Blackbird. 16 is fine, as long as you're willing to race & have a laugh there's nothing out of the ordinary that would exclude you!
ceiling_fan's Mom quite happily came in to chat with us all, and Mrs S. for a while, waiting for the Midget Marathon to be completed! So your folks are more than welcome to stay too if they'd feel safer that way!
G.T's folks did the same for their 16 year old at the last UKGTP!
Omnis There'll be plenty of pics to come in a separate results & photos thread!
At the moment though Mrs. Smallhorses is getting lots of attention to make up for having been a bit neglected over the weekend (and indeed the weeks leading up to that) while I spent a lot of time in the garage testing out suitable combinations and lineups.
We've got to spend this evening getting everything in the apartment tidy, as we're hosting international guests for a few weeks, after I meet them from the airport tomorrow. They'll be taking off independently on a roadtrip for a while though (wish we could join them, but vacation time has already been set aside for September) so I'll do my best to get at least some of the results & pics up over next weekend. I may be staying out in Modesto on Thursday night, so it'll give me something to do at the hotel!
Again, thanks to you all for coming, and each one of you deserves a special thanks for helping it all come together so well!
ceiling_fan for sharing his engineering skills & pink-chair unfolding capabilities, as well as giving us all a giggle at the Daihatsu Midget '63 doing some 3-wheel drifting at the 'Ring, and also making my HDTV finally look like an HDTV by supplying a spare component lead! I'm seriously tempted to replace my racing station 28" CRT with a flat panel 1080i screen now!!
SimRaceDriver for showing off his excellent setup and definitely not WRS Div.3 racing
, chauffering us all out to lunch, and treating the Smallhorseses to breakfast on Sunday! 👍
alrivers for braving BART to get over here, and saving Mrs. S from almost certain embarrassment or accident by yelling "Red Light!!!" on the way back to the BART station in the Miata!
Also for graciously accepting my dumbass ironing skills as I managed to produce his T-shirt with the GTPlanet logo on upside-down!
juana b. for helping me to initially test the network settings & hardware, providing the tables which we couldn't have done without, and some excellent and highly amusing quotes (some of which may prove unsuitable for GTP AUP though!!!
) before, during and after the races!
One last special mention, to
Jordan who kindly allowed me to print up some prize t-shirts featuring the GT Planet logos, and supplied us with the high-res versions, which look outstanding!
Even upside-down!