PS3 General Discussion

heavenly Sword? (GIF)

Hard pressed? The 360 Wifi adapter works, wireless access points (basically a hardwire that then emulates WiFi) also work perfectly. Maybe you just haven't ever done the research to make such a claim, which would explain your incorrect information.
Trust me, I've already tried using my 360 Wi-Fi addon with the PS3, but it came up as an "Unknown USB Device". Explain how to get it to work, please. :)
I understand that. However, the Base 360 is essentially useless for near anything unless you buy extra crap for it. Online play? Yeah, right. Firmware updates? In your dreams. Backwards compatability? Don't make me laugh.
The 20 gig PS3, on the other hand, can do anything related to gaming that the 60 gig model can; from firmware updates to online play. The difference in the amount of stuff and its ease to get may be greater on the PS3 than the 360; but the difference that said stuff has on gameplay on the PS3 is completely neglibable, especially when compared to the 360 models.
Okay, I agree then.
Thats a good thing as there wouldn't be a God of War on PS3 until at least the end of 2008. The level looks top notch. God of War doesn't have massive 1 VS 1000 battles like Heavenly Sword is to have.
A TV question here. I think this thread is the most suitable place to ask.

I've narrowed down the choice for a HDTV for the PS3 to a Samsung - mainly because it's a GOOD TV for a great price - but I'm a tad confused with the models. I'm wondering what the difference between these two are, apart from their looks:

Maybe I'm not looking into it enough, but they both seem identical... Both are very similarly priced too. Anyone know?

Unless if it's worth waiting for the imminent new ones coming out this month, if a 26" version is available...
This very same clip was used on Heroes last night. They were pretending to play a game. LOL

I saw that to. They had a little more in the clip than that what the gif shows.

Everyone in the room thought I was weird when I got all excited when I saw that last night. Come to think of it, my family thinks I'm weird what's the difference.
A TV question here. I think this thread is the most suitable place to ask.

I've narrowed down the choice for a HDTV for the PS3 to a Samsung - mainly because it's a GOOD TV for a great price - but I'm a tad confused with the models. I'm wondering what the difference between these two are, apart from their looks:

Maybe I'm not looking into it enough, but they both seem identical... Both are very similarly priced too. Anyone know?

Unless if it's worth waiting for the imminent new ones coming out this month, if a 26" version is available...
What are the native resolution for both? We also don't know the price so we couldn't tell you if it's a good deal or not. Though the 5,000:1 Contrast ratio is pretty cool.

Why don't you take a look at some Sharps?
They both have a resolution of 1366x768. The R74 seems better for the 5000:1 contrast ratio for all three sizes.
We just re-arranged my room, so the 32 inchers will now fit in there. :D It's £599 on, which seems very good, as it's one of a few online retailers we trust. In-store it was about £699.

With the Sharps, they seem good too, but only in American reviews. They don't seem to be right up there with Sony and Samsung at the moment; but then I only looked at a few reviews.

Thanks for the help though, and to Solid Lifters on MSN. 👍

Edit: We're even looking at this beauty now. :)
Edit: We're even looking at this beauty now. :)
Samsung is one of my favorite manufacturers of displays right now, which is saying a lot considering they made some really bad displays not that long ago. However, lately they are really challenging Sony and Sharp in the higher-end LCD flat panel market, and they already make some of the best higher-end DLP RPTVs.

In fact, Samsung is doing such a good job with LCD panel manufacturing, that Sony has an arrangement with Samsung where Samsung actual sells Sony their LCD panels to be installed into Sony’s TVs.

I'm especially impressed with Samsung's latest 7th generation LCD TVs (92,95,96 series). Using a CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) backlight makes a huge difference in color acuity, contrast, & brightness!

BTW: GT, there is a forum in GTP that has a lot of threads where people have posted queation and recommendations on different types and sizes of displays:
You might want to check out some of the threads in there for additional ideas. 👍
hello everyone, haven't posted here in a while because I hate everybody that has a PS3, jk i am just jealous, but how is the supply in the US right now, are they still going fast, o r can u get one without any hassle? thanx 👍
hello everyone, haven't posted here in a while because I hate everybody that has a PS3, jk i am just jealous, but how is the supply in the US right now, are they still going fast, o r can u get one without any hassle? thanx 👍
You can get one without any hassle. Everywhere I've been in the past month has had at least half a dozen of them.
No I'm not. Once again, they have ALREADY been demoed. They already exist. Although they are not yet available in a consumer product, they are definitely NOT vaporware.

What are you on? You keep repeating the very definition of vaporware. There are no DTS-HD/Dolby-HD products anywhere on either Onkyo's or Denon's website (let alone available for sale), and these guys were the headliners when the HD audio formats were announced more than two years ago. Continuous demos are just that: demos. There's no substance to the marketing. This is not to say that such processors will never be released; on the contrary, I'm sure they'll be here before Christmas. But since no formal announcement has been made, it all remains virtual product. Thus, vaporware.

Furthermore, they are simply compression schemes (although very clever ones) for lossless audio. Lossless audio is currently available in PCM form on countless Blu-ray titles. Oh, and they sound vastly superior to any Dolby Digital or DTS track on any DVD, HD DVD, and Blu-ray.

So going back to your original question, yes I, and anyone else can enjoy lossless HD audio today... and it's definitely worth it. In fact, it sounds so much better than DD or DTS, that even in 2-channel mode, it absolutely sounds better than either.

I'm sure what you're hearing is better, but it's not DTS-HD. This picture should explain things a little better:


See the small box near the center labeled "DTS-HD Transcoder"? That's what's getting between you and true HD audio. That little box converts DTS-HD down to 1.5Mbps DTS. That's twice the normal 768kpbs DTS rate, but still lossy-compressed, and still not DTS-HD (it's not even 96kHz/24-bit). This link should summarize it all for you.

Once you go lossless you never go back! :)

Only if you're actually listening to it.

In fact, Samsung is doing such a good job with LCD panel manufacturing, that Sony has an arrangement with Samsung where Samsung actual sells Sony their LCD panels to be installed into Sony’s TVs.

Nice: Sony's finally getting rid of their trademarked blue cast...and trading in for Samsung's blue cast. :rolleyes:

I'm especially impressed with Samsung's latest 7th generation LCD TVs (92,95,96 series). Using a CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) backlight makes a huge difference in color acuity, contrast, & brightness!

I'm sure you meant accuracy, not acuity.
Lair Info:

"Lair supports native full HD 1080p graphics and 7.1 uncompressed audio [1] and also takes advantage of the following technologies:

* Progressive Mesh is a technique rendered by the Cell microprocessor, which allows for an intensive amount of detail to be placed upon vast amount of objects, both up-close and far away.
* High-Dynamic Range Lighting: All of the lights, shadows, reflections, and highlights in Lair are in HDR, and are rendered in real-time by the Cell and RSX, thus allowing the lighting scheme to completely change, just like the time of day does in-game, however, due to the advanced programming of the lighting system, it will be ever-changing, and rarely, if ever the same twice.
* Real-time Dynamic Physics: Every second of gameplay, Lair renders hundreds of physics effects on everything from your dragon, down to the cloak on an enemy soldier. All enemies and allies have their own physics-driven animations, and have individually programmed ragdolls.
* Real-time Fluid Dynamics: All of the water effects in Lair, such as waves, are run by real-time fluid dynamics on the Cell.
* Parallax Shaders: Parallax shaders are used on almost every object in Lair, including fire and clouds.
* Real-Time Renderings/Volumetric Effects: The fire in Lair is rendered in real-time, and has its own physics. All of the clouds, smoke, and fog effects are volumetric. Lava, rain, wind, fur, and more are also rendered in real-time."
With all of that information, do you guys think that Lair may just be the first game to truely show off the ps3's potential and to show those xbox 360 fanboys what the ps3 is capable of? Because as of now, the ps3's graphics have not quite been up to par, when compared to the 360.
With all of that information, do you guys think that Lair may just be the first game to truely show off the ps3's potential and to show those xbox 360 fanboys what the ps3 is capable of?

If it is, we haven't seen it yet. After the initial "lookit how purdy our game is" screenshots and such, I found the gameplay videos to be somewhat disappointing, looking much more like a normal videogame than what I was expecting. And the gameplay didn't look all that, either. Hopefully they've made improvements since those videos were released (I want to say they were from TGS last year, or somewhere thereabouts).
Thus, vaporware.

Take the time to read up on the latest HD DVD & Blu-ray players, they included decoders for Dolby TrueHD and/or DTS-HD. In fact, on launch, Toshiba's first, and not so impressive HD DVD player even decoded Dolby TrueHD, but was limited to only 2 channels at the time. You can also find lists of all the HD DVD and Blu-ray titles that have Dolby TrueHD and/or DTS-HD.

These lossless audio codecs are most definitely not vaporware - and to say they are is terribly misleading.

I'm sure what you're hearing is better, but it's not DTS-HD.
Once again, Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD are compression schemes. The result is exactly the same as what the PCM tracks on Blu-ray offer... lossless multi-channel audio.

I think you just want to argue, and nothing I say is going to change that, and why you are making such a Federal case about these audio codecs in a thread on PS3 is beyond me.... so from here on out you'll have to argue with yourself. :)
If it is, we haven't seen it yet. After the initial "lookit how purdy our game is" screenshots and such, I found the gameplay videos to be somewhat disappointing, looking much more like a normal videogame than what I was expecting. And the gameplay didn't look all that, either. Hopefully they've made improvements since those videos were released (I want to say they were from TGS last year, or somewhere thereabouts).'re saying it's disappointing, having only seen low quality (at best) shots of the game?

I'm sorry, but until you're running it in 720p or higher, in your home, I don't think anyone realy has the room to say what is and isn't "disappointing" until you've played it. Especially when pretty much every major industry journalist has said it's a visual masterpiece.

And if it isn't, then this is:


^When are we going to start seeing round rocks? I think we have the processing power to add a couple more polygons to that (and that patch of grass to the left looks very off too).'re saying it's disappointing, having only seen low quality (at best) shots of the game?

Are you saying those same videos look just as good as you always hoped they would? If so, you're in the minority.

I was answering a question. Do I think that Lair shows off the PS3's potential. My answer was "no". If that offends you in some way, I apologize, but that's my opinion.

I'm sorry, but until you're running it in 720p or higher, in your home, I don't think anyone realy has the room to say what is and isn't "disappointing" until you've played it.

Are you saying I have to buy the game to decide whether or not I want to buy the game? That's the point of videos and trailers, remember.. to show the game off, to make people want to buy it. I'm not going to buy something based solely off of the developer's assurances that it's better than what I'd previously seen. It doesn't work that way.

You'll probably say the same thing if I play the demo and don't like it, right? That it's an "early build" and it'll be tons better in the final version?

And yes, Heavenly Sword looks fantastic. It also appears to play just like God of War. A little too much like God of War, in fact. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it's not necessarily a good thing when you're trying to start up a fresh IP. A new game needs to be able to stand on it's own rights and not be considered a "clone" of another game.

You'll probably say I'm wrong on that count, too, right? That I should play it first before deciding whether it's too much like GoW? Again, it defeats the purpose. Nowhere in my town rents PS3 games, so it's either buy it or don't.

Your fanboyism is showing again.
^When are we going to start seeing round rocks? I think we have the processing power to add a couple more polygons to that (and that patch of grass to the left looks very off too).

You're serious?

Jedi - Well, I think you should wait until you see some official 720p direct feed videos, not low bit-rate poorly encoded cam rips and flash trailers. Wouldn't you think that would be "fair"?

And heavenly sword has quite a few unique gameplay mechanics. If you're saying it plays like god of war simply because it features "one button mini games" well then...that is your opinion.
Jedi - Well, I think you should wait until you see some official 720p direct feed videos, not low bit-rate poorly encoded cam rips and flash trailers. Wouldn't you think that would be "fair"?

He's an IGN insider - he can view all the 720p videos they throw out.
He's an IGN insider - he can view all the 720p videos they throw out.

720p does not mean that they are the same bit rate as would be seen via PS3, not to mention they are STILL flash encoded videos. No matter how you cut it, the quality is lower. And the game STILL sports more detail than most games of that scale (i.e. N3).

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