Don't take this as bashing you or a personal attack or anything but:
- The image was taken from a screen grab, captured from a video camera or Point n' Shoot camera of unknown resolution.
If you can't tell right away this is a camera taking a picture of a dispaly, you really shouldn't be trying to say anything about it. I really don't mean that as an insult, it's just clear that you aren't very experienced working with images... it's immediately obvious it's not a screen grab.
The camera info is:
Taken 11/19/2010 11:57PM
800x598 pixels 72dpi 24bit color
iPhone 4 at f/2.8 1/24sec exposure ISO 80
4mm focal length with no flash.
No color effects at time of picture and white balance was auto.
It as apparently taken somewhere around here
- Close up on a TV with unknown picture quality,
While pictuer quality is somewhat unknown, you can clearly see the menu icons are sharp and clear and the background guard rail and trees are sharp and clear. Not as good as a screen cap but still very sharp. A display will not be sharp in some areas but very chunky in a car shaped area in the middle.
- The person might have done additional work with photo shop, such as reduce pixel resolution.
See above where I have looked pretty closely at this image... notice the car is the only low res part of the image, so if resolution was reduced it was done locally. However if you zoom in you can see the grain of the image is consistent across the whole image. This doesn't happen if you mess with a certain part of the image and is VERY hard to reproduce when shoppinng in a different image as the source will have a different grain (here we are lucky it's done with a camera and a tv screen, a video buffer dump or fraps capture has no such analog interference to compare). Also you can see the screen door effect of the screen it's shot off of, the pixel pitch lines up perfectly across the whole image.
Also look closely at the gradient and long edges, you can see the pixelization and aliasing along edges is consisten between parts of the car, the edge of the car and the background and the background in general... this is VERY hard to pull off in a shop... I would say you almost have to build the whole shopped part pixel by pixel to pull it off.
Again, no offense, this is why if you don't know what you are looking for, the suggestions you ad probably cause more confusion than help.