This thread is funny sometimes....
Devedander I found something that you may want to know,Open GL ES its the language where PS3 software is develop,I was making some research and it turns out that is a quite different from traditional languages like C++ and php,because it used by games like uncharted and killzone to manage the graphical segment of the game,also this language is more dificult to program and script,they must have a compiler(obviously) but it makes this process longer that it should be,this got me thinking about the 1000 scripted cars and the system that they use to give the values,its on the GT engine this has to be tweak to perform with more heavier HD graphics,(that chrome texture its not easy for open GL ) and this may cause some delays on the production process,and yes I know that we are discussing mainly the 3D objects but at least take some consideration of these facts at the time of judging,here its an example of the Open GL ES:
I have consider this language as something hard to use,specially when they went from traditional C on the PS2 to PS3 development.
well I went to technical this time but keep in mind what I just said