Yuppie Liberal Baby Names

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
My daughter's name is Alyssa. Too trendy?

(And speaking of Zachary, that'll be the name of our next one - which is 3 months on the way already - because of family names. My great-grandfather's middle name is Zachary)
Originally posted by AltF8
My daughter's name is Alyssa. Too trendy?

Ive always though that those 'creative spellings' were a bit trendy, but hey, she's not my kid is she! Where i work I see lots of names, today I saw 'Allye', pronounced 'Ally'. Just one of more pointless ones I've seen. Most of these people aren't born with those spellings but rather 'adopt' them, and I've always thought that if you want to be original, spelling your name with an extra 'y' won't help.

But, this stuff isn't hurting anyone and there are much more important things to worry about, so it just takes a sigh and on to the next name.
Originally posted by neon_duke
Correct. In answer to your original question, we call her both Allie and Allegheny.

We originally came up with the name a few years before we were married, as we were driving through the Allegheny Tunnel in western Pennsylvania. We decided it sounded like a pretty name for a girl.

We promptly forgot about it for 5 years or more, until we were trying to come up with a name for our second daughter. One of us remembered the original thought; we didn't like anything else better, so we went for it. Glad you guys like it!

I'll only hate the name if it becomes of majority interest as Alexis has. Allegheny is pretty when in small numbers, but it loses its originality when everyone in the country uses it, like with Madison.
Originally posted by M5Power
I'll only hate the name if it becomes of majority interest as Alexis has. Allegheny is pretty when in small numbers, but it loses its originality when everyone in the country uses it, like with Madison.

Somebody probably said the same thing about John two thousand years ago. Why can't new names become popular now?

I agree with you, but I see the inherent contradiction in the perspective and wonder about it myself.
Originally posted by milefile
I don't dislike them, they're just over done and mundane:


We could always work something out. The following could all be used in place of Doug:

Mr. DeMuro
Mr. Doug
Sir DeMuro
Oh brilliant judge of automotive design

...any one of these. :D
I like Doug - if we ever got a dog, and it was a bloke dog, I'd call it Doug - Doug the Dog.

If you think that's an insult, bear in mind there are a lot of dogs running around this country called Brock. Do a Google on Brock Bathurst and see what you come up.

This of course has nothing to do with M5Power - I just think it sounds cool...
I struggled with name books and all sorts of ideas when i was trying to come up with a name for my son. And in the end i went for a nice safe biblical name. One that can easily be shortened to one syllable for those moments when a lung searing yell is required (the Mums and Dads on the forum will know what i mean) and yet in full is capable of being rather dignified i feel.

Just as well he wasn't a girl, the only names i liked for a girl were "Chastity" or "Purity". :lol: But I wonder if i'd have gone through with it?

My name is also biblical, a prophets name...... Only met a couple of other guys with my name. It's fairly unusual.

I also am not so keen on the wacky names people come up with, friend of mine called his daughter 'Zebedee' i wonder if they'll be doing reruns of magic roundabout when she's a teen?
Hey Slip!

I was actually thinking of naming my son, (when I actually have one) Zebulon. What a strange name huh. That name is a family name that dates back to the American Civil war where there was a family decendant that was a general in the Union.

But, I don't know if the kid could bear the torment that would ensue from having a name like Zebulon, so I don't know if it would be a wise move. But hey, it would be cool to call him Zeb! :D
Hey Boom!

My most excellent friend, how the devil are you?

Yeah, Zebulon.... ummm.... well it would be character building! Why not got the full 9 yards and call him Sue?


A mate of mine was christened 'Istvan', his dad's Family legged it from the Nazi invasion of Hungary over to England. Something to do with an uncle or grad dad or something? He changed it to Steve the day after his sixteenth birthday.
Originally posted by slip2rock
Hey Boom!

My most excellent friend, how the devil are you?

Yeah, Zebulon.... ummm.... well it would be character building! Why not got the full 9 yards and call him Sue?

Oooh - I was waiting for the Johnny Cash reference...
Originally posted by neon_duke
Correct. In answer to your original question, we call her both Allie and Allegheny.

We originally came up with the name a few years before we were married, as we were driving through the Allegheny Tunnel in western Pennsylvania. We decided it sounded like a pretty name for a girl.

We promptly forgot about it for 5 years or more, until we were trying to come up with a name for our second daughter. One of us remembered the original thought; we didn't like anything else better, so we went for it. Glad you guys like it!
How do you pronounce it. I have never heard of the name Allegheny...
Allegheny is also the name of a county about 10 miles south of me. The city of Pittsburgh is in that county.
Originally posted by Eddy
How do you pronounce it. I have never heard of the name Allegheny...
"Al-uh-GAY-knee" is how it's pronunced.

Hey, slip you've got me paranoid know for having posted my daughters' names... PS, how goes the non-smoking?

And boom, we used to call the geeky kids in high school and college "zebulons"...
Surely real GT3 players would name their children after cars in the game for example: Mercedes, Silvia, Toms, Tommy, Shelby, Porsche, Clio, Savanna
A word of warning though - stay clear of Denso

Are there any I've missed?
Gah, Mercedes is way overused... every aspiring model has to be named "Mercedes" for some reason...

Tommy-- no. I know a kid named Tommy, and let's just say that he's a little eccentric.

Toms? What the heck? Sounds like a foreigner saying "Tums"...

I know a girl named Porsha. Quite a nice named, actually.

Michael needs to be stopped being used... ditto Steven.

And how many girls do you know who are named "Stephanie" or "Samantha"? Too many.

I still like my name. I've only known one other person who had that name.
Hey, one of the two Stephanies I know is kinda hot, so I wouldn't throw out that name...

About Zebulon... why not just call him Sebastian?

And as to how I'm going to name my kids in more than 10 years: it'll have to be a biblical name or name of somebody high in the Church, I'm leaning toward Leo if I ever get a son...
Originally posted by youth_cycler
And how many girls do you know who are named "Stephanie" or "Samantha"? Too many.

If they're over 18 then I'd have to say I don't know enough of them.

One I missed on my earlier GT3 list was the (Toyota) WiLL from GT Concept. Somehow I dont think the current Mrs Wastegate is going to let me choose Tuscan for a boy or Integrale for a girl.
Too many girls have the name Ashley. In my sophmore class, there are around 20 Ashleys. That is a staggering amount. All spelled the same except two. Ashli and Ashly. :odd:

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