tha_conwhich is STILL cheaper than buying regular wired controllers for Xbox360.
PS2 Controller: 24.95
PS2 Multitap: 24.95
3 Controllers + 1 Multitap = ~$75
3 Xbox360 wired Controllers: $120
Maybe math isn't your strong point....
How much are the PS3 controllers, smart ass?tha_conwhich is STILL cheaper than buying regular wired controllers for Xbox360.
PS2 Controller: 24.95
PS2 Multitap: 24.95
3 Controllers + 1 Multitap = ~$75
3 Xbox360 wired Controllers: $120
Maybe math isn't your strong point....
Black95Z28How much are the PS3 controllers, smart ass?
Where is code_kev when you need him? He'd keep your big, trolling mouth busy.
Well, I'm not that worried about it.tha_conIn a year, feel free to come back to this thread.
Ok, troll. Why dont you do X360 VS PS3 instead of old hardware? Thanks.tha_conWell, my point is, don't call me a troll and a smart ass when I'm using factual information to use as a ground basis for my comments.
In comparison to your "we don't know yet" speculation.
Black95Z28Ok, troll. Why dont you do X360 VS PS3 instead of old hardware? Thanks.
Well then what you can go out and buy a Multitap and 4 PS2 controllers instead..
Black95Z28I never compared PS2 to X360. Looks like you are debating with someone else.
He was.Black95Z28I never compared PS2 to X360. Looks like you are debating with someone else.
LaBountiHas anyone else seen the box yet? That too has been finished. No big deal but they are definitely ready to ship in little more than 2 months. No shot of the power suppy.
kinigittall this whining about "overpricing" and nobody knows how much the ps3 will cost. It'll cost a heap more than the XB360, guaranteed. The big Ken's even stated that it wont be priced for the home market. How ridiculous is that?
oh yeah. it'll probably have no hard drive bundled, which will be sold at a killing later on (but at least it'll be sizeable, so you can on it. woo. not games, apparently) and sony has always kept it's pricepoint ridiculously high because people DESIRE their products for the name.
look at it this way: 360 is more powerful than most top end gaming PCs these days, yet costs less than a fancy graphics card (keep in mind that the custom ATI chip in it is no slouch either, compared to stuff available on the shelves for the next year). stop whining.
it's obvious that they're trying to recoup some of the gigantic gaping losses they're gonna take from actually selling the hardware at such a low price by being ridiculous with the peripherals pricing. and 80 bucks for the controllers is not as bad as it sounds. Logitech wireless controllers for xbox retail at 50. and they dont come with recharge stations or any extra cables.
tha_conExpensive relative to what? At the time, when he said "expensive" the most expensive console to luanch aside from that was supposed to be $299, and it turned out to top at $399. For all we know, the PS3 can, and very likely will be, $399.
As for $80 not being "that bad" give me a BREAK. It doesn't matter if they are "recouping losses". It's rediculous. $40 for a wired controller is REDICULOUS. $40 for a memory card is REDICULOUS. Stop sticking up for them, if it were Sony, you'd be all over it like a fat kid on pound cake.
As for PS3 not shipping with an HDD, then charging "a lot" for it. I'm sure that the $100 it's likely to be will get me A LOT more than 20 freaking gigabytes. You are so blind it sickens me.
But whatever, you are acting more and more like a sheep, and less like you used to proclaim yourself "a fan of games".
kinigittanyway sheep or not I'm not buying a 360 or PS3 anytime soon. I'm getting a revolution whenever the bastards announce a street date, and I'm gonna be playing GOOD games for cheap.
Well, they need something to recoop the money spent developing new games.Black95Z28One thing I will ***** about is the games being $60! That's just too, too much for one title.
I know, but damn.McLaren F1GTRWell, they need something to recoop the money spent developing new games.
Don't know about PS3 games.Black95Z28As for PS3, I'll pay whatever is costs as long as its not over $500.
Are PS3 games going to be $60 too?