We aren't just getting new cars and tracks applied to GT4 with new graphics. All new physics engine, track maker, day/night cycles, dynamic weather, NASCAR, WRC, headtracking, 3D support, a full B-spec mode, an in depth online mode (my lounge) with private lobbies, online spectator mode, human-like AI, kart racing with 32 player grids, real time damage, skidmarks, reverse lights, etc., all these little things add up to take the GT series to the next level, and I'm sure there is more that we haven't even seen yet.
Part of the problem(I fell, and mabye others too) is that many of these features don't look like they will be as great as initially hoped.....
I never thought we would get a track creator or go-karts, etc
We have seen nothing to indicate that WRC is anything more than a few licensed cars and a couple of rally stages, nothing to say that it will be proper rallying point to points with no other cars on track(at least not racing you anyway),
We have seen very little to differentiate the NASCAR racing from any normal racing mode, other than all cars being NASCAR and racing on a couple of new ovals,
The track creator(although a great feature) stills feels like it has been dumbed down massievly from what we have been told, and looks like its going to be a lot more limeted then originally thought,
Human-like AI is something we need to see more of, for every example of great AI we have 2 to 3 of the standard GT 'blind' AI,
Day/Night cycles havent even been shown properly, hoping that its not exactly the same as the Toscana demo all the time, will we see Day/Night/Day transitions, also the lack of this option on all tracks feels like a downer,
Real time damage, although impressive, some of the footage/screens leave a lot to be desired.
Its great being able to list out lots of new features for the game but so far many of them feel tainted(if thats the right word).
Of course they could all be super fleshed out(WRC/NASCAR/damage/AI) and we'll all be super happy,
But with PD letting the ball slip with standards, whos to say they haven't 'settled' with those other features aswell,
It is of course speculation, but I would feel its warranted specualtion.