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  • Thread starter Tedehur
Well this month's Motor magazine came out and there's my letter:

Kinda weird to see it all in print :)
Nice one!...you're famous now Colby:tup:

Do u receive anything for getting your wrecked ride posted in the magazine?
Nah, I got nothing...that's okay though, it's kinda cool seeing my story there anyway 👍
Is it just me or is your sig Colb ****ed up on the first post of this page, that or I'm really drunk....Oh wait....
Na...it's just you :)

I rang Proton today to ask what it would cost to buy a new drivers seat and they quoted me.....wait for it.....$4000AUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say that was a quick phone call. So anyway today I pulled the seats out of the car to find out what exactly was wrong and the seat has a definite warp in it but the rails are also bent (possibly from the repairer trying to force the seat back into place) anyway temporarily I've got some washers under the right rear bolt to put my seat back in a normal position. It seems to be working fine, not the best solution in the world but a damn site cheaper than a new chair!
You should have just got a seat like the one on the 'IT'. 'IT' being the mode of transport Mr Garrison makes so he doesn't have to deal with Airlines anymore in Series 5, Episode 11 of South Park.

Well this month's Motor magazine came out and there's my letter:

Kinda weird to see it all in print :)
Impressive use of masking tape...

Good to see your words up in... lights? 👍

I look forward to reading it myslef when I get my copy - should be in the new year some time... :rolleyes:

Hope you get back on the track soon mate. 👍
Well, that was an eventful evening!

I've been out with a few friends tonight shooting some footage for a BMX film, I'm not a pro BMX'er, (far from it :D), but a few of my buddies have small sponsorship deals. Not enough to pay the bills, they just get free stuff for their bikes and free t-shirts and stuff.

Anyway, after a couple of hours messing around in my local skate park doing the usual warm up tricks etc we decide to go off and do some street riding. All was going well other than the fact that it was bloody freezing. Some good tricks were being pulled and some awesome footage was captured on camera...Until some dirty little scumbags decided to pinch one of my mates bags which had a couple of his cameras in. We got them back after a bit of a scuffle, they soon realised there was more of us than there was of them and we had bikes so running away wasn't an option, or maybe it was our method of diplomatic reasoning that persuaded them? ;)

No sooner had we sorted that mess out and decided to go for munchies some do-gooder busybody decides to tell us that riding round the (deserted) town centre we posed a [trainspottervoice]'serious threat to the safety of people walking past'[/trainspotter]??? WTF! Yeah, if we were there at three in the afternoon maybe but with this place having slightly more nightlife than the local morgue there were more than enough of us to keep an eye out for anyone that might be wandering in our direction and into the line of fire so to speak....AAAARRRGGH!

Got a bite to eat and a few fizzy drinks all was fine and dandy in our little world then one of our group decides to throw himself down a set of stairs, on his bike of course, we'd all been doing it even me and as I've already said I'm no pro rider, even my 13 year old son can and has ridden 'em. It's a really good spot to ride as there's a nice lip on the top step which you can use to launch your self off of giving you plenty of time and height to pull something mid air. Well, the aforementioned friend buggered it up somehow and came crashing to the ground, whacking his head in the process, D'oh! Now luckily he was wearing his lid although he was still seeing stars for a bit but as I'm typing this three of our group are now sitting in accident and emergency waiting for x-rays on a ankle which most of us reckon he's broken.

After agreeing that it's not actually friday the thirteenth the rest of us decided to go home early. :grumpy:


Sorry, rant over...I'm going to bed before my PC blows up in my fac...
Sounds like a rough evening...hope the news from xrays turns up okay 👍
So I went into BNT tonight. Quite an experience....

You know they have Bra's with like, water jelly stuff in it. It feels totally awesome like a stress ball. I wish I had a set....
You should try the things they put in those Bra's. Doesn't feel bad either most of the times...
Well! Let me tell you a little about my day, a few stats ought to help describe it:
  • 5:00am get up
  • Registration for Urban Polaris
  • Compete in Urban Polaris which involves riding my bike for 7 hours all around Canberra finding as many of the 37 check points set out for us.
  • Left at 8:50am and arrived back at EXACTLY 3:50pm!!! (No penalties, very pleased 👍)
  • 92km's riden
  • Every muscle below the waist is dead
  • Fingers on Right hand are tingling
  • Approximately one inch from death by exhaustion
So yeah, an outstanding day, really pleased we got back in time, didn't think we would, we came somewhere around the middle to bottom third of the field but it was a blast....anyway I'm just gonna go over here, and drop dead!
Nice one Colby. How much training did you do before the event? I'm planning on doing a triathlon style event towards the end of next year...after an hour in the pool yesterday, (not mine, the local sports centre), I went out for a longer than planned bike ride afterwards. I'm not sure how far it was but I was out for five hours so I feel your pain. :ouch:

You should get the feeling back in your legs over the next week or so. :D

Nice one Colby. How much training did you do before the event? I'm planning on doing a triathlon style event towards the end of next year...after an hour in the pool yesterday, (not mine, the local sports centre), I went out for a longer than planned bike ride afterwards. I'm not sure how far it was but I was out for five hours so I feel your pain. :ouch:

You should get the feeling back in your legs over the next week or so. :D


Well after I pranged the car I rode to work every day and that's where my training started, I then did a 1-2 hour bike ride at least once every weekend leading up to it as well. To be honest I was completely knackered after 5 hours but my mate is super fit and kept me motivated enough to keep going, It was so funny coming down the last stretch before the finish line I was cramping and hurting bad but he kept yelling 30 seconds to go, 15 seconds to go and we managed to make it in time, it was awesome!

I'm hoping to do it again next year, very groovy stuff. I don't mind losing feeling in my legs, the sunburn on them adds to the pain too :) I always forget to cream up the legs...such is life.

Good luck in your training Darren, I recommend it for sure...this mate of mine was trying to convince me to do a triathlon but I swim exactly the way a brick doesn't...so cycling will have to do :D
Good luck in your training Darren, I recommend it for sure...this mate of mine was trying to convince me to do a triathlon but I swim exactly the way a brick doesn't...so cycling will have to do :D

:lol: @ the swimming bit. My problems going to be the running part, I probably wouldn't be able to run for more than twenty minutes at the moment, too many BMX injuries and a big motorbike crash kinda messed up my running so that's where a lot of my training will have to be focused.

The bike part will be a breeze as I've been MTB'ing for the past year and a bit anyway and the swimming's something I've always liked, it'll just be a case of doing some endurance training for that. It's all getting a bit weird for me though, triathlons are a long way from throwing me and my bike around a skate park?

Looks like the Satria's back on the road just in time, you won't be cycling to work for a while eh? :D

Well this month's Motor magazine came out and there's my letter:

Kinda weird to see it all in print :)
Well, I just got my copy of Motor, and it's got your letter in it!

Not surprisingly, it looks just like the scanned in pictures above...

As for the Urban Polaris, I've done a similar thing over here called Rogaine. Ours only went for three hours though, and we had to get to as many checkpoints as we could in that time and be back at the start before the three hours was up - further away checkpoints are worth more points.

Anyway, it's good fun eh? And just like you, my mate was egging me on towards the end which kept me going.

How are the repairs to the Proton coming along?
Yeah the Proton is back on the road in mostly fine condition, the driver's seat is not 100% but with a $4000 repair bill for just the driver's seat :crazy: I think I'll just leave it as it is for now 👍

Yeah the Polaris was a blast, here's a photo of where all the checkpoints were and the path my mate and I took, it may not mean much to most but you can see how far apart some of the points were.

And lastly...on a completely different note, my commiserations to SuperT, MK1 and all you other Poms out there...that one would be tough to take, particularly after declaring in your first innings...my heart goes out to you ;)
And lastly...on a completely different note, my commiserations to SuperT, MK1 and all you other Poms out there...that one would be tough to take, particularly after declaring in your first innings...my heart goes out to you ;)

I think I'll be speaking for most of us 'Poms' when I say...🤬 🤬 🤬

Nope, we were outplayed, again. I'm considering flying out for the next test actually. I'm pretty sure I could play better than most of the muppets on our team at the moment?

We can still retain them...Mathematically anyway. :indiff:

Just a flying visit, first post I have made in about 4 weeks (I think).
With each passing day, it becomes less likely I come back to the WRS and even time on MSN.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in WRS (well, 90% eh ;)) and I wish to thank you all for generally being nice people to me.
Special thanks to Metar, Steven and Darren whom I have made very strong friendships (Over the internet anyway :lol:) over the times.

Bye bye all here....

Damn Ben.

You gotta come back buddy, I've just re added you to my MSN, (Ive just changed e-mail address so anyone who's had a new Darren Gomm e-mail address turn up in their MSN it's me, I've had to reinstall it all).

Hope every things OK down there in trcators (<I'll leave that one in just for old times sake, 1-0) ville? ;)

Well, if you don't come back I'll miss you bud.

Well, well, well. Look who has returned. Back from a week of drinking and...umm....drinking. Schoolies 2006 rocks on! 👍

The drive down

I set a probably close to World Record my place-to-Phillip Island time, because my work went late and every body was waiting for me to start dinner.

Dead Animal #1

First thing I hear when I get to the house is 'Guess what we found and brought up to the house!' Turns out it was a flattened lizard, which continued to lie in that position on the second floor balcony for 3 days.

Worlds Greatest Burger

This is the best hamburger in the history in the world. I could not believe how incredible this hamburger was. At only $4.50AUD with the lot, it's a complete bargain. It was not too oily or greasy so it feel out everywhere, the bacon was quality, the meat was perfectly cooked. Oh man. I'm willing to make the 3 hour round trip to get another one.

Dead Animal #2

Phillip Island must be the land of dead animals. I don't think I have any more pictures. But in 6 days I saw about 10 dead birds, 3 dead rabbits, a dead lizard, 2 dead kangaroos, a dead cow, a dead seal and a dead echidina.

My hole

One night I went out to the beach and dug a massive hole for an hour and a half. Man my hole was awesome.

The Beer Wall

It actually goes around more, but I couldn't get the shot right. This was only beer bottles, we had cans but they blew away, with cans it would have been another 100 at least.

The Rowville boys

We're from Rowville and everyone should know about it.

Looks like you had a fun time. That lizard was worth some laughing. And when it comes to those holes I try to go wide once I've hit water. :D
Glad to see you're finding time for the pit-stop, I enjoyed the pictures. :cheers:
Btw, that burger...
Is that a fried egg? :scared::lol:
Looks like fun Brad, welcome back to reality buddy (well virtual anyway :sly: 👍)