Xbox 360 Vs Ps3

  • Thread starter Mr Deap
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Yes it was, the car list seems good too :(. Shame that 2k Games says the PS3 version of NBA2k7 will look and play better than the xbox 360 version and they even added more animations to boot. Will EA up the quality of this game for PS3 I cant imagine how the Wii version is going to be like.

Too me nothing felt new, it feels too much like an expansion pack for both Most Wanted and Underground 2....... ..and the game engine needs to be retired..

Edit the $70!! collectors edition is pure highway robbery. Just like the Madden Hall of fame, $70!

From my visual spec engine of view. I really doubt NBA2K7 will look better than the XBOX 360 version. The PS3 doesn't support 3Dc & it is limited to 256MB of main memory. Texture have to be shared with the Video memory.(Bump mapping less visible & cloth ripple will be less clear) >_>

Anyway, I bet you were waiting for me to quote that. :lol:

NFS carbon look worst than NFS Most Wanted and I highly believe it's because that game was balanced for the PS3 version. :sly:

Some of the stuff look better because it's a sequel, but the overall look extremely disappointing.
From my visual spec engine of view. I really doubt NBA2K7 will look better than the XBOX 360 version. The PS3 doesn't support 3Dc & it is limited to 256MB of main memory. Texture have to be shared with the Video memory.(Bump mapping less visible & cloth ripple will be less clear) >_>

Anyway, I bet you were waiting for me to quote that. :lol:

NFS carbon look worst than NFS Most Wanted and I highly believe it's because that game was balanced for the PS3 version. :sly:

Some of the stuff look better because it's a sequel, but the overall look extremely disappointing.

While I don't say that the PS3 will absolutly own the 360, I also see no reason to doubt that the PS3 is at least equal in every power aspect, and probably a little superior most of the time.
I suppose that we are both no computer engineers with superior cpu architecture knowledge, so I guess we should accept, that a system that gets released a year after the 360 is not inferior...
Read entire review. It starts bad but gets much better. :sly:
I played the demo for one hour and beat every event with all 3 cars in this order. Camaro, Evo, Lambo.
First the Camaro absolutely sucked! Like the game sais. The camaro must only be for drag racing. I almost shut the demo off after using that car in the drift event and circuit event because it just handled terrible. On the downhill Canyon event it was tolerable. Sounded decent.
Now I moved onto the EVO to give the game a chance. THere we go the Evo was a great improvement over the Camaro. I actually was able to easily handle the Evo in all 3 events with no problem. The brakes seemed a little iffy on the downhill but that was easy to get used to.
Here is where the game got much better. I grabbed the Lambo and holy crap what a MASSIVE difference from the other 2 cars. This car absolutely crushed all 3 events. Without even trying I got over 75,000 points in the drift event on my first try and that was even with hitting the wall several times. I destroyed the AI in the circuit and crushed the guy on the downhill.
The overall graphics are really a discrace for the 360 especialy after you play PGR3 and Test Drive Unlimited. The handling really takes some getting used to. Its like your driving with the parking brake on but at least the Lambo was decent to drive. I still plan on buying this game but the graphics really were disappointing compared to other 360 titles that are out. Oh well I just want to see how well the Pursuit Modes work out online. I am also happy with the body and wheel morphing. Hopefully the full version will allow more rim choices.
Still hoping some day they will bring back Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2.
From my visual spec engine of view. I really doubt NBA2K7 will look better than the XBOX 360 version. The PS3 doesn't support 3Dc & it is limited to 256MB of main memory. Texture have to be shared with the Video memory.(Bump mapping less visible & cloth ripple will be less clear) >_>

Anyway, I bet you were waiting for me to quote that. :lol:

NFS carbon look worst than NFS Most Wanted and I highly believe it's because that game was balanced for the PS3 version. :sly:

Some of the stuff look better because it's a sequel, but the overall look extremely disappointing.

It's not even worth just have no clue...none.
Deap, sometime you make me feel ashame for being an Asian:ouch:

I don't see the point of you feel ashame. :odd:

You should say, I am ashame of Mr Deap. :lol:

So far, almost all the things I've written happened & I highly believe it will continue in the future. You target me as a fanboy, but I believe what I know about tech & so far, the PS3 won't deliver better graphic than what it is already showing. The Cell do the physic & the RSX do the graphic. I believe that the Cell is poorer on graphic performance than the RSX so it have been chosen to do the physics. I see the PS3 as strong as a geforce 6600GT in sli with 256mb of ram & 256mb(2X 128Mb it make sense :P) of video(The Cell need to do the AI & other stuff too...). Though as Sony said, the RSX can be used as main memory, so it look more like that 320MB used as memory & 192MB used for video. The perfomance of the 360 is similar to a X1600XT though the the E-dram & unified shader boost the whole performance. That's why it's hard to compare the 360 to a PC, but the PS3 it can be done easy. The whole spec is shown & the RSX prove that the Cell is very powerful as a CPU to handle graphic. Comparison chart & number tell the whole stuff. If the Cell was that powerful, it wouldn't have a GPU. Current PC are already outperforming the PS3 by miles in any kind of games. In most games, the PC outperform the XBOX 360.
Sorry Mr. Deap, but there is no way, that the PS3 is already at its limit in the first generation of games. No way at all, no matter how much you want it to be like that ;)
Sorry Mr. Deap, but there is no way, that the PS3 is already at its limit in the first generation of games. No way at all, no matter how much you want it to be like that ;)

The only thing they can do, is to make motorstorm run at a smooth 60fps by removing unwanted texture on screen. The PS3 cannot reach the level of gears of war even at 10fps. Memory is the bottleneck of the PS3. The GPU handle the compressed texture. The only thing that the PS3 can boost is the framerate, animation & sparkle effect. Texture & Bump mapping is a huge advantage the 360 have. Shader is the work of bump mapping & reflexion is already well done on the system. Over than that, it's another leap in technology.
I don't see the point of you feel ashame. :odd:

You should say, I am ashame of Mr Deap. :lol:

So far, almost all the things I've written happened & I highly believe it will continue in the future. You target me as a fanboy, but I believe what I know about tech & so far, the PS3 won't deliver better graphic than what it is already showing. The Cell do the physic & the RSX do the graphic. I believe that the Cell is poorer on graphic performance than the RSX so it have been chosen to do the physics. I see the PS3 as strong as a geforce 6600GT in sli with 256mb of ram & 256mb(2X 128Mb it make sense :P) of video(The Cell need to do the AI & other stuff too...). Though as Sony said, the RSX can be used as main memory, so it look more like that 320MB used as memory & 192MB used for video. The perfomance of the 360 is similar to a X1600XT though the the E-dram & unified shader boost the whole performance. That's why it's hard to compare the 360 to a PC, but the PS3 it can be done easy. The whole spec is shown & the RSX prove that the Cell is very powerful as a CPU to handle graphic. Comparison chart & number tell the whole stuff. If the Cell was that powerful, it wouldn't have a GPU. Current PC are already outperforming the PS3 by miles in any kind of games. In most games, the PC outperform the XBOX 360.

Nothing you have ever said has ever come true. The only time it's ever been true is in your own eye's, but you've been wrong many...many...many times, and continue to put out untrue information. Your ego is just too large and you refuse to believe the evidence that's always been placed in front of you.
mr deap is telling the truth on this one. shaders is the way of the future. and the 360 has te adv. and the more memory to dedicate to them. and what is the big deal over fps on console. if it is looked at a steady fps you will never tell until the frames drop or rise. and with v-sync it is hard to tell. as far as this game the textures are scaled back to run on the the old legacy consoles. only lighting and some shader effects are runing on the game for the 360 and PS3. fill free to visit to see the interveiws with the game designers. PS3 &360 are the same game down to the same fps on both consoles.
and what is the big deal over fps on console. if it is looked at a steady fps you will never tell until the frames drop or rise.
Incorrect. Play TD:U on the X360, and even without framereate drops, it's choppy. Now, play GT4. It's as smooth as butter. Do you know why? It's not because the framerate is changing. It's because of the framerate itself. TD:U displays at 30fps (or maybe 25fps). GT4 displays at 60fps.

Another example: play Battlefield 2 MC and Call of Duty 2. Battlefield 2 is at 30fps, and while it's kinda smooth, it's definitely not very smooth. Call of Duty 2, on the other hand, is at 60fps, and I swear to God it's smoother than a baby's butt.
mr deap is telling the truth on this one. shaders is the way of the future. and the 360 has te adv. and the more memory to dedicate to them. and what is the big deal over fps on console. if it is looked at a steady fps you will never tell until the frames drop or rise. and with v-sync it is hard to tell. as far as this game the textures are scaled back to run on the the old legacy consoles. only lighting and some shader effects are runing on the game for the 360 and PS3. fill free to visit to see the interveiws with the game designers. PS3 &360 are the same game down to the same fps on both consoles.

It's not true, because the 360 does not, I repeat, DOES NOT, have more memory than the PS3.

The 360 has SHARED memory, meaning that the GPU and CPU are constantly fighting to use memory (shared 512).

The PS3, however, has 256 that is PURELY dedicated to the GPU, and the other 256 is for the CPU, HOWEVER, it is shared, meaning the GPU can also use that memory.

BOTH consoles have 512 MB of total memory. NOT ture.

And Sega, 2K Sports, and Factor 5 (as well as people from EA, Konami, and Insomniac) all seem to think that the PS3 is the processor beast, it's just harder to work on.
I told everyone this game would suck, and it does. Who's surprised? Not me.
Me niether. This version, unless EA returns the series back to pre-U glory, is the last version I will ever play.
I'm am sick and tired of EA's money whoring on this series in particular. It's gotten even worse than Madden, because at least with Madden they don't take stuff out every other game to put it back in as a new feature. What is this, the third time being a cop has been introduced into the series as new? I beleive so, because Most Wanted marked the 4th time police pursuits in general were "new," and I think being the cop was one time behind.
The series as a whole hasn't done anything new since the first Underground, and hasn't done anything good and new since Porsche Unleashed (Keep in mind that I'm not badmouthing HP:II, but it really didn't do anything new. It was essentially just a PS2 version of High Stakes.)
It's not true, because the 360 does not, I repeat, DOES NOT, have more memory than the PS3.

The 360 has SHARED memory, meaning that the GPU and CPU are constantly fighting to use memory (shared 512).

The PS3, however, has 256 that is PURELY dedicated to the GPU, and the other 256 is for the CPU, HOWEVER, it is shared, meaning the GPU can also use that memory.

BOTH consoles have 512 MB of total memory. NOT ture.

And Sega, 2K Sports, and Factor 5 (as well as people from EA, Konami, and Insomniac) all seem to think that the PS3 is the processor beast, it's just harder to work on.

I explained that before. The 360 have 2 advantage with texture.

- 3Dc (Ati technology texture compression)
- The unified shader allow the texture to remain in the main memory. So it gain performance out of it & allow to save space due that it doesn't have to be shared twice.

If you believe that demo is prerendered, actually, the demo run on my computer. :sly:

Here where you can download the demo. Though it can only run on ATI X1K series.
Why do I feel ashame? well, you're an Asian, and you're acting like a big fool, that's why I feel ashame.:ouch:
I explained that before. The 360 have 2 advantage with texture.

- 3Dc (Ati technology texture compression)
- The unified shader allow the texture to remain in the main memory. So it gain performance out of it & allow to save space due that it doesn't have to be shared twice.

If you believe that demo is prerendered, actually, the demo run on my computer. :sly:

Here where you can download the demo. Though it can only run on ATI X1K series.

Unified shader technology does not offer large benifits, and can create bottlenecks with complex operations through the GPU. And the texture benifits are not that large, given that any game on the 360 with "great" textures only supports MAYBE 5 characters on screen at once.

That's not an acheivement, it's a shame, given that Gears of War runs at a horrible sub 30fps most of the time, with frequent hiccups.

But resistance is butter smooth with 40 people running around online.
Why does everyone cry like children, the demo wasn't very good, my thought, EA wants to make money, bottom line, they remind me of Capcom(no offence to those who enjoy their games and yes they do make some good games) they focus on making games that sell, not making games that apeal to everyone.

Who really cares which system is good? I don't, if you like 360 buy it, if you like PS3 buy it, but don't whine back and forth about it, I personally don't care about graphics, yeah nice new HD games with new content that pushes the current idea of what a game should be is very nice but bottom line I just want to see good games, they could go back to Playstation or Nintendo 64 graphics for all I care, so long as they make enjoyable games that apeal to hardcore and average players alike.
The problem is unintelligent people making unfounded claims about things they know nothing about. Everything he's said is merely rumor and heresay.

The day he posts up some facts, then I'll believe him, but despite his claims, the fact remains that many 360 games are all running better on the PS3.

Full Auto
Fight Night
Virtua Tennis

And I'm willing to bet that:

Enchanted Arms
Assasins Creed

will all run better on PS3, sporting better frame rates and longer draw distances.
The problem is unintelligent people making unfounded claims about things they know nothing about. Everything he's said is merely rumor and heresay.
I suggest you take your own advice.
Edit: From what I can see you both sound rather unintellegent.
It's not true, because the 360 does not, I repeat, DOES NOT, have more memory than the PS3.

The 360 has SHARED memory, meaning that the GPU and CPU are constantly fighting to use memory (shared 512).

The PS3, however, has 256 that is PURELY dedicated to the GPU, and the other 256 is for the CPU, HOWEVER, it is shared, meaning the GPU can also use that memory.

BOTH consoles have 512 MB of total memory. NOT ture.

And Sega, 2K Sports, and Factor 5 (as well as people from EA, Konami, and Insomniac) all seem to think that the PS3 is the processor beast, it's just harder to work on.

the XBOX 360 have 512MB Unified memory + 10MB of buffer ram as a total of 522MB.

The PS3 have 256MB or RAM & 256MB of VRAM as a total of 512.

The problem is to stock the texture in the main memory. Both system have a fair enough amount of video memory.

The PS3, however, has 256 that is PURELY dedicated to the GPU, and the other 256 is for the CPU, HOWEVER, it is shared, meaning the GPU can also use that memory.

Now it is clear. why should I argue more with you?... >_>

Texture are stock in the main memory & send a copy in the memory of the GPU for display.

Anyone who run a PC with 256MB of Ram with a GPU with 256MB VRAM raise your hand? :odd:
Different architectuer requires different approaches. As to the PS3 having already reached capacity, that's likely to be absolute rubbish, there has never been a console where the first generation or second for that matter have been the consoles peak. Developers improve techniques and learn new approches with time. The way their optomising a games performance today might seem stupid tomorrow.
It's always funny watching some idiot defend a machine/car/country/fridge by talking about something they know SFA about.

Keep it up MrDeap, it's entertaining.

And I'm willing to bet that:

Assasins Creed

will all run better on PS3, sporting better frame rates and longer draw distances.

You do know what the producers of that very game said, yes? That the two versions will be virtually identical in every way, with the only noticable difference being the performance of the AI, being better... on the 360.

Fact is, I haven't seen anything on PS3 that can't be done on the 360. I also like how you listed games running "better" on PS3, games that all have quite a bit more development time than their original 360 releases. Fight Night? Please... EA has a full YEAR to make the game better, of course it's going to look better. In other news, the sky is blue and the sun is expected to rise tomorrow morning.

Without reading all the drivel up above, how did the discussion of NFS:C turn into a console war? Take this crap somewhere else.
^^^ I can promise that the 360 AI will not be any better. In fact, I can bet you won't even notice a difference.

But I can promise that the frame rate will be better.

Let's just wait for silmultaneous releases on both consoles, and then compare. I already know what the facts are.

Mr Deap - I'm done with you man, trying to throw any facts your way is like trying to hammer a wooden nail into a steel just isn't possible. You believe what you want, just always know it's not anyone but you.

And for the record, how about we add:

True HDMI output
Standard HDD support
Out of the Box High Def movie playback
Web Browsing

To the list of things that the 360 cannot do.
From my visual spec engine of view. I really doubt NBA2K7 will look better than the XBOX 360 version. The PS3 doesn't support 3Dc & it is limited to 256MB of main memory. Texture have to be shared with the Video memory.(Bump mapping less visible & cloth ripple will be less clear)


MrDeap, Hardware has very little to do with developer talent.

Unifined shaders do not offer a performance gain. They havent helped visually either. Lasty that "Ruby" Demo ran smoothly on the X700 that it came with.

So far No 360 game uses the CPU for any graphics.

Jedi. I am guilty but I did not change the subject. I just said will EA beef up the graphics like Visual concepts did with NBA 2K7 for PS3. Mr Deap douts it without any facts. Link provided show how worng he is again.
That's funny, becuase all multi-platform games that have been played on PS3 and 360 all seem to have the PS3 version running smoother with more shader effects. But of course you won't accept that right? Since you obviously have no possibility of getting a PS3 to compare for yourself.

I told everyone this game would suck, and it does. Who's surprised? Not me.

You read that somewhere by someone impression.

No one is bashing except you. You're saying that the game "looks and runs worse" beacuse it was "designed to run on the PS3"...which is very much not the case. THe game was started as a multiplatform title from the start.

And I'm willing to bet it'll run a little smoother on the PS3...but that's just my opinion...either way, the game will suck on all platforms.

Ok betting... >_>

It's not even worth just have no clue...none.

I have no comment on that post & I don't know what you are talking about... >_>

Nothing you have ever said has ever come true. The only time it's ever been true is in your own eye's, but you've been wrong many...many...many times, and continue to put out untrue information. Your ego is just too large and you refuse to believe the evidence that's always been placed in front of you.
Ok, a comment about me... >_>

It's not true, because the 360 does not, I repeat, DOES NOT, have more memory than the PS3.

The 360 has SHARED memory, meaning that the GPU and CPU are constantly fighting to use memory (shared 512).

The PS3, however, has 256 that is PURELY dedicated to the GPU, and the other 256 is for the CPU, HOWEVER, it is shared, meaning the GPU can also use that memory.

BOTH consoles have 512 MB of total memory. NOT ture.

And Sega, 2K Sports, and Factor 5 (as well as people from EA, Konami, and Insomniac) all seem to think that the PS3 is the processor beast, it's just harder to work on.
Info is wrong... Though it is posted in previous post.

Unified shader technology does not offer large benifits, and can create bottlenecks with complex operations through the GPU. And the texture benifits are not that large, given that any game on the 360 with "great" textures only supports MAYBE 5 characters on screen at once.

That's not an acheivement, it's a shame, given that Gears of War runs at a horrible sub 30fps most of the time, with frequent hiccups.

But resistance is butter smooth with 40 people running around online.
wrong again... The benifit of the technology used on the 360 is near equal 1.5GB of main memory used in a PC games. Though you don't have a PC to test that out, but other people can comfirm you this.

The problem is unintelligent people making unfounded claims about things they know nothing about. Everything he's said is merely rumor and heresay.

The day he posts up some facts, then I'll believe him, but despite his claims, the fact remains that many 360 games are all running better on the PS3.

Full Auto
Fight Night
Virtua Tennis

And I'm willing to bet that:

Enchanted Arms
Assasins Creed

will all run better on PS3, sporting better frame rates and longer draw distances.
Virtua Tennis is an arcade port of the lindbergh, pentium 4 with 6800.

Fight Night had longer development time.

You are right about those games might run better on PS3, though, Some 360 games will look twice or four times better than those games that have been comfirmed to run better on PS3.

^^^ I can promise that the 360 AI will not be any better. In fact, I can bet you won't even notice a difference.

But I can promise that the frame rate will be better.

Let's just wait for silmultaneous releases on both consoles, and then compare. I already know what the facts are.

Mr Deap - I'm done with you man, trying to throw any facts your way is like trying to hammer a wooden nail into a steel just isn't possible. You believe what you want, just always know it's not anyone but you.

And for the record, how about we add:

True HDMI output
Standard HDD support
Out of the Box High Def movie playback
Web Browsing

To the list of things that the 360 cannot do.

You almost didn't throw any fact in the whole thread... :odd:
Mr Deap you continue to aggrevate people in both the PS3 and XB360 forums, why? Don't you get it, people don't want to listen to your bull over and over. The ammount of times you insist on posting unproven information and your opinion as fact is phenominal, and most of the time it is'nt needed information that's related to the discussion at hand, all you ever seem to do is try to stir things up. It should come as no suprise to either of you to know that this has been reported. Neither of you are contributing much to the thread.
Ok...Here what we should do, ignore Mr.Deap.

Mr Deap calls his 360 "My Precious" just like the little monster in "Lord of the Ring- The two tower". and if you guy watched that movie, you'll know that no matter what happen, that little monster still can't get off the idea of stealing the Ring out of his mind. Just like Mr. Deap, no matter what we say, he'll still going around praising his "Precious" with his nonsense. There's no medicine that can cure Mr. Deap, telling him facts is just like what people from my home country back in Asia say: "Sing for a buffalo":guilty:
Ok...Here what we should do, ignore Mr.Deap.

Mr Deap calls his 360 "My Precious" just like the little monster in "Lord of the Right- The two tower". and if you guy watched that movie, you'll know that no matter what happen, that little monster still can't get off the idea of stealing the Ring out of his mind. Just like Mr. Deap, no matter what we say, he'll still going around praising his "Precious" with his nonsense. There's no medicine that can cure Mr. Deap, telling him facts is just like what people from my home country back in Asia say: "Sing for a buffalo":guilty:

Oh ya my Precious. :lol:

I got the Ring! :sly:
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