As was said earlier it was about time management, I have alot of respect for Kaz but he can't be absolved from criticism just becasue he appears to care or becasue the game will have other features,
I remember a long time ago him saying how long it took to make a car from scratch, it was a substantial amount of time, which ment he knew how long it was going to take to do so many cars and he just continued ahead leaving himself with arguably no option but to pursue with this 2 layered system(or I remember somone saying something about standard premium cars recently).
If the GT4 cars were originally designed to a much higher standard and downgraded for that game, and now the original high-spec models are being used then surely that could have given them the oppurtunity to create at least basic dashboards, you can see inside the cars through the tinted windows so theres clearly something there, surely they could have used that to give us something.
Everyone is happy theres so many cars, its a tremendous feat, saying a game has 1000+ cars is quite the selling feature, but it wouldn't be quite as good if it said well actually 80% of the cars are only kinda new and not nearly as detailed as the other 20%, and the majority you have already seen in GT4.
I just want to say that this IS a day 1 purchase for me and it will consume many, many hours of my life. I just don't get this attitude of 'oh its confirmed out of the game now, so lets treat it as a minor occlusion and continue to praise Kaz as if hes done nothing wrong',
If any other racing game gave you 500 cars and only 250 of them had cockpits, we would never hear the end of how much they suck becasue of it regardless of their other features.
Im sure all most all the people who are annoyed including myself just wanted consistency across all cars, not to have to consider what car we buy becasue it may not look as good, may not have a cockpit or may not take the same damage.
It should never have been a problem if Kaz had modeled all interiors to an acceptable level and then when all cars were done, then start to work on the cars that HE wanted to look especially good becasue they were HIS preferred cars.