I'll say it again, re-read the OP, it asks "do you think that this will hurt the games?" as in, games as a WHOLE. As in, ALL OF THE FEATURES. AS IN, it INCLUDES all the subjects you are calling "tangents". Pick another number.
Re read your own words "this" will hurt the games.
We are talking about whether standards and premiums will hurt the game. Not whether physics will, whether number of tracks will etc... keep grasping, there is a straw there somewhere.
You don't understand analogies. An analogy MUST accurately represent the subject that the analogy is representing. Yours did NOT, therefore was not a valid analogy.
Yes and the subject of my analogy was the missuse of rationlizing a situation. Both what he said and what I put forth as an analogy represent that point which you clearly missed.
When someone says "don't throw out the baby with the bathwater" the point is not to be caveler in your actions, you don't have to get into all the details about hwo the bathwater is kind of warm but also soapy like the exact situation at hand.
We were told in August of '09 there would be standard and premium cars. The same time we were told how many cars there would be in GT5.
Yes and as I clearly pointed out, exactly what that meant was very much up in the air. Even our own GTP news pointed it out with a notice that this only meant we had seen the cars before in other games, not that they would be some lower quality sub section of the games assets.
Your point is? It still says standard premium, and that some will be from GT4. We were told from the beginning.
Were you honestly not around then? The whole thing got debated to high hell... the statement was at very best unclear and at worst actually hurt the situation to even bring up (probably part of why KY was unhappy that the unoficial list was found.
Irrelevant, we were still told from the beginning.
Wow your stubborness and desire to keep a positive light is admirable but sadly placed. I assume you mean from the begging as from Aug 09 and again I will say we were not told this specifically. We were told something, nothing accurate.
Again I ask, did you not see the massive surprise and dissbelief when it was announced? Are you saying you think GTP the biggest GT enthusiast forum out there totally missed what we were told? No we WERENT TOLD. We had a poorly translated, unclear unnoficially released text that KY confirmed to be accurate but didn't clarify any details off of.
Again everyone with their "we were told!"s it doesn't matter if you were told if it wasn't clear. It's only valuable in hindsite.
Only because we ASSUMED when the article said from GT4 that they weren't going to be actual GT4 models. Once again, irrelevant.
Um just saying irrelevant doesn't make it irrelevant... it's actually completely relevant. Assumptions flew every which way... the only thing that is for sure is WE WERE NOT TOLD.
A blanket statement that has many meanings is not the same as telling you something specifically.
And both are the extreme. Your point is? My original post still applies. You BERATE people for being on the extreme end of poisitive painting PD in good colors. You are the opposite end of the spectrum painting them in negative colors. You are doing the SAME thing they are, only negatively instead of positively.
The difference is I don't make things up and try to sidetrack the conversation to do it. If I am adamently portraying a negative that's what I am focusig on. I am not going off into tangents... fanboyism is blind rationlization to keep everything in a positive light no matter what. I am the opposite end of the spectrum, I praise what's praise worthy but also pan what's negative, the similarity is the veracity with which I do it.
Ummm no.. the very point of analogy is similar... even in yours they aren't the same... one is about a burger and meat patties. If the comparisons were the same they would be THE SAME THING not an analogy
resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike
The whole point of analogies: compare something to something else not like it but similar in some ways so as to draw attention to the similarities via the differences.
No, analogies must be an accurate representation, otherwise they are pointless and don't even apply to the subject at hand.
See defiition. Sorry you are wrong. SOME things must be similar or the same, not every last detail from every angle.
Lol, whose stretching now. Look for an actual ANNOUNCEMENT, not JUST some user posting how many cars they THINK will be in the game, or what they THINK has been announced. I went ALL the way back and looked at EVERY single announcement on the subject, and spent a good 2 - 3 hours digging it up.
As I said that's all I have time to dig up... I am creep along hotel internet right now and it would take me 10 hours to do what took you 2 or 3. Official announcements don't carry every last bit of detail, the point is a rough concensous has existed for a long time. That's not jsut a coincidental mass guess. (BTW for the record that GT5 feature ilst was not an official announcment either)
And if pedantics is really what you want, I already said the 1000 number is recent, I still hold the many hundreds has been long standing but lets try this, lets say I am totally out there, PD NEVER said anything about how many.
The point still stands, PD has advertised from teh get nothing but top notch everything and the very existence of cars ported from a previous game of such significant difference has existed up until recently only as a lie of omission.