Xbox 360 Vs Ps3

  • Thread starter Mr Deap
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Deap, do you even know what HDR is? What it really is, and how it's used?

I'm going to take a wild stab and say that you don't. I'd be curious to know what you think it is, so that I can correct you.

Both systems are equally capable of doing true HDR. PS3 even has some improvements over the X360 in certain aspects of it, though not in areas where most developers will use it.
Deap, do you even know what HDR is? What it really is, and how it's used?

I'm going to take a wild stab and say that you don't. I'd be curious to know what you think it is, so that I can correct you.

Both systems are equally capable of doing true HDR. PS3 even has some improvements over the X360 in certain aspects of it, though not in areas where most developers will use it.

HDR is an exageration of lightning & color calculated with the light known as high dynamic range. It make the game look more realistic. :)
HDR is an exageration of lightning & color calculated with the light known as high dynamic range. It make the game look more realistic. :)
Now explain why you think the 360 is better at it, and how the PS3 doesn't use a "REAL" implementation of it. Can you do that??

HDR is an exageration of lightning & color calculated with the light known as high dynamic range. It make the game look more realistic. :)

That's not much of an answer, nor does it explain why you think the 360 is better at it than the PS3.
That's not much of an answer, nor does it explain why you think the 360 is better at it than the PS3.

It have better texture, Obviously it the bump mapping will be more noticeable & Unreal Engine 3 work better on the XBOX 360. SO best looking XBOX 360 games will always look better than any games that will come out on the PS3.
It have better texture, Obviously it the bump mapping will be more noticeable & Unreal Engine 3 work better on the XBOX 360. SO best looking XBOX 360 games will always look better than any games that will come out on the PS3.

You're not doing a very good job of making your point. Textures have nothing to do with HDR. Bump mapping actually looks worse under HDR in most cases. Unreal Engine 3 runs just as well on PS3 as it does on 360, not sure where you heard otherwise. Seen the screens/vids of Unreal Tournament 2007 lately? Looks just as good as Gears of War.

Let me make this point, then... The most effective use of HDR I've seen in any video game to date is Assassin's Creed, by a long shot. I'll leave it to you to figure out why I think that. And that game looks identical on both systems, and has been confirmed by the developers as being graphically identical on both systems. If the 360 was "better" at it, then wouldn't the 360 version be superior? But it's not. Explain.
It have better texture...
...Obviously it the bump mapping will be more noticeable
...Unreal Engine 3 work better on the XBOX 360.
SO best looking XBOX 360 games will always look better than any games that will come out on the PS3.
Thats a BOLD statement. Very bold considering the PS3 isn't EVEN ON THE MARKET YET!!! Think about it man. I will agree that the 360 has some great looking games. But, I'm never going to say they will "ALWAYS" look better. That just silly, and illogical.

Ok, my take on 360 vs PS3, I own a Xbox 360, if it wasn't for this tread I wouldn't know much about Playstation 3 simply because I am one of the few that would rather wait then read about it(although before 360 came out I did read about it).

Ok we start with the features that everyone likes, HD: offered on both systems, online: currently offered on 360, yet to be seen exactly what be on the PS3.(I'm not one that personally worries about it, it's a nice idea and fun to play with your friends and or strangers, although that adds problems in and of it's self, YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I MEAN!)

Both consoles have their own games worth playing(personally I hate games on multi platform because the games usually suck anyway, do not arguee with me on this comment as it is my opinion)Reverse Compatability:I have to admit this isn't something that 360 does well, they can't even play all the games yet :indiff: , PS2 did a good job on this so I think it's safe to assume that the PS3 will as well, not to mention they have made it so attractive with the ability to play Playstation, Playstation 2 and 3 games on one system.
HDD: both systems have this, big or small it's nice not having to worry about deleting game saves and or buy multiple memory cards(Xbox had this originally so I have to give MS that)
I know there are more features but I don't wanna clog up the thread with one post(not to mention they have been mentioned many times :dunce: )Finally the cost, some might look at the cost as a negative issue, but think about it, to play games at the same level on computer you would have to pay 2 times the money at least, if not more.

Now to the problems that 360 has and PS3 has/will have. First I have to point out the simple fact of the 360 being sold out, this is a problem to me, no matter how good a system is, it isn't worth 🤬 all is you can't play it, I'm not talking about playing one at local game shop or at a friends house, that doesn't give you the gamer experience, bottom line 360 had this problem and so will PS3, not to mention PS3 is not avalable to buy yet.

Next we move on to the PS3 controller(I feel this problem I am not alone in my sadness) it is very ugly, it reminds me of the original Xbox controller, I haven't held it yet but it seems...well, ok I am merely saying this because of my previous exprience with other consoles, it could be a great controller I don't know, all I know is unless both companies make a liquid controllers that melt to your hand there will be those of us that complain no matter how good it is to others,not to mention carpal tunnel :dunce: :dopey:.
Game play on the 360 isn't all that good, as with every system before there have been crappy games, 360 has them, PS3 will have them, of course this has not much to do with the console it's self, it's still a problem that comes with the console like it or not.
Un-needed features, Windows media connect as good as it is, it is un-needed, I don't use it and I am sure there are others that don't, we have to see that they are consoles and not computers, if I wanted a computer I would go pay X number of money to get said computer.

Ok enough, I am bored and I have to go to work, I am sure there are others who can finish this up, bottom line, I am an average gamer, this is my opinion minus the techical mombo jumbo, we all play video games to aviod reality and or entertain ourselfs, so why arguee, if you don't like a system don't buy it, but don't buy something simply because someone says so.
We're talking "Xbox 360 vs PS3" here, not PS2. We all know the PS2 has a huge tally of games, but thats not what we're comparing here.
Did you even read anything else from my post? My comment about the lineup was the only thing that I was comparing the PS2 to the X360 with. I would've came up with something comparing the 360 games to the PS3 games, but since today isn't October 12th, 2007, but instead it's 2006, I can't really make that comparison.

Um, thats a bold statement. And one which I highly doubt. I'm sure the PS3 will do well with online, but I don't see it "greatly outnumbering" any system.

Ok, estimates say the X360 will have 8 million owners (and this is an optimistic figure) by the end of the year. So, based on those figures, let's say Microsoft will sell 8 million X360's per year. Since MS will probably release the next Xbox in late 2009, if history is an indication, that means 32 million X360s sold by the time Microsoft kills off the 360. And since only 60% of X360 owners have XBL Gold, that would mean only about an online community of 19 million users. Now, with the PS3, let's say if it's like the PS2, it'll sell 100 million units. Now, even if only 40% (which it'd be more likely it'd be around 60%) of PS3 owners play online, that's still an online community of 40 million. And I don't know about you, but 40 million greatly outnumbers 19 million.
Subjective, I'm not much of an online gamer it doesn't carry that big of an appeal to me. Sure I play online, but compared to offline it's probably about 10% of the time.

I am exactly the same, I'm not too fussed about upcoming online gaming on PS3, I just hope developers don't use online as an excuse to get lazy with programing AI (Like Microsoft is doing with Flight Sim X).

HDR is an exageration of lightning & color calculated with the light known as high dynamic range. It make the game look more realistic. :)

The PS3 can, but it will not perform as well as the 360. :sly:

It have better texture, Obviously it the bump mapping will be more noticeable & Unreal Engine 3 work better on the XBOX 360. SO best looking XBOX 360 games will always look better than any games that will come out on the PS3.


Why don't you just admit you don't really know the details behind HDR, this reminds me of when MistaX asked you to explain who tyre pressure effect tuning, that was a laugh. :D
Textures have nothing to do with HDR. Bump mapping actually looks worse under HDR in most cases.
Thats not entirely true. The way HDR works is by adjusting the light and radiocity of an environment. And, the textures and bump maps are involved in that. Basically, everything in view is involved. Mostly it IS just the light, and how bright or not, and how much bloom there is. But, how all that interacts with the textures and bump maps is very related. See attached pics..


**note the ground and water**
Half Life 2 (HDR off)

Half Life 2 (HDR on)
That's just specularity. What you're seeing isn't directly related to the textures per se, just how the surface is reflecting the light. In the non-HDR pic, the system is limited to being able to reflect only a certain percentage of the light it's receiving, and that level is too low to be visible (especially on the rocks). By removing that lighting limitation, it allows the rocks to reflect much more of the light, more accurately, resulting in visible specularity where none existed before.

The actual texture on the rock is the same in both pictures. What we're seeing is how the surface (not the texture.. there's a difference) is handling the extra light.

Specularity itself is little more than a "fake" of the way bright objects reflect off of otherwise "dull" surfaces. For example, the specularity on your own skin when held up near a light source. You're actually seeing a reflection of the light on your skin. Since this would take an ungodly amount of processing power, even using today's CGI technology, they invented specularity as a workaround, that can be tweaked to provide the exact same visual appearance of the aforementioned reflection, at a fraction of the processing cost (practically none at all.. even those old OpenGL Windows screen savers used specularity).

I've been doing CGI for many years now. :) I could probably bore you to tears with how stuff works.. hehe. Granted, the methodology between CGI and real-time is totally different, but as real-time renderers become more complex, they're getting closer and closer together. It's given me quite an appreciation of some of the things that these game systems are doing. I'll sit there in Kameo and just rotate the camera to see the nifty normal maps on the roads.. hehe.
I would've came up with something comparing the 360 games to the PS3 games, but since today isn't October 12th, 2007, but instead it's 2006, I can't really make that comparison.
Then, how about DON'T make that comparison.
Ok, estimates say the X360 will have 8 million owners (and this is an optimistic figure) by the end of the year. So, based on those figures, let's say Microsoft will sell 8 million X360's per year. Since MS will probably release the next Xbox in late 2009, if history is an indication, that means 32 million X360s sold by the time Microsoft kills off the 360. And since only 60% of X360 owners have XBL Gold, that would mean only about an online community of 19 million users. Now, with the PS3, let's say if it's like the PS2, it'll sell 100 million units. Now, even if only 40% (which it'd be more likely it'd be around 60%) of PS3 owners play online, that's still an online community of 40 million. And I don't know about you, but 40 million greatly outnumbers 19 million.
Ok, so after all that, what we're left with is speculation and hope. That really doesn't get us anywhere. No one knows when the 360 will go away, no one knows how many consoles it will sell, no one knows how many PS3s will be sold, or how many of them will get online. I fail to see, in any of your speculative math, how the PS3 will "greatly outnumber" anything. Is it possible?? Totally. But, the console isn't even out, and yet you are making predictions that its online community is going to just BLOW EVERYTHING AWAY!! Thats bordering on a "Deap-level" of speculative talk.

What you're seeing isn't directly related to the textures per se, just how the surface is reflecting the light. In the non-HDR pic, the system is limited to being able to reflect only a certain percentage of the light it's receiving, and that level is too low to be visible (especially on the rocks). By removing that lighting limitation, it allows the rocks to reflect much more of the light, more accurately, resulting in visible specularity where none existed before.
But, what I was getting at was, the textures themselves are dictating HOW that lighting is handled. Not necessarily that the textures were being lighted. But, they do affect the lighting and how we see it. That was what I was trying to say.
I've been doing CGI for many years now. :) I could probably bore you to tears with how stuff works.. hehe.
I went to AIPX for 3D Design and Animation, so it wouldn't bore me at all. Its been a while, so my terminology is a little off, but I do have a good grasp on this.

Couple points, if I may, Duck...

As for the lifespan of the console, Microsoft won't be able to release a new console too far before Sony. It would create a "generational" rift, and the machine wouldn't see any massive jump in quality. It would utilize mostly up-ported current-gen games, which we all know suck based on all the 360 up-ports. And by the time the PS4 came along years later, it would be so much more powerful that it would bury the X720 under it's boots, releasing games that the MS console could never dream of running.

Personally, I think they were pushing it by releasing the 360 so "early". They won't be able to do it again. Whether they like it or not, console generations must proceed together in order to properly advance the industry to the next generation. Technically speaking, Sony was correct about the PS3 and "next-gen", because developers won't be seriously supporting next-gen until both consoles are released.

Also, the numbers game concerning online doesn't work very well. The same was actually true of the PS2/Xbox, you know. Although the Xbox had a higher percentage of online users, the PS2 actually had more users, nearly double what the Xbox had. But we all know that it's online performance was far behind the Xbox.

While I'm not saying the same thing will happen this time, it's true that Sony is the one playing "catch-up" in regards to online. And numbers alone will not dictate which online community is "better".
But, what I was getting at was, the textures themselves are dictating HOW that lighting is handled. Not necessarily that the textures were being lighted. But, they do affect the lighting and how we see it. That was what I was trying to say.

Very true.. the detail we see in those reflections is in the textures, not the lighting. :)

I went to AIPX for 3D Design and Animation, so it wouldn't bore me at all. Its been a while, so my terminology is a little off, but I do have a good grasp on this.

Aw, hell... that means we can spew techno-babble at each other and none of these poor folks will have the slightest clue what we're talking about unless they have a Google window open to help them translate.. lol. :)

Some stuff they're doing is actually beyond me.. the normal maps in Kameo I mentioned earlier.. I don't think they're behaving quite the same way as "traditional" CGI normal maps. And that whole "virtual displacement" thing that Unreal Engine 3 does.. not a clue. Such things are done by polygons in CGI-land, we don't need those kinds of shortcuts. Looks brilliant, though.
Aw, hell... that means we can spew techno-babble at each other and none of these poor folks will have the slightest clue what we're talking about unless they have a Google window open to help them translate.. lol. :)
Like NURBS, procedural animation, and inverse kinematics?? HA HA
Some stuff they're doing is actually beyond me.. the normal maps in Kameo I mentioned earlier..
I do the same with Oblivion. I don't think I actually PLAYED that game for about 5 hours when I first got it. I just wandered around looking at things, and being amazed.
And that whole "virtual displacement" thing that Unreal Engine 3 does.. not a clue.
I'm not sure the guys at EPIC even know everything UE3 does.

Well, thats going to be up to you. Like I said, I don't doubt that games at 1080p will look great on a 1080p set. But, I've seen Blu-Ray and HD-DVD displayed on a 720p set right next to them on a 1080p set. And, you'd be very hard pressed to notice a whole lot of difference.
I must have much better vision then you then, as I can easily see a significant difference... as have the hundreds of others who have posted as such on the leading Home Theater forums like AVS and HTF… and as witnessed fist hand by the thousands of visitors to CES and CEDIA.

Ultimately, sure the 1080p material, be it HD movies or PS3 games will have that extra bit of detail.
Since when is having more than twice the number of pixels considered just an "extra bit"? Does a 500hp engine have an “extra bit” of horsepower missing from a 250hp engine? Or in the case of comparing 1080p Movies and PS3 games to DVD... thats like comparing a 600hp engine to a 100hp engine.

In fact, lets put it in perspective. SD DVD is capable of rendering a maximum of ~350,000 pixels per frame – significantly less if it isn’t anamorphic. HD video on Blu-ray and HD DVD renders just over 2 million pixels per frame. A 1920x1080 display is capable of rendering over 1 million more pixels than a 1280x720. These are not insignificant numbers. You are losing half the fine detail from what Blu-ray and HD DVD has to offer by displaying it on a 1280x720 display. That’s a significant loss.

And as for that misguided blog about the limitations of human eyesight, he has a great deal to learn about human vision, film process, and video reproduction. You don't even have to be a specialist in the field of Optometry to quickly realize that normal human vision is capable of seeing FAR more detail than a 60" 1920x1080 image from 6 feet away. Just look around the room... even the best 1920x1080p image doesn't compare to the fine detail of real life.

1080p (aka 2K) is definitely a much needed improvement over DVD, and even 720p, but there are very good reasons why manufacturers, studios, and commercial theaters are focusing on 4K resolution products (cinematic cameras, scanners, and projectors).

Depending on the chip and process, 4K produces between 8 and 12 million pixels per frame! That is 4-6 times greater than even 1920x1080.

My expertise and passion is film (hence the name choice), and anyone who understands film will tell you that even 1920x1080 video doesn't match the detail captured by 35mm cinematic film. 1920x1080 video is hardly pushing the envelope on the limitation of human eyesight.

I suggest a visit to your local IMAX for a slight reality check. IMAX uses 70mm film which is estimated at being able to capture more detail than a comparative 12 mega pixel image (the best possible from a 4K camera).

In fact, even 4K video and 70mm film hasn't pushed the envelope on human vision. NHK has been working hard now for several years on developing UHDV (Ultra High Definition Video - aka Super Hi-Vision). UHDV has a resolution of 7680×4320, which is 16 times greater than even 1920x1080 and is capable of capturing over 30 million pixels per frame - that's nearly 100 times more than standard DVD.

While 4K scanners, cameras, and projectors have been around for some time now, their use is still limited by their high costs and limited supply. This could easily change however over the coming years. UHDV on the other hand, despite their successful prototypes and demos, looks to be purely experimental at this point.

Getting back to what is truly relevant….

One more important thing to consider regarding these next-gen consoles (certainly for those who have or expect to have 1920x1080 displays), is what games will actually be developed with native 1920x1080 resolutions.

PS3 has the capability of having their games developed with native 1920x1080 resolutions, but will the developers do it? This is a big difference than a game developed with 720p resolution, or even worse, 480p and then scaled up to 1080p. Because the XB360 is limited to 9G DVDs, I would be very surprised if the games are actually native 1920x1080, and instead are simply scaled to 1080i for output. After all, even with VC-1, a game in native 1920x1080 would eat through a 9G DVD in very short order!
I must have much better vision then you then, as I can easily see a significant difference...
You must. have the hundreds of others who have posted as such on the leading Home Theater forums like AVS and HTF… and as witnessed fist hand by the thousands of visitors to CES and CEDIA.
OH, and yea, I guess they do too.
Since when is having more than twice the number of pixels considered just an "extra bit"? Does a 500hp engine have an “extra bit” of horsepower missing from a 250hp engine?
I don't think I said it was a SMALL bit of extra detail. Wait, let me just check...
Nope, I didn't. I said it has a bit more detail, which it does. Apparently you count bits differently than I do.
In fact, lets put it in perspective.....(followed by 8 paragraphs of techno babble).....Getting back to what is truly relevant….
.....huh...OH, you're done?? Ok, great. Now, for me to repeat what I said before, again, just so you understand.

At no point in what I said before did I say that 1080p doesn't contain more detail or ammount of pixels. I know it does, as does every other person here. What I said, was that IN MY HOME, and IN MY SETUP it will be unseen detail. I've viewed 1080p material on the same size set I have, and at the same distance I sit at home. And, regardless of whether its on a 720p set or a 1080p set, it looks very similar to me.

And, AS I SAID BEFORE, if you have a big 1080p set, and you sit closer to that set than I do, I'm sure people WILL notice a difference. And, I'm sure someone with your level of vision (optimism?) will see some extra stuff, and claim it looks better. More power to you. But not me, not in my home, and not with my setup. For me, 720 will do just fine.

What kind of TV do you have, Hilg?

Me, I'm still playing on a SDTV through composite cables. My TV's so old it doesn't even have S-video inputs. But, given it's age and "limited" technology, it has a surprisingly good picture, so I'm somewhat loathe to part with oodles of cash for a new TV that, strictly speaking, I don't really need. So on my system, I can barely see a difference between any of the modes. I find it interesting that I can see any difference at all, really.

The reason I mention that, Digital-Nitrae, is that if Hilg only has a TV capable of 720p (like most LCD/Plasma/DLP TVs), then 1080p goes largely unnoticed, and will reveal itself only in terms of (apparently) better antialiasing and such (as I see on my TV), and not much in the way of extra detail.

1080p is nice and all, but it's really only worthwhile if you're playing on a 1080p TV. Otherwise, it just doesn't matter.
What kind of TV do you have, Hilg?

Me, I'm still playing on a SDTV through composite cables. My TV's so old it doesn't even have S-video inputs. But, given it's age and "limited" technology, it has a surprisingly good picture, so I'm somewhat loathe to part with oodles of cash for a new TV that, strictly speaking, I don't really need. So on my system, I can barely see a difference between any of the modes. I find it interesting that I can see any difference at all, really.

The reason I mention that, Digital-Nitrae, is that if Hilg only has a TV capable of 720p (like most LCD/Plasma/DLP TVs), then 1080p goes largely unnoticed, and will reveal itself only in terms of (apparently) better antialiasing and such (as I see on my TV), and not much in the way of extra detail.

1080p is nice and all, but it's really only worthwhile if you're playing on a 1080p TV. Otherwise, it just doesn't matter.

Random pics


And WTF is that supposed to mean? You pick the best-looking PS3 game and the worst-looking 360 game, and you honestly expect us to see that as a fair comparison?

That's not how you do it, pal. Go find screens of Unreal Tournament 2007 and put 'em up next to screens of Gears of War. Then we'll talk.

Like NURBS, procedural animation, and inverse kinematics?? HA HA

Yep. ;)
And WTF is that supposed to mean? You pick the best-looking PS3 game and the worst-looking 360 game, and you honestly expect us to see that as a fair comparison?

That's not how you do it, pal. Go find screens of Unreal Tournament 2007 and put 'em up next to screens of Gears of War. Then we'll talk.

Yep. ;)

Yeah DOAX2 is more eye candy. :sly:
What kind of TV do you have, Hilg?
I have a 50" Sony LCD rear-projection Grand Wega (720p) thats about 2 years old (610 series). And, in my theater/gaming setup, I sit about 12' from the screen. So yes, at that distance, the extra detail of 1080p is just unseen. For me to see the difference, I would need either a 70" screen, or sit closer. I won't be moving any closer, so my only option is bigger screen. That is a possibility, down the road. But, I just don't need it yet.

XBOX 360 current release known right now.
October 15, 2006 Perfect Dark Zero Platinum Hits
October 15, 2006 Project Gotham Racing 3 Platinum Hits
October 15, 2006 Kameo: Elements of Power Platinum Hits
October 15, 2006 Need for Speed Most Wanted Platinum Hits
October 16, 2006 Blitz: The League Midway Games Sports
October 17, 2006 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent Ubisoft
October 17, 2006 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent (Limited Collector's Edition) Ubisoft
October 24, 2006 Phantasy Star Universe
October 24, 2006 Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Activision
October 24, 2006 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas Demo Disc Ubisoft
Fall 2006 Captain Blood Playlogic Action Adventure
October 2006 Need for Speed Carbon Electronic Arts
October 31, 2006 Need for Speed Carbon (Collector's Edition)
November 2, 2006 Viva Pinata Microsoft
November 2, 2006 Viva Pinata Special Edition Microsoft
November 7, 2006 Star Trek: Legacy Bethesda Softworks
November 7, 2006 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas Ubisoft
November 7, 2006 Fuzion Frenzy 2 Microsoft
November 7, 2006 Call of Duty 3 Activision
November 7, 2006 Tony Hawk's Project 8 Activision
November 12, 2006 Gears of War (Limited Edition )
November 12, 2006 Gears of War Microsoft
November 14, 2006 History Channel's Civil War: The Game -- Great Battles, The Activision Value
November 14, 2006 WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 THQ
November 24, 2006 Pimp My Ride Activision
November 14, 2006 Eragon Vivendi Games
November 14, 2006 Sonic the Hedgehog SEGA
November 15, 2006 Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 Tecmo
November 19, 2006 Pocketbike Racer King Games
November 19, 2006 Sneak King Microsoft
November 19, 2006 Big Bumpin' King Games
November 20, 2006 Superman Returns: The Videogame
November 21, 2006 F.E.A.R. Vivendi Games
November 2007 College Hoops 2K7 2K Sports
November 2006 World Championship Poker
Q4 2006 Cars THQ
TBA 2006 1XR *TBA
TBA 2006 Retribution (2006) *TBA
TBA 2006 Mad Tracks
TBA 2006 Small Arms
TBA 2006 HoopWorld
TBA 2006 RoboBlitz
TBA 2006 WarDevil (Enigma)
TBA 2006 Jade Empire 2 (Unnanounced) *TBA RPG
TBA 2006 SSX 4 Electronic Arts
TBA 2006 Dirty Harry Warner Bros. Interactive
TBA 2006 Spark Unlimited Atari Project [untitled] Atari
TBA 2006 211 *TBA
TBA 2006 Rockstar Xbox 360 Project #2 [untitled] Rockstar Games
TBA 2006 Rockstar Xbox 360 Project #1 [untitled] Rockstar Games
TBA 2006 Theseis *TBA
TBA 2006 After Burner SEGA n
TBA 2006 Highlander SCi Entertainment Group
TBA 2006 Mutant Storm 2 Microsoft
TBA 2006 Voodoo Nights
TBA 2006 Total Overdose 2 SCi Entertainment Group
TBA 2006 Castle Wolfenstein [untitled sequel] Activision
Winter 2006 Assault Heroes Sierra On-Line
TBA 2006 Track & Field Konami
TBA 2006 New Rally-X Namco
TBA 2006 Dance Dance Revolution Universe Konami
TBA 2006 Megaforce Vivendi Games
TBA 3D Ultra MiniGolf Vivendi Games
TBA 2006 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Konami
TBA 2006 Castle Crashers
Q4 2006 Harley-Davidson: Open Road Activision
TBA 2006 Space Giraffe Llama Soft
TBA 2006 Bionicle Heroes Eidos Interactive
TBA 2006 Tetris THQ
Holidays 2006 Worldwide Soccer Manager 2007 SEGA
TBA 2006 Contra Konami
TBA Mobile Ops: The One Year War Bandai
TBA 2006 Stuntman 2 THQ Racing
Fall 2006 Demonik Majesco
TBA 2006 House of the Dead SEGA
TBA 2006 DogTag Digital Jesters
December 31,2006 Cabela's African Safari Activision
TBA 2006 Project Delta Playlogic
TBA 2006 Interview with a Made Man Mastertronic
TBA 2006/2007 Resident Evil 5 Capcom
TBA Culdcept Saga NAMCO BANDAI Group
January 2007 Alan Wake Microsoft Game Studios
Q1 2007 Sensible World of Soccer Microsoft
January 2007 Precursors, The Play Ten Interactive (PTI)
January 2007 Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 Konami
Q1 2007 Assasins Creed Ubisoft
Q1 2007 Battlestations: Midway Eidos Interactive
Q1 2007 Darkness, The 2K Games
TBA Bullet Witch Atari
Q1 2007 Forza Motorsport 2 Microsoft
Q1 2007 John Woo Presents Stranglehold Midway Games
Q1 2007 Major League Baseball 2K7 2K Games
Q1 2007 Crackdown Microsoft
Q1 2007 Half-Life 2 Electronic Arts
March 2007 GTR 10Tacle Studios
Q1 2007 Medal of Honor: Airborne Electronic Arts
Q1 2007 Lost Planet Capcom
Q1 2007 Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway Ubisoft
Q1 2007 Guitar Hero II Microsoft
April 2007 Too Human Microsoft
Spring 2007 ShadowClan *TBA
Spring 2007 BioShock 2K Games
Spring 2007 NBA Street (2007) Electronic Arts
Summer 2007 Elveon *TBA
Spring 2007 Virtua Tennis 3 SEGA Sports
Q2 2007 Shrek 3 Activision
Q2 2007 X Quest
Summer 2007 Overlord Codemasters
Q3 2007 Dark Sector D3 Publisher
Q3 2007 100 Bullets D3 Publisher
Fall 2007 Frontlines: Fuel of War THQ
Fall 2007 People Can Fly project [untitled] THQ
Q3 2007 Transformers (2007) Activision
October 17, 2007 Grand Theft Auto IV Rockstar Games
TBA 2006 / 2007 DICE Project #1 [untitled] Electronic Arts
Q4 2007 Fall of Liberty Codemasters
Q4 2007 Clive Barker's Jericho Codemasters
Q4 2007 Mortal Kombat Next-Gen [untitled] Midway Games
TBA Eternal Sonata NAMCO BANDAI Group
Q4 2007 Lord of the Rings: The White Council, The Electronic Arts
Q4 2007 Strike Force Red Cell Graffiti
Q4 2007 Wheelman, The Midway Games
TBA 2007 Fable 2 Microsoft
TBA 2007 LucasArts / Day 1 Action Project [untitled] LucasArts
TBA 2007 Battlefield: Bad Company Electronic Arts
TBA 2007 Spider-Man 3 Activision
TBA 2007 Crossfire Eidos Interactive
TBA 2007 TimeShift Vivendi Games
TBA Ms. Pac-man NAMCO BANDAI Group
TBA Rush'n Attack Konami
TBA Gyruss Konami
TBA 2007 Skate Electronic Arts
TBA 2007 Alive Ubisoft
TBA 2007 Incredible Machine (2007), The Vivendi Games
TBA 2007 Red Baron (2007) Vivendi Games
TBA 2007 Battlestar Galactica Vivendi Games
TBA 2007 Burnout 5 Electronic Arts
TBA 2007 Penny Arcade Adventures [TBA] *TBA
TBA 2007 Alliance: The Silent War *TBA
TBA 2007 Area 52 [RUMORED] Midway Games
TBA 2007 Criminal [RUMORED] Midway Games
TBA 2007 Destineer Spy Project [untitled] *TBA
TBA 2007 Spark Unlimited Sierra Project [untitled] Vivendi Games
TBA 2007 Alone in the Dark Atari
TBA 2007 Cryptic Studios MMO Project [untitled] *TBA
TBA 2007 Pirates of the Caribbean 3 Buena Vista Games
TBA 2007 Age of Conan Funcom Action
TBA 2007 Kane & Lynch: Dead Men Eidos Interactive
December 31,2007 Cipher Complex *TBA
December 31,2007 Daybreakers *TBA
TBA 2007 Lost Ubisoft
TBA 2007 Heat *TBA
TBA 2007 Hellboy Konami
TBA 2007 Sundown *TBA
TBA 2007 DIRT: Colin McRae Off-Road Codemasters
TBA 2007 James Bond 007 (2008) [untitled] Activision
TBA 2007 Army of Two Electronic Arts
TBA 2007 SEGA Rally Revo SEGA
TBA 2007 Codename: Panzers Next-Gen [untitled] 10Tacle Studios
TBA 2007 Naruto Ubisoft
TBA 2007 Terra: Formations *TBA
TBA 2007 Chrome 2
TBA 2007 Luxoflux Next-Gen Project [untitled] Activision
TBA 2007 TNA iMPACT! Midway Games
TBA 2007 Spectral Diario Idea Factory
TBA 2007 Club, The SEGA
TBA 2007 APB Webzen
TBA 2007 Monster Madness SouthPeak Interactive
TBA 2007 Indiana Jones 2007 LucasArts Action
TBA 2007 Turok Buena Vista Games
TBA 2007 6GUN II
2007 2 Days to Vegas *TBA
TBA 2007 Omikron KARMA *TBA
TBA 2007 Infinity Ward Next-Gen Project [untitled]
TBA 2007 Shaun White Snowboarding [untitled] Ubisoft
TBA 2007 Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom Microsoft
TBA 2007 Silicon Knights Next-Gen Project [untitled] SEGA
TBA 2007 Golden Axe SEGA
TBA 2007 High Moon Studios project [untitled] Vivendi
TBA 2007 Obsidian RPG Project [untitled] SEGA
TBA 2007 Haze Ubisoft
TBA 2007 Mass Effect Microsoft
TBA 2007 Shadow of Aten, The *TBA
Spring 2007 Armored Core 4 SEGA
TBA 2007 Soulcalibur IV Untitled
TBA 2007 Huxley Webzen
Fall 2007 (expected) Halo 3 Microsoft
TBA 2007 Lost Odyssey Microsoft
TBA 2007 Blue Dragon Microsof
Q1 2008 Hostile Intent - Planetfall *TBA
Q1 2008 KnightBlade -- Line Of Defense *TBA
Summer 2008 Beijing 2008 SEGA
TBA 2008 Marvel Universe Online [working title]
TBA 2008 Madagascar 2 Activision
TBA 2008 Vigil Games Project [untitled] THQ
TBA 2008 Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
TBA Tracer *TBA
TBA Project Sylpheed Square Enix
TBA Project Progressive [working title - Tecmo project] Tecmo
TBA Love Football Namco
TBA Kids Station Project [untitled]
TBA Hamster Corp. Project untitled
TBA G.Rev Project [untitled]
TBA E-D-FX D3 Publisher
TBA Psychopath *TBA
TBA Section 8
TBA Shadowrun [next-gen] Microsoft
TBA Outsider, The *TBA
TBA Champions of Atlantis *TBA
TBA Simpsons [next-gen], The Electronic Arts
TBA Embrace of Time: Chapter 1 Resurrectio Ocolus
TBA Magna Carta 2 Banpresto
TBA Treasure Project [untitled]
TBA Zegapain XOR Bandai
TBA Versus Tactical Action [working title]
TBA Ninja Gaiden 2 Tecmo TBA Avalon *TBA
TBA Dead or Alive: Code Cronus Tecmo
TBA King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 3 SNK Playmore
I don't think I said it was a SMALL bit of extra detail. Wait, let me just check...
While you are at it, be sure to look up the definition of "bit". Here are a couple just to save you time:
  • a small quantity
  • a small fragment of something
But apparently you're definition of "bit" is 50% more. So I guess the PS3 is only an extra bit more expensive then the PS2, and a Porsche 911 only has an extra bit more horsepower than a VW Beetle. :rolleyes:

Apparently you count bits differently than I do.
As does Websters and every known English dictionary and anyone who actually understands its meaning.

.....(followed by 8 paragraphs of techno babble)..........huh...OH, you're done??
I'm done with your childish responses every time somone points out where you are mistaken.

Glad you are enjoying your 1280x720 display, but I'd suggest that you have your vision checked out, or at least stop the rhetoric and exageration over your claims that 1080p on 1920x1080 displays only offers an extra bit of detail, and that one would be very hard pressed to notice a whole lot of difference between it and 1280x720 display.

If you have anything more to say to me, send it via PM and I will do the same.
The reason I mention that, Digital-Nitrae, is that if Hilg only has a TV capable of 720p (like most LCD/Plasma/DLP TVs), then 1080p goes largely unnoticed, and will reveal itself only in terms of (apparently) better antialiasing and such (as I see on my TV), and not much in the way of extra detail.

1080p is nice and all, but it's really only worthwhile if you're playing on a 1080p TV. Otherwise, it just doesn't matter.
I actually agree with your assesment. However, Nasty quite clearly said "But, I've seen Blu-Ray and HD-DVD displayed on a 720p set right next to them on a 1080p set. And, you'd be very hard pressed to notice a whole lot of difference." He is comparing the difference between displays, not the difference between how 1920x1080 and 1280x720 video looks on a 720p display.

Yes, for the most part if you own a 1280x720 display then there is only a "bit" of an improvement when watching 1920x1080 video. However, 1920x1080 video on a 1920x1080 display is a big improvement over watching the same 1920x1080 video on a 1280x720 display - where more than half the pixel data is discarded!
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