pulled off a dirty trick and managed to convince them it was cancelled. Those who got out were punished there...
I just want to clear this up - I left not due to anyone on this forum, as Mike put.
Thanks for the support guys, much appreciated.
More food-related stuff:

I cooked some Moong-Dahl... Basically, the indian "Dahl", with Moong-beans. Yum-yum...



And baked some Bo'ikos


^ A generic type of Bo'ikos

And drank some Terra Vega Chilean Merlot

With a couple of semi-sane buddies. Simpsons, wine and food goes together well ;) 👍
I don't even have to race a WRS to want to come here and see what's going on. Tonight is a night off for me. been traveling to NYC and Boston. I am finally back home and I get to hang out with my friends. I get to be in Amsterdam...

But I think I ....
Maybe he's playing "Finish this sentence"

But I think I...

...need a new Internet Connection.
...should get this Narcolepsy seen to.
...should buy Colby a new Recaro seat for his car.

:sly: 👍
Maybe he's playing "Finish this sentence"

But I think I...

...need a new Internet Connection.
...should get this Narcolepsy seen to.
...should buy Colby a new Recaro seat for his car.

:sly: 👍

Ok, I had to LOL on this one. Dude, right on...
So one of the bolts that holds my pressure plate has snapped.:grumpy: I hope there's a bolt that will work at a Department store. Methinks it would take a long time to order a bolt. Also I have no rear brakes currently, but that's OK. I've never used them anyways.:odd:
Wait, no rear brakes? I would think the car would want to spin around or something...

Bolt you could probably get at the store. For a second I thought you were talking about the flywheel bolts, which are way more heavy duty on what I have worked on...
Ok, now I know why I haven't redone the qualifier... Because I don't have to! And the combo isn't that much fun!(right off the bat anyway) Too much understeer to begin with, and then full power added on top of that. Meh, no thanks. Not unless I have a reason to do it.

And yes, I am avoiding wk 86. Maybe I'll stop avoiding it now. We'll see, I'll go give it a whirl.

Is there anyone that has same prob as me when trying to connect to online racing on gt4 ps2/slim.

I configured it right with my connection settins from my internet provider and it confirms it! When trying to connect it justs sits and trying to connect for hours witout any result,,,:indiff:
