Zero Cup

  • Thread starter WarriusZero
Very nice pictures, Sparkz, I really appreciate the effort you put in this. :cheers:

I've edited the results table above.
Third_Reign and Michouw cut turn 12 too many times and therefore are picking up a 10s penalty. The end result is a place lost for Michouw. Sorry guys, but I have to stand up by my rules. This is a small penalty for a relatively small offence, although it's one of these that will frustrate other drivers... At least, you'll (hopefully) notice I did it in a way so I wouldn't give myself an unfair advantage. :) (for a split second, I was tempted to give you a 1 place penalty... :P)
I'll be there and I have no practice with this car yet :lol:. Probably Wont end well. I've been quite busy lately but I want to get back into the zero cup. Always seem to be great races. I also have some good battles with warrius zero which are very fun.

Well done everyone and especially Litchi who, if he didn't have this 'engine failure' in race 1, would have won this event...
Hello there guys! So after my futile attempts to fix my pedals I decided to call the big guns, also known as uncle Simo from work. He did his magic with some kind of a conductive glue that fixed the problem. It was a pin on the potentiometer that had separated from the conductive material. Whatever, they work now. Also I have moved to a new place and got everything set up. The next six days are holydays here so I'll have time for some practise and hopefully will rejoin you in Monday.
Have you read the rule book? Please send me a friend request and confirm you know everything you need to ahead of the event. Thanks
Il be there, im even missing the Liverpool game to join this (my team) il have to duck out right after the 3rd race to get the last 30 mins of it in though.

Looks like il be lonely at the back this week.
I give up guys. I'm sure you can understand how it is frustrating to try to join 5 times the room, have 2 times the 3 bipper, retoring file etc. I'm off for tonight. Going to bed and watch tv is the best think i'll do tonight.

Is there any point in using fuel consumtion on the game unless your going to use it properly, basically making it part of the game?

Im not saying its always going to be used, but when it does is there any need to lower the laps in order to stop people pitting, if your going to do that bin the fuel part of the game....that way it will stop those in need of to scared to pit then they wont have to

Also i didnt like being rammed on the first race warm up start about 20 know who you are.

We had so many false starts, you then tried to ram me over the start line to force us all back to the pits.

We need some faster race cars on here to be honest, these slower cars are getting a bit samey
why lower it laps wise?....its so nobody needs to pit!!

so basically the best drivers each week turn up in a slow car and race?

with no that offends them and upsets there rhythm driving wise.
We need some faster race cars on here to be honest, these slower cars are getting a bit samey
have you thought about , that the people driving at the zero cup , want to drive these "slow" cars .
don't get me wrong , I love driving race cars but I never had such great and close races like I have in these "slower" series I'm driving .
just to mention the vcrc , mixer makeshift shuffle , or the ferrari festival.
oh ,and about the fuel !
Its together with the tire wear and in 20minute races ,tire management makes the difference sometimes . I think some of us were just a bit unlucky today , like me ,running out of "electricity" in race 1 and 3 :lol:
had great fun though 👍 and looking forward to next week :cheers:
bed time now :scared:

edit: I just re-read your post and I think I got something wrong .
I would love to pit in every race ,so I'm with you about this 👍
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@MrWhite1972 sorry for the confusion. I really didn't realise that fuel consumption was going to be a problem. It wasn't in my equation. Yes, I decided to lower the number of laps in race 2, and indeed we didn't need to in that race. But I only found out after about a third of the race, when I could get some good figures.
And in honesty, I also lowered the number of laps to avoid anyone giving up before the end of the race. And it's not the quicker guys who gave up in race 1. :(

Had you stayed around, you would have noticed that I did not lower the number of laps in race 3. I kept in this accidental aspect of the race strategy. And for the record again, if there had been 40 laps in race 2, I don't think anybody would have run out of juice. There was plenty of spare, at least for me.

Also i didnt like being rammed on the first race warm up start about 20 know who you are.
We had so many false starts, you then tried to ram me over the start line to force us all back to the pits.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here. I hit you at the beginning of race one, near the end of a lap, but I believe that was after a first crash. So I'm not sure you're talking about me or not. I did wait for you, although as I tried not to waste too much time, you only caught up 3 quarters of a lap later, and didn't seem to want to get past me. Unluckily, I forgot to save race 1, so if someone has the replay available, I'd like to have a look. Again, if you think I should penalise someone, please tell me exactly what and who I should be looking at. Even if the person you're thinking about is me.

For the multiple bad starts, it's my fault, I got distracted, trying to get Litchi back. In my defense, the weather settings were not kicking in, perhaps because I changed from clockwise to anticlockwise. But yeah, I get it, I reloaded the track a few times. But there was only one race start...

And to finish, yes, the Zero Cup is about driving not the very quickest cars. THAT is done on purpose, the intention being that close tight racing can be achieved, focusing on driver skills rather than power. That's also why I don't allow any form of tuning or why we don't use tires with a lot of grip. I also personally believe that slower drivers would struggle even more with quicker cars, INCLUDING me! The gap with the quickest drivers would be even bigger.

I hope I roughly understood what you meant. If I haven't, please let me know. I really want everyone to enjoy themselves.