If GT5 is supposed to be a REAL driving simulator.....then why??

  • Thread starter URBsmkr
You choose rim size in GT4 when you choose your tires.
Race tires are mounted on bigger rims than Sport tires, which are mounted on bigger rims than Road tires. (is it the same in GTHD?)

The overall tire size stays the same, rim size & wheel profile change depending on which you choose.
I understand that you'd prefer more control over it, but technically the option is already there.

I've got no comment on the reverse lights as I prefer 1st person view...and I can't recall ever seeing my own reverse lights while driving my car in RL, so it's no big deal to me.
But their are alot of things that PD still could improve on in GT5,(all the things previously mentioned) and the fact that they left them out of GTHD has me a little worried. Like the fact that the game has 10 different vehicles but you cant race against any of them you just have to race solo in Time trial or Drift mode. It's that type of illogical thinking that has me a little worried! The graphics are so sweet that my girlfriend(who hates all video games) is like damn that sweet!And if they add reverse lights,damage,skidmarks,the abilty to do donuts, and Rim customizing(size and color) I will be completely satisfied!

You are aware that GTHD is just a demo, right?
I'm aware that's its just a demo but they still could have made it better due to the fact that they already had a actual GTHD game ready to be released at launch.

Secondly, where are the extra downloadable cars and tracks that were promised? It's been over four months since GTHD has been out, can we at least get 2 more cars(exotic or luxury coupe or something) and a couple extra tracks!
I'm aware that's its just a demo but they still could have made it better due to the fact that they already had a actual GTHD game ready to be released at launch.
Really? I wasn't aware this was a fact. If you can, please cite your source.

I had the impression that PD originally planned on releasing an epilogue type GT5 game, similar to GT4 Prologue. I think for a while it was even being called "Vision Gran Turismo", but never had it been shown as a finished complete GTHD game, and certainly not in time for any of the PS3 launches. Nor has anyone from PD even suggested they have a completed GT:HD game... just the "concept" demo. If they had something like it, just like GT4 Prologue, they would have released it for sale, and made some money while developing GT5. Instead, we got GT:HD Concept, which is really only a basic demo... which is also why its free.

Secondly, where are the extra downloadable cars and tracks that were promised?
Who promised that?

It's been over four months since GTHD has been out, can we at least get 2 more cars(exotic or luxury coupe or something) and a couple extra tracks!
That would be nice, but let's not get ahead of ourselves... this is a free demo, and frankly I'd prefer it if they spent their resources on getting GT5 out sooner, then taking more time to spoon feed us small tidbits of added game play to a demo.
Digital is correct.

Vision Gran Turismo started as a representation of what the next GT game should feature. It was thrown together off the GT4 engine, revamped for the PS3's power. However, it essentially was GT4 1.5
Eventually, it became GTHD after much work. The idea was to capitalize on micro transactions. A sort of "GT lite." The outcry was large enough that it was scrapped. However, after as much work has been done, it was obviously stupid NOT to release the work so far.
Welcome GT:HD demo. The extra downloadable cars and tracks were supposed to be the micro transactions in GT:HD/Vision Gran Turismo, so that you were not paying for the cars/tracks you don't have interest in. A sort of "GT for you." Needless to say we're all relieved that it failed. As you all know, it would have never worked out like that. The micro transactions would have meant that those of us who want it all would pay well more than the cost of a normal game. Good thing we dodged that bullit!
Anyway, GTHD was never at the status of a full game and it was becoming much too much work. Better to concentrate on GT5.

GT5 is.........none of these. The closest we'll see to GT5 before GT5 itself will be the prologue out this fall (is prologue a rumor or fact? I don't know where I read that here on the site. Could someone confirm please?), which will be GT5 demo essentially. Still, keep in mind that demo's are not the final product, and things in/out of the demo doesn't necessarily mean they will be in/out of the final GT5
I can't reference the site because I don't remember it. But in PSM. and other gaming magazines they had Vision GT as a launch title, with a classic version and the HD version. But scraped it due tocustomer disatisfaction at E3 and other events wherethey previewed the game. Even when I called Gamestop they had a Vision GT release date of November17th. Also in a video clip of E3 on this site(I think is was this site, but I could be mistaken) I believe the man on the stage said that Vision GT/GTHD would be a launch title.
That is correct for the most part. However, it was still in development. Never finished and eventually scrapped.

A game isn't finished until it goes "gold". Until you hear it goes gold, assume it's not done.

As I said. Vision GT became GT:HD which wound up being scrapped..........the remains of which were released as a "demo".
Vision GT was a suped up GT4 anyway, not the new GT5 based game which what this early demo is.

I mean how many publishers release a demo well over a year away from releasing the game..... We are lucky to get this.
If being able to control wheel size for after market rims is not important to some.....then why not be able to choose from different stock size rims. Mercedes, Cadillac, BMW,Jaquar, etc. Give you the choice of what size rims you want on your vehicle when you buy it from 17inches all the way to 20s , why not incorporate that in GT5. If choosing rims size is such a ridiculous idea for the game, than why even have aftermarket wheels for sale at all? It just like the reverse lighting issue, why leave it out of a game considered to be th REAL life driving simulator? Don't take it personal your the consumer not the developer!

PD preparing to model a new car in order to try and keep up with the greatness that is NFS, Mid. Club, and Mario Bros. Racing:



(Thanks Omnis, for the great pic!)
That is correct for the most part. However, it was still in development. Never finished and eventually scrapped.

A game isn't finished until it goes "gold". Until you hear it goes gold, assume it's not done.

As I said. Vision GT became GT:HD which wound up being scrapped..........the remains of which were released as a "demo".

Yes, as I believe Vision GT, or GTHD premium was intended to be Improved complete version of what they originally intended GT4 to be, not a sequel to GT4, for that reason it wasn't called GT5 because it is just a showoff version
"PD preparing to model a new car in order to try and keep up with the greatness that is NFS, Mid. Club, and Mario Bros. Racing:"
OMFG that is one of the craziest things i have ever seen! It looks like a Buick Regal riding on giant fan blades with tires.....thats the ghettoest thing i have ever seen!
Whats the difference between the Regal and bigfoot stlye monster trucks that mullet having, sister screwing ,trailor park dweling rednecks customize?That car looks stupid as hell probably belongs to some B-Radd wannabe type WB from the trailor park! In the City where I'm from its nothing higher than 26s on the Trucks and SUVs. 22s on the coupe.Just so ya know!!!

Ridin' High...... I can Dig it!!
"Whats the difference between the Regal and bigfoot stlye monster trucks that mullet having, sister screwing ,trailor park dweling rednecks customize?"
Well isn't that a beautiful stereotype. Monster trucks are actually quite amazing vehicles and associating them with inbred hillbillies is quite stupid. In fact, one of those trucks could easily crush one of your little "ghetto-mobiles" in an instant!