Zero Cup

  • Thread starter WarriusZero
Bildschirmfoto 2015-09-14 um 22.31.00.png

This happy-go-lucky car needs your full attention! You only need two gears most of the time, so if you hate shifting this one is for you! The pleasure of the last race and battle was more than enough to forget the low turnout... đź‘Ť
Yea, some last minute changes in plans and I will be out of town for rest of the week. Catch you all Sunday đź‘Ť
Hi John, Bergele and Tarnheld. đź‘Ť

Was a lot easier stock Bergele...
This is the Championship that me and Bergele race in, on Sunday.
Yes John, I find it easier with less power. I usually run without the supercharger to prevent the rear wheels lighting up. I'm never at the front so less power doesn't bother me. :P

Zero Cup - room for me sometime? I'm often free on Mondays.
Do I need a secret password? :)
Schedule Update:

21 September 20:00 BST - Mini Marcos GT '70
Tires: Comfort Medium
  1. Tsukuba w/ extra Chicane and Joker Lap
  2. Willow Springs - Streets of Willow
  3. Silverstone Stowe
See you there! :cheers:

Regarding Tsukuba: we'll do the extra Chicane after the Dunlop bridge, except one lap where you can shortcut the chicane -- you can choose which lap it shall be. Extra strategy fun! :D:tup:
I hope to join you tonight as well, tarnheld.

Great, looking forward to the races! If you or somebody else cannot make it for Tsukuba we can shift the race to a later spot, as it is the true gem and i'll try to maximize the grid for that. đź‘Ť

Here is your manual for building the Marcos, piece of cake, eh? :sly:

It's from the brochure of the swedish Mini Marcos importer, Elmhorn-Troberg Racing Services.
Schedule Update:

21 September 20:00 BST - Mini Marcos GT '70
Tires: Comfort Medium
  1. Tsukuba w/ extra Chicane and Joker Lap
  2. Willow Springs - Streets of Willow
  3. Silverstone Stowe
See you there! :cheers:

Regarding Tsukuba: we'll do the extra Chicane after the Dunlop bridge, except one lap where you can shortcut the chicane -- you can choose which lap it shall be. Extra strategy fun! :D:tup:

Hi guys

Been meaning to join up. Can I please attend also. I'll try to get in by 8 bst but may be a little late. Please don't wait.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-09-21 um 22.48.50.png

Glad that everyone had the right kit available, no KV mini in sight. ;) Jockefingers Marcos even turned into pure gold! :sly:Exciting races, great battles even tough the Marcos Mini lacks a little power. Thanks for coming folks, i hope you liked the joker lap and had a blast just like me! đź‘Ť
Thanks @tarnheld it was fun. :cheers:

I haven't driven around Streets of Willow or Silverstone's Stowe for a good while and I think it showed! At Stowe I got fed up with having to constantly change gear so I quickly changed to auto for Tsukuba, which proved a bad move since it then hung on to the gears longer than I wanted! It's a good job there weren't any mics because I was shouting at screen "change, change" while trying to keep ahead/catch up with Amar!

Great idea the joker laps. Adds a bit of extra strategy. There's a few tracks that could be used for that I suppose.

Great attendance, it's nice to see that, so long after GT6's release. đź‘Ť
It is. Interest is indeed dwindling but there are still a few of us diehards keeping it going as best we can by bringing the friends and clubs together.

On that note... @Zolon32 is running the Alpine untuned tonight in a couple of races. Short notice I know but if anyone is interested it would be good to see you.
(Zolon - joker laps - great idea) ;)
Thanks @tarnheld it was fun. :cheers:

I haven't driven around Streets of Willow or Silverstone's Stowe for a good while and I think it showed! At Stowe I got fed up with having to constantly change gear so I quickly changed to auto for Tsukuba, which proved a bad move since it then hung on to the gears longer than I wanted! It's a good job there weren't any mics because I was shouting at screen "change, change" while trying to keep ahead/catch up with Amar!

Great idea the joker laps. Adds a bit of extra strategy. There's a few tracks that could be used for that I suppose.

It is. Interest is indeed dwindling but there are still a few of us diehards keeping it going as best we can by bringing the friends and clubs together.

On that note... @Zolon32 is running the Alpine untuned tonight in a couple of races. Short notice I know but if anyone is interested it would be good to see you.
(Zolon - joker laps - great idea) ;)

Hang on, what's the joker laps?
Hang on, what's the joker laps?

It's a nice way to alter the layout and add more strategy to a race: For instance at Tsukuba there is a chicane after the Dunlop Bridge, so you can include that in the layout and race with that chicane. And for the kicks everybody can do one lap shortcutting the chicane, and decides for himself what lap that should be! At Suzuka there is also a chicane after the hairpin that can be used that way, we should try it out sometimes.
Oh that means rewatching all the replays a few times!! :eek::lol:

Tsukuba is so small that you can keep an eye on everybody. :mischievous: And if someone does a shortcut by mistake (it happens, 2-3 sec gained), he can always give it back at the back straight to avoid the penalty hammer. :lol:

To give credit the joker lap was @LongbowX's idea some time ago at a Makeshift Shuffle Track Day. đź‘Ť
I still haven't played online a single time. It took me a while to be happy about the force feedback (this is not plug and play!!). But also I actually don't play that often as life has been throwing distractions at me, lately.

With a group like the one we've been able to make up for the Zero Cup, though, I'm sure it can be an absolute blast!

The driving is great and being able to go through free practice and qualifying sessions makes each race an event in its own right. The other day, I was fighting really hard for.... the 24th place!! (out of 40 cars)
With a group like the one we've been able to make up for the Zero Cup, though, I'm sure it can be an absolute blast!

Well, I guess it goes without saying but you are welcome back anytime :D:cheers: Even if for a peek :)

We had some great battles at some point before your skills went beyond mine (or I stopped practising, not sure which) :)