Zero Cup

  • Thread starter WarriusZero
From what I've read, the FFB settings in AC are much simpler than Project CARS. See this screenshot:

ac advanced.jpg
From what I've read, the FFB settings in AC are much simpler than Project CARS.
Heck, I'd hate to see the PCars settings screen then. I'd like just a few more options than PD give us but it can go over the top.

I think Codemasters had the options right on their previous Grid AS game - just enough settings to twiddle with but not enough to overwhelm.

Brake Gamma, does that increase the brightness of your brake lights? :mischievous:
Heck, I'd hate to see the PCars settings screen then. I'd like just a few more options than PD give us but it can go over the top.

I think Codemasters had the options right on their previous Grid AS game - just enough settings to twiddle with but not enough to overwhelm.

Brake Gamma, does that increase the brightness of your brake lights? :mischievous:

Screen? There's like 4 or 5 pages of control settings I'm pretty sure. I've never touched any of them.
@Sparkz_360 - Has it got to be the Toyota FT-1 Graphite? That model can't be painted or have a number added. The "normal" model has the same PP rating. I don't mind since I've now got both models but it might save someone some credits if they've already got the original.
- Has it got to be the Toyota FT-1 Graphite? That model can't be painted or have a number added.
The other FT-1 can't be painted either other than the color you purchase. That's too bad really because I was looking to paint mine in matte light gray.
Oh well. It's go with the colour you've got then.

I'll pretend that yours is matte light grey then Jocke.

(Actually the Graphite model is a sort of matte-ish light-ish grey-ish)
Heck, I'd hate to see the PCars settings screen then. I'd like just a few more options than PD give us but it can go over the top.

It's so bad, and the default values are so bad, that some people went through the effort of putting stuff together to help the community out. I recommend, which I'll be using to illustrate the joy of settings up the FFB in Project CARS (I'm surprised you guys didn't know about this).

There are the global settings with 5 or more sliders (I'm pretty sure there are more). The important 5 are shown here:

I'm adding screenshots for the lazy ones.


Then there are the wheel settings, with only 21 sliders, thankfully the sliders' names are as clear as... (I'll let you decide). You can check that out here:


Finally, because that would be a little bit too easy otherwise, each car has its own FFB related sliders. Example:
There are 14 sliders mentioned here but there are actually another 4 that nobody dares touching.


Jack Spades has to be commended for coming up with all that data (including different feedback flavours for different feelings and a lot of updates) and Oscar Olim with the website.

I spent most of my Project CARS time trying to figure out what settings would work best then I got sick of it. Now I'm always wondering how good it could be if I could have the 'right' data in the game.

So yeah, it's a bit overwhelming...
Wow, so you can change the steering column from rubber band to HAL9000 controlled carbon nanotube. :eek: :lol: And let me guess -- these settings can't be no-tuning enforced?
I don't know if tuning can be enforced or not. The above should still be allowed, though, as different wheel/platform combinations require different settings.

This is why I can't wait to see what Assetto Corsa feels like out of the box.
I'm adding screenshots for the lazy ones.
Good grief!

There's having options and there's, well being stupid. I can see the benefits of being able to slightly tweak the settings per car but the rest is just a mass of nonsensical text. There's even a spring strength for the menu!

Spending too long messing around in there will result in scoop knee and linkage stiffness. :crazy:
That was great racing. :lol:

I'm really surprised I did so well. I looked at some of the replays and it's obvious I'm really slow and holding people up!! Thanks guys for not forcing your way through although I wouldn't have held it against you.

@amarynceos : I know Sparks is looking at this but in my replay it looks like you got nerfed by the network gods!!!!:eek:
Jocke was beside you and sparks behind but there was a good gap and your car just suddenly went for the grass! Weird. :odd:

However someone else's replay may show a completely different story.

I had some great battles with everyone at some piint through all the races.
Thanks for hosting sparks.
it's obvious I'm really slow and holding people up!!
That's called good defending. ;)

I wasn't really with it yesterday, I had a migraine just a few hours before and my head was still a bit fuzzy*. This combined with the fact that I couldn't get to grip with finding any grip meant I wasn't very competitive.

* The thumping from those expansion strips around route 5 sound extra loud when you've got a headache! :drool:
Well I think I may have invisibly tangled with @amarnynceos because I went straight off in to the wall on that hairpin just narrowly missing baron, I have no idea why that happened because that's not where I was driving and I couldn't see you on track...

Later on I started developing dirty pot syndrome and my brakes started crapping out on me, that's why in the last race I was braking extra early cause I only had 50% brakes.

Well my new brake potentiometer arrived today and after a quick solder job and recalibration I have 100% functioning brakes!!! I am so happy!

See you guys on track!
Results (better late than never... (yes, the RX-7 results are still outstanding...))
Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-22 um 07.45.01.png

A car to base a series on, fun to drive but tricky to keep the momentum through the corners. Had phantastic battles in all races! @Sparkz_360 really had to work hard for the hattrick, @amarynceos kept the pressure on. 👍 Sorry to anyone bitten by the early shifting needed, the crema output had a huge drop after 8000rpm, should have warned you earlier.

Thanks all for coming, see you next Monday! :cheers: