PS3 General Discussion

Playstation Home. Looks like it's happening. There's a trailer here.

Beaten to the punch...LOL :D

Anyway, it does look very interesting. Will I get into it? Probably.
I do like it, I must say. Good that Sony are coming out with this kinda stuff. Not new ideas per se, but expanding and developing on them. And the fact it's all free is great.
Graphically it's better than I expected and the customisation aspect will be fun.
There is a lot of potential here. I can see myself really getting into it.

Just to add; Little Big Planet. 4 player co-operative online game and it looks as fun as anything - Little Big Planet
I want everyone to flash back to 1999. And think of Ken Kutaragi talking about a "Virtual world, similar to the matrix, where you can walk around, interact, and play games with friends".

Now think of Home.

Incredible, Home is one hell of a great feature!

Of course some will say, its Xbox Live meets Wii's costumzation meets Second Life... so what?.. Im looking foward to experience Home and im sure its going to help sells more consoles.
@ Playstation home

Well what I see is a lot of cash involved... what you'll get for free is a white t-shirt, shorts and a tiny little appartment with a view on the virtual backstreet.

Designer cloths ? Exclusive clothes ? The nice mansion at the lake ? Payday...

Still, many will love it and I think that it has a lot of potential. Although hanging around in that world seems rather pointless to me atm...

you see, there may be some mini games and you can meet your friends before playing Motorstorm or whatever, but apart from that... no gameplay purpose is involved like in WoW or the Sims, so a friends ist a la XBL kinda does the same job faster...

So, why wasting time there when I could aswell play real games or meet real friends in the real world ?
Don't get me wrong, it loos great, makes me wanna explore everything and buy stuff etc, but I remain a little sceptical...
@ Playstation home

Well what I see is a lot of cash involved... what you'll get for free is a white t-shirt, shorts and a tiny little appartment with a view on the virtual backstreet.

Designer cloths ? Exclusive clothes ? The nice mansion at the lake ? Payday...

Still, many will love it and I think that it has a lot of potential. Although hanging around in that world seems rather pointless to me atm...

you see, there may be some mini games and you can meet your friends before playing Motorstorm or whatever, but apart from that... no gameplay purpose is involved like in WoW or the Sims, so a friends ist a la XBL kinda does the same job faster...

So, why wasting time there when I could aswell play real games or meet real friends in the real world ?
Don't get me wrong, it loos great, makes me wanna explore everything and buy stuff etc, but I remain a little sceptical...

Look how much time people spend here

I've spent some time in the 'club penguin' and it isn't as boring as you may think. Spending time in PS3's 'home' should be much more entertaining then 'club penguin'.

Also, just like home, to unlock everything you need to pay extra $60 a year, for 'club penguin'.

But in the end I sense a bit of jealousy from a Xboxlive guy :sly: :dopey:

As for me, when I look at home I see THE SIMS meets PS3 online community. Its a suepr hybride of Miis and Xbox Live.

👍 Sony
@ Playstation home

Well what I see is a lot of cash involved... what you'll get for free is a white t-shirt, shorts and a tiny little appartment with a view on the virtual backstreet.

Designer cloths ? Exclusive clothes ? The nice mansion at the lake ? Payday...

Still, many will love it and I think that it has a lot of potential. Although hanging around in that world seems rather pointless to me atm...

you see, there may be some mini games and you can meet your friends before playing Motorstorm or whatever, but apart from that... no gameplay purpose is involved like in WoW or the Sims, so a friends ist a la XBL kinda does the same job faster...

So, why wasting time there when I could aswell play real games or meet real friends in the real world ?
Don't get me wrong, it loos great, makes me wanna explore everything and buy stuff etc, but I remain a little sceptical...

Considering you're only looking at the extremely small picture, I'm not surprised you're not excited.

But looking forward, there are much bigger things to be excited about. Like, say for instance, a developer has a "party" in the Home environment. But, it's invite only, so you log onto a website, or get a randomly generated invite to your PSN account. You show up to the party and can chat / voice chat with other lead developers etc.

At the end of the "partY" you are given an access code to an exclusive Beta test for a game.

Or, look at other options. You show up to the home environment, with lots of people, and play in tourney's, while you wait to start the tourney, you can play mini-games with people in the Home Environment.

Also, you forget that many items will be given to you from games. They have made mention of game specific custom items for your Avatar through in game rewards. Beat God of War 3 and get a cool looking toga or leather jacket. Beat Devil May Cry 4 and get Dante's Red Leather Jacket. Etc.

There is SO much open for the Home platform. Thinking of it as a cash market is crazy. Also thinking you won't be able to get an invite and jump straight to someone's home and into a game is party. Think of it like a 3D lobby, not like WoW.
XBL is dead. Wow!
Not so sure about that. Didn't Microsoft just announce that they now have 6 million XBL members?

Although, I suspect that's 6 million user ID's that have signed up since the beginning, which if so could mean far fewer are currently members, and many of them could be the same people that simply wanted to change their ID. Still, those are impressive numbers!
Look how much time people spend here

I've spent some time in the 'club penguin' and it isn't as boring as you may think. Spending time in PS3's 'home' should be much more entertaining then 'club penguin'.

Also, just like home, to unlock everything you need to pay extra $60 a year, for 'club penguin'.

But in the end I sense a bit of jealousy from a Xboxlive guy :sly: :dopey:

As for me, when I look at home I see THE SIMS meets PS3 online community. Its a suepr hybride of Miis and Xbox Live.

👍 Sony

Well, I didn't say that it would be boring, but... you know, just a little pointless to a certain degree. I'm really open to all new technologies and to the possibilities they offer. But hanging out in a virtual house and having a party with avatars... I don't know. I don't see a gameplaypurpose.
I'm not one of those 50 year olds who are afraid of virtual thing sin general. I play a lot and I enjoy being in virtual worlds. Still, platforms like the one you described and WoW and MAYBE also this one create an army of freaks who lose their focus in life and instead sit on the couch and "waste" time (IMO).
It's a thin line ... imo this concept is on the edge. It's a little too much customization, overloaded... a trap for people with problems in real life.

But hey, that's maybe a problem of all massive multiplayer "games", whatever.
All I say is that despite all its great possibilities I see some negative points aswell.

You see, that is a great addition, but I don't want to walk through halls and what not every single time in order to see what my friends are doing or in order to play pool with them.
I mean, nobody knows how it will exactly work, all I say is, that a rather simplistic and not so exciting tool like the XBL friends list does a great and fast job.
Maybe PS home offers the same, then I'm perfectly happy to have both.

I'm certainly no MS fanboy btw, I have over 20 consoles and like 6 times more games for Sony consoles... and of course I'll get my PS3 on the European launch day and to a certain degree I'll also use that PS home feature, and I'm sure, I'll have fun.
But I also see kids spending too much cash on virtual clothes and homes, and spending time in that world instead of spending it in actual games.
But hey, then again, not my business, it's not that I'm forced to spend time in there and it's certinly better having such a feature than not having it. As long as easy access like the friends list in XBL is included.

Considering you're only looking at the extremely small picture, I'm not surprised you're not excited.

But looking forward, there are much bigger things to be excited about. Like, say for instance, a developer has a "party" in the Home environment. But, it's invite only, so you log onto a website, or get a randomly generated invite to your PSN account. You show up to the party and can chat / voice chat with other lead developers etc.

At the end of the "partY" you are given an access code to an exclusive Beta test for a game.

Or, look at other options. You show up to the home environment, with lots of people, and play in tourney's, while you wait to start the tourney, you can play mini-games with people in the Home Environment.

Also, you forget that many items will be given to you from games. They have made mention of game specific custom items for your Avatar through in game rewards. Beat God of War 3 and get a cool looking toga or leather jacket. Beat Devil May Cry 4 and get Dante's Red Leather Jacket. Etc.

There is SO much open for the Home platform. Thinking of it as a cash market is crazy. Also thinking you won't be able to get an invite and jump straight to someone's home and into a game is party. Think of it like a 3D lobby, not like WoW.

Well, honestly, look at the numbers. The scenario you describe is great, but it won't happen too often.
20 million users VS 100 interesting programers out there ( or do you want to talk to the dude who designs the trees in Barbie's Dreamlandranch ? No thanks ;) )...

As for the unlocked items etc, ok that is nice, but it leads to another question ? Why should I want to have a Dante jacket for a virtual avatar sitting around in some house, not connected to a real game ?
For posing. That's nice for some 12 years olds who like to impress.
That's a little bit like Gamerscore points in XBL, cool feature, but when you think about it, not so cool anymore.

But again, having the possibility of such a platform certainly is bette rthan not having it. Let's wait and see how it actually works, I'm sure this concept is the future.
Not so sure about that. Didn't Microsoft just announce that they now have 6 million XBL members?

Although, I suspect that's 6 million user ID's that have signed up since the beginning, which if so could mean far fewer are currently members, and many of them could be the same people that simply wanted to change their ID. Still, those are impressive numbers!

While those are indeed impressive numbers, whether or not they are current members, would you rather have Sony's Home or Microsoft's Live? I'll take Sony, it's mighty impressive.
Is there any confirmation that it will cost money? In the demo video, the narrarator said it was free.

Id have to agree with Viper Zero on that one!
Micro Transactions apply to premium furniture and clothes, and apparently "premium appartments".

Also, the 6 MIllion users is total amont all Xbox platforms, ever. Not on the 360 alone. The numbers on 360 are about half of that.
XBL is dead. Wow!
Dead? No. Losing steam? Yes.
Not so sure about that. Didn't Microsoft just announce that they now have 6 million XBL members?

Although, I suspect that's 6 million user ID's that have signed up since the beginning, which if so could mean far fewer are currently members, and many of them could be the same people that simply wanted to change their ID. Still, those are impressive numbers!
IIRC, that number counted active XBL members. Also, if you want to change your name, you pay $10 instead of using a whole new account.
I suppose there will be micro-transactions similar to Second Life as well.
Really? I thought it was all ad-based.

...So anyway, I just looked at IGN's preview of this and I nearly wet my pants. I wonder when it'll be available...
Take the time to read up on the latest HD DVD & Blu-ray players, they included decoders for Dolby TrueHD and/or DTS-HD. In fact, on launch, Toshiba's first, and not so impressive HD DVD player even decoded Dolby TrueHD, but was limited to only 2 channels at the time. You can also find lists of all the HD DVD and Blu-ray titles that have Dolby TrueHD and/or DTS-HD.

These lossless audio codecs are most definitely not vaporware - and to say they are is terribly misleading.

I never said anything about the codecs being vaporware (which if you actually read the post rather than simply reacting to it, you'd have seen that). The point being made was that it was just about impossible to listen to DTS-HD in the home environment because there was nothing to decode it. Using the analog outputs (in stereo or otherwise) is anything but a step forward.

Once again, Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD are compression schemes. The result is exactly the same as what the PCM tracks on Blu-ray offer... lossless multi-channel audio.

Look, you seem mildly informed, but you just can't make assumptions based on marketing taglines. Show me one DTS-HD decoding processor in the next 30 days and I'll recant everything that we've just been talking about. Publicly. In Toronado-sized text.

I think you just want to argue, and nothing I say is going to change that, and why you are making such a Federal case about these audio codecs in a thread on PS3 is beyond me.... so from here on out you'll have to argue with yourself. :)

Argue? Federal case?? I'm trying to keep others from being mislead about what's actually on the market. And this is actually quite relevant to a "PS3 General Discussion", since Blu-Ray and the associated HD audio formats are a major marketing point for Sony.

Neat. It's the Sims meets Futurama. Not crazy about the public space thing (as impressive as it is), since I generally interact with real people, but the mall-looking thing is nice. Kind of what people had tried to do more than 10 years ago. Only much cooler. And will actually work.
The point being made was that it was just about impossible to listen to DTS-HD in the home environment because there was nothing to decode it
... except the players themselves. :rolleyes:

Using the analog outputs (in stereo or otherwise) is anything but a step forward.
Which is yet another indicator you do not understand what lossless audio means. If you did, you wouldn't say that. There is nothing 'magical' about Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD, other than they do a remarkable job of compressing the same audio tracks that you get from lossless uncompressed PCM which has been available for a very long time. In fact, the Dolby TrueHD tracks that have been out for some time on HD DVD are mostly just 16bit audio, while the PCM tracks on Blu-ray are in 24bit, so in this case the PCM sounds even better then the Dolby TrueHD track... Amazing how one can listen to something that is supposedly just vaporware. ;)

I'm going to listen to some more lossless HD audio, its a good deal more enoyable then this discussion. :)
Little Big Planet is the most innovative game I've ever seen. I can see this as machinima heaven. I have to admit that I would buy this if it came out tomorrow just for the creative aspect of the game. Sadly the trailer is misleading, you have to see the GDC video to understand that its not so much a game, you make it into a game.

"Home" looks like Sony is trying to kill of game sales all together :) I'm all for "Home" sign me up for the Beta.
The only thing I have to say about PS3 Home is in the pic I made below. :)

That (the baby part) applies to any online game with voice chat. It was the main reason I stopped playing games online on consoles.
What I dont understand is people passing home's 3-D avatars off as stupid, childish and a waste. If that's the case, then all video games are stupid childish and a waste, because aren't the 3-D characters/car drivers we control in games essentially avatars of ourselves?

Home reminds me alot of the Sims. Isn't The Sims the most popular PC game series ever? No reason to expect something similiar on PS3 to be fail or turn out bad.

As for having to pay for simple things like extra clothes or a bigger apartment, well, I'd rather be nickled and dimed for OPTIONAL extras then be forced to pay a large fee for a 12 month subscription (XBOX LIVE). Sony has to make money to pay for this somewhere.

But MAC_DC does make some good points. One of things that could go wrong with this is that alot of people lose touch with reality and get too caught up with 'home'.

With the popularity of 'The Sims', yahoo chat rooms and message boards like this one 'Home' should be a hit.