Your Moderator Application Form

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Moderator Application Form (Office use only)



First Name: Dean

Username: "Dean J"

Post Count: 1286.

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year?

If you are over 17 years of age, have you passed your driving test?
I'm only 16.

If yes, where, when and with what driving school?

Have you been previously banned or recieved a (major/minor) infraction?

If yes, please elaborate:
I can't.

Current Browsing routine:
Latest posts. The rest varies.

What date are you available to start work?

Previous GT/Racing Experience:
GT3, Formula 1 2004, NFS Undercover (PS2 and PS3), some various games I've rented, GT5 and karting in "real life".

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, WRS, Training, Trophies:
I'm in the WRS.

When did you join GTP?
Saturday, February 11th 2012, at around 7.30 pm GMT.

Hot Topics created/posts:
None created.

Locked Threads:
Only some, I locked myself.

References (Current Friends):
Around 30, I think.

User Name/ Post Count: "Dean J"/1286

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: D. J.

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 2013 (20/02/13)

Additional Information: (Why do you feel like you would be a good applicant to receive the position of Moderator?):
I like this community...

(Bonus question which may improve your chances: Do you appreciate the legend...wait for...dary Moderators? (anyone in particular? *cough*TB*cough* )
Yes, they're doing a great job 👍!
Moderator Application Form (Office use only)



First Name: Rigg

Username: FireEmblem10

Post Count: 945.

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year?
Yes, sir.

If you are over 17 years of age, have you passed your driving test?
I only have a permit for the time being.

If yes, where, when and with what driving school?
- Not Applicable

Have you been previously banned or recieved a (major/minor) infraction?

If yes, please elaborate:
Not Applicable

Current Browsing routine:
-GT5 Race Reports
-Automotive News
-Sports Forum
-The Rumble Strip

What date are you available to start work?

Previous GT/Racing Experience:
GT1-GT5, original NFS - ProStreet, Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero - TXR Drift 2, all the Mario Kart games, too many others to remember properly. And minor karting experience, along with driving a Del Sol Si.

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, WRS, Training, Trophies:
-All license tests golded in all GT games but GT5, 2nd highest score all time on the downhill CA run on Omote Rokko in a Citroen Xsara F2 Kit Car (TXRD2), I am a clean driver to a fault.

When did you join GTP?
July 14th, 2010

Hot Topics created/posts:
Only the fanfics I write, which can be found in my signature.

Locked Threads:

References (Current Friends):
8 - WTFnews, DK, machate-man, lbpomg95, Skython, ZR1fan, Korza, Rykon Zero

User Name/ Post Count: "FireEmblem10"/ 945

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: FireEmblem10

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 2013 (20/02/13)

Additional Information: (Why do you feel like you would be a good applicant to receive the position of Moderator?):
I really don't, but I'm just playing this simple game because I really do have nothing better to do on this Wednesday.

(Bonus question which may improve your chances: Do you appreciate the legendary Moderators? (anyone in particular?)

Jordan and Famine, for making this site a good place to be on. And, all the other moderators who are leading this forum.


First Name:Luke

Username: lbsf1 (begins with L not i)
Post Count: 3,311

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year? Sure have

If you are over 17 years of age, have you passed your driving test? Aged 17 and currently taking driving lessons, so should pass my test in a couple of months

If yes, where, when and with what driving school? Mark from Passmark Farnborough

Have you been previously banned or recieved a (major/minor) infraction? Sure have, all for various stupid grammar or copyright things when I was much younger and stupider

If yes, please elaborate: I used to put grammar 4th or 5th in priorities when typing, after things like thinking about lunch. I also talked about piracy once hence the other infraction

Current Browsing routine: Most of the weekend I have gtplanet open, however during the week its a quick check in the morning then most of the evening either on gtp or with it open in a tab.

What date are you available to start work? Soon as you want me ;)

Previous GT/Racing Experience: Did the WRS a while back, also ran in the f1210 championship for a while, along with running a premium only championship for a while (raced lots of mods in doing that.)

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, WRS, Training, Trophies: Skills, whilst I'm not hugely fast at gran turismo, I would call myself competent. I have managed to gold 2 out of the 3 vettel challenges without cheating.

When did you join GTP? July 11th 2009

Hot Topics created/posts: Joint creator of the GTPSP TAC, created the Karting Thread and also this beauty last year about a possible house party whilst I wasn't in,

Locked Threads: Far too many to list from my old days

References (Current Friends): Well I would hope that Nitrorocks would ;)

UserName/ Post Count: lbsf1/3,311

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Date: 20/02/2013

Additional Information: (Why do you feel like you would be a good applicant to receive the position of Moderator?): Well apart from the fact that I'm pretty awesome overall I think that my length of time on the forum and how I have showed that I have matured over my time here.

(Bonus question which may improve your chances: Do you appreciate the legend...wait for...dary Moderators? Well famine is pretty awesome, over 40k posts, and has his own entry on urban dictionary.

In all seriousness though, if you want me to become a mod I would more than be up for it.

Moderator Application Form (Office use only)



First Name: Nicholas (But you may call me Nick)

Username: race'emhard

Post Count: 2610

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year?


If you are over 17 years of age, have you passed your driving test?


If yes, where, when and with what driving school?

Sophomore year in Driver's Ed.

Have you been previously banned or received a (major/minor) infraction?


If yes, please elaborate:

Being stupid, the only one I got too.

Current Browsing routine:

Just looking around wherever, and the pony thread.

What date are you available to start work?


Previous GT/Racing Experience:

Since GT1

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, WRS, Training, Trophies:

Being a 16 year veteran of the series, you tend to know what your doing and can pass license tests with relative ease.

When did you join GTP?

April 9th 2009

Hot Topics created/posts:

Um... I guess the Red Bull RB9 launch thread, I guess.

Locked Threads:

I've had a few of those...

References (Current Friends): FYI, fhe majority of them are bronies.

UserName/ Post Count: race'emhard/2,610

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: race'emhard

Date: 2/20/13

Additional Information: (Why do you feel like you would be a good applicant to receive the position of Moderator?):

The GT5 sub-forum can use all the mods it can get.

(Bonus question which may improve your chances: Do you appreciate the legend...wait for...dary Moderators? (anyone in particular? *cough*TB*cough* :D)
They are all appreciated.
Moderator Application Form (Office use only)



First Name: TB

Username: TB

Post Count: 16,362

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year? Yes

If you are over 17 years of age, have you passed your driving test? Physically or mentally?

If yes, where, when and with what driving school? See above.

Have you been previously banned or recieved a (major/minor) infraction? A gentleman never tells. But I'm no gentleman. No.

Current Browsing routine: Log in, random browse-by banning, inane babbling, semi-coherent post, thread closure, log out.

What date are you available to start work? November 21, 2010.

Previous GT/Racing Experience: First GTP Star in a Reasonably Priced car.

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, WRS, Training, Trophies: Able to ban spam bots in a click, a drop down, and a few more clicks.

When did you join GTP? August 5, 2004.

Hot Topics created/posts: The one I started about you. Sadly you'll never see it.

Locked Threads: I've locked many, many threads.

References (Current Friends): I have no friends.

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: TB

Date: February 20, 2013.

Additional Information: (Why do you feel like you would be a good applicant to receive the position of Moderator?): Because I know how to.

(Bonus question which may improve your chances: Do you appreciate the legend...wait for...dary Moderators? (anyone in particular? *cough*TB*cough* :D)
Anyone but TB. That guy's a douche.
Moderator Application Form (Office use only)



First Name: Sean

Username: Shem / W3HS

Post Count: 12 something around 800

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year?

Sure have.

If you are over 17 years of age, have you passed your driving test?

Well over 17 but I haven't passed my driving test. Why does that matter? I'm a cyclist!

If yes, where, when and with what driving school?


Have you been previously banned or recieved a (major/minor) infraction?

No banning but I did receive a PM from Mike Rotch about a useless post I made once. No infraction points, though.

If yes, please elaborate:

I posted in the Create a Nation thread. the whole post, thought time consuming to produce, was a mockery of their game.

Current Browsing routine:

Almost every morning I check My GTPlanet and read / post in those subscribed threads before reading through the Infield / Rumble Strip until I'm up to date (doesn't take long) and then I read the news page. I stay logged in for most of the day, or at least all the while I'm at a computer which is the majority of the day.

What date are you available to start work?

Work? Nobody told me I was applying for work! I thought this was for free internet cookies! What the......

Previous GT/Racing Experience:

All games played, cumulative total of 6,539,948 years spent playing GT titles (and TT), 12 minutes of Forza and 1 hour of Need For Speed.

Oh, and I race tuk-tuks on my bicycle. Does that count?

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, WRS, Training, Trophies:

I think I've destroyed the nerve endings in my thumb from playing GT3 back in the day. I've also got a few old football (soccer) trophies from when I was a kid, but I guess that's irrelevant.

When did you join GTP?

I think it was in Dec of 2010 after I was looking for GT5 tips.

Hot Topics created/posts:

Plenty of stuff which was of no consequence.

Locked Threads:

Several of my own GT5 B-Spec championships after they were finished.

References (Current Friends):

My cat can vouch for me, he knows me pretty well. I'm not sure I have any friends...more like a whole group of acquaintances.

UserName/ Post Count:

See above. I'm too lazy to type it twice. Wait....this took much more effort than typing my name and post count......

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: Shem

Date: 21/2/2013

Additional Information: (Why do you feel like you would be a good applicant to receive the position of Moderator?):

I just spent the whole morning on GTP when I should have been doing some work. I'll let you decide why I'm a good applicant!

(Bonus question which may improve your chances: Do you appreciate the legend...wait for...dary Moderators? (anyone in particular? *cough*TB*cough* )

Yeah, those guys rock. If I had to pick a favourite, I'd say Small_Fryz is my favourite mod.

EDIT: After posting this I went back and read the rest of the applications and for some reason Danny and I have very similar answers to some questions. :odd: Danny, are you reading my mind again?
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If this were a vote!

1)Daniel..Because his post was indeed awesome
2) Small_Fryz....Do I really need to explain why?
3) W3HS........Most awesome first name ever(bonus points for proper spelling)
If this were a vote!

3) W3HS........Most awesome first name ever(bonus points for proper spelling)

:D Cheers! I actually forgot the fodder and it should be Seán but I can't type it on my keyboard, I have to copy and paste it which is a pain in the bum.

EDIT: I don't have any infractions, it was just a warning about being a wally. Things were slow that day and I was in a mischievous mood so decided to entertain myself which resulted in promptly being told not to be a wally again.
So TB. You want to apply for a job you already have.
When did that happen?!? I only remember Duke saying something about donuts. I never turn down donuts. Especially jellies.
Try living in China with that name! A usual first meeting:

"Mr....Seen? Sorn? Shaon?..."

"Just call me Shem." :rolleyes:
Moderator Application Form (Office use only)



First Name: Andrew

Username: doodlemonoply

Post Count: 886

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year? Yes.

If you are over 17 years of age, have you passed your driving test? I'm 16. Not quite there yet.

If yes, where, when and with what driving school? Did I not just say I'm 16?!?

Have you been previously banned or recieved a (major/minor) infraction? No. I'm a good boy.

If yes, please elaborate: I said no.

Current Browsing routine: GTPlanet. I don't like to visit other websites. That's like leaving my house.

What date are you available to start work? Yesterday.

Previous GT/Racing Experience: GT3, GT4, GT5, FM3, Midnight Club 3, Midnight Club L.A, Real go karting.

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, WRS, Training, Trophies: I can drive fast.

When did you join GTP? November 8, 2011

Hot Topics created/posts: None.

Locked Threads: None.

References (Current Friends): Check the profile.

UserName/ Post Count: doodlemonoply/886

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: doodlemonoply

Date: 2/20/13

Additional Information: (Why do you feel like you would be a good applicant to receive the position of Moderator?): Because I'm awesome.

(Bonus question which may improve your chances: Do you appreciate the legend...wait for...dary Moderators? (anyone in particular? *cough*TB*cough* ) I love all the mods :D
I can't count the amount of times I've been called 'John' because somebody misheard me.

I even got called Stuart once by a lady from the BBC who interviewed me for TV during my school years, despite the fact my head teacher corrected every time she said Stuart. :rolleyes:
Moderator Application Form (Office use only)



First Name: Not Pupik

Username: Pupik

Post Count: 8000

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year? Yup.

If you are over 17 years of age, have you passed your driving test? Yes.

If yes, where, when and with what driving school? Parking lot of an old K-Mart

Have you been previously banned or recieved a (major/minor) infraction? Never, although an administrator didn't like my signature once.

If yes, please elaborate: Screw the BS war.

Current Browsing routine: I've posted from the beach, grocery stores, at a stoplight, a hospital, thirty different states, at 35,000 feet in the air, and at all hours of day or night.

What date are you available to start work? Almost five years ago.

Previous GT/Racing Experience: GT though GT4. Cutting everyone off at the old Lantana toll plaza on the Florida's Turnpike is the closest thing to actual racing I can mention. Fifteen toll booths, rush hour, effective standing starts, but only one maniac driver with correct change.

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, WRS, Training, Trophies: I can stand alongside of a mountain, and chop it down with the side of my hand.

When did you join GTP? December 2001.

Hot Topics created/posts:
My first GTP semi-unofficial policy decision.
Here's a random one about GT3.
No replies, just the way I wanted it.
Kraftwerk doesn't run on diesel.
Zunguri Cars (apparently gone) - accidentally sparked change in several dozen GTP avatars by researching the chassis history of AGS' F1 outfit.

Locked Threads: One, Two.

References (Current Friends): I've met three GTP members, and they all lived to tell the tale. Married with two kids. Wife knew about the Gran Turismo/GTPlanet habit before marriage. Thought about putting it into the vows, but she was addicted to Grand Theft Auto at the time.

UserName/ Post Count: Pupik / c:12800

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: ▆▊▃▀▆█▌▆▉▃▀█

Date: April 7th, 2008

Additional Information:

Once named FormulaNone for a few months. We got divorced, and I but kept the website and went back to my former name.

Self-professed roadgeek. Into other dumb crap, as well.

Have posted photos of goats, because...goats.

This is the first time I've tried the color and font thing that some of you like. Meh.
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Moderator Application Form (Office use only)



First Name: Brennan

Username: Driving Park

Post Count: Not over 9000.

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year? Da.

If you are over 17 years of age, have you passed your driving test? Ja.

If yes, where, when and with what driving school? I have it recorded in my handy dandy notebook. Ultrajanuary 58th, 3461, at precisely 5:31:26.89629384579 and a half seconds. The driving school was Skip Barber.*

*not really

Have you been previously banned or recieved a (major/minor) infraction? I got an infraction once.

If yes, please elaborate: I had not yet learned how to Internet.

Current Browsing routine: User Control Panel. Subscribed threads. The Rumble Strip. Gran Turismo 6. And occasionally Cars in General.

What date are you available to start work? The second date.

Previous GT/Racing Experience: GT1, GT3, GT4, GTPSP, GT5 for about 32 seconds* before I got annoyed and didn't buy it.

*slight exaggeration

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, WRS, Training, Trophies: 0 all-time license golds...but lots of silvers and a nice, pristine iA license sitting on my virtual desk.

When did you join GTP? June 2nd, 2007. I did not* just look at my profile to figure out that date.


Hot Topics created/posts: I have never opened a Hot Topic store.

Locked Threads: Yes, I do have hair.

References (Current Friends): This space intentionally left blank

UserName/ Post Count: Oh dear, I seem to have forgotten my username and post count in the space of the two minutes it's taken to type this post. Maybe that's why it's listed again.

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: I thought that's what the dotted line was for...?

Date: Yes, I do have a girlfriend.

Additional Information: (Why do you feel like you would be a good applicant to receive the position of Moderator?): 5.

(Bonus question which may improve your chances: Do you appreciate the legend...wait for...dary Moderators? (anyone in particular? *cough*TB*cough* ) *ahem* GOOD MORNING GENTLEMEN! ...but I digress.

No but seriously, the mods on this site are awesome.
First name:
Post count:
see profile

Do you want to become a moderator?
Asolutely not! Too much responsibilty and work. :)
Do you think you have a chance to become a moderator?
No! Never.

Case closed, moving on.

Moderator Application Form (Office use only)



First Name: Alex

Username: Furinkazen

Post Count: 20,060

Location. Blackburn, United Kingdom.

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year?

Try two.

Have you been previously banned or received a (major/minor) infraction or a warning?


If yes, please elaborate:

Got carried away on a trolls topic couple years back, posting this got me 5 infraction points. Other than that, all good.

Current Browsing routine:

Racing Series, Gran Turismo 5, Motorsport, & The Infield.

What date are you available to start work?

Immediately (quicker if a get pay cheque through :P)

When did you join GTP?

November 22nd 2010

Hot Topics created:

Locked Threads:

Other threads locked by myself.

References (Current Friends): Carbonox, GTP's quickest Penguin.

UserName/ Post Count: Furinkazen 20,060

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: AC

Date: 21/02/2013

Additional Information: (Why do you feel like you would be a good applicant to receive the position of Moderator?):*

Because this is a great forum which gets spoilt by people acting like idiots and going around with bad attitudes starting arguments.

Are you premium? Yes.

I look forward to your response.

Moderator Application Form (Office use only)



First Name: Avi

Username: Blitz24

Post Count: About 4,879 as of the posting of this message.

Have you been a member of GTPlanet for at least 1 year? Yes.

If you are over 17 years of age, have you passed your driving test? Yes.

If yes, where, when and with what driving school? I believe it was October 28th, 2005 in Lodi, New Jersey with my local town driving school.

Have you been previously banned or recieved a (major/minor) infraction? I don't know what "recieved" means. Must be some other language. I have never received an infraction though.

If yes, please elaborate: Which part am I elaborating now? Is this about my driving test again? I don't know how to elaborate never receiving any warnings or infractions other than I've apparently been a good poster. I must hang on walls quite well.

Current Browsing routine: Not buying it. Usually its Rumble Strip, Sports, Infield, Motorsports, Consoles then Gran Turismo 5 section if I have time.

What date are you available to start work? The day after yesterday and the day before tomorrow.

Previous GT/Racing Experience: I have never been inside an actual race car. Sorry. If you mean video games though then its about 1,200 hours of GT5, *insert random ridiculous estimation of hours* for other games like GT4, GT3, GT2, most early NFS games, NASCAR games (which may disqualify me depending on if I am also required to turn right), and a couple of F1 games.

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, WRS, Training, Trophies: Word, Excel, Minesweeper, On/Off Repair Method..... Oh oops, wrong qualifications.

When did you join GTP? August 2nd, 2010.

Hot Topics created/posts:

Locked Threads:

References (Current Friends): They might get mad at me if I say their names so I will just say they happen to be very important people in my life who should remain nameless. 31 on this site, over 440 on another social website.

UserName/ Post Count: Blitz24/4,879

I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for receiving an infraction.

Signature: Jerry Seinfeld: "There's a drive to left field and its going to find the glove of... I don't know the names of these guys. Why is Detroit here?"
Good traders: KaiLee, Darkmiss, Soniae74.

I mean I've posted it 4,879 times by now, I would hope I've been here long enough for people to see it.

Date: 2/21/13

Additional Information: (Why do you feel like you would be a good applicant to receive the position of Moderator?): I assume I'd be useful in some way, as in the way that people would have to do less work. Or if people don't like me, they will somehow have to do more work and I will be on vacation in some exotic land because that's the only conceivable reason why people are so eager to be banned.

(Bonus question which may improve your chances: Do you appreciate the legend...wait for...dary Moderators? (anyone in particular? *cough*TB*cough* ): Who doesn't like TB? Tampa Bay is awesome, North Dakota is.... well it is, Tuberculosis though is horrible.