SF Bay Area Gran Turismo Party 1 (14th & 15th July!)

When would you prefer to hold this meeting?

  • Cannot make June 30th / July 1st

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cannot make July 7th & 8th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cannot make July 14th & 15th

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thanks for letting me know Kyle! 👍 :(
Too bad you can't make it, but I do look forward to meeting the Oregon posse at some point in the future. :)

Unfortunately as much as Jerome is wanting to come too, it's also looking slightly unlikely at the moment for reasons that he & I have discussed by PM. :(
I'm due to call him tomorrow to see if we can rectify things though! 💡

And then there were 4, again!
Just 4, eh? I'm sorry to let you guys down too. :ouch: It would've been cool to meet ceiling fan. Any interest from other Californians? Sage? Solid Lifters? Viper Zero? I know that there are bunch more, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head. There are handful of us in the NW, Kylenhat, Azuremen, Phillycheese.... Maybe next year. :grumpy:
Yep. Double Garage underneath our townhome. What's wrong with that? :confused:
It's where my GT4 rig is permanently set up, and our Miata lives!

The wife would be a little mad if I tried to set up 5 or 6 GT rigs in our living space for 2 days!

Are you coming?

Hmmm.... I'd like to come. I'm not that far away (LA). This is increadibly poor timing for me though... that and "hanging out with some guy I met online in his garage" is probably not going to sit well with the wife.
If it'll help ease her mind any, it's not the dingy sort of garage she's probably imagining! Here's some pictures......


:lol: At showing Danoff's post. Nice touch.

By the way, I'm working on the "project" you mentioned in the PM, it hasn't been announced in this thread so I'll leave that to you. Oh, I was kind of bored last night and I came up with this:

I will be on holiday, in San Fran, early July, but I doubt I will be allowed to go:ouch:
Sod the GT4, I want to come to this just so I can have a drive of your Miata!!
Although my Mazda would be very jealous...

I need a job. And some money. Nnngh.
Good luck with all of this Nik. Let me know if you need advice on prizes to continue the high standards set at UKGTP7!!

P.S. Don't forget to wear your t-shirt. UKgtp. the original and the best!! lol

Hope you all have has much fun as we have over here!
Thanks ladies! 👍 Wish you could make it over!

All right! I now have no less than 6 (yes 6!) events planned!
I figure with only 4 drivers that we'll cycle through things a little faster than 10 - 14 drivers at the UK Parties!
I may plan more, it's been kind of fun!

So far I have managed to include a lot of SimRaceDriver's requests, the latest Pick'n'Mix featuring a few of the roadcars he mentioned.

These races will be run on Sports Medium tyres for Road Cars, and Race Medium tyres for Race Cars. Driving aids should remain off!
I have acquired Famine's random track picker, (:cheers: mate 👍) to assist in picking venues and keep us all on our toes!

At the moment, there are 2 x Racecar Pick'n'Mix selections, as well as a Roadcar version, and 2 x Roadcar Handicap events with a Racecar version prepared as well.

I believe everyone will have fun with this, and we can certainly invent things on the fly as well!
Nick, I wish you lots of fun with this 1st party (and not too many headaches with the admin part of this). Wish I could be there. I'll be LANning with Sjaak68 early July and looking forward to it!

Thanks for the good sentiments, Rob! 👍 I'm hoping everything runs smoothly and all goes to plan! Good luck with the Dutch LAN, hope you're able to walk away with a few wins under your belt! :)

Only 2 weeks to go now, so if anyone has any last-minute requests for particular cars then speak up now!
I can guarantee we'll be using more or less every available tarmac track (except the ones found in Special Conditions hall) at some point during the weekend if time permits!
Dude......So sorry I have been out of touch for so long. Still hoping to be there for the 14th :)

At the moment I am having a scheduling conflict with work but I'm trying to get through that by offering to do some work for us out there the week before ;)

I was going to Fed-Ex the PS2 ect out there to you. Are you going to be around this week to accept it?
I should be around yes, but definitely if you're shipping FEDEX, make sure you check the box to request a signature upon delivery, that way if I'm not here to sign for it they have to leave a doortag and I can go and collect it from the FEDEX station around the corner, otherwise they have a horrible habit of dumping stuff on the doorstep for anyone to run off with!
Welcome to the party alrivers 👍

Ok, it's review time!!!!

Attendee & equipment-wise, we have:-

Smallhorses: Prizes, PS2 + network adapter, 3 x TVs , DFP, 2 x GT4, 2 x Mem Cards, 2 x Network hubs, 8 x Ethernet cables, 2 x headphones, Laptop & MAX Drive for gamesave copying & Mem Card cloning and to record the results & photos!
juana b.: Tables, Slimline PS2, TV, DFP, GT4, Mem Card(s?)
SimRaceDriver: Cockpit, PS2 + network adapter, TV, Frex-modified DFP + shifter, GT4, Mem Card(s?)
ceiling_fan: Pink seat, Slimline PS2, Dell 20" monitor with PS2 input, 2 x DS2s, GT4, Mem Card(s?)
alrivers: Slimline PS2, DS2, GT4, Mem Card(s?)

DaveS1138 is still a maybe at this point, but would be able to supply PS2 + network adapter, GT4, DFP, Mem Card(s?)

I have also PM'd a couple more folks that I came across in the WRS forum, The Internet & EDK that are local to the area, to see if they fancy joining in!

Don't forget your headphones! if you have them! It's much easier to drive against several other people when you can hear what your own engine & tyres are doing!!!! We can have 1 TV with the sound up, but that'll mean 4 or 5 others will need headphones to concentrate!!!

I'd like, if possible, to start racing by 10:30am on Saturday, so that means arriving by around 9:30am and allowing time for gamesave copying, memory card cloning (I'll prepare a garage to clone the night before) and network setting synchronisation! Sunday will be easier if we've left a lot of the kit set up, and there won't be the whole rigmarole of networking to cope with! 👍

Feel free to bring along any drinks or snacks you'd like, I should have plenty in the fridge anyway, and the fridge will also supply as much ice & filtered water as necessary, but I must warn you I don't keep coffee in the house, so you're on your own for that sort of caffeine fix!!! (I have plenty of tea though!!) There's a gas station across the road for convenience items too.

8 Days and counting.......:D
the fridge will also supply as much ice & filtered water as necessary, but I must warn you I don't keep coffee in the house:D

If that were a UK lan and Spec was attending, that would have to be beer in the fridge! You guys settle for water?!?! Not much of a party with water :)

Good luck again Nik. Really looking forward to reading the write up and seeing the pics for this.

Wouldn't it be good to arrange a complete set of races for all lan meetings to try and then compare all times and results? like a lan wrs? Even better if the lan dates could be within two weeks or months of each other...
If that were a UK lan and Spec was attending, that would have to be beer in the fridge! You guys settle for water?!?! Not much of a party with water :)

:lol:! There'll be beer aplenty in the fridge, but we've got to be careful of silly US drinking laws, and some of our racers are under 21!!! I was referring to the fact that it's one of those fancy numbers that has an ice (cubed or crushed) and filtered water dispensers on the front!

Wouldn't it be good to arrange a complete set of races for all lan meetings to try and then compare all times and results? like a lan wrs? Even better if the lan dates could be within two weeks or months of each other...

I'm planning on pinging my preparation spreadsheets back to Famine so that he can decide if he'd like to use anything at UKGTP VIII, since he was kind enough to provide me with his magic spreadsheets and random track generator.
I think the link the Rypien posted above is one example of a worldwide LAN lap database for a particular event.
We may have a go at adding some laptimes to that, time permitting. 👍

7 Days and counting...... :)
Had a reply from EDK regarding the PM I sent to him yesterday.
Sadly he won't be able to make this event (too short notice) but will be interested in future ones, provided this one is a success! :P
Looking forward to this upcoming weekend!
As long as I don't get lost, though your 'directions' look pretty straight-forward, I'll be there at the pre-determined time of 9am..if not earlier! ;-)
I've got TWO (2) Memory cards, in case anyone else needs one.

I'll have to also bring my MAX-DRIVE too as well, so I don't lose any existing info on the current cards.

This is so going to be fun and exciting weekend....I just know it! :dopey:
Looking forward to hosting it too! 👍
And hopefully many others afterwards! :D

I've got some prizes on hand, though they're probably not up to EXelero's standards! :guilty: She's got some corkers!!! :P (See UKGTP VII thread!!!)

I think everyone will have fun, drive something they've not driven before, and most importantly, meet a group of local-ish folks who share their passion for GT4 racing and will want to come back and meet again & again!! :)

The garage got a throrough clean out and tidy this weekend, to ensure everything fits properly, being as I'll be working at UC Davis for most of this week. :grumpy: Lovely! Almost 200 miles per day!!! :ouch: I'll probably stay up there Wednesday, but will coordinate properly with juana b. to make sure I'm around to get the tables delivered sometime this week.

Anyway, once again, kick-off is scheduled for around 10:30am Saturday 14th, and I'm looking forward to meeting you all then!
Parking is going to be on the street at the end of my block, but please feel free to pull right up to the garage door to unload your equipment.
You've got my number so call when you're close & I'll come down to assist with unloading and setting up!!!

6 days & counting!......:D
Nick, if you need power strips I can provide 2 or 3. If you need chairs I have a couple of those too. (Nobody gets my pink seat though!:cool:)*

*delusions of coolness

Oh, if anyone has a PS2 S-Video cable, I would greatly appreciate borrowing it for the event. If not, I'll pick one up. 👍
Don't forget to post daily reports with pictures... it's always a blast reading about how the LANs go.
I wouldnt have a clue what you're talking about..

Good luck Nick.
Have fun
Nick, if you need power strips I can provide 2 or 3. If you need chairs I have a couple of those too. (Nobody gets my pink seat though!:cool:)*

*delusions of coolness

Oh, if anyone has a PS2 S-Video cable, I would greatly appreciate borrowing it for the event. If not, I'll pick one up. 👍

Sadly I have only 1 component lead and that's not going anywhere, being as it was bloody hard to attach in the first place, given the TV's location!!!

Please go ahead and bring the chairs and power strips if you've got room for them, we're better off with too much stuff than not enough! 💡
It looks like I'm going to miss this event by just a few days. :ouch:

I'll be flying into SJ on the 17th, making a quick trip to the newly modeled Quik-E-Mart and then over to Fantasy Junction in Emeryville.

On the 20th I'll be taking off to Lake Tahoe for a long weekend starting the 20th, but will be in the Bay Area before that so if you all are still playing, let me know and I'll be sure to drop by.