Xbox 360 Vs Ps3

  • Thread starter Mr Deap
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Also, I will add...

What the point to buy a system that have hard time to deliver AA on 1080P. This is a piece of crap. Bump Mapping are less noticeable than on the XBOX 360 & games run on DX8 like graphic level. Games Feel empty & lack of AI. It use a retarded level of HDR & texture are cripped to death. How can you enjoy a crap machine like that on a big TV?

Yeah and you would know all about how the games feel empty and lack AI because you have had some good sit down time with the PS3... right.

I think you listen to too many other 360 fanboy's sites and forums, go get some fresh air.
Also, I will add...

What the point to buy a system that have hard time to deliver AA on 1080P. This is a piece of crap. Bump Mapping are less noticeable than on the XBOX 360 & games run on DX8 like graphic level. Games Feel empty & lack of AI. It use a retarded level of HDR & texture are cripped to death. How can you enjoy a crap machine like that on a big TV?
Ok, lets say the PS3's GPU is 1 gen behind. The PS2's GPU was waay behind the Xbox's, yet it still managed to produce graphics that rival the Xbox's (MGS3, GT4, RE4). It's not the resources, it's the developers that have the final say on how a game looks. And IMO, most PS3 games I've seen surpass the X360's (*cough*MGS4*cough*).
Then, how about DON'T make that comparison.

If you're so bothered by it, I'll edit it out.

Ok, so after all that, what we're left with is speculation and hope. That really doesn't get us anywhere. No one knows when the 360 will go away, no one knows how many consoles it will sell, no one knows how many PS3s will be sold, or how many of them will get online. I fail to see, in any of your speculative math, how the PS3 will "greatly outnumber" anything. Is it possible?? Totally. But, the console isn't even out, and yet you are making predictions that its online community is going to just BLOW EVERYTHING AWAY!! Thats bordering on a "Deap-level" of speculative talk.
"Deap-level"? Riiiight. I use actual facts and very reasonable estimates. He pulls stuff out of thin air.

It's called predictions. I could be totally right, but on the other hand I know I could be totally wrong. I know there's many variables, but I'm just basing my numbers off history.

And really, did I say "OMG ITS GONNA BLOW EVERYTHING AWAY!!!11!1"? No. I said "greatly outnumbers". I don't know what your definition of "greatly outnumbers" is, but to me, it's when there's more than double the amount of the competitor. And even still, the 40 million online community is a low estimate.

But it just comes down to this: this is speculation. Of course it's not fact. But it's an educated guess at the future.

Couple points, if I may, Duck...

As for the lifespan of the console, Microsoft won't be able to release a new console too far before Sony. It would create a "generational" rift, and the machine wouldn't see any massive jump in quality. It would utilize mostly up-ported current-gen games, which we all know suck based on all the 360 up-ports. And by the time the PS4 came along years later, it would be so much more powerful that it would bury the X720 under it's boots, releasing games that the MS console could never dream of running.

Personally, I think they were pushing it by releasing the 360 so "early". They won't be able to do it again. Whether they like it or not, console generations must proceed together in order to properly advance the industry to the next generation. Technically speaking, Sony was correct about the PS3 and "next-gen", because developers won't be seriously supporting next-gen until both consoles are released.
Excellent points. And I agree.

Also, the numbers game concerning online doesn't work very well. The same was actually true of the PS2/Xbox, you know. Although the Xbox had a higher percentage of online users, the PS2 actually had more users, nearly double what the Xbox had. But we all know that it's online performance was far behind the Xbox.

While I'm not saying the same thing will happen this time, it's true that Sony is the one playing "catch-up" in regards to online. And numbers alone will not dictate which online community is "better".
When I say "online community", I'm talking about the number of people who play online. I personally think the X360's online service will be better (as in quality and such), but the PS3 will have a larger online community (ie there'll be a lot more people playing online).
What was the point of that?
Well, I think he might've posted it in response to the "lineup" deal. But I'm not sure.
& the day When people will get their hand on the famous PS3, they will figure they bought a something high & retarded at the same time. The XBOX 360 GPU is in another generation above of the PS3.
Humour me, go on at least try to back that up. As an XB360 owner I can honeslt say there is nothing special in the console apart from the fact that it's the most badly built console I've ever owned. Are the games good looking, yes, are they fun, some of them are sure. Are they any better than PS2 games to play, no they generally arn't, PGR3 is a fun game initially but I got bored of it in the same ammount of time I'd have got bored of it if it was a PS2 game.

Also, I will add...

What the point to buy a system that have hard time to deliver AA on 1080P. This is a piece of crap. Bump Mapping are less noticeable than on the XBOX 360 & games run on DX8 like graphic level. Games Feel empty & lack of AI. It use a retarded level of HDR & texture are cripped to death. How can you enjoy a crap machine like that on a big TV?
Sniff sniff, I smell ****. But naturally that's all first hand experience. Right.

Frankly I'm getting tired of listening to you, there was a time when I defended some of your points that were based on opinion and some people would call you wrong. But you've got worse, you r opinion has turned into fact your the biggest fanboy on this entire site and people had a moan at code Kev. Your just acting like a stupid ignorant schoolboy these days. You say you were born in 1983, 1993 sounds more accurate. Grow up or shut up, your old enough to understand that concept.
Did I miss something, is that new for me??? :confused:


No, you didn't miss a thing. I was just commenting that someone that liked the 360 had logical reasons to like it beyond Xbox live :)
Sony should have wait a little bit before releasing the PS3. The fact is for something that cost over 600$. It really doesn't delivers what it need to use 1080P. Lmited memory, low shader, low texture, sudden slow down, cripped cache. Old setup, big, waste huge space in all category. :)

The Cell is not even better than a Celeron.
Sony should have wait a little bit before releasing the PS3. The fact is for something that cost over 600$. It really doesn't delivers what it need to use 1080P. Lmited memory, low shader, low texture, sudden slow down, cripped cache. Old setup, big, waste huge space in all category. :)

The Cell is not even better than a Celeron.

Seriously, dude.. STOP MAKING STUFF UP. Everything you just said, except for the price, is complete bulls**t.
Sony should have wait a little bit before releasing the PS3. The fact is for something that cost over 600$. It really doesn't delivers what it need to use 1080P. Lmited memory, low shader, low texture, sudden slow down, cripped cache. Old setup, big, waste huge space in all category. :)

The Cell is not even better than a Celeron.
You don't have a clue what your talking about do you? As you've been asked to do with your last posts, care to back all that up. And back up the last comments while your at it.

I strongly suggest you don't post again until you do so.
Seriously, dude.. STOP MAKING STUFF UP. Everything you just said, except for the price, is complete bulls**t.

Untold Legend start to lag with not even 10 characters on screen. & most PS3 games look pixelated A to Z with very poor lightning. Even in high definition, it look grainy due to the poor texture ability of the power of the Cell.


Hmmm, the next PS2.

Untold Legend start to lag with not even 10 characters on screen. & most PS3 games look pixelated A to Z with very poor lightning. Even in high definition, it look grainy due to the poor texture ability of the power of the Cell.


Hmmm, the next PS2.

Apparently, you're not aware of this, so I'll be the one to inform you that Untold Legends ISN'T FINISHED YET. Here's another shocker... ALL games suffer slowdown during development. ALL of them.


As for the rest of it, you're still full of s**t. Prove it. Show me something "pixelated" (assuming you even know what that means) on PS3, and I'll show an X360 screenshot of the exact same "problem".

You STILL haven't answered my question about Assassin's Creed. I asked you why, if the 360 was so much "better" at HDR than PS3, do both versions look identical?
You don't have a clue what your talking about do you? As you've been asked to do with your last posts, care to back all that up. And back up the last comments while your at it.

I strongly suggest you don't post again until you do so.
You do realise it's against the AUP to knowingly post false information, what your doing right now is posting false information and personally I think your doing it to wind people up. You not stupid, well perhaps you are I don't know you, but you don't come across as being dumb, daft but not dumb. And your one heck of a fan boy. Take the advise above, and prove what your claiming before you start making even more unproven claims.
This is the thread that keeps on giving!

Mr Deap's lack of advice-following makes me think he may be a future guest in the BUL.
I'm done with your childish responses every time somone points out where you are mistaken.
I'll say it then: Perhaps if you didn't come into threads, drag up a discussion or topic long since dead and proceed to hack at it grammatically you would get a better debate from other members.
Hilg's post was 48 posts old, and it didn't really bother anybody else the way he phrased it. In between the large sparse of Hilg saying something that was truthfully technically inaccurate and you proceeding to prod it just for the sake of getting a reaction, Swift asked me if I could clarify my post. I complied.
You keep getting negative reactions from people because you are prodding them purposely to get negative reactions. When the other person reacts into your hands, you decry them as being childish. But remember this: They were not the one who started an entire argument over grammatical issues, and just because they don't utilaterally agree with your statements does not mean that they are wrong, childish or that you are in the right for starting the arguement in the first place. And be very careful calling people narrow minded, because you seem to be the type of person who can't contemplate irony.
Oh, and Nitrate?
"You'd be hard pressed..." is a phrase, and with your obviously superior knowledge of everything grammatical I'm suprised that you didn't understand that.
Sony should have wait a little bit before releasing the PS3. The fact is for something that cost over 600$. It really doesn't delivers what it need to use 1080P. Lmited memory, low shader, low texture, sudden slow down, cripped cache. Old setup, big, waste huge space in all category. :)

The Cell is not even better than a Celeron.



Sony should have wait a little bit before releasing the PS3. The fact is for something that cost over 600$. It really doesn't delivers what it need to use 1080P. Lmited memory, low shader, low texture, sudden slow down, cripped cache. Old setup, big, waste huge space in all category. :)

The Cell is not even better than a Celeron.


Untold Legend start to lag with not even 10 characters on screen. & most PS3 games look pixelated A to Z with very poor lightning. Even in high definition, it look grainy due to the poor texture ability of the power of the Cell.


Hmmm, the next PS2.

Wow, it's amazing. Somehow, you knokw what the final release of PS3 games look like before it's been released and you're not even a member of the press.

Man, that's seriously impressed. how do you do it? :sly:

Do us all a favor and keep your assumptions out of this thread. It's really getting beyond stupid now.
I'll say it then: Perhaps if you didn't come into threads, drag up a discussion or topic long since dead and proceed to hack at it grammatically you would get a better debate from other members.
A) His post was less than four hours before mine. How is that exactly long since dead?

BTW: You are responding to an argument that the mod ended over 25 posts and 13 hours ago...

B) There was no grammatical hack job, I was addressing the message with actual facts.

C) Why is it you not only once again are sticking your nose into a disagreement that not only doesn't involve you, but that the mods already clearly stated that it needs to end?

A) His post was less than four hours before mine. How is that exactly long since dead

Because it hadn't been mentioned once in the 49 posts that occured in those 4 hours. In addition, the topic had moved on to HDR and what you posted was irrelavent to the thread regardless.
B) There was no grammatical hack job, I was addressing the message with actual facts.
Do you read your own posts? At all?
While you are at it, be sure to look up the definition of "bit". Here are a couple just to save you time:
  • a small quantity
  • a small fragment of something
But apparently you're definition of "bit" is 50% more. So I guess the PS3 is only an extra bit more expensive then the PS2, and a Porsche 911 only has an extra bit more horsepower than a VW Beetle. :rolleyes:
As does Websters and every known English dictionary and anyone who actually understands its meaning.
Not to mention how the entire problem in the HD-DVD thread was because you felt the incessant need to correct Hilg's grammar.
C) Why is it you not only once again are sticking your nose into a disagreement that not only doesn't involve you, but that the mods already clearly stated that it needs to end?
Because I am, quite frankly, sick of your tirades of incessant flaming whenever someone either
  1. Posts something as an opinion without using the words "in my opinion."
  2. Posts something that isn't grammatically correct.
  3. Posts anything that contradicts your vast knowledge of seemingly any subject.
  4. Posts anything that is remotely against your opinion.
  5. Doesn't take your word as the all holy truth from god himself.

Also, please please look up irony for this post:
I'm done with your childish responses every time somone points out where you are mistaken.
And especially this one:
Look you are clearly never going to accept any responisiblity, just as the last time this happened. Apparently this is your MO - make a post that is clearly flawed either with misinformation, and or opnions disguised as facts, and when someone addresses it you get self rightous and start a meaningless online battle of words and accuse anyone who takes an issue with your post as simply misunderstanding you and that it is our fault because of that.
The only two people I have ever had this kind of problem is with you and Nasty. Thrice you have twisted my words, and even attributed quotes that I never said simply for argument sake. I have attempted to civily and privately address your arguments, and neither has had any effect. I realize you are only 16, and your occupation as listed in your profile is Generally Annoying Person (GAP), but perhaps its time to consider a career change.

Remember this post?

"Further to the Edge comments this month about how much better Call Of Duty 3 looks on 360 in comparison to the PS3 version, I noticed this in GamesTM this month On Rainbow Six Vegas.....

'' .....a chat with the Ubisoft development team shed a little light on he matter."All I'm able to say is that we're looking to ship on PS3 as well but we're not having specific content..... we're developing with 360 as our main development platform and porting to PS3means that there's less memory available for us to use, but we're trying to minimise any drop in quality"..Such comments sugget that the gap in performance between Playstation3 and Xbox 360 is nowhere near as powerful as some would like us to believe and that the console may even be less able than Microsoft's..."

They also go on to say that only the 360 version will feature the face mapping technolgy and that their are no plans for PS3/PSP linkage or to use the sixaxis tilt technology.

The video of the facial thingy

Man Vegas will look worst on PS3. :sly:
It's further along in development on the XB360 perhaps, the bottom line is the PS3 games that are due out at launch all look fantastic. Not massively better than the 360 games or anything stupid like that but certainly not worse. Ofcourse there will always be the odd XB360 game that looks notably worse than par and the same can be said for the PS3 but what does that prove other than the developer didn't do a good job. Your a fanboy, nothing more, you arn't reasonable you don't let people talk any sense to you. You actively search for thoes odd examples where someone out of 100 people has said that game looks better on the 360. Well I can seach and find people say the PS3 looks better graphically. From what we've seen so far overall the difference isn't all that great, but you have to remember as well, the 360 has had an extra year for developers to hone their skills in optomising the graphics to the PS3, I'd bet money that in 1 years time PS3 games will look better than XB360 gaems today and they will at least be on par with XB360 games then.
Thrice you have twisted my words, and even attributed quotes that I never said simply for argument sake.
I'd like to see those quotes. Maybe if you weren't so similar in personality with me I wouldn't be able to twist your words against you so effectively when you try to do so to others. And maybe if we weren't both so stubborn all three episodes could have been avoided.

Anyways, I'm done now, and I'm sorry that this got so off-topic.
One chance, one chance only.

Discuss the XBox360 and PS3 in this thread. Do not discuss other users' personality traits or smell.

I've had enough of the tit-for-tat arguments and I'm sure many other members have too. Information is good. Informed opinion is good. Telling someone how much they suck because of their opinion (informed or otherwise) is not.

If this topic cannot remain civil it will be locked.
Who cares which looks better, 720p,1080p, it's already out of date, as soon as something hits the market they already have something better, everyone is whining about which system is better, it doesn't much matter, just play the system you feel is best, the only thing I hate worse than a know it all is a whiny brat, if you like 360 buy 360, if you like PS3 buy it, don't waste time trying to explain to others why to buy it or not, everyone has their own opinion right or wrong, trying to convince someone otherwise? Pretty much pointless, one persons green is another persons red.(No offence to your mother JNasty4G63)
It's further along in development on the XB360 perhaps, the bottom line is the PS3 games that are due out at launch all look fantastic. Not massively better than the 360 games or anything stupid like that but certainly not worse. Ofcourse there will always be the odd XB360 game that looks notably worse than par and the same can be said for the PS3 but what does that prove other than the developer didn't do a good job. Your a fanboy, nothing more, you arn't reasonable you don't let people talk any sense to you. You actively search for thoes odd examples where someone out of 100 people has said that game looks better on the 360. Well I can seach and find people say the PS3 looks better graphically. From what we've seen so far overall the difference isn't all that great, but you have to remember as well, the 360 has had an extra year for developers to hone their skills in optomising the graphics to the PS3, I'd bet money that in 1 years time PS3 games will look better than XB360 gaems today and they will at least be on par with XB360 games then.

The XBOX 360 have more potential graphically than the PS3 by a good marge. The future is my friend. :)
Which is why the PS3 is coming out after the 360 with all sorts of never before used technology, right. Come on. Deap, is there any other reasons the PS3 will be blown away that you haven't mentioned (read: not debunked).
Which is why the PS3 is coming out after the 360 with all sorts of never before used technology, right. Come on. Deap, is there any other reasons the PS3 will be blown away that you haven't mentioned (read: not debunked).

Not replying, gone to play XBOX 360.
You really are just here to annoy people arn't you, that was one of the more pointless replies you've ever made. Even more pointless than all the bull you've come up with so far. If your not going to reply, don't reply. Don't post to say your not going to reply, because guess what, that's a reply. You seem to think you know more about computers and technology than everyone else, but even I can tell that you don't. The PS3 has very high graphical capabilities, and you might want to read up on them before you jump to a conclusion auto-generated in your head. Bear in mind that the PS3 can use not only the GPU but also the cell can be give the task of processing graphics along with the GPU, and to add to that, the cell is not too shabby at that task either.
You really are just here to annoy people arn't you, that was one of the more pointless replies you've ever made. Even more pointless than all the bull you've come up with so far. If your not going to reply, don't reply. Don't post to say your not going to reply, because guess what, that's a reply. You seem to think you know more about computers and technology than everyone else, but even I can tell that you don't. The PS3 has very high graphical capabilities, and you might want to read up on them before you jump to a conclusion auto-generated in your head. Bear in mind that the PS3 can use not only the GPU but also the cell can be give the task of processing graphics along with the GPU, and to add to that, the cell is not too shabby at that task either.
Is it working? What you all fail to realise, the more you draw attention to it, the more he does it. . .
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