Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters

I will probably get reported, but I do not care at this point. I will use an EXAMPLE, not that I say this in my everyday life, but some people will call others a "fag", just because they are friends and like to call each other names. It is just a term or phrase, and is not to be taken literally, but people with the same sex lifestyle, might find that word offensive. Like I said earlier in this post, lifestyle and religion are touchy subjects, and people should watch what popular terms or phrases they use, on a widespread forums like this one, because there are all types of lifestyles and religions on this forum.

It's not the same. Nobody was labeling you, except yourself.
im not tracking this **** anymore since i was banned from here

so im asking you this: anything new about P. vs S. ??? So any news about cockpit view in s models?
As was said earlier it was about time management, I have alot of respect for Kaz but he can't be absolved from criticism just becasue he appears to care or becasue the game will have other features,
I remember a long time ago him saying how long it took to make a car from scratch, it was a substantial amount of time, which ment he knew how long it was going to take to do so many cars and he just continued ahead leaving himself with arguably no option but to pursue with this 2 layered system(or I remember somone saying something about standard premium cars recently).

If the GT4 cars were originally designed to a much higher standard and downgraded for that game, and now the original high-spec models are being used then surely that could have given them the oppurtunity to create at least basic dashboards, you can see inside the cars through the tinted windows so theres clearly something there, surely they could have used that to give us something.

Everyone is happy theres so many cars, its a tremendous feat, saying a game has 1000+ cars is quite the selling feature, but it wouldn't be quite as good if it said well actually 80% of the cars are only kinda new and not nearly as detailed as the other 20%, and the majority you have already seen in GT4.

I just want to say that this IS a day 1 purchase for me and it will consume many, many hours of my life. I just don't get this attitude of 'oh its confirmed out of the game now, so lets treat it as a minor occlusion and continue to praise Kaz as if hes done nothing wrong',
If any other racing game gave you 500 cars and only 250 of them had cockpits, we would never hear the end of how much they suck becasue of it regardless of their other features.

Im sure all most all the people who are annoyed including myself just wanted consistency across all cars, not to have to consider what car we buy becasue it may not look as good, may not have a cockpit or may not take the same damage.
It should never have been a problem if Kaz had modeled all interiors to an acceptable level and then when all cars were done, then start to work on the cars that HE wanted to look especially good becasue they were HIS preferred cars.
I understand freedom of speech, but if it is offensive to some, then it should not be said.

Then it isn't really freedom of speech anymore now is it? Probably best to ignore the things you may find offensive as being offended is up to you foremost.
Sexual orientation however isn't a "lifestyle" or a choice, neither is race, being male or female, disability, etc., etc.
Religion is a choice however and a personal issue and I understand that you may be offended by the use of religious terms or figures it's however part of our shared worldwide culture ( whether a believer or not ) and it's use ( or misuse ) is therefore not exclusive to believers only.
I understand freedom of speech, but if it is offensive to some, then it should not be said. I know some other popular expression I could say, but they would be offensive to some, and I would probably get reported for it. Lifestyle and religion are touchy subjects and certain comments can be very offensive, and should not be tolerated.

I am not trying to push anything onto anyone, I was just stating that was my belief, and that I found it offensive.

I will probably get reported, but I do not care at this point. I will use an EXAMPLE, not that I say this in my everyday life, but some people will call others a "fag", just because they are friends and like to call each other names. It is just a term or phrase, and is not to be taken literally, but people with the same sex lifestyle, might find that word offensive. Like I said earlier in this post, lifestyle and religion are touchy subjects, and people should watch what popular terms or phrases they use, on a widespread forums like this one, because there are all types of lifestyles and religions on this forum.

Look at it this way, I can understand you being offended by something that goes against your beliefs.. but what you have to understand too is that this is the internet, this is a forum.. and everyone at some point somewhere will find something or someone who will shock them...

Just because someone says something you as an individual don't agree with, doesn't mean that you should feel like it was an attack on you or what you believe.

You do have a right to defend yourself or what you believe when someone attacks you, but as I stated noone has made any attempt to attack you or your beliefs in the first place.

What you believe is what you believe, but not everyone can share the same views.. But you should be willing to put up with others who go against your views and just choose to ignore it. Rather than jump on someone for expressing their beliefs, or to a lesser extent their views. And especially when you take certain phrases or quotes out of context..
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I'll agree but even that's hard to pinpoint exactly and also falls under freedom of speech I believe.
Best to agree on AUP.;)

Well, the AUP does mention personal attacks - I'd call that intentional.

And freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences, either, so you still need to watch your back! :P
Looks pretty darn real to me too. And some people scoffed at the "built for PS4" line. I wonder what they're thinking when they catch sight of these latest images.

The same thing I was thinking before. They may look far better than any other current gen game but they are still current gen and they will still look outdated when the next generation arrives.

I seriously hope PD isn't thinking about using the very same models in the PS4 without updating them first because if they do, we will have the same "standard vs premium" fiasco. I think most will agree that GT5 should be the first and last game to ever feature this distinction.
It's not the same. Nobody was labeling you, except yourself.

I am just dropping this subject all together, because it is a pointless arguement with most people on here, and is way off-topic. I will just ignore offensive post, or PM the person that offended me, and have a personal discussion on it rather than on the forums.

Back to the original topic! I do hate it that the standard cars do not have cockpit, but I will still drive them.

To the people that say they have had six years to add more premium cars, that is just not true. Do you really think that all 6 years was spent on just cars? They say it take 6 months to model a premium car. That is 2 cars a year, per team. It would take 17 teams to achieve 204 cars in 6 years. If there were 5 people per team, that would take up 85 employees (over half of those employed by PD), and leave the remaining to work on all these other cool things that we are getting. If there are 5 members per team, all of PD's employees would make 28 teams, and going by the 6 month modeling timeframe, only 336 would be total, if all of their employees spent all 6 years modeling cars. If it really does take 6 months to model one car, I think it a great achievement to have as many as we have, plus all the other things GT5 will bring. Having said all that, GT6 can focus mainly on car modeling, since the platform has been made, and thus having more cars in a shorter time. Hopefully, for PD's sake, they have cut that 6 months modeling time down some.
Well, the AUP does mention personal attacks - I'd call that intentional.

And freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences, either, so you still need to watch your back! :P

True, but I believe everyone should be aware that as soon as you open your mouth/ put pen to paper/ finger to keyboard :D just as you agree with something or think of it as the norm, doesn't mean that you can shoot your mouth off without thinking.. but it works the other way too.

What is needed is a calm head, and for people to realise that the world is a massive place, someone somewhere will say something to annoy you or your'e beliefs.. and thats just a matter of life not just the internet..

It is what you do then that matters the you choose to get on with it, or do you choose otherwise....

Thank goodness this debate is over......
As if you're not behind a keyboard? And you were the one threatening me, not the other way round.

I threatened you that a report might be made, not physical abuse. I know you didn't threaten physical abuse, but you do sound tough behind a keyboard.
The same thing I was thinking before. They may look far better than any other current gen game but they are still current gen and they will still look outdated when the next generation arrives.

I seriously hope PD isn't thinking about using the very same models in the PS4 without updating them first because if they do, we will have the same "standard vs premium" fiasco. I think most will agree that GT5 should be the first and last game to ever feature this distinction.

Same thing they did with GT4 from what they told us. GT4 cars were amazing at the time they were released and look at them now. Same will happen with these but I'm guessing not to such an extent unless some new tech is invented that can make games lifelike.
Oh well; no cockpit view for standard cars :ill:

I am still getting the game (Collectors Edition even), but will likely play/drive the premiums the most.

The discussion made me think that you might consider GT5 to be GT6 Prologue:sly:

Especially seeing this news:

"Polyphony planning 'Gran Turismo 6'
Thursday, August 19 2010, 8:18am EDT
By Liam Martin, Gaming ReporterTweet this Digg this Send to friend More options
Polyphony Digi…GamingPolyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi has said that Gran Turismo 6 is already in the pipeline.

Speaking to Autoweek, Yamauchi confirmed that there will be a sequel to Gran Turismo 5 and that gamers will not have to wait as long for it to arrive.

"You won't have to wait as long as you did for GT5," he said.

"GT5 was basically the creation of a whole new operating system, and developing GT6 will be like adding new applications that run on that new operating system."

According to Eurogamer, the recently-unveiled Kart racing from GT5 was originally intended for Gran Turismo 6 and was only bought forward because the information leaked.

"This is something we were actually saving for Gran Turismo 6, but the information leaked out so we decided we would just put it in this one," Yamauchi explained.
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I threatened you that a report might be made, not physical abuse. I know you didn't threaten physical abuse, but you do sound tough behind a keyboard.
I do? Awesome! Didn't even try to. :D

EDIT: Listen, you got it all wrong so calm down. Just because i wrote "Jesus ******* Christ" you have no reason to go mad and threaten me, because it's not exactly directed at you, is it?.
If it really does take 6 months to model one car, I think it a great achievement to have as many as we have, plus all the other things GT5 will bring. Having said all that, GT6 can focus mainly on car modeling, since the platform has been made, and thus having more cars in a shorter time. Hopefully, for PD's sake, they have cut that 6 months modeling time down some.

I said that before though that if it did take 6 months per car then he knew even before GT5P was released that they couldn't get all the cars done but never gave any indication as such that this was the case,
I, and I'm sure many, many more were led to believe that we would have cockpits for all cars(except maybe prototypes which didnt have known cockpits).
If it was taking that long then Kaz needed to either get more people, outsource the work or do good models for all cars and then start the extreme wiring and mesh close-ups that he did for the premiums,

Honestly think about that Miaura wheel picture, think about the time it took to even model the Lambo badge on that wheel....
Got it.....
Now think about how often you will see that and how often you wont see a cockpit in some other car that you now have to drive from a roof or bumper cam,
I don't personally feel its a valid trade off.
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My sentiments too 👍; but still excited about GT5 (like a 49 year old kid :lol:).

Yeah for sure, and as I said I'll have a copy of this put behind the counter at my store the night before its released to make sure I'm going home with one,
But one can't help but think the whole thing could have had alot better resolution then to have two classes of cars.

To the people that say they have had six years to add more premium cars, that is just not true. Do you really think that all 6 years was spent on just cars? They say it take 6 months to model a premium car. That is 2 cars a year, per team. It would take 17 teams to achieve 204 cars in 6 years. If there were 5 people per team, that would take up 85 employees (over half of those employed by PD), and leave the remaining to work on all these other cool things that we are getting. If there are 5 members per team, all of PD's employees would make 28 teams, and going by the 6 month modeling timeframe, only 336 would be total, if all of their employees spent all 6 years modeling cars. If it really does take 6 months to model one car, I think it a great achievement to have as many as we have, plus all the other things GT5 will bring. Having said all that, GT6 can focus mainly on car modeling, since the platform has been made, and thus having more cars in a shorter time. Hopefully, for PD's sake, they have cut that 6 months modeling time down some.

Interesting thought. It's probably 6 months on average. Cars like the XJ13 probably took longer than, say the Impreza WRX STI sedan, where it seems they had access to CAD data...

Maybe they concentrated on the difficult ones first, knowing that after they had perfected the process, it would be much more streamlined thereafter? Who knows. Hopefully (free) DLC can fix things like PSP-style cockpit view for standards, and more premiums.

I said that before though that if it did take 6 months per car then he knew even before GT5P was released that they couldn't get all the cars done but never gave any indication as such that this was the case,
I, and I'm sure many, many more were led to believe that we would have cockpits for all cars(except maybe prototypes which didnt have known cockpits).
If it was taking that long then Kaz needed to either get more people, outsource the work or do good models for all cars and then start the extreme wiring and mesh close-ups that he did for the premiums,

Honestly think about that Miaura wheel picture, think about the time it took to even model the Lambo badge on that wheel....
Got it.....
Now think about how often you will see that and how often you wont see a cockpit in some other car that you now have to drive from a roof or bumper cam,
I don't personally feel its a valid trade off.

Bigger picture time. That model will probably be reprised in GT7... By which time, the rest of the pack would hopefully have caught up (only another 4 x 6 years to achieve this...) Clearly something will give before then.
I, personally, used a bit of common sense and was immediately skeptical about cockpit view / premium as it's now become. I assumed the car count would be low, like it was in GT3. Seems that will be the case, forgetting the standards.

And, just for your information, the "badge" is produced by a set of images ;)
I'm very disappointed about not having cockpit views in 1/5th of the cars. What this means is that the first 3 license levels will be spent driving in the chase view (not my cup-o-tea).

I'm sure the premium cars look great. But, I'd would rather have had less detail in all the cockpits than to have some with and most without a cockpit view. I don't buy this game for the love of highly detailed cars. I buy it because I like racing.

Put a motor under the hood, wheels at the corners, and give me a likeness of a cockpit view and I'm happy. I appreciate KY's high standards. I just want to race though.
Oh well; no cockpit view for standard cars :ill:

I am still getting the game (Collectors Edition even), but will likely play/drive the premiums the most.

The discussion made me think that you might consider GT5 to be GT6 Prologue:sly:

CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP... I can't remember the last time I wished so much I was wrong about something...

So it's cockpit view for some and bonnet or chase for others... eh... I just don't like it :(
As was said earlier it was about time management, I have alot of respect for Kaz but he can't be absolved from criticism just becasue he appears to care or becasue the game will have other features,
I remember a long time ago him saying how long it took to make a car from scratch, it was a substantial amount of time, which ment he knew how long it was going to take to do so many cars and he just continued ahead leaving himself with arguably no option but to pursue with this 2 layered system(or I remember somone saying something about standard premium cars recently).

If the GT4 cars were originally designed to a much higher standard and downgraded for that game, and now the original high-spec models are being used then surely that could have given them the oppurtunity to create at least basic dashboards, you can see inside the cars through the tinted windows so theres clearly something there, surely they could have used that to give us something.

Everyone is happy theres so many cars, its a tremendous feat, saying a game has 1000+ cars is quite the selling feature, but it wouldn't be quite as good if it said well actually 80% of the cars are only kinda new and not nearly as detailed as the other 20%, and the majority you have already seen in GT4.

I just want to say that this IS a day 1 purchase for me and it will consume many, many hours of my life. I just don't get this attitude of 'oh its confirmed out of the game now, so lets treat it as a minor occlusion and continue to praise Kaz as if hes done nothing wrong',
If any other racing game gave you 500 cars and only 250 of them had cockpits, we would never hear the end of how much they suck becasue of it regardless of their other features.

Im sure all most all the people who are annoyed including myself just wanted consistency across all cars, not to have to consider what car we buy becasue it may not look as good, may not have a cockpit or may not take the same damage.
It should never have been a problem if Kaz had modeled all interiors to an acceptable level and then when all cars were done, then start to work on the cars that HE wanted to look especially good becasue they were HIS preferred cars.

Agreed... again.

I just know it's going to happen, where I can pick a car I really want, that's a standard model, or one I don't really want, that's a premium, and I'm going to have to make that tough decision.

It's these types of things that make me worry.

I have seen 4 Prius's today already, and it's not even 1:00pm. I hate to think of the car that could have taken that premium car slot. :(
CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP... I can't remember the last time I wished so much I was wrong about something...

So it's cockpit view for some and bonnet or chase for others... eh... I just don't like it :(

IT does not like YOU. :)

A)I understand freedom of speech, but if it is offensive to some, then it should not be said. I know some other popular expression I could say, but they would be offensive to some, and I would probably get reported for it. Lifestyle and religion are touchy subjects and certain comments can be very offensive, and should B) not be tolerated.

A) Apparently you do not, it his right to say it, its your right to get mad, but its EVERYONES right to do so.

B) I can not believe you used the word Tolerance, AHAHAHA, laughing out loud I am, how about this, instead of everything being INTOLERATED how about you just learn to Tolerate, its much easier that way, you can change the world or you can change your outlook, but theres only one you have enough time for in your mortal life.


The Game will dazzle and amaze, no other can hold a candle to it, period, before its release, it has been proven.
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CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP... I can't remember the last time I wished so much I was wrong about something...

So it's cockpit view for some and bonnet or chase for others... eh... I just don't like it :(

Never mind, eh? Chin-up, it could be worse: there could be no cockpit view at all! Or we could only be getting 200 ish cars, like GT3...
Bigger picture time. That model will probably be reprised in GT7... By which time, the rest of the pack would hopefully have caught up (only another 4 x 6 years to achieve this...)
And, just for your information, the "badge" is produced by a set of images ;)

I may be being selfish or short-sighted, but I'm considering GT5, I dont want to think about the next itteration in the franchise or the version after that becasue I'm not prpared to wait a decade or so for what will be a game in preparation for the next installment after that,
I don't buy the bigger picture becasue I want to play a game that has been built for itself, not for another couple of games down the line.
You can't future-proof things as fickle as games for a time-period as relatively short as 5 years, things are moving too fast in the industry for that.

Again selfish hat on, but I want the game to be made for me, not the generation of gamers after or the generation after that, and as hard as it is to believe, in 5 years as someone said the current models wont hold up to what will be capable then,

And I'm not privy to PD's modeling/imaging tecniques so take what I said for the entire wheel, or those engine bays:)
Maybe we won't have to wait too long for more cockpit views? :)

Polyphony planning 'Gran Turismo 6'
Thursday, August 19 2010, 8:18am EDT
By Liam Martin, Gaming ReporterTweet this Digg this Send to friend More options
Polyphony Digi…GamingPolyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi has said that Gran Turismo 6 is already in the pipeline.

Speaking to Autoweek, Yamauchi confirmed that there will be a sequel to Gran Turismo 5 and that gamers will not have to wait as long for it to arrive.

"You won't have to wait as long as you did for GT5," he said.

"GT5 was basically the creation of a whole new operating system, and developing GT6 will be like adding new applications that run on that new operating system."

According to Eurogamer, the recently-unveiled Kart racing from GT5 was originally intended for Gran Turismo 6 and was only bought forward because the information leaked.

"This is something we were actually saving for Gran Turismo 6, but the information leaked out so we decided we would just put it in this one," Yamauchi explained."

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