Reputation Points - Discussion

  • Thread starter G.T
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With this amount of suspicion going around, I can see that the rep system will be shot down eventually.

GTP's rep system can be somewhat similar to job networking. Got friends that have some sort of power? Quick and easy way to the top.

It's normal.
Right man, I get it.

But you're just saying that out of suspicion... as with most investigations, you need a little bit called "evidence" to backup your claims. There's no proof John's been logrolling. If I were you I'd get a little proof before saying stuff like "foulplay".

Just my thoughts.
There may be some of that going on, actually (not relating this to MistaX, but on some of the rare occasions where i actually stay in a convo, i've spotted some of this). It's rare that it does result in anyone getting a badge, but it has happened (mainly when the rep system was new).

Rogue Ssv
Lets... move on! Now then... someone post something about rep points, not about MistaX and MSN and stuff I dont get.
Rogue, will you PLEASE stop it with the "Oh let's all get back on topic" posts! Do you realise that you don't have to post all of the time? If you're not changing the subject, don't post! Simple as that!
Right man, I get it.

But you're just saying that out of suspicion... as with most investigations, you need a little bit called "evidence" to backup your claims. There's no proof John's been logrolling. If I were you I'd get a little proof before saying stuff like "foulplay".

Just my thoughts.
Hey, I don't have evidence, as I can't save MSN Convos. But I know, you know, MistaX knows, everyone in the MSN Clan knows that serious logrolling is going on. Other people will testify the same. Jon., G.T, etc.
Ok, another word: logrolling.

People in the MSN conversation choose one of their friends to rep, because they like them. And then, with 10 people in the convo, one post gets a ton of rep.
Unless this is something you've specifically seen happen you shouldn't be saying things like that, especially not singling out a member. The fact that you said you smelt fould play suggests your meerley suspicious of him, or perhaps everyone with the badge. Regardless of that, posts where people are pointing the finger serve no purpose other than to create a bad atmosphere and to start arguments, if you have seen him or anyone doing that then you should be reporting it to the mods along with proof like a screencap or something, not letting the world know on here. The mods reducing the offenders back down to 0 rep will soon put a stop to it since they're obviousely far too concerned about having rep to have it taken off them all the time by the mods (well they would stop if they had any brains). Personally I've seen MistaX on here for a long, long time and wouldn't think that he has been upto that, I think anyone that has been upto that is rather sad, but just send a mod a PM with evidence if you do see it happening. However don't bad mouth members on here with nothing more than a suspicion. I know I wouldn't like to be talked about like that behind my back.

Like Duke said before
It's a neat little feature that vBulletin offers, and Jordan decided to activate it. It's just as easy to deactivate it. So please don't push him to that by freaking out about who has it or not.
Go back a bit, because a month or so ago everytihng in this thread was fine, right now we're doing a damn fine job or having the system done away with.
Hey, I don't have evidence, as I can't save MSN Convos. But I know, you know, MistaX knows, everyone in the MSN Clan knows that serious logrolling is going on. Other people will testify the same. Jon., G.T, etc.
Unless this is something you've specifically seen happen you shouldn't be saying things like that, especially not singling out a member. The fact that you said you smelt fould play suggests your meerley suspicious of him, or perhaps everyone with the badge. Regardless of that, posts where people are pointing the finger serve no purpose other than to create a bad atmosphere and to start arguments, if you have seen him or anyone doing that then you should be reporting it to the mods along with proof like a screencap or something, not letting the world know on here. The mods reducing the offenders back down to 0 rep will soon put a stop to it since they're obviouselt far too concerned about having rep to have it taken off them all the time (well it would work if they had any brains). Personally I've seen MistaX on here for a long, long time and wouldn't think that he has been upto that, I think anyone that has been upto that is rather sad, but just send a mod a PM with evidence if you do see it happening. However don't bad mouth members on here with nothing more than a suspicion. I know I wouldn't like to be talked about like that behind my back.

Like Duke said before Go back a bit, because a month or so ago everytihng in this thread was fine, right now we're doing a damn fine job or having the system done away with.
I've been a part of those convos, and I'm guilty of it too. I should have 80 or 90, not 134.

I've witnessed it happen. I'm just not making it up and assuming, I saw it happen.

I PMed a mod too, about a week ago.

I don't mean to single out MistaX, but he is an example. There are a few other people guilty of this, with and without the badge.
PMing a mod was the right thig to do, I just don't think it's right to come into here and start saying him and him have both done this and that. When you do see it happen, PM one of the mods and leave it with them, you don't need to let the rest of GTPlanet know about any single members. If it becomes a big problem you can be sure Jordan or Duke will post a thread about it and most likely saying that the system will dissapear if it carries on.
PMing a mod was the right thig to do, I just don't think it's right to come into here and start saying him and him have both done this and that. When you do see it happen, PM one of the mods and leave it with them, you don't need to let the rest of GTPlanet know about any single members. If it becomes a big problem you can be sure Jordan or Duke will post a thread about it and most likely saying that the system will dissapear if it carries on.
...You're right, I'll shut up.
I've just noticed the "you have xx reputation points" has disappeared from when you click your own ticks...

...a sign of things to come, maybe?

Seriously, guys, why is rep so important to everybody here? I mean, if you know you make quality posts, do you really need a badge to show it?

To be honest, I don't give a stuff about rep. I don't give any out (and I mean, none at all), don't have many rep points in return.

Do I care? No.

Get over it.
I've just noticed the "you have xx reputation points" has disappeared from when you click your own ticks...

...a sign of things to come, maybe?
Yes, it has disappeared. That was in direct response to the number of people obsessing over the badge, or logrolling their way to the badge.

As far as logrolling goes, lets see:

In the last 6 months, John (MistaX) has received rep for the following posts (among others):

This is from two particular members of the MSN clique. That's a total of 83 rep points - more than a quarter of MistaX's badge comes from 2 people repping those 4 posts. There's a further 19 or 20 points from one of these members, but it is for a post that actually might have legitimately deserved rep, so I ignored it.

Tell us honestly - did any of those posts deserve + rep? Only if you are part of the gang that lynched BlazinXtreme. BX brought it upon himself to some extent, it's true. But are any of those quality posts unless you are trying to pat your buddy on the back for a good cheap shot?
Why does this not surprise me. I saw this coming a mile away.

We had a rep. system at UCP. It worked ok until people started repping their close friends and neg. repping people they didn't like or thought were stupid.

And even if I did get the badge, I'd ask if there was a way to remove it. Why? I don't want it. I don't want people to see I have quality posts b/c of a badge. I want them to see I have quality posts because of what I have to say.
Exactly what Famine said.

To me, none of those posts deserved + rep points, whoever gave + rep to those posts was just "a pat in the back" like Duke said. And yeah...that's what happens when you bragg too much about something....specially a car; not that I'm happy that he got his car totaled, but everything pays off in life.

This is not the forum of the easy-minded. I can't understand how a bunch of intelligent people that are here long enough to know how a forum works do such a fatuous thing, undermining a working system. Was that really necessary? :rolleyes:

I mean it's not like life is suddenly getting easier, because you got a badge in a forum somewhere on the internet. Sure, it's nice to have it around here, but how is a quality badge a sign of posting quality if you cheated your way through to it? A bit paradoxal, isn't it?

the Interceptor
the Interceptor
how is a quality badge a sign of posting quality if you cheated your way through to it? A bit paradoxal, isn't it?

So the system is flawed?

Gentlemen, treat the badge as some treat the premium sign. You can have it if you want to, but it really makes no difference if you cheated your way to get it, if you in fact do post quality posts or even if you got it just because, without anyone actually giving you rep.

When you rep someone it asks if you approve or disapprove of the post. I actually approved of John posting BX's pics in the Questionable Mods thread, and hence, I gave him rep for it. I thought it was funny.

And in the same way, I don't think I've made many outstanding or downright intelligent posts on GTP, but I believe I said this before, some people understand my utterly sarcastic humour and maybe even have a laugh. It's those people who've given me rep and I thank them for it.

So the badge doesn't really reflect quality posting, but more of an all-around good posting. And maybe there's been a bit of logrolling on the MSN group part but I can say it was only when the system was new and we we're playing around with it. After some time I just forgot about it.
Gentlemen, treat the badge as some treat the premium sign. You can have it if you want to, but it really makes no difference if you cheated your way to get it, if you in fact do post quality posts or even if you got it just because, without anyone actually giving you rep.
Well, quality posters are supposed to be role models for new members, and members who want to turn a new leaf. Does anyone want MistaX as a role model for new members?
So the badge doesn't really reflect quality posting, but more of an all-around good posting. And maybe there's been a bit of logrolling on the MSN group part but I can say it was only when the system was new and we we're playing around with it. After some time I just forgot about it.
The Reputation System began in January 6, 2006. The examples of MistaX's posts that got repped from people from the MSN clan were posted in March 7th, March 16th, and May 16th. After about 3 months, the rep system shouldn't be new anymore.
Yes, it has disappeared. That was in direct response to the number of people obsessing over the badge, or logrolling their way to the badge.
Don’t you love it when a few people ruin a perfectly good sytem for the rest of us? 👎
Duck, it's funny in your profile you have this as your favourite quote:

Do to others what you would want to be done to you.

Yet, when someone like MistaX gets the badge all you do is question the fact. Would you like it than when (and eventually you might) get the badge, everyone starts questioning you and implying you don't deserve the badge because you're a logroller, and then start pointing fingers at every one of your friends and saying they're all logrollers too?

Just asking, although you don't need to answer

One more thing, and this is a general question. As I was browsing this morning through GTP, I went into the User Control Panel and below my subscribed threads there was a grid with all the posts which have received rep. I checked the first one, but when I went back to my user cp, the grid was gone. I know this grid has been asked for before and I think the answer was that it was being worked on.

Did I stumble upon some test features or was it a fluke in the system?
Duck, it's funny in your profile you have this as your favourite quote:

Yet, when someone like MistaX gets the badge all you do is question the fact. Would you like it than when (and eventually you might) get the badge, everyone starts questioning you and implying you don't deserve the badge because you're a logroller, and then start pointing fingers at every one of your friends and saying they're all logrollers too?

Just asking.
No, I know I wouldn't like it. But if I was a big logroller, I would probably deserve it.

I'm sorry if I hurt MistaX's feelings, and I should've just PMed the mods again, and left it at that. But also, I felt like it needed someone to actually say something about it on the forums, to make it recognized.. Stupid answer? Maybe. But that's just what I'm thinking at the moment. :indiff:
I think debating this sort of thing it on here just causes Staff to want to scrap the system all together or reduce some features of it like has been done.

If anyone has issues/suspicions with members log rolling please send mods/admins a PM about it instead of posting it on here before it does get removed completely.
Duck, it's funny in your profile you have this as your favourite quote:

Yet, when someone like MistaX gets the badge all you do is question the fact. Would you like it than when (and eventually you might) get the badge, everyone starts questioning you and implying you don't deserve the badge because you're a logroller, and then start pointing fingers at every one of your friends and saying they're all logrollers too?
I'm sure he's questioning it because he's WITNESSED what he says happens in the MSN Chats. I only give out rep. with a very good post. And I'm sure most of my rep. as come from the same.

I don't care though. I'm with blue. We don't need a stupid badge to tell people if we make good posts or not.
Here's my take on the rep system:

Do I need a badge to tell everyone that I'm a good poster? No. I more than anyone knows that I'm not an outstanding poster. I typically add nothing substantial to a discussion, if I even bother to post at all. Still, it would be nice to see that what posts I do make are read and at least somewhat coherent. My latest points, by the way, came from this post. Why some of my other posts received no rep and that one did, I have no clue.

I foresee, for the long term for the rep system (if it makes it that far, and at present it's looking doubtful), that 25% of the posters on GTP will have, and deserve, the badge. Fifty percent will want, to varying degrees, said badge, but never attain it for one reason or another (myself included). The remaining 25% will never have it because they don't care about quality or feel they have to make a comment on everything, regardless of thought or relevance.

I hope I am wrong on some of these points, but I fear I'm not. We've already lost one feature of the rep system, boys and girls. Keep it up and we'll lose it all.
Great post TB, you summed things up well.

Frankly, I like the idea of not being able to view your points. That way, there will be no more "crap, I lost my points, someone minus repped me!"
Im too lazy to give rep, unless something's really good.
So Ive only given about 4 reps over these 3 months.

Sorry if I was part of the ruining movement, but I DID stop after the mods warned that they would shut it down if it turned into a contest.
Here's my take on the rep system:

Do I need a badge to tell everyone that I'm a good poster? No. I more than anyone knows that I'm not an outstanding poster. I typically add nothing substantial to a discussion, if I even bother to post at all. Still, it would be nice to see that what posts I do make are read and at least somewhat coherent. My latest points, by the way, came from this post. Why some of my other posts received no rep and that one did, I have no clue.

I foresee, for the long term for the rep system (if it makes it that far, and at present it's looking doubtful), that 25% of the posters on GTP will have, and deserve, the badge. Fifty percent will want, to varying degrees, said badge, but never attain it for one reason or another (myself included). The remaining 25% will never have it because they don't care about quality or feel they have to make a comment on everything, regardless of thought or relevance.

I hope I am wrong on some of these points, but I fear I'm not. We've already lost one feature of the rep system, boys and girls. Keep it up and we'll lose it all.
See, this is a prime example of a Quality post.

Not, "Dude, wrong section."
So the system that shows you how many points the user has after clicking on the red tick has been disabled? comes as no surprise...
Seriously, guys, why is rep so important to everybody here? I mean, if you know you make quality posts, do you really need a badge to show it?

To be honest, I don't give a stuff about rep. I don't give any out (and I mean, none at all), don't have many rep points in return.

Do I care? No.

Get over it.


All the same though, some members enjoy giving out and getting rep. It's just a shame it's being abused.
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