Xbox 360 Vs Ps3

  • Thread starter Mr Deap
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For those that don't want to read it all, here are the results (read report for specific explanations):
  • Page 1: CPU ability (speed and power)
    4.75 PS3
    4.25 XB360
    2.75 WII

  • Page 2: Graphics performance (graphics and video output)
    4.75 PS3
    4.50 XB360
    3.50 WII

  • Page 3: Media format (storage and speed)
    4.00 PS3
    3.00 XB360
    3.00 WII

  • Page 4: Controller (feel and interaction)
    4.25 WII
    4.00 PS3
    4.00 XB360

  • Page 5: Online support (depth and breadth of support)
    4.50 XB360
    2.75 PS3
    2.25 WII

  • Page 6: Size and weight (build and aesthetics)
    5.00 WII
    2.50 PS3
    2.50 XB360

  • Page 7: Additional features (media functionality and extras)
    4.75 PS3
    4.00 XB360
    1.75 WII

  • Page 8: Game Library (launch lineups and beyond)
    4.00 XB360
    3.75 WII
    3.50 PS3

  • Page 9: Value (bang for your buck)
    4.50 XB360
    4.25 PS3
    3.75 WII

  • Page 10: The Final Verdict (the best overall purchase)
Best bang for the buck.
Fanboy ;). I dissagree with that because if I didn't get a HD DVD player I would get a blue-ray player so I'll be getting a PS3 for that as much as games.

Best overall purchase.
Best bang for the buck.

how is that the best bang for your buck when the only bang you get is a console?

If I have to do this again, I will.

Core 360 + HDD + HD-DVD = $600

That does not include:

Out of the Box Wireless Controllers
40GB More HDD Space
Native 1080p
Free Online
CF, SD, and MSP slots
Gigabit Ethernet
100% BC

So. At the price of a PS3, your 360 offers up few of the services in comparison to the price of a premium PS3.

Bang for your buck? The 360 is should I put this....the Honda Civic of video games. Sure it drives, but it really isn't loaded, and if you want to add those features, it'll cost you a lot more than buying them with the car.
Wow, what trash.
I take particular issue with the Game Library score. GTAIV counts as a 360 game but not a PS3 game? Saints Row was a AAA title? XBox Live Arcade is a worthwhile feature whilst Virtual Console can be considered a "fun bonus?" Boo, Gamepro. What happened to you? In fact, all they said was coming out for the 360 was the Halo twins (which isn't really anything that amazing), yet it still walked the category.
In addition, MS walking away with the online category by such a margin is rediculous. The "de facto standard of the industry?" Bull. There have been services doing what XBox Live does years before XBox Live did it.
And the CPU one suffers from the same cliche that the PS3 suffers from it's Cell rather than just being better than the 360. The 360 has a standard CPU, and as such will probably run multiplatform games better for companies that are too lazy (EA, most likely) to try to use the Cell properly.
Best overall purchase. (PS3 pic)
What's interesting is that the report on GamePro was written by Vicious Sid (on XB Live he goes by GP Vicious Sid). If you read his posts, and his XB Live chatter, he is obviouly pro Xbox. Even in his GP profile he lists Halo 2 and PCs as his primary interest/expertise. Granted, the wording in that published report suggest several people at GamePro were involved in comparrison and grading, but seeing as he is the credited auther, that speaks a lot for how impressed he was with the PS3.... and this before its been released, or a decent collection of games are out for it. That's some impressive praise.

I still feel PS3 has a lot to prove still, and will reserve any final judgment until later next year when Sony has a chance to get their online support up to speed and more must own games are released.

In the meantime, I plan on getting one on release date for use as a Blu-ray player.

EDIT: Good points Toronado. Considering the author's love for XBox & XB Live, that might explain some of the assesments, but the report still showed a lot of love for the PS3 despite any possible bias towards the Xbox.
how is that the best bang for your buck when the only bang you get is a console?

If I have to do this again, I will.

Core 360 + HDD + HD-DVD = $600

That does not include:

Out of the Box Wireless Controllers
40GB More HDD Space
Native 1080p
Free Online
CF, SD, and MSP slots
Gigabit Ethernet
100% BC

So. At the price of a PS3, your 360 offers up few of the services in comparison to the price of a premium PS3.

Bang for your buck? The 360 is should I put this....the Honda Civic of video games. Sure it drives, but it really isn't loaded, and if you want to add those features, it'll cost you a lot more than buying them with the car.

It was my opinion. Me, myself & I stay with XBOX 360 for 2006 & 2007.
It was my opinion. Me, myself & I stay with XBOX 360 for 2006 & 2007.

But you didn't state it as opinion, you stated, as fact, that the 360 was the "best bang for the buck".

The widely accepted meaning for the term "best bang for your buck" is that you get the most features, for the "lowest" price, as a whole "unit".

So, by the meaning of the "figure of speech" you used, the 360 would, by comparison to the PS3, be the worst bang for the buck. That is factual information based on the interpretation of the english language and commonly used sayings.

So my point stands, regardless of your opinion, which you are completely entitled to...the 360 is not the "best bang for your buck".
I will own all 3 at some point. But, my winner for best bang for the buck, and soon to be in my home.....

Nintendo Wii

And, just so I don't get ripped by JR for my wording, I will explain. The Wii has the most to offer, for my needs. Those last three words are key. FOR MY NEEDS. I'm not interested in all the extra media features of the PS3, or the Xbox 360 that I currently own, for that matter. Sure, a Blu-Ray player is nice, media card readers are great, and wifi is sweet. But, I need none of that. I'm not sold on a high def format yet, I can read media cards on my computer, and I have no use for wifi. Those are nice, but I want games on my game console.

And, from what I've seen, and what I like, the Wii will offer me a WHOLE lot of games that I want to play, a fun new way to play them, all while draining my wallet much less. So, for me, I will get the most BANG out of a Wii, while not needing as many BUCKS to get. Thats a winner for me. Bang for the buck isn't measured by me as how much extra crap can get stuffed inside. Its how much of it I need, how much I will use, and how little I can pay for that.

I'm sure the PS3 will be fantastic. But, by the time you get the console, another controller, and a few games, you're well over $800. Thats a lot of money if all you want is games. Which is all I want. I will get one eventually, but not until there are better games available. I'm just not sold on any of the launch titles. So, for now, that $800 or so will be going to a Wii, and Gears for the 360.

Bang for your buck? The 360 is should I put this....the Honda Civic of video games. Sure it drives, but it really isn't loaded, and if you want to add those features, it'll cost you a lot more than buying them with the car.
But, using your given example, what if all someone wants IS the nice daily driver??? I mean sure, a Civic has less features than, say, an Infiniti G35. But, if all you want is nice transportation, the Civic is just fine. Much like my earlier post, if all you want is games, the Nintendo Wii at $250, or core Xbox 360 at only $300, will easilly cover that need.

Infiniti will sell you a car with leather, Bose sound, V6 engine, Sat-Nav and AWD, none of those found on a Civic, but they aren't free. Much like Sony selling you a console with wifi, media card readers, bluetooth, HDMI and extra HDD space, none of those found on the Xbox 360. Are those features, on either car or console, nice and very welcome??? You bet. But, if all you want is a good daily driver, or a GAME console, you're paying for stuff you don't need. Thats just BANG, and a waste of BUCKS.

how is that the best bang for your buck when the only bang you get is a console?

If I have to do this again, I will.

Core 360 + HDD + HD-DVD = $600

That does not include:

Out of the Box Wireless Controllers
40GB More HDD Space
Native 1080p
Free Online
CF, SD, and MSP slots
Gigabit Ethernet
100% BC

So. At the price of a PS3, your 360 offers up few of the services in comparison to the price of a premium PS3.

Bang for your buck? The 360 is should I put this....the Honda Civic of video games. Sure it drives, but it really isn't loaded, and if you want to add those features, it'll cost you a lot more than buying them with the car.
Here's how I think of it:

Nintendo Wii = Honda Fit. Small, quirky, and there's tons of fans for it. It's impractical, but it's fun and cheap.

Xbox 360 = Hyundai Tiburon. It's not very popular, but it definitely has some bang to it. However, it doesn't have the greatest functionality.

PlayStation 3 = Subaru WRX Wagon. Outclasses it's competition when it comes to power. It has a ton of functionality, and it looks cool. However, it comes at a price.

It really just comes down to your needs. If you're going to use the power and functionality of the Magnum/PS3, it's worth the extra money. But, if you just want something that gets the job done (Tiburon/Fit/Wii/X360), then you're just paying extra money for stuff you don't want.
Forget the $600 dollar price at the store for a PS3. Only 10 to 15 prebuys and thats it. and they can not conferm any more before the end of the year. PS3 are on ebay already selling for well over $1000. I will be getting a PS3 just to sell it to some fanboy who's mommy and daddy got the cash!!!
Xbox 360 = Hyundai Tiburon. It's not very popular, but it definitely has some bang to it.
If you are using the Magnum for the PS3, I would think the WRX Wagon would be more fitting. Very fun, and similar in capability to the SRT-8. And while not quite a perfect match for the features or performance, the WRX doesn't have quite the price tag either.

A Magnum SRT-8 (PS3) compared to a Tiburon (360) for your analogy is selling it a bit short. I do agree, the PS3 has the power and features. But, the Xbox has a lot going for itself as well, and costs less to get one. So, thats why I suggest the WRX.

If you are using the Magnum for the PS3, I would think the WRX Wagon would be more fitting. Very fun, and similar in capability to the SRT-8. And while not quite a perfect match for the features or performance, the WRX doesn't have quite the price tag either.

A Magnum SRT-8 (PS3) compared to a Tiburon (360) for your analogy is selling it a bit short. I do agree, the PS3 has the power and features. But, the Xbox has a lot going for itself as well, and costs less to get one. So, thats why I suggest the WRX.

Yeah, that's a better comparison.
:lol: Only on GT Planet would there be a discussion on what cars best represents these game consoles in an analogy. :)
:lol: Only on GT Planet would there be a discussion on what cars best represents these game consoles in an analogy. :)
I'm just trying to get the words "Hyundai" and "Xbox 360" from being compared to each other. No console, no matter how bad, should be subject to that torture. HA HA HA!!! :D

I'm just trying to get the words "Hyundai" and "Xbox 360" from being compared to each other. No console, no matter how bad, should be subject to that torture. HA HA HA!!! :D

Likewise, no Hyundai, no matter how bad, should be compared to something of such poor build quality. :sly:
Likewise, no Hyundai, no matter how bad, should be compared to something of such poor build quality. :sly:
To be honest, the build quality on the recent X360s are a lot better. Mine (which was built in late May/early June) is practically flawless.

But then again, to be honest, I'm kinda wishing my X360 would break down so I can get my cash out of it and buy a PS3.

To be honest, the build quality on the recent X360s are a lot better. Mine (which was built in late May/early June) is practically flawless.

But then again, to be honest, I'm kinda wishing my X360 would break down so I can get my cash out of it and buy a PS3.


Easy, use the windows.
And AGAIN I ask, why?
Maybe he said that because he wants to wait for a price cut, until hardware problems are fixed, some good games come out, etc.

Or maybe he said that because, after all, he is Mr Deap.
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