Xbox 360 Vs Ps3

  • Thread starter Mr Deap
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Lads, stop with the arguments!! For god sake, you comparing the 360 to something thats not even out yet!! Tone it down!!! NOW!! Turn this thread back into the NFS: Carbon thread. We can all do without all this stupidity. Swift has already threatened to delete the thread, so tone it down. I would like to hear about NFS:Carbon updates rather then a rambling war :rolleyes:

Edit: OR we could just split the thread
Lads, stop with the arguments!! For god sake, you comparing the 360 to something thats not even out yet!! Tone it down!!! NOW!! Turn this thread back into the NFS: Carbon thread. We can all do without all this stupidity. Swift has already threatened to delete the thread, so tone it down. I would like to hear about NFS:Carbon updates rather then a rambling war :rolleyes:

Edit: OR we could just split the thread
Agreed. Get back on topic, or else all my ducklings will literally invade your countryside and hold you hostage.

But seriously, get back on topic.
Those are theorical number posted at PCvsConsole.
See though, the problem with "theoretical" numbers in this type of situation comes from the very different ways the two consoles go about things. If this were a Nvidia vs. ATI desktop GPU debate, its pretty easy to compare things. Because, as different as they might be in technical regards, the way they interact with the PC and the software is pretty similar.

But, in a console, everything is built with specific designs and interaction in mind. This is why you never see the different console makers list their specs in the same way. One will say that they have more "memory bus bandwidth", while the other will talk about more "memory logic throughput" in their specs. This type of wording is for THIS EXACT type of instance. They don't want people comparing things on a strictly hardware level.

So, it really is silly. From what I've read, they both have their advantages. And, trying to say which is "more hardcore" with regards to GPU hardware is really meaningless. This is exactly WHY Nintendo hasn't released the details on their hardware. The hardware isn't the issue. Its the developers making that hardware work that matters.

Also, for those of you that thing the Xbox is has a better price for the hardware. Xbox 360 premium + HD-DVD = 600$. PS3 "premium" = 600$. So if you want to compare apples to apples it's even. I know that you can "choice" not to get the premium Xbox and not to get the HD DVD, but why would you? Especially since the premium has Xbox-Live, the only redeeming factor the original Xbox has in my opinion.

A premium PS3 comes with 40GB more HDD space and Wifi, with HDMI out of the box, also to include card expansion slots for portable storage.

Just adding more HDD space and WiFi will throw you up about $200 over the already large (and lackluster) $600 price tag of the 360 w/HD-DVD.

Mr. Deap - Sony's triangle setup rate includes textures and filtering, where as MS did not include those in their numbers, because it would give them a higher poly count. Just as they used the EDRAM to make it LOOK like the 360 had more bandwidth, when really it only applies to the frame buffer and nothing else.
A premium PS3 comes with 40GB more HDD space and Wifi, with HDMI out of the box, also to include card expansion slots for portable storage.

Just adding more HDD space and WiFi will throw you up about $200 over the already large (and lackluster) $600 price tag of the 360 w/HD-DVD.
But, what if you look at it from a strictly games perspective? You can get the Xbox for only $300, and be able to play every* game straight away. But, to get into a PS3, if all you want is games, you are at $500 minimum.

I only bring this up because I have a friend of mine in that exact situation. He is a big movie watcher, but not a gamer. He has the HD-A1 and the BDP-1000, so he doesn't need either the HD-DVD drive the XBox, or the PS3 for Blu-Ray. So, those features are of no use.

And, he doesn't play many games, and doesn't get online with Live. That is why he bought the base Xbox. He just wants games on his consoles. But now, if he wants a PS3 for games, which he does as a FF and MGS fan, no matter what, he has to spend $500. Thats a lot of money just to play some games.


I forgot about FF-XI, which does require the HDD. So, all but one Xbox 360 game are playable on the base unit.
A premium PS3 comes with 40GB more HDD space and Wifi, with HDMI out of the box, also to include card expansion slots for portable storage.

Just adding more HDD space and WiFi will throw you up about $200 over the already large (and lackluster) $600 price tag of the 360 w/HD-DVD.

I have to agree that the PS3 is less expensive than the XBOX 360 price wise. Though there's many output & thing you don't need on that console right now. Also, the XBOX 360 is compatible with Windows Media Connect & Windows Media Center(HUGE ADVANTAGE for storage, no need to waste time to transfer music & picture(Video if you got media center)).

Windows Media Connect & Center offer streaming via router, giving the potential to use your computer hard drive as a stream(Like my PC that have 240GB in total). a 200GB hard drive for PC isn't expensive :sly: (mine costed 110$ Can 7200RPM 8Mo, I still have free SATA slot on motherboard to add more hard drives). Overall, only demo's & saves are stored in my XBOX 360 hard drive & the rest is streamed of my PC.

Though, I doubt the high price worth it considering that by the end of 2008, PC will outdo consoles at a fair price(It mean that a PC will do everything better than the PS3 & XBOX 360 with way more option). There's very few people that actually use the DTS & modem on the PS2. It's quite nice to have all these add up ready, but very few will use it. It's like throwing money in the fire.

Note: All GPU for computer can do dual screen.

Mr. Deap - Sony's triangle setup rate includes textures and filtering, where as MS did not include those in their numbers, because it would give them a higher poly count. Just as they used the EDRAM to make it LOOK like the 360 had more bandwidth, when really it only applies to the frame buffer and nothing else.

Chairman steve is not major nelson. If you check carefully, it's an updated version that consider the new clock speed confirmed at 500mhz. He really have written Frame buffer on the comparison. Those are calculed number with math & supposition(Based of a Geforce 7 architecture). I believe in chairmansteve number, coz he's not a spoiled brat like some people... >_>

RSX figures were updated to represent GeForce 7 based architecture with 24 pixel pipelines, 8 vertex pipelines, 8 ROPS, 500MHz core, and 650MHz memory. In other words, it dropped from 550MHz/700MHz to 500MHz/650MHz
Why can't everyone just talk about Carbon, and not this other crap? I mean, I'm tired of it, many other people are tired of it, and it's off-topic. 👎
Hugh advantage for storage, what! The XB360 only has 20gb of memory, if I start filling that with my music colelction there's no room for games and demo's, 20GB in this day and age is damn restrictive for "huge storage advantages", besides that, who's saying there won' be any way to hook your PS2 upto a PC and share files via a LAN, it's theoretically not difficult. As for a specific opinion on Windows media connect I'd love to say it's great but it has some issues with my computer so I can't comment.

Also this whole yeah but we don't need that now argument against the PS3 is stupid because everyone knows that some of thoes features may become very good features in the next two or three years. Besides all that, the fact that the PS3 is the cheaper option should make thoes extra features the icing on the proverbial cake. With regards to whichj machine will make the better looking games I honestly think it will be a close call, I think the PS3 is technically superior and but I think the best looking games from both systems will look damn good either way. I'm not at all concerned with which console can make it's textures look 4% better than the others. What I am concerned with is that the games are fun and enjoyable to play.

And why has this thread title changed from Need for speed carbon to PS3 v XB360? Granted it's more the topic of conversation at the moment but imo this is nothing more than an excuse for you to keep on with this pointless standoff.
boys you need to read this to under stand what the specs on both consoles. number mean nothing if you dont understand what they are used for. bottom line is the ps3 is optimized for blu-ray movie play back and x360 is for gaming the facts are in this artical.

and the console are already in production and ready to ship so there is no excuse.
Mr Deap, would you agree that specs are really meaningless when it comes to games? I mean, sure, the specs are all well and good. But, games are about having fun. And one console having more memory bandwidth or texture fillrate doesn't mean it will be more fun with games. Its how the games play that make them fun.

Its like saying, because the Corvette has more horsepower than a BMW M3, it will be more fun. Sure, it has more power, and will certainly be a fun car. But, the power isn't the ONLY factor with which fun is measured. Would you agree with that?

Hugh advantage for storage, what! The XB360 only has 20gb of memory, if I start filling that with my music colelction there's no room for games and demo's, 20GB in this day and age is damn restrictive for "huge storage advantages", besides that, who's saying there won' be any way to hook your PS2 upto a PC and share files via a LAN, it's theoretically not difficult. As for a specific opinion on Windows media connect I'd love to say it's great but it has some issues with my computer so I can't comment.

Windows media connect allow you to make your own playlist & chosen folder in your computer to share the streaming. Lan have a limit of bandwidth speed.

1. You waste storage recopy everything
2, You waste time transfering all your songs & pics... >_>

Also this whole yeah but we don't need that now argument against the PS3 is stupid because everyone knows that some of thoes features may become very good features in the next two or three years. Besides all that, the fact that the PS3 is the cheaper option should make thoes extra features the icing on the proverbial cake. With regards to whichj machine will make the better looking games I honestly think it will be a close call, I think the PS3 is technically superior and but I think the best looking games from both systems will look damn good either way. I'm not at all concerned with which console can make it's textures look 4% better than the others. What I am concerned with is that the games are fun and enjoyable to play.

Those feature will eventually be cripped once they will be useful. I had plenty of experience with older consoles... >_>

And why has this thread title changed from Need for speed carbon to PS3 v XB360? Granted it's more the topic of conversation at the moment but imo this is nothing more than an excuse for you to keep on with this pointless standoff.

Those topics are always popular for the readers. They are viewed much more than posted as you believe. Most user have an interest in the debat. :)

Mr Deap, would you agree that specs are really meaningless when it comes to games? I mean, sure, the specs are all well and good. But, games are about having fun. And one console having more memory bandwidth or texture fillrate doesn't mean it will be more fun with games. Its how the games play that make them fun.

Its like saying, because the Corvette has more horsepower than a BMW M3, it will be more fun. Sure, it has more power, and will certainly be a fun car. But, the power isn't the ONLY factor with which fun is measured. Would you agree with that?


Yeah, though your word favorise MS side(Though some won't agree with me :lol:). There's more games on the 360 & it's there right now for a lower base price point. If you read most PS3 thread it's more like. The Cell is the future. Sony will revolutionize the gaming industry. On MS side, they talk more what games they get & the gaming community. Let's not talk about Dev that prefer the 360 setup for programming that save huge money & times that will eventually accelerate the production.

boys you need to read this to under stand what the specs on both consoles. number mean nothing if you dont understand what they are used for. bottom line is the ps3 is optimized for blu-ray movie play back and x360 is for gaming the facts are in this artical.

and the console are already in production and ready to ship so there is no excuse.

Those graphics are from Major Nelson. It's a bad overview of both system. The graphic evaluation are way overated in my perspective view. The demo shown at TGS 06 prove all that wrong. :lol:
boys you need to read this to under stand what the specs on both consoles.
Really? Because we can trust "the fine PR folks from Microsoft" who created that "report" to be honest? ;)

I'll trust that report as much as I would any report from the fine PR folks at Sony proving how much better the PS3 is. ;)

(and in case it was missed, that was sarcasm, and I most definitely would not trust either!)
While the development team hasn't had a lot of time with the final test hardware, don't simply assume that NBA 2K7 is a mere port of the 360 version of the game. The development team has spent a ton of time trying to respond to a lot of the comments from fans on their boards, and have added a lot of shot animations in the post and new gameplay upgrades, among other new features. They also put in extra time in the motion capture studios to enhance the realism on the court, so players really had a sense of being in a game situation. In fact, Greg Thomas, the president of Visual Concepts pointed out that as they've been spending more and more time with the hardware, they've started realizing that future game titles for both the 360 and PS3 will have to have different development cycles to fully take advantage of each console's power.

Speaking of taking advantage of the PS3's power, the team has been using the computational power of the system to enhance a large number of the standard features that the game is known for. For instance, the cloth physics of jerseys and shorts has been assigned to one SPU on the PS3 instead of multiple cores on the 360 so that it can move more realistically than ever without taking away processing power for the rest of the game. But you'll find that there's just as much realism off the court in the PS3 version than on the court. Instead of running cutscenes during timeout situations, the development team has created real time AI that governs the cheerleaders, mascots, floor cleaners and even the crowd. For example, during a game between Dallas and Miami at the American Airlines Arena, we noticed Burnie, the Heat mascot doing much more than simply dancing on the sideline; he would run under Dallas' basket and actively try to distract shooters at the free throw line, and he had new dance sequences during timeouts.

Of course, we wanted to take a look at some of the exclusive PS3 features, and while we couldn't get every detail out during this session, we did get a demonstration of how Visual Concepts is planning to use the tilt controller in conjunction with the game. Specifically, players will be able to shoot free throws by tilting the controller back and then leaning it forward. While you can do it with minor movements, you can also hold and tilt the controller as if you were actually shooting with a basketball. Thanks to this new system, you will need to know the particular shooting stroke of the players on your team to be successful: while Dwyane Wade's shooting was a bit easier to handle, Shaq's laborious attempts to balance the ball easily threw us off every time. Defenders also have a chance to throw off free throw shots by shaking their controller whenever the other team steps up to the line, which will shake the screen in an attempt to throw the timing of the shot off. While the system still needed some tweaking, because free throws were a little hard to make and visiting teams had way too much influence on a home team's shots, it did demonstrate how creatively the team is approaching the PS3

Visually, the game has been taken up to a new level, particularly in how the game action is rendered. Not only have the in-game visuals been beefed up thanks to the power of the system, but according to Thomas, the way the PS3 renders pixels gives the game a richer appearance than the 360 version. It looks much more organic and lifelike, and if you thought you were watching a real game on the 360, just wait till you see it on the PS3. The only thing that is still up in the air right now is the online play: Visual Concepts has been trying to work out how online will be implemented for the PS3. It's been a challenge for them to include that feature in the game, and their testers have been working around the clock figuring out how to work the game with Sony's as yet unannounced network platform. However, as Thomas put it, Visual Concepts has been known as an online pioneer, so the overall plan is to have the game out within the launch window with the feature firmly established within the game. Interested in checking the game out for yourself? Hop over to the video page and check out the first videos of off-screen gameplay running on the PS3, as well as the free throw mechanic in action.
Now that was a very interesting and useful read, considering the source was from a game developer that not only develops for both platforms, but also develops the same games for both platforms. Certainly a good deal less biased then PR officials from either company, and they address actual game play differences rather than specs.

Stop ignoring mine and ducks posts!! We're talking sense!! I call for a thread split!!!
Yes, it does appear this thread started as one topic and abandoned it long ago. A split would make a lot of sense. 👍
IGN's impressions of the Carbon demo.

Need For Speed Carbon Demo Impressions
Drifting sucks. Autoscultping rules.
by Jonathan Miller
October 5, 2006 - The Need For Speed Carbon demo drifted on to Xbox Live Marketplace, and it's clear that drifting sucks.

At least in the demo. On the second track, you race around, almost out of control, earning points for the amount of time you drift around corners, with a bonus for speed. Sadly, there is no bonus for slamming into walls uncontrollable, which is what I did all day. As you can tell, I'm not a big fan of the controls, a

The demo features three cars to choose from: the Camaro SS, Lamborghini Gallardo and my personal fav, the Mitsubishi Lancer from the muscle, exotic and tuner classes, respectively. The demo also shows off the awesome customization feature EA has dubbed "Autosculpting."

Autosculpting is the GameFace of cars, and probably the sweetest system of its kind in any car game. Using sliders, you can instantly morph your hood, tires, rims, spoilers, and whatever else you want until your Lancer looks exactly like you want it. It's, quite simply, hella tight.

Of the three races, there's the drift challenge (yeck), a basic circuit race and we didn't beat the drift so we are not sure what exactly it is. The graphics in the cutscenes are spectacular, but the in-game visuals weren't as hot, with fuzzy textures and some questionable lighting. They weren't bad, but they weren't as great as we're expecting. We'll see how it looks when Carbon hits the streets.
The thread starter is the only one that can call for a split :indiff:

Edit: The drift race wasnt that bad!! I found it fun!! Especially with the Evo :drool:
the point of that artical on IGN is that It explanes what the process of the cpu and gpu on both systems. the Facts are that no matter who wrote them. what a developer choses to do with it is there business. if it all about having fun with games then the PS3 and the X360 is dead, and the Wii will rule the day.
One game has sold the PS3 to me, Metal Gear Solid 4. That is still the only next gen game I'm genuinely hyped about, there's other games I will buy and that I think look good but MGS4 is the only one I'm eagerly waiting for.
the point of that artical on IGN is that It explanes what the process of the cpu and gpu on both systems. the Facts are that no matter who wrote them. what a developer choses to do with it is there business. if it all about having fun with games then the PS3 and the X360 is dead, and the Wii will rule the day.

Eh, many people I know had "mild fuN" but found most games on the Wii mildly frustrating and lackluster, and hardly innovative at all.
Yeah, though your word favorise MS side(Though some won't agree with me :lol:). There's more games on the 360 & it's there right now for a lower base price point. If you read most PS3 thread it's more like. The Cell is the future. Sony will revolutionize the gaming industry. On MS side, they talk more what games they get & the gaming community. Let's not talk about Dev that prefer the 360 setup for programming that save huge money & times that will eventually accelerate the production.
I don't favor either side. I own a 360, and will be buying a PS3 and Wii once they are available. I own just about every system from the last 20 years. I hold no favorites. I have games I like on every system, so I can't pick sides, and only purchase one system.

But, my point was, the graphical horsepower of a system is hardly a factor that I think people should use when playing games. In the last year, I would easilly say that I've had more fun playing games on my DS over anything on the rest of my systems. And, compared to the PS2, GC, or 360, it is VERY MUCH at a loss for horsepower. But, the games themselves are fun. And, thats what matters.

So, who cares if the 360 is a little more powerful than the PS3, or the other way around. Its about the games, and how they play that means the most.

^^^ agree.

PGR3 looks great and doesnt display anywhere near 250k polygons, runs 30fps and 720p. Numbers dont mean squat. What a developer does with what he's given does. As far as spu's not being suited for UE3's advanced AI, thats not a hardware issue. UE3 is middleware. Meaning original engines will blow it away in frame rates, AI, physics, shaders and pretty much everything.
Also, for those of you that thing the Xbox is has a better price for the hardware. Xbox 360 premium + HD-DVD = 600$. PS3 "premium" = 600$. So if you want to compare apples to apples it's even. I know that you can "choice" not to get the premium Xbox and not to get the HD DVD, but why would you? Especially since the premium has Xbox-Live, the only redeeming factor the original Xbox has in my opinion.

Because not everyone is some Gen-X techie guru who just has to have his Blu-ray movies and 1080p. Let's look at me, an average kid (or should I say duck :sly: ):

Blu-ray Movies - Won't be using it for movies, since I don't watch them that often, and normal DVD resolution is plenty good. The only exception is if Star Wars came to Blu-ray, and even still I doubt I'll fork out the cash for the same stuff I have on DVD.

Blu-ray as storage medium for Games - Not needed. Sure, there'll probably be multi-disc games a few years down the road, but I definitely wouldn't mind it, unless most 4th or 5th gen games need like 8 discs.

Wi-Fi - Okay, I'll give the PS3 that, since you can go online at hotels, etc. But even still I can get one for the X360 from eBay for $50.

Card Reader - Wouldn't need it in the slightest.

1080p - I might use it 6 years down the road, if 30" 1080p HDTVs are $700, and if my current HDTV poops out on me. But even still, we'd be onto the Xbox 720/PS4 by then, and it's common sense that both of those will be capable of 1080p, if not even higher resolutions.

Extra HDD Space - Won't use. I play my music through my iPod, I don't watch a thousand game videos, and I don't have countless demos.

HDMI 1.3 - I don't have some uber sound system and super large 1080p TV to take advantage of it. I might 10 years from now, but then we'd be on the consoles two generations after this "next-generation".

My point is that kids, who represent a huge amount of gamers, won't need all these features. And so the X360 will be better suited for them.

Now, don't get me wrong, I think the PS3 is the superior console (in terms of hardware), and I'll probably buy one if GT5 exceeds my expectations or if Hell freezes over and it'll drop to $150 5 years from now. It's marketed towards the Gen-Xers like JR or you or Jedi2016 or LaBounti or any other 25-year-old guy with tons of cash to blow on techie equipment. And for those kind of people, the PS3 will be perfect for them, the Wii will seem to be crappy, and the X360 will probably not satisfy their uber gaming needs. But for now...

Give me an X360 and Wii any day over this.

My thoughts exactly. I'll be buying one, for sure. But, I just want games. All the other stuff is great, I'm not claiming its useless. I just don't need it. I just want GT, FF, MGS, DMC, and any other acronym'd game I might have forgotten there. Its about the games for me, not how much crap can be stuffed inside. Games, and good ones at that, hopefully. It is the "PLAYSTATION" afterall. Not the "RULE-YOUR-LIFE-WITH-ONE-BOX-STATION"

thats right. look at what PD is doing on the PS3. GTHD looks bad (in a not so good way). The textures is bad. they seem not to familer with the shaders, No real time shadows (in the tunnel on the new track the shadow on the car never changed. and the lighting is not there. if it was you could have real time shadows. the cars look great but in that enviroment (PS2 with FSAA and 1080P) does nothing for me. Import tuner challenge has better textures. But how can you tell with the game blur and it looks like it is running at 15FPS (on the new track).The canyon looks to be running better but what is with the mapped on lighting. I didnt no dirt could be so shinny. Must go along with the mapped on shadows. GT5 is the ONLY game I will purchase a PS3 for. Even the Textures in MGS4 look bad in the enviroment like on walls. the texture in COD2 look much better (enviroment like bump map Gritty brick walls).
You have to remember though GTHD premium is a prelude to GT5 so compariong the demo we've seen so far comparing an unfinished demo of what will ultimately be an unfinished game and it's not out until March 07, the effects will come I'm pretty sure of that. As for MGS4 I have to dissagree there, the textures used in MGS4 at least in the latest videos are spot on, they fit in with the graphical style of the game perfectly.
There's no benifit by buying a PS3 when you think abouut money. Think in 2008 how superior a PC will be. The technology used on the PS3 will be cripped during that time when it will start to have games. >_>

Why bidding on a high price when another technology will grow fast very soon. DX10 is a reproduction of the XBOX 360 with more powerful hardware & software.

In 2008 GPU will have all the outputs that can be done on the PS3. Sound card already support all that. The high end PC already output 1080P & decode HD video. The DX10 software is set to eat the XBOX 360. Any PC gamers will agree with me about that. Around 2008, computer will be very affordable & powerful. Now PC focus more into Entertainment Center with way more function you can get on a console system. Bluray & HD-DVD drive will eventually be available & ready to be compatible with an HDTV. Windows Media Center is already a sign that computer might replace future video player.
There's no benifit by buying a PS3 when you think abouut money. Think in 2008 how superior a PC will be. The technology used on the PS3 will be cripped during that time when it will start to have games. >_>

2008 ? Why not wait until 2012 ? Who cares about 2008. Live your life now, not in future. The PS3 is availible now (almost ;) ) for 600 $/EUR. That is less than a highend PC, so that is my calculation.

Why bidding on a high price when another technology will grow fast very soon. DX10 is a reproduction of the XBOX 360 with more powerful hardware & software.

Well it's not so high. 600 $ is a lot of money, but as I said, you won't get a great gaming PC for that money, so...
In 2008 GPU will have all the outputs that can be done on the PS3.
Same here, I don't want to waste my life with waiting...

Sound card already support all that. The high end PC already output 1080P & decode HD video. The DX10 software is set to eat the XBOX 360. Any PC gamers will agree with me about that. Around 2008, computer will be very affordable & powerful. Now PC focus more into Entertainment Center with way more function you can get on a console system. Bluray & HD-DVD drive will eventually be available & ready to be compatible with an HDTV. Windows Media Center is already a sign that computer might replace future video player.

So is this thread about 360vsPS3 or vsPC ?

A powerful computer is nice, no doubt about that, but who cares about the performance ?
Those who can't live without mouse/keyboard, WoW etc wouldn't switch to consoles even if they were more powerful.
And I don't care about performance if the games suck. That'S why I don't talk so much about systems, but about games. I doubt that the 360 will outperform the PS3 aswell as that the PS3 will be 2 times better than the 360. I have two 360's and I will buy the PS3. Why A? Well apart from teh fact that I buy every new console the PS3 has a few advantages for me :

Massive support of Japan. Yeah I admit it, I love Kaido Battle, Battle Gear, Densha de Go, Tokyo Bus Guide and dozen other games that never get released outside the land of the rising sun ( or 10 months later )...
While MS tries to increase support from Japan, I don't think they will reach the same level like Sony.
Which brings us to the next point. Money. If I want to play games from Japan and from Europe I have to buy two 360's, which I did. That is over 800 $, while the PS3 is only 600 and - at least they say so - region code free.
Ok that is maybe a really special calculation, but still...

You talk so much about specs, what about the games ? Super Mario Kart ( SNES/SFC) is fun, no matter how weak graphics and sound are.

I'll also buy the Wii at the release and I'm sure it will rock. Without HD highendgraphics, Dolby 7.1, DX 10 and Windows Vista...
There's no benifit by buying a PS3 when you think abouut money. Think in 2008 how superior a PC will be. The technology used on the PS3 will be cripped during that time when it will start to have games. >_>

Why bidding on a high price when another technology will grow fast very soon. DX10 is a reproduction of the XBOX 360 with more powerful hardware & software.

In 2008 GPU will have all the outputs that can be done on the PS3. Sound card already support all that. The high end PC already output 1080P & decode HD video. The DX10 software is set to eat the XBOX 360. Any PC gamers will agree with me about that. Around 2008, computer will be very affordable & powerful. Now PC focus more into Entertainment Center with way more function you can get on a console system. Bluray & HD-DVD drive will eventually be available & ready to be compatible with an HDTV. Windows Media Center is already a sign that computer might replace future video player.
Niethe ris the XB360 then, infact why ever buy anything when you know that in a few years something better will be available for the same price or less. You'll just live your life waiting for the next product to come along. Hell the PS4 will be better than Ps3 I'll wait for that, only problem is hen the PS4 comes out, you could use the exact same logic and wait for the PS5 and so on, in the end you've never bough a single one. Your logic is highly flawed.
Niethe ris the XB360 then, infact why ever buy anything when you know that in a few years something better will be available for the same price or less. You'll just live your life waiting for the next product to come along. Hell the PS4 will be better than Ps3 I'll wait for that, only problem is hen the PS4 comes out, you could use the exact same logic and wait for the PS5 and so on, in the end you've never bough a single one. Your logic is highly flawed.

How do you think the PS3 will cost in 2008? It will be about the same price, I have no doubt about it.

This card come out in november & truely eat current console.

More NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTX & 8800GTS News

Topic: Hardware & Peripherals

W00t! DailyTech is running a series on the upcoming NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTX and the GeForce 8800GTS. The new architecture will be DX10, as we already know, and incorporate shader model 4.0 compatibility.
The GTX will be the top of the line graphics card for NVIDIA with reference cards clocked at 575 MHz core and 900 MHz on the 768 MB GDDR3 memory. The GTX cards will have 384-bit memory interface according to DailyTech with a whopping 86 GB/s of memory bandwidth.

The GTX is also said to have 128 unified shaders clocked at 1350 MHz with a theoretical texture fill rate of about 38.4 billion pixels per second. The 8800GTS is said to run at a slower 500 MHz core speed with 640 MB of GDDR3 memory at 900 MHz. The GTS memory interface is reduced to 320-bit for overall memory bandwidth of 64 GB/s.

GTS cards will also have 96 unified shaders at 1200 MHz compared to the GTX’s 128 shaders at 1350 MHz, both cards will be HDCP compliant with DVI-D, VIVO and HDTV outputs. Both cards are said to be dual slot and set to launch the second week of November. We can fully expect to see higher speeds on the clock of the actual production cards from the likes of XFX and other manufacturers as well. If you have your eye on a pair of these beasties for Christmas, I suggest you put a new power supply on the list as well. It seems that for an SLI pair you will need at least 800W. Image via [H]OCP. Buy your own NVIDIA card here.

This card is a huge jump over current Graphic Card you can get on the market. The unfied Shader architecture along directX10 is something. The bus bandwidth whoop the 360 & the PS3 by miles! I bet it will be affordable by 2008.(Note that it is an Nvidia card. The ATI card will bump that card just a bit after) :sly:
By 2008 I'd guess that the PS3 should be £200 or less, I'd also guess that a card that can match or beat the PS3's at that time by itself will cost at least £100-£150 and you still need a PC for it to go in. that still doesn't address the point I made and why your logic in the other post is flawed, by 2008 when that card isaffordable you'll be able to say but by 2010 this other better card will be affordable, and guess what, in 2010 another card will be coming out that by 2012 will be affordable.
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