Xbox 360 Pricing Finalized

  • Thread starter tha_con
Has anyone else seen the box yet? That too has been finished. No big deal but they are definitely ready to ship in little more than 2 months. No shot of the power suppy.

which is STILL cheaper than buying regular wired controllers for Xbox360.

PS2 Controller: 24.95
PS2 Multitap: 24.95

3 Controllers + 1 Multitap = ~$75

3 Xbox360 wired Controllers: $120

Maybe math isn't your strong point....

But the PS2 is like 4/5 years old? I'm sure in 4/5 years time the XB 360s controllers would probably go down to the same level.

The whole lack of 4 ports on the PS2 was a very greedy move for Sony to take after the PSX and the then recent release of the Dreamcast. Having said that even current Xbox controllers are a bit too expensive (hence I only have 2, but there great) and the XB 360s look like even worse value (initially atleast anyway). Can the XB 360 actually take 4 wired controllers or do they have to be wireless?

Personally I'll let the desperados take up the £300 (usually faulty first consoles), crappy line-up games and over priced adapters. Then I'll come back 6 months down the line and get the same with a 1/3 off and decent games... assuming I'll even bother. Not fussed about any next-gen consoles yet and I just spent a load on my PC.
There are only 3 usb ports if wired controllers use them. T5-R Sony hasn't changed the price of its controllers or memory cards and niether has MS . Controllers for years were $24.99 MC $24.99 untill recently with the $29.99 2 pack. Xbox controller S is still $29.99 at retail chains the MC is $24.99. No prices have changed since day 1.
which is STILL cheaper than buying regular wired controllers for Xbox360.

PS2 Controller: 24.95
PS2 Multitap: 24.95

3 Controllers + 1 Multitap = ~$75

3 Xbox360 wired Controllers: $120

Maybe math isn't your strong point....
How much are the PS3 controllers, smart ass?

Where is code_kev when you need him? He'd keep your big, trolling mouth busy.
How much are the PS3 controllers, smart ass?

Where is code_kev when you need him? He'd keep your big, trolling mouth busy.

Being that they will use standard USB connections and include bluetooth which is cheaper than the technology MS is using, I'd say definately cheaper than $80 a pop.

And if they offer "wired" versions (which I'm sure they won't) they'll be cheaper than $40. In a year, feel free to come back to this thread.
Well, my point is, don't call me a troll and a smart ass when I'm using factual information to use as a ground basis for my comments.

In comparison to your "we don't know yet" speculation.
Well, my point is, don't call me a troll and a smart ass when I'm using factual information to use as a ground basis for my comments.

In comparison to your "we don't know yet" speculation.
Ok, troll. Why dont you do X360 VS PS3 instead of old hardware? Thanks.
Ok, troll. Why dont you do X360 VS PS3 instead of old hardware? Thanks.

Because his arguement was that he could buy the Xbox 360 controllers, or, as he put it in such a negative light:

Well then what you can go out and buy a Multitap and 4 PS2 controllers instead..

When I made the comparison between them, showing that it's clearly cheaper to buy the PS2 controllers plus multitap, he had nothing to respond with, and you come into the conversation with something completely unrelated.

Now I can promise you that the PS3 controller will not cost $80 for the entire set up. I would give it a maximum price tag of $50.

Please if you are going to try to debate something, give me something to debate, because basically it's a slaughter when you guy's have absolutely nothing to present.
all this whining about "overpricing" and nobody knows how much the ps3 will cost. It'll cost a heap more than the XB360, guaranteed. The big Ken's even stated that it wont be priced for the home market. How ridiculous is that?

oh yeah. it'll probably have no hard drive bundled, which will be sold at a killing later on (but at least it'll be sizeable, so you can on it. woo. not games, apparently) and sony has always kept it's pricepoint ridiculously high because people DESIRE their products for the name.

look at it this way: 360 is more powerful than most top end gaming PCs these days, yet costs less than a fancy graphics card (keep in mind that the custom ATI chip in it is no slouch either, compared to stuff available on the shelves for the next year). stop whining.

it's obvious that they're trying to recoup some of the gigantic gaping losses they're gonna take from actually selling the hardware at such a low price by being ridiculous with the peripherals pricing. and 80 bucks for the controllers is not as bad as it sounds. Logitech wireless controllers for xbox retail at 50. and they dont come with recharge stations or any extra cables.
Has anyone else seen the box yet? That too has been finished. No big deal but they are definitely ready to ship in little more than 2 months. No shot of the power suppy.


Looking at the pic I see a component cable, but no HD cable? Is that the case? I wonder how much the HD cable will be and should the $400 pack have come with one?

Also, any firm prices for the software? What should we expect, $70, $60? More?
all this whining about "overpricing" and nobody knows how much the ps3 will cost. It'll cost a heap more than the XB360, guaranteed. The big Ken's even stated that it wont be priced for the home market. How ridiculous is that?

oh yeah. it'll probably have no hard drive bundled, which will be sold at a killing later on (but at least it'll be sizeable, so you can on it. woo. not games, apparently) and sony has always kept it's pricepoint ridiculously high because people DESIRE their products for the name.

look at it this way: 360 is more powerful than most top end gaming PCs these days, yet costs less than a fancy graphics card (keep in mind that the custom ATI chip in it is no slouch either, compared to stuff available on the shelves for the next year). stop whining.

it's obvious that they're trying to recoup some of the gigantic gaping losses they're gonna take from actually selling the hardware at such a low price by being ridiculous with the peripherals pricing. and 80 bucks for the controllers is not as bad as it sounds. Logitech wireless controllers for xbox retail at 50. and they dont come with recharge stations or any extra cables.

Expensive relative to what? At the time, when he said "expensive" the most expensive console to luanch aside from that was supposed to be $299, and it turned out to top at $399. For all we know, the PS3 can, and very likely will be, $399.

As for $80 not being "that bad" give me a BREAK. It doesn't matter if they are "recouping losses". It's rediculous. $40 for a wired controller is REDICULOUS. $40 for a memory card is REDICULOUS. Stop sticking up for them, if it were Sony, you'd be all over it like a fat kid on pound cake.

As for PS3 not shipping with an HDD, then charging "a lot" for it. I'm sure that the $100 it's likely to be will get me A LOT more than 20 freaking gigabytes. You are so blind it sickens me.

But whatever, you are acting more and more like a sheep, and less like you used to proclaim yourself "a fan of games".
Expensive relative to what? At the time, when he said "expensive" the most expensive console to luanch aside from that was supposed to be $299, and it turned out to top at $399. For all we know, the PS3 can, and very likely will be, $399.

As for $80 not being "that bad" give me a BREAK. It doesn't matter if they are "recouping losses". It's rediculous. $40 for a wired controller is REDICULOUS. $40 for a memory card is REDICULOUS. Stop sticking up for them, if it were Sony, you'd be all over it like a fat kid on pound cake.

As for PS3 not shipping with an HDD, then charging "a lot" for it. I'm sure that the $100 it's likely to be will get me A LOT more than 20 freaking gigabytes. You are so blind it sickens me.

But whatever, you are acting more and more like a sheep, and less like you used to proclaim yourself "a fan of games".

dude. things cost money. so you save up for them. if you maybe took a job writing something useful instead of wasting your words acting like an arrogant *synonym for rooster* on a message board, maybe you wouldn't be whining so much.

yeah. the prices for the peripherals are dumb. but the price for the console is mighty fine.

and 20$ says you're wrong about the ps3 being 399.

anyway sheep or not I'm not buying a 360 or PS3 anytime soon. I'm getting a revolution whenever the bastards announce a street date, and I'm gonna be playing GOOD games for cheap.
I´ve read a few months ago that Sony has no intention in dropping PS3´s price over time. If that´s true I doubt they´ll release the new console for more than U$399.
If you look at how cheap the hardware is considering what is is (scary powerful, it's an utter monster for the reasnable initial outlay), I can understand MS wanting to make their money back on the pads etc, but that doesn't mean it doesn't sting. I shall be waiting till it costs far less though, and get my pads etc second hand. I shall be getting wired pads only if possible, I don't like wireless pads.

With no clear indication of PS3 prices, I can't really say anything, but I am worried that it will cost an utter **** load.
I'm going to wait till ps3 prices are announced before I even consider either consoles because either

A)if ps3 is a huge deal (doubtful) I'll get it instead

B)It seems like ms is gonna go ape s*** on the ps3 release date and possible do a price cut or maybe a bundle deal.

If and when I get it, it'll be the $399 version. If I really needed a larger aftermarket hard drive later, I'd be happy that that is the only accesory I'd be getting.

Launch titles will probably have some sway over who gets my dollar when, though the only swinging scenerio would involve gt5.
I'm probably not going to buy it anyways, but $299 & $399 sounds fair. I do find the X360 way more desirable than the original Xbox(I even love the box!), and if they drop the price in the future, who knows? ;)

I think tha_con always does a good job of backing up his arguments with facts, so I don't know why people are so hard on him. I for one appreciate his informative inputs at gtplanet. :)

anyway sheep or not I'm not buying a 360 or PS3 anytime soon. I'm getting a revolution whenever the bastards announce a street date, and I'm gonna be playing GOOD games for cheap.
:lol: I might try to do the same. But I have this strange feeling that P.D. will release GT5, right when I decide to pull the trigger on the Revolution purchase. :D
As for PS3, I'll pay whatever is costs as long as its not over $500.
Are PS3 games going to be $60 too?
As for PS3, I'll pay whatever is costs as long as its not over $500.
Are PS3 games going to be $60 too?
Don't know about PS3 games.

According to OXM, the prices you see now are store prices as Microsoft is "rumored" to have not released any prices. But OXM said not to doubt they will be $60.
It's very likely games will be $60 this coming generation, because development costs will go up.

Of course, this more or less depends on how much they go up, and the choice is ultimately Sony's/Microsoft's.

If Sony/Microsoft feel that development costs are too high, and they are taking a hit too large on their hardware, they will bump up the price of games.

The biggest factor is hardware though. It is estimated at this time that it will cost $496 to manufacture each PS3, so taking a $96 loss would be a very very good reason to see games sell at $60.

Also, the Xbox 360 takes a hit each time they sell their $299 version of the console, and a smaller hit on the $399 version, which is why their accessories are so overpriced. This could also lead to higher games.