Your 1st Kiss...

  • Thread starter MoLiEG
^ This thread is definitely taking the way it shouldn't.

'I did that one purpose' where the hell did the 'ON' go...
thesrdic - no hurry. Remember - not long ago, life expectancy was 30 - 40 years; you would be a middle-aged man in that society. Obviously a middle-aged male who hasn't indulged in some form of mating ritual must be a failure.
However - life expectancy today is much longer; one is looked at as middle-aged at around 40, and expects to live to at least 80. You'll have smooched, or been smooched before that. The 40 Year old virgin must be a myth - I haven't personally met a middle-aged person who hasn't partaken in some form of amorous lip-locking unless they had taken some vow of chastity. So rushing it only muddies your memories of what could ultimately be the kiss you'll remember. Be patient - and when a suitable set of circumstances evolves with the right person before you, watch for her touching her hair, glancing at your mouth, or making leaning movements towards you. She's ready to test your pheromones, then, yes, and taste them, too. Don't grab. Let her think she's making the moves. Be gentle. Enjoy. 👍

Patrick - Study up on KINESICS - a.k.a. 'Body Language'. May help you be a better sleuth. ;)

The thing is it didn't really bother me until Oct/Nov last year when I got really close to someone, but then my shyness and a couple of other complications stopped anything from happening..
I wouldve had my first kiss yesterday, but wasn't really ready. (breath, face wasn't shaved ect.)

This girl is crazy about me, and I really like her. But were not dating. But I can't tell weather to kiss her or not now..
I was around... 7-8 I think, can't remember. The girl was named Anja and my best friend at the time. It was just a quick kiss between kids, didn't mean anything. My First real kiss I was 17, and it was with a girl from my class. It was my first, second, third, forth and so forth. It lasted all night pretty much. My whole mouth was sore the next day :)

On a related note. A short time after I got my first kiss me and a friend were at a party. He got himself all worked up about not having kissed a girl before, and now I had, and it was all unfair. So he decided he would get a kiss if it killed him. So after a couple of unsuccessful attemps with different girls, he grabes a random girl at the party and kisses her! That was also the first time he got slapped across the face by an angry girl... not the last time I might add :D

It was a good 15 minutes before i stopped laughing. Good times good times...
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Hahaha, memories, sweet memories... Will never forget, still remember her full name. Although it`s dated back veeeery long.

Spin the bottle - truth or dare.
Choice: "Dare" it was.
Duty: "Kiss a girl/boy it was."

Aged 12 or something. It wasn`t a nightmare (although she tried to start a light french kiss, that cheeky thing :lol:) so I still like kissing (and stuff)...
1st real kiss that I remember? Umm.. 10 years ago, when I was 19. It was.. Unexpected. :odd:
I wouldve had my first kiss yesterday, but wasn't really ready. (breath, face wasn't shaved ect.)

This girl is crazy about me, and I really like her. But were not dating. But I can't tell weather to kiss her or not now..

How should I pull a first kiss off?
How do I kiss?
So that'd be a yes.

Man up. Don't be ashamed of the fact that you want to kiss her, it's a compliment.

It's not me deciding weather to kiss her or not according to her, me myself have not had not had my first kiss yet. I don't even know how to kiss, & thanks. :)
The thing is it didn't really bother me until Oct/Nov last year when I got really close to someone, but then my shyness and a couple of other complications stopped anything from happening..

Being somewhat analytical in nature (read 'nosey') I have had my share of deep discussion with the female of our species, and they almost always tell me that the most attractive thing about a man is 'confidence'. We are not talking arrogance, or aggressiveness, but confidence in its purest form - basically 'cool, calm, and without fear.'
Examine yourself for what makes you confident; develop those traits and walk the walk, talk the talk, like you know it.
Because if you are truly confident, you must do.
A sense of humour took the second slot.

How do I kiss?

Usually with some display of affection. Unless it's a kiss of betrayal.

Seriously though, when you start to get to that affectionate stage, and it's the right time and place, kiss her first on the cheek or neck . . . and keep doing it, and you will soon find a wandering pair of lips in the locality.
Good luck.
If you have to think while you are doing it, you are not truly kissing. ;)
11 years old under a tree next to a 5 a side court, I'd just moved to a new school but luckily my cousin already went there.

We were the same age so I just tagged on with him and his friends, he also had girl friends and luckily one of them liked me so when we all hung out we decided to play truth or dare and the rest is history :) we went out for a couple of months (if you can call 10-11 year olds going out with each other) but when moved to secondary school we both just hung out with our new class mates.

Good times tho XD
You guy's arn't getting the fact, that I have no idea how. Like I can lean in and kiss yeah. But how do I keep the kiss on going & making her want more & that stuff. & what's this I hear about Tounge Kissing?
You guy's arn't getting the fact, that I have no idea how. Like I can lean in and kiss yeah. But how do I keep the kiss on going & making her want more & that stuff. & what's this I hear about Tounge Kissing?

Dude... you're not getting it. Nobody can teach you how to kiss by talking you through it. Just go for it, do it badly, and you'll eventually figure it out. Try not to get her with your teeth though, that's best reserved for those of us who are more advanced.
You guy's arn't getting the fact, that I have no idea how. Like I can lean in and kiss yeah. But how do I keep the kiss on going & making her want more & that stuff. & what's this I hear about Tounge Kissing?

I haven't had a kiss but I would guess gently stroking her hair and face to get her excited and keep it going.