Your 1st Kiss...

  • Thread starter MoLiEG
Rather bothersome when your co-workers are trying to get you to go out with this new girl at the job. Well...I do quite like her. Only thing is, I'm leaving my job this weekend, so I may take a chance. At the same time, what's the point when I'm leaving the country for about a month and will be going to college by fall. :guilty: Lacking the confidence to ask her... :ouch: Glad I'm not in the boat of missing out on female classmates :P, besides most of the decent ones at my school are taken. :crazy:
To all those still looking and asking out girls, keep trying, I got turned down god knows how many times, but you will find the right girl eventually. Don't hesitate to ask them out either, if you like them, give it a shot, the worst that can happen is that they turn you down and you find someone else, but if you don't ask at all, then there's no chance of you going out with them.

All the best :)
So is it illegal for a girl to ask a guy out? Or is that just how it seems from my perspective? :confused:
So is it illegal for a girl to ask a guy out? Or is that just how it seems from my perspective? :confused:
Depends on the girl. A lot won't do it because they because it's considered a "guy's job" to do so. Or, in my girl's case, she was going to except she didn't want to insult my masculinity. :lol:
Depends on the girl. A lot won't do it because they because it's considered a "guy's job" to do so. Or, in my girl's case, she was going to except she didn't want to insult my masculinity. :lol:

In the case of every single heterosexual couple that I know it was the female who asked the male out. Is this unusual?
In the case of every single heterosexual couple that I know it was the female who asked the male out. Is this unusual?

I don't find this too unusual because it's the female that asks the male sometimes. But to most people, it is more common for the male to ask out the female.
it usually is the guy's job to ask the girl out, but the girl can hint, heavily if needs be, and the guy is meant to pick up on those...

Sometimes it's really hard to pick up on those signs.
I will give you a lifetime of internet cookies if you can find one member of the male species who can constantly pick up on those signs. :lol:

ie. It's flipping difficult.

Errr.. the last time I checked it's actually bad to have cookies on your internet browser. I would rather eat a cookie in real life :crazy: .
Six, and what's that got to do with your first kiss?

I'm not stupid enough yet to mis-spell 'six', I did that one purpose ;p

I'm just continuing the series of 73%-funny puns.

My first kiss... That's still to come, no change there. But my pal's throwing a birthday party in a week, so maybe... :sly:
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