Xbox 360 Vs Ps3

  • Thread starter Mr Deap
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Explain exactly how if the Xbox doesn't support 1080p(sorry for my mistake) how it takes advantage of the extra money spent on that particular TV? Obviously it'll look good on that TV, however, I'm willing to wager that NFS Carbon will have a cleaner look at 1080p then 720p. That's all I'm saying.
Well, thats going to be up to you. Like I said, I don't doubt that games at 1080p will look great on a 1080p set. But, I've seen Blu-Ray and HD-DVD displayed on a 720p set right next to them on a 1080p set. And, you'd be very hard pressed to notice a whole lot of difference.

Ultimately, sure the 1080p material, be it HD movies or PS3 games will have that extra bit of detail. But, unless you have a TV of some considerable size, and sit fairly close to that set, you just physically won't notice a difference. There is a limit to how much detail a human eye can see. And, in my house, with my setup, I just won't see the extra detail. Read this for a technical look at what I mean....
Mr. Deap was specifically saying that the initial price point for the PS3 was too high. If that's true, why did everyone buy them up. That's were the relevance is.
But, my point, again, isn't related to cost. Do you think its somehow shocking that a hot holiday item sold out? Yes, it is a fairly high priced item. But, its a very hyped item, that will be hard to find this holiday season, of course people are going to preorder it. You don't think thats unusual, do you?
Second, we all think to some degree that everyone is either pro PS3-anti360 or vice versa.
I'm Pro-Games, thats all. I play games on my game consoles. So, for me the PS3 launch means very little, because there are no games that I want so bad that I need to spend that ammount of cash on right now.

The Wii, on the other hand, does have that benefit. In the coming months, I will own a Wii and some games for it, I will own some new 360 games, and I will still be buying some PS2 games as well (FF-XII and GoWII). But, very little stuff coming for the PS3 between now and spring or so makes me feel I need to run out and buy one. I will at some point, because GT, MGS and FF games alone are enough for me. But, until then, its just another console with nothing I want to play.

Sonic the hedgehog
It really is very pretty. It's just too bad I've played it 7 times sine it was new back in 1998. It's also too bad that it completely and totally sucks. But hey, pretty and such (keep in mind, as well, that I am probably the biggest Sega fanboy on the entire board, especially when it comes to Sonic).
With the first premise being true it makes it impossible to compare the two systems(just like pre GT4 and Forza comparisons). The second premise we all need to work on so we can have some constructive conversation and not just yelling about GPU's and RAM.

There's many stuff on the XBOX 360 you can do that the PS2 can't(I don't have a XBOX, so I can't make a brief comparison about it).

-You can stream Music pics & movies with Windows Media Player 11(Or media Center or media connect) & can be used on any games & stop during specific event.
-You can receive voice message or message text during your gameplay.
-You can chat with your friend while playing solo.(personnal chat)
-You can see what your friend are doing.
-Achievement are a way to figure what is the other player skill.
-Games on the XBOX 360 have good replay value.(Most of them long for more than 40 hours, how many of you have done 100% achievement on a single game & how long did it take?)
-Playing online is challenging. I saw many that suck. :sly:
-The marketplace is always updating & demos & videos come in non stop.
-Demos & video are free on the marketplace.
-Chatting about the marketplace is a great stuff.
-The Headset come with the premium, so almost everyone use their mic & it's easier for communication.
-The current lineup is well varied.
-Many new games are coming in the way
-Graphic are very very good
-Ninety Nine Night & Dead Rising have multiple enemies on screen ever seen before(500+ on screen).
-You can brag about your gamerpoints
-The online community is big.
-The live arcade is addicting.
-There's already team online.
-etc, etc, etc...
Mr Deap, this is the dumbest thing you've posted so far. First of all, you keep posting oversized pics. That's annoying but liveable.

Then you compare the PS2 to the Xbox 360. That's like comparing 1980's corvette to a 2006 ZO6. Man, just apples and oranges.

Also, the majority of that post was about being online. What if you don't want to be online? How good is the system then?
Mr Deap, this is the dumbest thing you've posted so far. First of all, you keep posting oversized pics. That's annoying but liveable.

Then you compare the PS2 to the Xbox 360. That's like comparing 1980's corvette to a 2006 ZO6. Man, just apples and oranges.

Also, the majority of that post was about being online. What if you don't want to be online? How good is the system then?

I'm just mentioning the feature that is cool on the XBOX 360. We're in GTP, so pretty much everyone have a PS2 & give an idea how is being online. That's one of the most moronic comment I've seen for awhile.
Thank you for proving my point. :) It can go either way from a demo.
Ok, you are naive enough to judge on a demo. :dunce:
As much as it pains me, I'm going to have to agree with Mr. Deap on this one. While I can see EA fixing the slowdown problems, I can't see EA fixing the problems with the physics engine that makes it play even more stupidly arcadey than before. Underground 1 had the best engine of the current lot, and since then it has been getting worse, and the drift racing part of the demo was awful.
I'm just mentioning the feature that is cool on the XBOX 360. We're in GTP, so pretty much everyone have a PS2 & give an idea how is being online. That's one of the most moronic comment I've seen for awhile.

How comparing the online experience from an Xbox 360 and a PS2 fair or relavent in the slightest?
How comparing the online experience from an Xbox 360 and a PS2 fair or relavent in the slightest?

There's no comparison. It's just an overview how it is different & how much the 360 differ a lot from the PS2 experience.


SO? You can't compare the PS2 to the 360 in any way. It's a different generation system. So, why didn't you just make that a list of stuff you like about the 360 and not even mention the PS2?

As much as it pains me, I'm going to have to agree with Mr. Deap on this one. While I can see EA fixing the slowdown problems, I can't see EA fixing the problems with the physics engine that makes it play even more stupidly arcadey than before. Underground 1 had the best engine of the current lot, and since then it has been getting worse, and the drift racing part of the demo was awful.

So, you actually judge games by demos as well? I'm not sure what you're talking about.
The PS3 online is not finished yet. many article point out from interview that many games on PS3 won't be online.

PS3: Sony sticks with non-unified online service

Posted Nov 3, 2005, 11:40 AM ET by James Ransom-Wiley
Related entries: Culture, Online, PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3 (back)

Suicide. If reports are true, then Sony is entering the next-generation battle without a central online gaming service. What? Why? Who—

According to OPM (via GamesFirst), online gaming on the PlayStation 3 will be left to the discretion of individual publishers—just like on the PS2. While some may argue that this gives publishers greater freedom to design a unique online experience, it also makes it difficult for Sony to control the quality of that experience. And from a gamer’s standpoint, it’s a real pain in the neck, since each publisher will require its own user account (and possibly fees).

With Microsoft blazing trails, and Nintendo showing promise, it’s hard to believe that Sony is so lackluster about jumpstarting a centralized online service. There’s no doubt that online gaming will be an essential component of next-generation consoles. Both Microsoft and Nintendo appear committed to making that a user-friendly experience. Sony on the other hand, well, it may have just turned its back on us…

It's written by an OPM editor.


:lol: I believe that's what is called OWNED! :)

The PS3 online is not finished yet. many article point out from interview that many games on PS3 won't be online.

It's written by an OPM editor.

Is it possible for you to get beyond online for one minute. Nobody will argue that Xbox live is a great online medium. Excellent even. But it's NOT the end all, be all of gaming. So, can you give me another place where you like Xbox that has nothing to do with the online aspect?
Deap, you do realize that article you quoted was from almost a year ago, right?? No one knew much of anything about the PS3 back then, let alone their online plans.

Many early PS3 games won't be online leaving a very few amount being online.

Ridge racer 7 is another exemple of a game that feel kinda empty like most PS3 games. I wonder how long they will keep the games like that.
PS3 Exclusive: 25 New Ridge Racer 7 Screens
Oct 12, 2006 @ 2:27pm

The PlayStation 3 launch is just over a month away. To celebrate, Namco-Bandai and GamePro have teamed up to bring you a heaping helping of Ridge Racer 7 goodness. Enjoy the eye candy!

Full Text:



Cars in 1080p

Full Text:


Ridge racer 6 sucked anyway. >_>(Why do I present RR7? O_o)
So, can you give me another place where you like Xbox that has nothing to do with the online aspect?
I don't know about him, but I'll answer this one.

I love a lot of things about the 360. The whole interface is great. The menus, the way you can access it while IN games, the full interaction it has with Live. It makes for a great way to USE the console. I've yet to use a Wii or PS3, so I can't comment on them. But, the 360 user interface will be a hard one to beat in my book, because its as close to perfect as I've seen.

I also really like the controller. It fits my hands well, it looks good, weight is good. The wireless battery lasts a long time, and is easy to charge. The mic connection on the controller is handy as well. And again, I've yet to use the Wii or PS3, so I don't know about their motion stuff. But, I will say I'm bummed about the PS2 design though.

I really enjoy my 360. I don't do tons of stuff on Live, aside from the occasional TW or GRAW. And, I don't watch movies on it, aside from the occasional game trailer or whatever. But, as a game console, its great. Games look fantastic, control is good, and the way Live is fully integrated with it is great. We'll see about the others when the time comes, but for now, I'm very happy.

Deap, you could possibly be the WORST person I've ever seen when it comes to posting pics. First, we don't need the HUGE pics you keep posting. And second, did you really have to post all 294 pics of RR there?? No, you didn't. One is fine. This thread is now full, please stop.

Games play the same offline, but with AI & story. Though You have already experienced this. Graw feature something that make you feel being sucked in the game.

It's the same link I've posted before of GRAW. you see me destruct the car like in the PS3 demonstration graphic but in game :sly: .

The HDR os top notch on XBOX 360 & you will never see it on PS3. Many games take advantage of it. :)

Whatever what people think, GRAW is just impossible with the PS3. :P
Ok, let's see of these X360 features will be on the PS3.
-You can stream Music pics & movies with Windows Media Player 11(Or media Center or media connect) & can be used on any games & stop during specific event.
I would guess that the PS3 would be able to do the same.
-You can receive voice message or message text during your gameplay.
Possible with PS3.
-You can chat with your friend while playing solo.(personnal chat)
I'm not sure if you can do that with the PS3, but that would probably be on there.
-You can see what your friend are doing.
You can do that on the PS3.
-Achievement are a way to figure what is the other player skill.
You can do that on the PS3, through the way of "Entitlements", Sony's ripoff of the Achievements.
-Games on the XBOX 360 have good replay value.(Most of them long for more than 40 hours, how many of you have done 100% achievement on a single game & how long did it take?)
With PS3 Entitlements, that will be possible on the PS3.
-Playing online is challenging. I saw many that suck. :sly:
You can do that on the PS3.
-The marketplace is always updating & demos & videos come in non stop.
It'll be the same on the PS3.
-Demos & video are free on the marketplace.
Same with PS3, except demos might need to be bought.
-Chatting about the marketplace is a great stuff.
You can chat about the PS3 "Marketplace" all the same.
-The Headset come with the premium, so almost everyone use their mic & it's easier for communication.
You can easily pick up a wired headset for $10 or a wireless one for $30. But you have a point on how the majority of people use headsets.
-The current lineup is well varied.
Umm, the PS2 totally hands the X360's ass on a platter when it comes to variety of games.
-Many new games are coming in the way
Same with PS3.
-Graphic are very very good
Same with PS3.
-Ninety Nine Night & Dead Rising have multiple enemies on screen ever seen before(500+ on screen).
One word: Warhawk. The developers for it were able to put so many enemies on screen (planes) it'd be impossible to move. And they were able to do that running smoothly.
-You can brag about your gamerpoints
Same with PS3.
-The online community is big.
Give the PS3 a year or so, and it's online community will greatly outnumber the X360's.
-The live arcade is addicting.
The PS3 will most likely have downloadable PS1 games, for the same price as the XBLA games. Final Fantasy or GT2 anyone?
-There's already team online.
There will be teams on the PS3.
-etc, etc, etc...
Etc etc etc...
The HDR os top notch on XBOX 360 & you will never see it on PS3. Many games take advantage of it.
I hate to break it to you, but HDR is just a software lighting implementation. It is fully possible on the PS3. The 360 doesn't have some magic "HDR" chip that the PS3 is lacking. It will do HDR just fine if developers choose to implement it.

I hate to break it to you, but HDR is just a software lighting implementation. It is fully possible on the PS3. The 360 doesn't have some magic "HDR" chip that the PS3 is lacking. It will do HDR just fine if developers choose to implement it.


Nah the PS3 doesn't use real HDR. The HDR used on the XBOX 360 is in a way much better quality than the PS3.
So, you actually judge games by demos as well? I'm not sure what you're talking about.
No no no. I base optimisim on demos. Based on the demo and past experiences with the franchise, I am theorizing that Carbon will blow; not necessarily judging whether it will. My phrasing suggests that I am judging, I will admit, but that isn't the case.
For a more clearcut example, I'll look at this one:
It really is very pretty. It's just too bad I've played it 7 times sine it was new back in 1998. It's also too bad that it completely and totally sucks.
Based on my prior experience with both Sega in general and Sonic Team in particular, I'm pretty sure that the game will not get any better. In addition, I have great precedent (any Sonic game made after SA2:B) to base my judgement on. I'm not saying that it will suck; but am instead saying that my hope that it won't is gone.
Mr. Deap
Nah the PS3 doesn't use real HDR. The HDR used on the XBOX 360 is in a way much better quality than the PS3.
Proof, perhaps?
Umm, the PS2 totally hands the X360's ass on a platter when it comes to variety of games.
We're talking "Xbox 360 vs PS3" here, not PS2. We all know the PS2 has a huge tally of games, but thats not what we're comparing here.
Give the PS3 a year or so, and it's online community will greatly outnumber the X360's.
Um, thats a bold statement. And one which I highly doubt. I'm sure the PS3 will do well with online, but I don't see it "greatly outnumbering" any system.


So I guess Rainbow Six on the X360 is impossible on the PS3? Oh wait, it's coming out for the PS3, at launch.

"Further to the Edge comments this month about how much better Call Of Duty 3 looks on 360 in comparison to the PS3 version, I noticed this in GamesTM this month On Rainbow Six Vegas.....

'' .....a chat with the Ubisoft development team shed a little light on he matter."All I'm able to say is that we're looking to ship on PS3 as well but we're not having specific content..... we're developing with 360 as our main development platform and porting to PS3means that there's less memory available for us to use, but we're trying to minimise any drop in quality"..Such comments sugget that the gap in performance between Playstation3 and Xbox 360 is nowhere near as powerful as some would like us to believe and that the console may even be less able than Microsoft's..."

They also go on to say that only the 360 version will feature the face mapping technolgy and that their are no plans for PS3/PSP linkage or to use the sixaxis tilt technology.

Proof, perhaps?


Updated Info on the PS3 SDK Hardware
by Greg Gergen

PC Watch, a Japanese PC news site, posted some interesting news today regarding the technical specifications of the PLAYSTATION 3 SDK units. Not only that, but they gave the public insight into some issues developers are having while programming for the PS3.

Sony had announced a while back that the SDK unit to be shown at TGS would be the final version. However, instead of SDK v1.0, the model shown at TGS was v0.93. This is also the model that most developers are using to program their games on. While some may be concerned about Sony's delaying of the final SDK unit, some may also be pleased that Sony still has a chance to add to the final PS3 specifications. Either way, the PS3 is so close to its launch date that if Sony does change the PS3 specifications, it will not be anything drastic.

Developers are also dealing with certain restrictions revolving around the Cell processor. For instance, out of the 256kbs of memory allocated to each SPE on the Cell, only 128kbs can be used due to buffering. Despite this small set-back, developers are saying what most PS3 fans have been thinking all along, "It is impossible to extract the full performance of the Cell on launch titles, it will take time get familiar with it."

Until just recently, developers had been developing PS3 games on a nVidia GeForce 7800 GTX card. The RSX, however, uses nVidia's G70 which allows for very high shader performance. The downside to the current RSX specifications is that it has a 128-bit memory interface and 8 ROP (Rasterizing Operation). So there within lies a current hurdle for developers. How can they get the most out of the RSX's shading abilities without dealing with the bottleneck to the ROP memory? While that's a minor hurdle needing to be jumped, the biggest issue facing PS3 developers is HDR and FSAA. With the memory bottleneck, it becomes hard for developers to achieve PC level HDR and FSAA. Yet thanks to the flexibility of the Cell processor, developers are using Cell memory for textures and FlexIO for a texture lead. This greatly frees up GPU bandwidth.

Sony is also sticking with their plans to make PS3 not only a gaming console, but a computer entertainment system. There will be a governing OS which controls gaming, the home menu, etc. called the Cell OS. There will also be a second LinuxOS which allows for an open programmable environment. If Sony is to utilize this programming ability properly, SCE needs to create a set of tools which allow want-to-be developers to take advantage of the PS3 hardware. We must remind Sony that in order for the PS3 to succeed as a computer, it must first succeed as a gaming console.

Want to read the original article? Head over to or follow the link below for the full translation.

I guess how's the HDR capability of HDR on the 360 vs a PC?

The Xenos supports 32-bpp and 64-bpp HDR lighting formats & cannot be done on PS3. The Unified shader architecture & the E-dram remove the restriction of the 128bit memory interface.
Nah the PS3 doesn't use real HDR. The HDR used on the XBOX 360 is in a way much better quality than the PS3.
And what, might I ask, is "REAL" HDR lighting??? Deap, you're losing it. HDR isn't some secret trick that only MS knows how to use with the 360. Its just a way of lighting a 3D environment. And, its fully possible on a PS3, just as its fully possible on a 360.

I don't know about him, but I'll answer this one.

I love a lot of things about the 360. The whole interface is great. The menus, the way you can access it while IN games, the full interaction it has with Live. It makes for a great way to USE the console. I've yet to use a Wii or PS3, so I can't comment on them. But, the 360 user interface will be a hard one to beat in my book, because its as close to perfect as I've seen.


Wow, a logical well thought out response that actually makes sense without trying to use radical assumptions. I like it. 👍

Games play the same offline, but with AI & story. Though You have already experienced this. Graw feature something that make you feel being sucked in the game.

It's the same link I've posted before of GRAW. you see me destruct the car like in the PS3 demonstration graphic but in game :sly: .

The HDR os top notch on XBOX 360 & you will never see it on PS3. Many games take advantage of it. :)

Whatever what people think, GRAW is just impossible with the PS3. :P

Maybe the WORST paragraph you've type since I entered the discussion.

Again, your main thing with the 360 is online. Give me something else! And about HDR, JNasty4G63 already covered that very well.
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