The thing is it didn't really bother me until Oct/Nov last year when I got really close to someone, but then my shyness and a couple of other complications stopped anything from happening..
Being somewhat analytical in nature (read 'nosey') I have had my share of deep discussion with the female of our species, and they almost always tell me that the most attractive thing about a man is 'confidence'. We are not talking arrogance, or aggressiveness, but confidence in its purest form - basically 'cool, calm, and without fear.'
Examine yourself for what makes you confident; develop those traits and walk the walk, talk the talk, like you
know it.
Because if you are truly confident, you
must do.
A sense of humour took the second slot.
Usually with some display of affection. Unless it's a kiss of betrayal.
Seriously though, when you start to get to that affectionate stage, and it's the right time and place, kiss her first on the cheek or neck . . . and keep doing it, and you will soon find a wandering pair of lips in the locality.
Good luck.
If you have to think while you are doing it, you are not truly kissing.