Reputation Points - Discussion

  • Thread starter G.T
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The way I think of it is this:

Do you guys want to keep the reputation system? If yes, then STOP ABUSING THE SYSTEM. Good things like this are always taken away from us because of the lack of discipline of some people to stop themselves from just repping each other because they're "friends" or just made a good comment to offend someone. At this rate, it will be taken away because of YOUR doing. One of the features of the system has been taken away already so I doubt the system will take much more abuse than this before it gets taken away completely.

If no, then don't use it at all, simple as that. I'm not stopping your from complaining about people mis-using it, it's just it's better than using it to abuse it so it causes hell for everyone. Actualy, it shouldn't cause hell, it should be as black and white as "abuse it, it gets taken away, follow it, it stays and you get rewarded".

For me, I'm stuck in the middle. I do care who gets the badge or not, hense why I rep people in the first place. I see a good post, I rep it. I admit I sometimes forget to rep people, but that's human isn't it? It's better than abusing the system that's for sure. On the other hand, I don't care who has it, this abuse mainly the reason for it.

When you rep someone it asks if you approve or disapprove of the post. I actually approved of John posting BX's pics in the Questionable Mods thread, and hence, I gave him rep for it. I thought it was funny.
Well, the "approve and disapprove" options are worded wrong, then. The badge clearly says "Quality posts" so you should be repping people who have quality posts, not ones you agree with.

Anyway, this is my 2 cents. I've probably got too involved in it all, but I needed to get my point accross, abuse it or keep it. Simple.
The way I think of it is this:

Well, the "approve and disapprove" options are worded wrong, then. The badge clearly says "Quality posts" so you should be repping people who have quality posts, not ones you agree with.

Exactly, I totally agree with you on this...but I'm not giving you any rep points :sly:

See? That's the way it sould be handled, In my case, I only rep to posts that actually HELP resolve the thread issue (if there's any), or to a post that's very informative and well worded. Also to constructive criticism.

ALL of these posts SHOULD be related to the main point of the thread. If not, then I don't see why it deserves + rep since it's off topic already :indiff:

As you all have noticed, I am beginning to hide the inner workings of the systems. You should no longer be able to view your number of reputation points, nor view your reputation giving power. Viewing these statistics encourages people to turn the system into what it's not designed to be here - a ranking, rather than recognition system. A defined goal and "progress report" of attainment to that goal also encourages "logrolling" and other unsavory behavior.

Through all of this, very few have actually seen the system for what I designed it to be. And, in reality, I have been pleased with how well the system has functioned as planned. Hopefully, by making these few changes, the rest of you will reduce your efforts to abuse the system while also making abuse of the system much more difficult. Part of the beauty of the system is its ability to adapt and evolve as users continually and deliberately try to kill it, and I'm confident that our best posters will continue to be recognized for quite some time to come. :)
ohh God....*applause* 👍

The best solutions from the best owner to the best site :sly:

hmmmmm, I do have to say I dont like the fact you can't now see your reputation points.....
How are we supposed to know when we need to 'buck up' our ideas? Or do we just assume that everyone without a quality posts tag is doing badly?

Personally, I'd like to see how many rep points I have. I have no ambition to achieve a quality posts tag, however, I do want to keep my posts at a good level of quality.
How are we supposed to know when we need to 'buck up' our ideas? Or do we just assume that everyone without a quality posts tag is doing badly?

Personally, I'd like to see how many rep points I have. I have no ambition to achieve a quality posts tag, however, I do want to keep my posts at a good level of quality.
I'm with you there. I'm not obsessed about the badge, but it was nice to keep our rep points level in check.

Hey, if you join Premium, you can still see your points (under User Control Panel > Options). :)
I think you were supposed to keep that quiet. :D
Why are people so obsessed about getting the QUALITY POST badge?
I knew this would become sort of a problem. It's not a contest.

I've never been intrested about the badge, since I hardly ever write 'quality posts' like JohnBM1 (whatever his name is).
But as Evan said, I would also like to 'keep my posts at a good level of quality'.

I hope that Jordan will get the new system work so none will ''rep whore''.

How are we supposed to know when we need to 'buck up' our ideas?

Each user's profile page has some green (or if you're baaaaad, red) squares in it. One green square is background noise. More than that is good. If you're background noise or worse, that's when you need to "buck up" your ideas.
How are we supposed to know when we need to 'buck up' our ideas? Or do we just assume that everyone without a quality posts tag is doing badly?

That's just it. You shouldn't need to know anything. You should be making quality posts REGARDLESS of the badge or not.
Each user's profile page has some green (or if you're baaaaad, red) squares in it. One green square is background noise. More than that is good. If you're background noise or worse, that's when you need to "buck up" your ideas.
Those are gone as well.
You're not supposed to know when to 'buck up' your ideas, that's the point of Jordans system change. Now, you can just keep on making quality posts and get the badge one day, or you can give up and never get it. But you won't know if you're 1 or 100 points away, so making quality posts is your only way to find out. :sly:

EDIT: McLaren :cheers:

the Interceptor
Those are gone as well.

My bad. I hadn't refreshed recently...

So ignore what I said, and 👍 to *McLaren*'s first post.
True, though I never realized the system was getting out of hand with some, but I guess it was inevitable the way it was working. I'm glad Jordan did what he did instead of abolishing it, as it's a good system (though some try to abuse it) and I would like to attain that badge someday. However, that's not that big of a deal for me. Yes, it would be cool to get the badge, but it's not a goal to me. It's a bonus. That's what it is supposed to be, a bonus rewarding those who do make quality posts. It's not meant to be a goal, or a compettion. I'm not about to alter my posting style for a shiny badge, because it can lose its value if you bend over backwards and go out your way for it.
It would be a shame to have to impose "moderator approval" on the system to stop the abuse, but I suppose there is no way this side of handing out bans to stop all the logrolling.

A shame, the rep system could have been fantastic.
Those are gone as well.

It's a shame we had to loose those too, I assume they had to be removed as they were an integral part of the system that shows the rep points? (I have no idea how it all works Jordans end?)

I'd always referred to them as an indicator to someones general behaviour on the forum, as Famine said one green = background noise, red = soon to be banned.

I'm probably never going to get a quality post badge as I'm not the sort of person who has time/ability to write up guides or other worthwhile contributions to the site, (these are the posts I would rep.) Like I said probably won't get it, not bothered either way, as long as my ramblings don't offend anyone or go against any other part of the rules and regs I'll keep coming back regardless of having the badge or not. Last time I checked I had 66 points and two green squares, I've only been here since April 2006 and most of my posts are WRS related, I've not written a post that I would consider worth repping? And I certainly don't consider myself a senior member as it now says under my username.

I stumbled upon GTP a few months ago looking for set-up tips and found (IMO) the best GT site on the web, as usual the few are :censored:ing it up for the many.
I'd always referred to them as an indicator to someones general behaviour on the forum, as Famine said one green = background noise, red = soon to be banned.

That's the thing. I only (had?) one green doohickey, yet I don't think I'm background noise. The green/red things are only really relevant when either someone has lots of them or none of them. :)
^ No offence Blue_sharky39, I only had one green till very recently. ^

I'd say I still qualify as background noise.

In the pond of GTP I am but a very small fish?
So, I guess with these features removed, there's no chance of ever getting the grid to show what posts have been repped?

One less thing for Jordan to worry about I guess.
Of course many of you would prefer to see how many points you have, but it is clear that the only way to get people to see the system as a natural reward for hundreds of great posts and years of service is to make it as invisible as possible. If you consistently contribute wonderful things to the community over the course of many months or years, you'll be recognized for it with a Quality Posts badge. If you don't, you won't - it's a simple as that and this is the last time I am going to explain the feature.

Hey, if you join Premium, you can still see your points (under User Control Panel > Options). :) :sly:
Thanks for the heads-up, it's gone now.
So, I guess with these features removed, there's no chance of ever getting the grid to show what posts have been repped?

One less thing for Jordan to worry about I guess.
No, you can still see it. You just kinda have to guess.
No, you can still see it. You just kinda have to guess.
By clicking on each post?

I was talking about the grid that's supposed to appear in the User Control Panel that shows in one place all of your posts that have received reputation.
So, I guess with these features removed, there's no chance of ever getting the grid to show what posts have been repped?
The only way we all will be able to see our comments is by going through all our posts, and checking them individually.
Thanks for the heads-up, it's gone now.

So... I guess only the mods will know how much rep we have?
This would be more effective if it was automatic, becuase 90% of people dont know what reputation points are or even what the check does.

This is just my opinion though. :)
I see why Jordan made it impossible to know your points, but that can't exactly stop the logrolling. Sure, you won't know how much further you still have to go, but you can still hand out rep and be handed rep.
Well the invisible thing is working for me. I can't find out the points so now I don't really care about the points anymore, all I try to do is not to get on other people's or moderator's nerves.
That's just it. You shouldn't need to know anything. You should be making quality posts REGARDLESS of the badge or not.
All the time? I'm 16, I have exams, I have alot of thinsg to do, as do alot of people. Now some of you manage to make every post Gold, on the other hand I cannot, I simply can't keep my brain engaged 16 hours a day.

I liked the quality posts points because it gave me a chance to see whether my bad posts were beginning to outweight my good ones. I make the occasional bad post, but usually the mindset I'm in when I make it doesn't stop me from making it.

Before, I may have had to wait for a mod to tell me I'm spamming, not that one ever has but prevention is always better than repair. The quality posts was my early warning system.
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