Maybe just maybe it is a standard car with drivers view... "this is a guess"
We all know that standards don't have detailed interiors etc. But what if they have a psp style (upgraded)...
For example:
1967 Stingray interior
For some various (corvette interiors )see 3 posts down
This Although off screen etc, but stick with it...
^^^ This is a picture from the vid, a screengrab with no alteration
^^^ I upped the contrast and the brightness, and sharpened it up a touch. notice that the wheel, and 2 dials and the top of the dash are present. But if you look closely nothing else is shown on the actual view of the interior of the car. As far as I can tell the wheel and dails are correct but everything else is missing....
Now I know its not the best quality etc. But the wheel is correct as far as I can tell from the vid and the picture.
But I thought I'd try to see If anything else shows up if I tried to find edges after I adjusted brightness and contrast.
From what I can tell from that Image is that the wheel, with the 2 dials and the part of the dash that stretches across the bottom of the windscreen are there. Imagine looking at this car from the tinted windows on the outside... you could see these possibly. But because standards have tinted windows on the outside, maybe we still have a view out of them...
And if you look closely at the centre console (just above where the gear stick is expected) .. its partially modelled, but I can't see that from the video or the original screengrab due to it being shaded out. But it makes sense to have something that looks modelled when the light hits it to trick the eye into thinking that something is there.
It could be possible that they have got this view for standards, but this is a guess. If it was premium why can't we see the rest of the dash, and the dials?
IMO this could be a standard view... Don't forget they said that head tracking is only available in Premiums... But what if thats because in standards the view is set like above, with the most basic features eg. 2 dials and a wheel... Thus meaning basic, not detailed correctly etc.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I'm right, and its only a quick look etc.. But what i would say is though. If it is the vette inside. Its been shown as standard...
Would PD also have a premium version?