There is a Grand River runs through here in Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario. So there is a Grand Valley. And once a web search seemed to suggest there was a Grand Valley Speedway or Raceway dirt oval around here somewhere....When you are guaranteed an all expenses paid trip to anywhere in the world and you are devastated to hear that Grand Valley Speedway doesn't exist.
...when you fell like asking KY if you're given the chance, "If you were to situate the fictioius tracks Like Grand Valley Mid-Field et. al. in the real world, which cities would you have them near?"There is a Grand River runs through here in Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario. So there is a Grand Valley. And once a web search seemed to suggest there was a Grand Valley Speedway or Raceway dirt oval around here somewhere....When you are guaranteed an all expenses paid trip to anywhere in the world and you are devastated to hear that Grand Valley Speedway doesn't exist.
There is now a Grand River Raceway horse track near Elora (up Orangeville way).
Could be that that I found a few years ago.
Suggests there used to be a Grand Valley Car Club, but that page hasn't been updated since early 2007, and the link seems dead and searching for GVCC doesn't return much more about it.
Grand Valley would be great in a country that has that sort of scenery, so maybe France or Germany. Austria and Italy could be candidates too....when you fell like asking KY if you're given the chance, "If you were to situate the fictioius tracks Like Grand Valley Mid-Field et. al. in the real world, which cities would you have them near?"
When you attept to drift with a shopping cart.(and fail)
Actually, IKEA shopping carts are amazing for drifting. This is because all four tires swivel so you can technically push the cart sideways with the same resistance as when pushing from the back.
...on slippery floors.I dunno man. I may sound like a no life but I've been driftin' carts since I was 9.
When you pretend your at the Las vegas strip racing but your running down the hallway making car and turbo noises.
Done, and I even had my hands in position like I was holding a steering wheel. Kicked the tail out when making the sharp turn entering the kitchen in second gear .
Yikes...that sounded fails.
When you think real car's are cheap because you have 50 Million credits on GT.
When you say goodnight to your PS2 before you go to sleep.
Haha, I know your feelings. But it's very hard to earn 50 million in real life
When I was young I'd run in the kitchen with my sock's and slide making car noises, pretending to steer and drift around. To be honest I still do.
When you take GT4 to bed with you because you can't spend 9 hours with it out of your sight!