Oliver Stone’s World Trade Center

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Southern California
After having just watched the movie 'United 93' (see my write-up here), I'd say that this movie ('WTC') is going to be a hard one to watch. United 93 is commendable for not being overly emotive or voyeuristic, but it remains to be seen how Stone handles these aspects.

This movie may well be unprecedented in the fact that such a massively significant and emotionally charged event such as the atrocities of September 11, 2001, is so recent and fresh in the minds of just about everyone in the developed world. As such, obviously it's going to provoke strong reactions from audiences worldwide. On leaving the film 'United 93' the other day, there was a tangible sense that the act of watching that film was more like an act of rememberance than anything else... but it was a slightly double-edged sword. On one side, it may serve as a tribute to the courage of the innocents who tried (in vain) to save themselves as well as potentially many others. While on the other hand, it also serves as a chilling reminder of just how (relatively) easy it is for fundamentalists bent on suicide attacks to kill innocent people.

I think it is safe to say that most people (over a certain age) can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing on 9/11/01... I certainly can, and had the misfortune of being at home that day, and therefore was able to watch as events unfolded across the various news networks. Although not American or in any way personally involved, the events of that day left a deep and lasting impression on me... people may question the value of this film, or criticise it as merely '911 - The Movie', but in this day and age, with cinema (and DVD) in the position that it is in, there may well be no more fitting a tribute to the innocent than to document the events of that day in a way that will be accessible for generations to come. Spielberg managed a similar feat with his tribute to the victims of the Holocaust in 'Schindler's List', despite not having a previous track record for making factually-based movies. Oliver Stone is well versed in making this sort of film (albeit somewhat controversially), but iu remains to be seen how he handles the heavy responsibility of treating this topic with the gravitas it requires, and the dignity the victims deserve.
Oliver Stone knows nothing about dignity or respect. I'm looking forward to this being a horrible, annoyingly-filmed, and overblown movie, with pretentions of being a tough, gritty epic. He won't resist throwing in conspiracy theory, either. I have no intention of seeing it. The trailers will be bad enough.
Wow! After years of being on opposite ends of discussions, I finally agree with you, Duke!

Oliver Stone should should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell.
I have nothing against most of his movies. I'm against him as a person. Castro/Communism supporting individuals don't rank high with me.
He won't resist throwing in conspiracy theory, either. .
Yes, I suspect that this might be the case aswell...(JFK, anyone?) I really hope he doesn't, because the whole 'loose change' thing, as well as the countless other conspiracy theories pertaining to 9-11 to me are an affront to the victims and their families...

Let's just hope that OS has mellowed a bit in his old age, but somehow I doubt it, although he is capable of the sympathetic treatment, e.g. 'Nixon'
I really do hope and believe Stone is intelligent enough not to go down that path.

He may touch on the intelligence lapses pre-9-11, though. I can see a montage movie happening in two different time periods, slicing back and forth between the capture of the 9-11 planner and the events of 9-11 itself, building up to a climax where the planes hit and he is released.

But more likely than not, it'll focus on events right after the planes hit. On things that happened inside the towers instead of focusing on the political aspect... one can only hope...
What's the point?

Everything you need to know about what happened occured on live TV, in front of millions of people. Everyone knows where they were when the events occured. Anything else than a documentary is bound to have more spin than a Technics 1200.
Personally, I loved "JFK" and own it on DVD. But I do agree that any conspiracy theories in this film would destroy it.

Oliver Stone is a hit & miss(more misses IMO), and I think most of us agree that he is an overrated Director. I just checked out his filmography, and his last hit was "Any Given Sunday", which was in '99(where did the time go!). Maybe he is desperate enough to try to sell the film solely on controversy. I hope not.

Edit: That morning of 9/11, I overheard about the attack at the post office. I heard the postal clerk tell the customer, "I don't know. I think they are trying to start a war or something". I didn't think anything of it. Few minutes later, I got to work and everybody was talking about it. It was unbelivable.
I want to start a boycott for the new movie World Trade Center, but not for the reason you may think. I want to boycott this movie to protest what I like to call "THE SELLING OUT OF HOLLYWOOD" this week it's Oilver Stone directing the most converisnal film of the year, but not writing it. this is the same guy who wrote Scarface, but can't write a frickin' film about 9-11. first the Farrally Brothers, then Spike Lee, now Oilver Stone? is this the end of the world? I want you to boycott this movie to mourn the passing of yet another esteemed writer-director. just reply if you are in my camp.

thank you
I want to start a boycott for the new movie World Trade Center, but not for the reason you may think. I want to boycott this movie to protest what I like to call "THE SELLING OUT OF HOLLYWOOD" this week it's Oilver Stone directing the most converisnal film of the year, but not writing it. this is the same guy who wrote Scarface, but can't write a frickin' film about 9-11. first the Farrally Brothers, then Spike Lee, now Oilver Stone? is this the end of the world? I want you to boycott this movie to mourn the passing of yet another esteemed writer-director. just reply if you are in my camp.

thank you

I'm going to "boycott" the movie, on the very sane grounds that it looks crap.

And has Nicolas Cage in it.
"Oliver Stone" - two words guaranteed to keep me away from any movie.

I’ve only seen one Oliver Stone movie – JFK – and that was enough for me.
I'm going to "boycott" the movie, on the very sane grounds that it looks crap.

And has Nicolas Cage in it.
Sounds like a plan to me.

Oh, and I want to be entertained.
Usually I would defend Nick Cage, but he's been striking out lately.....


I’ve only seen one Oliver Stone movie – JFK – and that was enough for me.
Not a fan of Oliver Stone, but I did love JFK.
I watched the world trade centers get hit and collapse in art class in middle school.

Why do I need to go watch this movie again?
Not a fan of Oliver Stone, but I did love JFK.

You love JFK until you realize all that "evidence" presented in the trial scene was 100% BS and made up for the movie. For example, the "pristine bullet" used in the movie for the court scene in real life showed a lot of deformation and wasn't so pristine at all.

Scarface was excellent, but he only co-wrote the script. So, that doesn't really count. I like Platoon up until a point. Then, it's absolute garbage. But then, I'm a sucker for Viet Nam war flicks.
I really wasn't planning on watching this movie anyways. Seems like cashing in on tragedy is a cool thing to do lately, just not something I'm ready to support.
Errh... selling out? Just making a movie in Hollywood is selling out. But c'mon... can't a guy have any fun as a commercial talent in Hollywood? Considering this is the guy who wrote the screenplay to Conan the Barbarian (yes, I was surprised when I looked it up myself...), I doubt this would be the exact moment you could accuse him of selling out.

And this isn't the first thing that Oliver Stone has directed without actually writing it...

I’ve only seen one Oliver Stone movie – JFK – and that was enough for me.
If you get a chance, rent or see Natural Born Killers. You have to see it to believe it. In addition to being the stupidest, pretentious-est screenplay ever written, its filming style is guaranteed to give you a migraine by the time you're halfway through. You'll need to lie down in a dark room with a cool moist cloth over your eyes to recover.
you all are completely missing the point!! this is another writer-director SELLING OUT!!!! aren't you getting that point??:grumpy:
No, we understand why you say it, but we think you may have missed all his other sell outs.

If you wanted to get Oliver Stone on selling out you started a tad bit too late.

Honestly calling anyone a sell out in Hollywood is like saying, "Look, a guy from Hollywood."
C'mon guys, lets not bash Nicolas Cage. Con Air was rad :rolleyes:.

But seriously, this movie will sell out theaters no matter what. I don't think boycotting will affect it in any way.
Certainly not boycotting it on a Gran Turismo forum anyway :lol:.