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This week’s theme will be "Fixed camera shot" as chosen by week 22 runner-up, treefingers, on behalf of week 22 winner sejtur.
Further explanation of theme:
I want a sense of speed, but with a clean background, as if the camera cannot be moved.
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
I want a sense of speed, but with a clean background, as if the camera cannot be moved.
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any

Winner will select the top 10 for the poll and pick the theme for the following week.
Post your final entry in red letters. Such as “Final Entry”
A preview image may be used, but it may be no bigger than 300*400 pixels by either photo orientation.
You may have two honorable mentions if a preview image is not used.
You may change your Final Entry once. If if you do so, please edit your original entry make a new post linking to it.
Do not use an entry from a previous competition.
Do not post more than three photos in this thread.
Only one entry may be submitted, and it must be uploaded using Imageshack and have the thumbnail picture.
Photoshop adjustments, tools, and filters list:
Blur filters
Noise filters
Sharpen filters
Type tool
Sharpen tool
Burn tool
Dodge Tool
Blur tool
Clone Stamp Tool (for removing watermark)
[Note:No plug-ins for any of the above adjustments or filters are to be used]
You may use layers for overlay and layer adjustments, but not to alter the geometry and original subject matter of the picture: like adding stickers and body kits, and objects that are not in the original image.

Deadline for week 24 is January 21st