Glad you are enjoying your 1280x720 display, but I'd suggest that you have your vision checked out, or at least stop the rhetoric and exageration over your claims that 1920x1080 only offers an extra bit of detail, and that one would be very hard pressed to notice a whole lot of difference between it and 1280x720.
If you have anything more to say to me, send it via PM and I will do the same.
I'll say it, then. It's not rhetoric. A 1080p signal on a 720p display will show very little, if any, discernable difference from a 720p signal.
Only on a 1080p TV will the difference between 1080 and 720 be apparent.
If you want us to believe otherwise, prove it. I don't think you're going to get two people who have worked extensively with raw video and film to side with you against our own experience. I've seen the differences between all the various resolutions and formats, in ways you've probably never heard of, differences you probably couldn't even wrap your head around.