I'm at 2.12, and I've been around there for a while now.
I don't understand how some of you people can have such ridiculously high post per day averages.
"under 1 You dont get much time on GTP"
I actually spend plenty of time visiting this site, but I'd rather listen and learn. Lets see now....Member since 09/15/2001 and this apparently makes a grand total of 272 posts in 2247 days. With this post, my Average Posts per Day should increase from 0.120605 PPD to a much more respectable 0.121050 PPD.
What's more important;
* being a long time member with only a few posts?
* being a new member with a lot of posts?
Currently I am at 10.09 posts per day, even though I'm kinda new here, only about a week, I'm sure it will decline a little in time.
now 3.85. Yep, slowy dying.3.95
My posting has really slowed down since summer when I joined. Oh well, I rarely have anything important to say, anyway.
Originally Posted by ceiling_fan on Oct. 10 2005
I believe I'm at 1.87 PPD. Seems like I post more than that though.
I'm at 2.22 now. My average for the last month is probably 6 or 7 though...
I remember you!
get yourself to a lan kikie.
That will increase your ppd.
look at ceiling fan's