Look how much time people spend here
I've spent some time in the 'club penguin' and it isn't as boring as you may think. Spending time in PS3's 'home' should be much more entertaining then 'club penguin'.
Also, just like home, to unlock everything you need to pay extra $60 a year, for 'club penguin'.
But in the end I sense a bit of jealousy from a Xboxlive guy
As for me, when I look at home I see THE SIMS meets PS3 online community. Its a suepr hybride of Miis and Xbox Live.
👍 Sony
Well, I didn't say that it would be boring, but... you know, just a little pointless to a certain degree. I'm really open to all new technologies and to the possibilities they offer. But hanging out in a virtual house and having a party with avatars... I don't know. I don't see a gameplaypurpose.
I'm not one of those 50 year olds who are afraid of virtual thing sin general. I play a lot and I enjoy being in virtual worlds. Still, platforms like the one you described and WoW and MAYBE also this one create an army of freaks who lose their focus in life and instead sit on the couch and "waste" time (IMO).
It's a thin line ... imo this concept is on the edge. It's a little too much customization, overloaded... a trap for people with problems in real life.
But hey, that's maybe a problem of all massive multiplayer "games", whatever.
All I say is that despite all its great possibilities I see some negative points aswell.
You see, that is a great addition, but I don't want to walk through halls and what not every single time in order to see what my friends are doing or in order to play pool with them.
I mean, nobody knows how it will exactly work, all I say is, that a rather simplistic and not so exciting tool like the XBL friends list does a great and fast job.
Maybe PS home offers the same, then I'm perfectly happy to have both.
I'm certainly no MS fanboy btw, I have over 20 consoles and like 6 times more games for Sony consoles... and of course I'll get my PS3 on the European launch day and to a certain degree I'll also use that PS home feature, and I'm sure, I'll have fun.
But I also see kids spending too much cash on virtual clothes and homes, and spending time in that world instead of spending it in actual games.
But hey, then again, not my business, it's not that I'm forced to spend time in there and it's certinly better having such a feature than not having it. As long as easy access like the friends list in XBL is included.
Considering you're only looking at the extremely small picture, I'm not surprised you're not excited.
But looking forward, there are much bigger things to be excited about. Like, say for instance, a developer has a "party" in the Home environment. But, it's invite only, so you log onto a website, or get a randomly generated invite to your PSN account. You show up to the party and can chat / voice chat with other lead developers etc.
At the end of the "partY" you are given an access code to an exclusive Beta test for a game.
Or, look at other options. You show up to the home environment, with lots of people, and play in tourney's, while you wait to start the tourney, you can play mini-games with people in the Home Environment.
Also, you forget that many items will be given to you from games. They have made mention of game specific custom items for your Avatar through in game rewards. Beat God of War 3 and get a cool looking toga or leather jacket. Beat Devil May Cry 4 and get Dante's Red Leather Jacket. Etc.
There is SO much open for the Home platform. Thinking of it as a cash market is crazy. Also thinking you won't be able to get an invite and jump straight to someone's home and into a game is party. Think of it like a 3D lobby, not like WoW.
Well, honestly, look at the numbers. The scenario you describe is great, but it won't happen too often.
20 million users VS 100 interesting programers out there ( or do you want to talk to the dude who designs the trees in Barbie's Dreamlandranch ? No thanks

As for the unlocked items etc, ok that is nice, but it leads to another question ? Why should I want to have a Dante jacket for a virtual avatar sitting around in some house, not connected to a real game ?
For posing. That's nice for some 12 years olds who like to impress.
That's a little bit like Gamerscore points in XBL, cool feature, but when you think about it, not so cool anymore.
But again, having the possibility of such a platform certainly is bette rthan not having it. Let's wait and see how it actually works, I'm sure this concept is the future.