Originally posted by M5Power
NOTE!! Take this thread with a grain of salt, or a full bottle of whiskey.
I've been reading the Almanac here since New Year's (about three hours) and I just got to page 136: Most common baby names. So I looked to see what the most common baby names are. In 2000:
Boys: Jacob, Michael, Matthew, Joshua, Christopher, Nicholas, Andrew, Joseph, Daniel, Tyler
Girls: Emily, Hannah, Madison, Ashley, Sarah, Alexis, Samantha, Jessica, Taylor, Elizabeth
Let me express my disgust. What loving parent would do their boy a such a dishonour by naming him JACOB or TYLER? Or what parent would give their daughter a step behind in life by naming her TAYLOR???? TAYLOR IS A BOYS' NAME! ALEXIS?? WHAT KIND OF A NAME IS ALEXIS?? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MARY?? MADISON IS THE CAPITAL OF WISCONSIN! I've come to the conclusion that yuppie liberals are to blame.
I scanned up the page and found the best lists: If things were up to me, we would all name our kids from the most common boys' names from 1910, yet the most common girls' names from 1970. Check it out:
Boys, 1910: John, William, James, Robert, Joseph, Charles, George, Edward, Frank, Henry
Girls, 1970: Jennifer, Lisa, Kimberly, Michelle, Angela, Maria, Amy, Melissa, Mary, Tracy
Now I don't care if a minority of girls have a name like Taylor -- I rather like the name in a minority. But when it becomes one of the most popular names of the year, we seriously need to re-evaluate ourselves.
That's my OPINION on the topic. Now let's hope I haven't pissed off some girl named Madison, who's going to come in here and give me an earful.
Originally posted by B Campbell
Actually, most of those boy names are ripped right out of the Bible. Damn those Bible-thumping liberals! They and their liberal baby-naming ways are what's wrong with the world!
Originally posted by neon_duke
Every boy in America who is currently between the ages of 9 and 11 is named Zachary. Every girl in that range is named Kristen.
The all-time worst boy's name I've ever heard is on a Hooked On Phonics ad, and it's some little sissy named (I'm not making this up) Cooper Newby-Stock. First off, Cooper is a last name, not a first name. Second off, I totally hate hyphenated last names. I don't care a bit if a woman wants to keep her maiden name when she gets married, but hyphenating it just sounds bloody stupid. Then to hang some pretentious twaddle first name onto that just makes it 10x worse.
Our daughters are named Elizabeth Rose W... and Allegheny Katherine W..., so what do you think of them?
Originally posted by B Campbell
Actually, most of those boy names are ripped right out of the Bible. Damn those Bible-thumping liberals! They and their liberal baby-naming ways are what's wrong with the world!
Originally posted by neon_duke
Our daughters are named Elizabeth Rose W... and Allegheny Katherine W..., so what do you think of them?
Originally posted by DGB454
Another brilliant statement.![]()
Originally posted by made in holland
Allegheny? I've never heard of that name before.
I like it. Who came up with that name? And does it mean anything?
Originally posted by M5Power
It's a mountain range in Eastern Pennsylvania. Fairly beautiful (the mountain range), if you were to ask me. The more I think about it, the more I like the name. But originally it sounded odd.
Okay, Shelley.Originally posted by Klostrophobic
My name rules if you like ordinary.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Middle names don't count. Especially second middle names.
Originally posted by vat_man
Irony-detectors offline at the moment, eh?
Originally posted by milefile
We have two names chosen and are going to wait until we see him to pick one. They are Alexander and Connor. I guess some people see Connor as a "trendy" name, although I don't know a single Connor.
Originally posted by vat_man
The line was "Never trust anyone whose first and last names are interchangeable".
Originally posted by Talentless
How can you not trust me?
"God bless us, everyone!"
Well, how? God damn it.
Correct. In answer to your original question, we call her both Allie and Allegheny.Originally posted by M5Power
It's a mountain range in Eastern Pennsylvania. Fairly beautiful (the mountain range), if you were to ask me. The more I think about it, the more I like the name. But originally it sounded odd.