Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
In general I agree with SniperSight in that too much time has been lost on details that most people will never see, but I strongly disagree that only supercars/sports cars should have been Premiums. It was never meant to be that way.

Oh, no.. I dont want just race cars and supercars as premiums at all. I'm all for standard cars having interiors, they all should. My point is that we should'nt be missing out on cars like the R8 LMP, S4, Polo Gti or ANY car in the game. Especially when theres 2 Fiat 500s that are premium.
I dont think there should be this seperation at all, maybe thats clearer about where Im coming from?
Oh, no.. I dont want just race cars and supercars as premiums at all. I'm all for standard cars having interiors, they all should. My point is that we should'nt be missing out on cars like the R8 LMP, S4, Polo Gti or ANY car in the game. Especially when theres 2 Fiat 500s that are premium.
I dont think there should be this seperation at all, maybe thats clearer about where Im coming from?

I agree with you. To some a Fiat 500 is maybe the Polo Gti to you, but The Fiat 500 is not for me and the only time I will drive it or the prius is when I have to do the one make race for it if there is one. I don't really want to go on Monza with a slug when I can drive a Ferrari or other make. There should be cockpits for all cars, because like most when I play GT5P with my driving rig if I switch to bumper cam it doesn't feel right and quickly switch back.
I have owned all GT's and raced with bumper cam in those games but since Prologue and acquiring a wheel Cockpit is all I use. I guess the only time I will drive a standard car is when I don't feel like dragging out my rig and setting it up. Oh well I just can't wait to get the game. Any and above all is imo. :)
Oh, no.. I dont want just race cars and supercars as premiums at all. I'm all for standard cars having interiors, they all should. My point is that we should'nt be missing out on cars like the R8 LMP, S4, Polo Gti or ANY car in the game. Especially when theres 2 Fiat 500s that are premium.
I dont think there should be this seperation at all, maybe thats clearer about where Im coming from?

i don't want to see your face when you'll find out that like 50 out of 200 of the premium cars will be skylines and 20 "look alike nascars".

This will be a huge disappointment when someone will find his favourite cars being standard.
I agree with you. To some a Fiat 500 is maybe the Polo Gti to you, but The Fiat 500 is not for me and the only time I will drive it or the prius is when I have to do the one make race for it if there is one. I don't really want to go on Monza with a slug when I can drive a Ferrari or other make. There should be cockpits for all cars, because like most when I play GT5P with my driving rig if I switch to bumper cam it doesn't feel right and quickly switch back.
I have owned all GT's and raced with bumper cam in those games but since Prologue and acquiring a wheel Cockpit is all I use. I guess the only time I will drive a standard car is when I don't feel like dragging out my rig and setting it up. Oh well I just can't wait to get the game. Any and above all is imo. :)

il will drive standard cars only when forced by the game, if i can i'll only use premium, 200 it's enough for me and i'm happy that there is a balance in the premium cars.. from capuccino to Enzo.

we should make a petition and ask at least for bonnet view instead of that stupid extra high roof view. Bonnet view would be a minor but good replecement for cockpit view and i don't think it's somithing that'll take huge extra time to be added.
Now that its confirmed that there are no cockpits however simple in standard mode it really does feel like the copied 80% of GT4 over. Yes we have all the crazy new features and the old car models have been updated somewhat but the reality only 20% of this game is new so as long as people realise that its fine. Atleast its better than GT3 with only a hundred or so cars, the first GT game on any new generation of console always has less cars and features anyway.

I always feel they could have lowered their sights slightly with the premium cars and give them slightly less detail so that some more cars could get the premium treatment.

I agree with you. To some a Fiat 500 is maybe the Polo Gti to you, but The Fiat 500 is not for me and the only time I will drive it or the prius is when I have to do the one make race for it if there is one. I don't really want to go on Monza with a slug when I can drive a Ferrari or other make. There should be cockpits for all cars, because like most when I play GT5P with my driving rig if I switch to bumper cam it doesn't feel right and quickly switch back.
Ok, so according to you PD should have two choices. Remove the standard cars from the game, or delay the game another 10 years in order to make all cars premium.

I always feel they could have lowered their sights slightly with the premium cars and give them slightly less detail so that some more cars could get the premium treatment.

But then the premium cars wouldn't be as awesome as they are now, would they?

What they could have done in my opinion, is to never have thought about the 800 last gen cars in the first place, and tell the media GT5 will have 150+ cars, so when it later turns out it is in fact over 200 cars we would be surprised instead of disapointed about the standard cars.
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What's with all the double-posting?

Anyway, the truth is, PD may have made a mistake in modeling the cars to such high detail levels. But, on the good side, they won't need to be re-done for GT6 - possibly beyond.

We can't change the past, so let's just look to the future and concentrate on what we will get, not what we shoulda coulda woulda got...
But then the premium cars wouldn't be as awesome as they are now, would they?

I know but when you racing with all the motion blur and stuff going on are you really going to see all the fine detail? All next gen games have cockpit view and all are perfectly reasonable without being anywhere near PD's complexity. PD sometimes over do it and other stuff which seems like the basics get overlooked, its not a technical exercise!

What they could have done in my opinion, is to never have thought about the 800 last gen cars in the first place, and tell the media GT5 will have 150+ cars, so when it later turns out it is in fact over 200 cars we would be surprised instead of disapointed about the standard cars.

Or they could have done premium slightly with slightly less detail, have 300 or so brand spanking new cars, say its on par with Forza on car count and call it a day!

Or they could have done premium slightly with slightly less detail, have 300 or so brand spanking new cars, say its on par with Forza on car count and call it a day!

I still prefer the über detailed cars. No, I won't see all the details while racing, but in replays and photomode I will, and I like watching the beauty through replays and photomode. Love racing as well of course, and it's why I've pre-ordered the CE after all.
Yeah, it's about time this discussion ends. Although most of us have known this since E3, some have been ignorant and hopeful for no reason.

So people are ignorant if they have a valid point or arguement? I think assumptions are ignorant. As a matter of fact, the definition of ignorant is, unlearned, not knowing the fact, etc..., so I guess we were all ignorant. Face it, people did not know 100% until Kaz himself said it. I was one that had valid points and arguements, but I was of course wrong, but I am a bigger man, and I admit I was wrong. Had we received cockpits for standard cars, I would not have called the ones that said we wouldn't, ignorant. I might gloat about it, but I would not try to degrade them.

Jesus ******* Christ. This will never stop, will it? :indiff:

As a Christian, I find it very offensive to use Jesus' name in vain, so please don't do it again, or other actions will be implemented.
Standard cars do not have cockpit view is really sad news :( To be honest I do not have any doubts on standard cars but cockpit was important for me. I would take cockpit views for anything even Course maker. But I guess everyone will get over it.

Godzilla shoes, yo! :lol:





And to watch it in all its high tech, fuzzy, and sanity rending glory,

Woops... forgot the first one. :P

:eek: :lol:
I really wish everyone would just stop complaining... We're finally getting the game and everyone is still talking about standard vs. premium cars and no cockpits. If you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything. Yeah, Forza and Shift have cockpit views... That's about all you can say though. Most of them are just awful. At least with GT5's they're quite detailed. We have a new physics engine, real-time damage, course maker, karting, WRC, etc... etc... There's plenty to be thankful for.
As a Christian, I find it very offensive to use Jesus' name in vain, so please don't do it again, or other actions will be implemented.

Freedom of speech, he clearly did not mean to desecrate your beliefs, it just happens to be a popular expression around the world transcending cultures and religion, jesus.

I (as well as many) have been very angered and confused over this Standard car fiasco, but at the end of the day we got our response, NO they will NOT have interior cockpit camera driving perspective.

Which sucks yes, but at the same time, the GTP\ISR report stated that Kaz was visibly upset and bothered to disappoint fans , how much more do you want???

BP spills millions of barrels of oil and they dont even blink, this man makes entertainment for us and he ACTUALLY CARES he cares about your experience he cares about his reputation, he genuinely gives a S***.

What more could you want, you know he's not a greedy bastard all about the moolah, so lets enjoy his latest opus, the magnum opus so far, and be patient for technology to evolve to give us ABSOLUTELY everything we've been asking\waiting patiently for.

But the game is massive, and a detail like this although major, can easily be overlooked and excused simply based on the fact that HE CARES ABOUT US.

Thank you.
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As a Christian, I find it very offensive to use Jesus' name in vain, so please don't do it again, or other actions will be implemented.
Ooooooooh, tough guy...

Had we received cockpits for standard cars, I would not have called the ones that said we wouldn't, ignorant. I might gloat about it, but I would not try to degrade them.
That's because you're a christian. :lol:
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As a Christian, I find it very offensive to use Jesus' name in vain, so please don't do it again, or other actions will be implemented.

I don't know what this further action would be; I doubt Strittan meant any harm.
You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harrass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.
That's about as close as it gets. (Just FYI.)

But I agree with the first half of your post. 👍

EDIT: :indiff:
I really wish everyone would just stop complaining... We're finally getting the game and everyone is still talking about standard vs. premium cars and no cockpits. If you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything. Yeah, Forza and Shift have cockpit views... That's about all you can say though. Most of them are just awful. At least with GT5's they're quite detailed. We have a new physics engine, real-time damage, course maker, karting, WRC, etc... etc... There's plenty to be thankful for.

👍 People tend to forget that Prologue spoiled them for cockpits... before that GT had never had that view....
👍 People tend to forget that Prologue spoiled them for cockpits... before that GT had never had that view....

Exactly, so everyone needs to get over it. We will have some cars with cockpits and others without. That's the standard for current gen racing games... They included cockpit views and added new standards! As far as I'm concerned, as long as they do them right they can take as much time as they need to. I bought Forza and Forza 2 and Forza 2 was a let down but was actually decent. However, Forza 3 disgusts me though because the game was obviously rushed. Shift's interiors look better than Forza's and I think that's saying something.
I (as well as many) have been very angered and confused over this Standard car fiasco, but at the end of the day we got our response, NO they will NOT have interior cockpit camera driving perspective.

Which sucks yes, but at the same time, the GTP\ISR report stated that Kaz was visibly upset and bothered to disappoint fans , how much more do you want???

BP spills millions of barrels of oil and they dont even blink, this man makes entertainment for us and he ACTUALLY CARES he cares about your experience he cares about his reputation, he genuinely gives a S***.

What more could you want, you know he's not a greedy bastard all about the moolah, so lets enjoy his latest opus, the magnum opus so far, and be patient for technology to evolve to give us ABSOLUTELY everything we've been asking\waiting patiently for.

But the game is massive, and a detail like this although major, can easily be overlooked and excused simply based on the fact that HE CARES ABOUT US.

Thank you.

👍 👍 Very well put
If you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything.

Why shouldn't we say anything other than positives? Just because we finally got a confirmation doesn't therefore make it go away.
At least we know now most cars won't have cockpit view which for me makes a huge difference in the way I will approach this game.
Not sure how yet as I can only know and decide when I get to play it but even with all the new features and added content this remains an issue for many which will unfortunately only become more apparant when playing.
I'm quite excited about some new elements ( track creator, karts, a lot of the newly added cars and brands, etc. ) and will probably have a great time playing this game.
But not having the same feature ( cockpit view, which is deemed irrelevant or trivial by some but not by PD as they made quite an effort on those Premium cockpits ) on all cars will make a huge difference in the way I will experience those Standard cars.
I'm not surprised although I've kept a ( very ) small hope until today for some kind of solution but there you go.
The fact it's now indeed a fact won't therefore make me any happier about this whole issue, just have to find a way to approach it when playing.
I'm not mad at Kaz, I'm just disapointed because I know how "immersive" it feels to use the cockpit view.

Basically, I play Gran Turismo games to, at least in some fashion, drive cars that I know I probably won't ever get a chance to drive, in a way I will never get a chance to drive them. To experience them, so to speak.

How do you experience a car? You drive it, from behind a wheel. You don't attach yourself to the bumper.

And, to top it all off, I'm sure there will be "standard" cars that I will love and just ache to be able to see as "premium...." Then, I'll have to look at a Premium Prius staring at me. Or, maybe even worse, 20 different versions of Skylines and Evo's, all as premium.
As a Christian, I find it very offensive to use Jesus' name in vain, so please don't do it again, or other actions will be implemented.

As an Atheist, I don't give a damn.....

But everyone is entitled to their certain beliefs, which noone has attacked on here...

Yellowclone (i'm not trying to attack you) just because that is your belief, don't try to project it onto anyone who doesn't follow the rules you do...everyone is entitled to their own belief and opinions...

And to me the term that was used is just a term of phrase.. not to be taken literally.. "which you obviously have"..
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I'm not mad at Kaz, I'm just disapointed because I know how "immersive" it feels to use the cockpit view.

Basically, I play Gran Turismo games to, at least in some fashion, drive cars that I know I probably won't ever get a chance to drive, in a way I will never get a chance to drive them. To experience them, so to speak.

How do you experience a car? You drive it, from behind a wheel. You don't attach yourself to the bumper.

And, to top it all off, I'm sure there will be "standard" cars that I will love and just ache to be able to see as "premium...." Then, I'll have to look at a Premium Prius staring at me. Or, maybe even worse, 20 different versions of Skylines and Evo's, all as premium.

Good and valid points, don't get anyone on here wrong.. EVERYONE wants to see all cars with cockpit views and everyone does feel the same way. It's just you get certain people on here that choose to bypass everything else the game has to offer just to complain about a view that is relatively new to the series... but yet 200+ cars will have it..
Ok, so according to you PD should have two choices. Remove the standard cars from the game, or delay the game another 10 years in order to make all cars premium.

But then the premium cars wouldn't be as awesome as they are now, would they?

What they could have done in my opinion, is to never have thought about the 800 last gen cars in the first place, and tell the media GT5 will have 150+ cars, so when it later turns out it is in fact over 200 cars we would be surprised instead of disapointed about the standard cars.

I in no way said what you are emplying I said. I will drive the standard cars with my DS3 probably I don't know yet. All I know is I don't use bumper cam in GT5P with my wheel. I can't wait to drive all the standards from the previous GT games. Like I said I won't be driving cars like the Prius or Fiat until I have to do a one make race. That is all.
Freedom of speech, he clearly did not mean to desecrate your beliefs, it just happens to be a popular expression around the world transcending cultures and religion, jesus.

I understand freedom of speech, but if it is offensive to some, then it should not be said. I know some other popular expression I could say, but they would be offensive to some, and I would probably get reported for it. Lifestyle and religion are touchy subjects and certain comments can be very offensive, and should not be tolerated.

Ooooooooh, tough guy...

Says the guy behind the keyboard.

Yellowclone (i'm not trying to attack you) just because that is your belief, don't try to project it onto anyone who doesn't follow the rules you do...everyone is entitled to their own belief and opinions...

And to me the term that was used is just a term of phrase.. not to be taken literally.. "which you obviously have"..

I am not trying to push anything onto anyone, I was just stating that was my belief, and that I found it offensive.

I will probably get reported, but I do not care at this point. I will use an EXAMPLE, not that I say this in my everyday life, but some people will call others a "fag", just because they are friends and like to call each other names. It is just a term or phrase, and is not to be taken literally, but people with the same sex lifestyle, might find that word offensive. Like I said earlier in this post, lifestyle and religion are touchy subjects, and people should watch what popular terms or phrases they use, on a widespread forums like this one, because there are all types of lifestyles and religions on this forum.