Ok, this is bizarre,i got a used car off the wheel today,one of my cars from my garage,lol,i'll explain.
This is the car,i haven't changed anything on it(today) ,it came from the wheel like this.
View attachment 1109570
Problem is ,it has no decals,no race number,and has yellow headlight covers.
This is the original look.
View attachment 1109571
About a year ago i started changing all the headlight tint on all my dupe gr3 cars and some gr4 cars i got from white to yellow ,and then painting cars yellow- body/hood, black- mirrors/rear wing and "other". 24 gr3 cars and 10 gr4's so far.Here's some.
View attachment 1109572
These are the settings from the wheel car today
View attachment 1109573
Definitely not the original settings,and it looks like something i do,ss tires,min weight,lol
The name of the livery is listed as yellow, which is what i named these cars ,and yellow gr3/ yellow gr4.
This car was yellow/black, how it got on the wheel ,orange without decals and number is strange.