Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
... in other words, people willing to spend money online? 💡 Glad I just bought WipEout HD last weekend then? :D
The scary thing is that my bank statement makes it look as if I have a subscription to the PlayStation Network, yet I have only gotten into two betas and one was just because I sent an email request on a first-come offering.

That means that even though I have bought roughly half the things available, have over 150 songs in Rock Band, and a download list closing in on 300 items, I am not in that upper tier of users.
The scary thing is that my bank statement makes it look as if I have a subscription to the PlayStation Network, yet I have only gotten into two betas and one was just because I sent an email request on a first-come offering.

That means that even though I have bought roughly half the things available, have over 150 songs in Rock Band, and a download list closing in on 300 items, I am not in that upper tier of users.

It boils down to a lot of contributing factors.

The length of your Membership to the PlayStation Underground, how many titles you have registered on the site, how much hardware you have registered, how much you've purchased, online activity, previous history in Betas, etc.

There are a lot of contributing factors that go into an invite. I happen to play a huge variety of games, so I get into a lot of betas. Currently playing a high profile shooter :) It's much better than I thought it would be.
It boils down to a lot of contributing factors.

The length of your Membership to the PlayStation Underground, how many titles you have registered on the site, how much hardware you have registered, how much you've purchased, online activity, previous history in Betas, etc.
Yeah, only last week did I go into my online account and register all the games I have and update my wishlist.

There are a lot of contributing factors that go into an invite. I happen to play a huge variety of games, so I get into a lot of betas. Currently playing a high profile shooter :) It's much better than I thought it would be.
Does it start with a Kill end with a 2 and have a zone somwhere in the middle?
The scary thing is that my bank statement makes it look as if I have a subscription to the PlayStation Network, yet I have only gotten into two betas and one was just because I sent an email request on a first-come offering.

That means that even though I have bought roughly half the things available, have over 150 songs in Rock Band, and a download list closing in on 300 items, I am not in that upper tier of users.

Its also worth remembering that those are for the EU beta, the US one apparently had a differing set of criteria.

I also would have to echo the comments about a certain shooter being MUCH better than expected, and for me know a definite purchase.


Its also worth remembering that those are for the EU beta, the US one apparently had a differing set of criteria.
Well, the first Home beta attempt I tried was the Home theme download. Doing that acted as your sign up, but the list of people who got the keys was determined by PSN usage. So, I did not make that tier.

Now, I did get the R2 beta, and I didn't even put a third game in the form where you were supposed to list your three favorite shooters, but that was because you had a drop-down list and I had only played two of the games listed. What, no Timesplitters?
I guess it might be an idea to have a Bluetooth headset to fully enjoy something like Home, too?... *quickly adds to Amazon Wishlist*

There are plenty of excellent reasons to own at least one Bluetooth headset, like to use with your phones, chatting through the PS3's XMB, and in games like LBP, where voice chat is beneficial and fun.

As far as with Home, there are benefits as well, but I must admit, not only is the preset text and emotion options quite easy to use and do a surprisingly good job of conveying a message, but the advantage of typing your chat in Home rather than use a headset or the PS Eye is that there is a running text log in Home that you and your friends can look over in case you missed something someone "said". However, if you are using a headset, then they have to listen, because it won't be added to the chat log for later reference.

My wife and I have found that we use a combination of both our wireless keyboard and mic, depending on who we are socializing with, and what we are discussing.

Speaking of using a keyboard instead of the InteliText onscreen keyboard in Home and in the XMB, the advantage is if you are a fast typist it's almost always going to be faster typing with a keyboard. However, unlike the InteliText menu, it won't include a list of often used words, which can allow you to type even faster than a keyboard using the InteliText option. So it really comes down to personal choice. Like the use of a mic, we also switch back and forth between using the keyboard and using the Intel-Text option depending on what it is we are typing. If it's a quick commonly used word or phrase, then we use the InteliText.

Going back to the use of a mic in Home, late last night I was watching the recording of the Sunday night game between the Colts and the Chargers while my wife was playing around in Home, and she accidentally switched the audio input settings from the headset to the PS Eye... well sure enough, she started getting comments from those around her in the Central Plaza area that they could hear the game being played in the background every time she pressed the R2 button to chat.

This got me thinking.... (and that's a dangerous thing :D)

One of the celebrity Home avatars we made was an Obama look-a-like, so we switched avatars and I cued up Obama's historic acceptance speech "Yes We Can", and played it while holding down the R2 button.

Well the reaction was pretty amazing. Within seconds a large group had gathered around our Obama look-a-like and were visually and audibly cheering at each message point of his speech.

I wish I could hear what it actually sounded like, but apprently everyone nearby could hear it quite well, and they dug the fact that it was coming from an avatar that looked like Obama as well.

Needless to say, my head raced through all the different things one could do with that feature, but it also hit me that it might be too good to be true. In other words, an enterprising company might jump at the chance to sign up a bunch of people to hang out in Home, and verbally play commercials through chat.

Granted, there is a very good Abuse Report system in Home, as well as an option to mute anyone you like, so maybe it's a none issue.

Any way, I highly recommend getting a BT headset, but even more so, the PS Eye. Not only will the PS Eye give you a mic, but unlike a BT headset it also gives you some pretty nice video and photo capabilities whic can be very handy both in games and networking. Some games have features exclusive to those with the PS Eye even, so that's worth considering as well.

The downide to using the PS Eye however is that the audio output has to go through the same as the game audio output. Where as if you use a mic, then you can have the audio chat output going straight to your ear rather than mixed in with all the other game sounds.

So ideally, you are best served getting both, and seeing as the PS Eye is very reasonably priced and you can get BT headsets for under $25 now... if not free with your mobile phone - having both is not a unreasonable thing. 👍
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Cheers for that 👍 Very helpful and interesting... the Obama avatar thing is quite hilarious :lol: You could make one of Sarah Palin and have someone slaughter a virtual turkey behind you! (I'd love to do that :D )

I never considered the PS Eye before... I can see the plus side although I wonder if the world, nay, anybody at all, really wants to see me vegged out on my sofa in my pyjamas and stuffing my face with cheese and biscuits :boggled: Nothing like a webcam to shatter an illusion... :D

The BT headset will come in handy though, and I never thought about being able to use one (or even obtain one) with my mobile... I'll look into that 👍
I never considered the PS Eye before... I can see the plus side although I wonder if the world, nay, anybody at all, really wants to see me vegged out on my sofa in my pyjamas and stuffing my face with cheese and biscuits :boggled: Nothing like a webcam to shatter an illusion... :D
A couple of the games designed around it are pretty fun and no one sees you but the people in your living room.

Plus, if you get LittleBigPlanet you use it to create custom stickers and objects in the game. D-N got a look at my University of Kentucky basketball jersey and hat this weekend.

Is PS3 Home going to cost money to download? Or will it be free?
It is supposed to be free, but then they will charge for premium items for your Home space and clothing items. But, as D-N pointed out, there will be free stuff that can be unlocked within Home itself.
Cheers for that 👍 Very helpful and interesting... the Obama avatar thing is quite hilarious :lol: You could make one of Sarah Palin and have someone slaughter a virtual turkey behind you! (I'd love to do that :D )
That would be the least of my worries. Based on what we have seen, especially when my wife was using her avatar, there are a lot of horny toads online that have already discovered very clever ways of using the various action options to make their avatars behave quite naughty-like, if you know what I mean!

All I'm saying is be prepared to walk away on occasions, and be VERY careful where you decide to sit down.... unless you like that sort of thing. ;)

Speaking of which, we already stumbled across a couple semi-hidden areas in Home only to find we were interrupting a couple avatars having... "fun". ;)

Needless to say, no children should be allowed to roam Home unsupervised, which also helps explain why the character creator won't allow you to make any children avatars... which as a parent I'm grateful for. 👍

There are areas in Home that clearly a kid would have fun in, especially the bowling alley and arcade rooms, but as with most online activity, they absolutely should be supervised.

I never considered the PS Eye before... I can see the plus side although I wonder if the world, nay, anybody at all, really wants to see me vegged out on my sofa in my pyjamas and stuffing my face with cheese and biscuits :boggled: Nothing like a webcam to shatter an illusion... :D
Quite true, but you can always turn the video off and still use the mic on the PS Eye. 👍

In fact I have sometimes used the PS Eye mic set for the audio input (recording my voice and others in the room), and my BT headset for the audio output (to hear the voice chat from others), but there are any number of different configurations you can chose from. 👍
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Well i've bowled, played pool, gone through a couple arcade games, and rearranged my furniture. Now what? :irked:
A couple of the games designed around it are pretty fun and no one sees you but the people in your living room.
Operation Creature Feature is just such a game, and has been a huge hit with our family and friends leading up to LBP.

Plus, if you get LittleBigPlanet you use it to create custom stickers and objects in the game. D-N got a look at my University of Kentucky basketball jersey and hat this weekend.
Indeed, and it looked great! I need to make myself a UT Hook'em Horns costume! :)👍

It is supposed to be free, but then they will charge for premium items for your Home space and clothing items. But, as D-N pointed out, there will be free stuff that can be unlocked within Home itself.
Trust me though, when you see Home for yourself, and all the options and features and games, you are really going to wonder how on Earth they will ever turn a profit on just advertising and optional DLC based on what surely must have cost them a large fortune to develop.

While I'm certainly glad it's free, I can also tell you that despite being a Home naysayer, after only a few hours playing around with it, not only am I hooked, but now I would safely say that if it wasn't free I would still gladly pay to use it, it's that compelling... and this is just based on the beta. I for one can't wait to see what else Sony has planned for Home. 👍
That would be the least of my worries. Based on what we have seen, especially when my wife was using her avatar, there are a lot of horny toads online that have already discovered very clever ways of using the various action options to make their avatars behave quite naughty-like, if you know what I mean!

All I'm saying is be prepared to walk away on occasions, and be VERY careful where you decide to sit down.... unless you like that sort of thing. ;)

Speaking of which, we already stumbled across a couple semi-hidden areas in Home only to find we were interrupting a couple avatars having... "fun". ;)

Needless to say, no children should be allowed to roam Home unsupervised, which also helps explain why the character creator won't allow you to make any children avatars... which as a parent I'm grateful for. 👍
Is there not a grief tool like in LBP?

Indeed, and it looked great! I need to make myself a UT Hook'em Horns costume! :)👍
Just have a large number of various items to take pictures of. I went through two shirts, a hat, a golf bag, and even a poster before I got it to look right. If I had better lighting it wouldn't have been so bad, but when I had anything that used a white logo on a blue background it kept wanting to lighten the blue to adjust for the brightness of the white. I finally went with the blue logo on white background.

I'm not sure why I hesitated doing that as their home jerseys are white. I guess I just like blue.

Anyway, off-topic.

Trust me though, when you see Home for yourself, and all the options and features and games, you are really going to wonder how on Earth they will ever turn a profit on just advertising and optional DLC based on what surely must have cost them a large fortune to develop.

While I'm certainly glad it's free, I can also tell you that despite being a Home naysayer, after only a few hours playing around with it, not only am I hooked, but now I would safely say that if it wasn't free I would still gladly pay to use it, it's that compelling... and this is just based on the beta. I for one can't wait to see what else Sony has planned for Home. 👍
To be honest, I am surprised they stuck with it this long after having to take such a hit on the system itself. Then I am also surprised that they are still making it free.

Although, the features like clubs are supposedly going to be a pay feature in the full version. I guess that isn't a major issue, as I can have a club in my own space by just inviting the people I want there. I'll call it the FoolKiller Fanclub, where we all discuss the awesomness that is FK and his mighty Jungle Pits and discuss rumors of the upcoming Volcano God.
Is there not a grief tool like in LBP?
There is:
Granted, there is a very good Abuse Report system in Home, as well as an option to mute anyone you like, so maybe it's a none issue.

To be honest, I am surprised they stuck with it this long after having to take such a hit on the system itself. Then I am also surprised that they are still making it free.
I suspect Sony never realized how long and how much of an effort and cost it was going to be, and seeing as they already said it was going to be free, it would likely backfire on Sony with bad publicity to change now, and what with so many xbot fanboys chewing at the bit waiting to pounce on any negative PS3 publicity (although they do a pretty good job making stuff up on their own), I don't think Sony really has a choice at this point.

Heck, if you visit the 360 forums you'll see some people are still saying that they doubt Home will ever see the light of day. Go figure, right?

Although, the features like clubs are supposedly going to be a pay feature in the full version. I guess that isn't a major issue, as I can have a club in my own space by just inviting the people I want there. I'll call it the FoolKiller Fanclub, where we all discuss the awesomness that is FK and his mighty Jungle Pits and discuss rumors of the upcoming Volcano God.
Jungle Pits & Volcano God??? Huh? What?


Where I think Home clubhouses will be very useful over meeting in personal spaces is if, as it appears they will, offer things like message boards, theater area, slide shows, calenders for group events. Rankings, tournament info, etc. Then I can see them as being hugely popular. 👍

the Obama avatar thing is quite hilarious :lol:
I was thinking the next celebrity avatar I might try and make is Ricky Gervais, and then using the PS Eye mic, play some of his recent stand-up act from his HBO special. The only problem though is so much of what makes his jokes funny are his facial expressions... that and a lot of Americans that still don't quite get his sense of humor... dry wit is a required taste. ;)

The obvious choices are famous singers, but I like the less obvious. :)
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anyone know if theres a language option on the japanese version???? as it all looks very nice,but not being able to read japanese,sort of puts me of from playing home.......
anyone know if theres a language option on the japanese version???? as it all looks very nice,but not being able to read japanese,sort of puts me of from playing home.......

Sign in on your US account and play, it connects you to the US servers and everything is in english.

Also, @FK, Clubs will be free for the basic clubhouse and basic furniture and such, but bigger clubhouses and more stuff is what you pay for!

As part of the new SCEA PlayStation website, they now have an entire area just on Home:

It includes a new 6-min video of Home and quick blurbs about both the Uncharted Space and the Far Cry 2 Space in Home:


Drake's world continues in PlayStation Home with exiting new spaces, secret rooms, and hidden treasures.


Explore war-torn scenes from Far Cry 2, get exclusive background information on characters and plot your strategy with interactive maps.

Neither of these spaces is currently available in the Beta, or if they are, they are VERY well hidden, or were added since the last time I logged in.

Regardless, who ever says they doubt that Home will ever see the light of day is clearly off their rocker. ;)
EU Home invites will not be sent out today - tomorrow at the earliest, and most likely Thursday...
I had some weird avatar following me around earlier, I kept giving them the thumbs down, but this only encouraged them. Playing "Don't stand so close to me" at them only produced dancing. After which, I stealthily retreated back to the casa. Weird place Home.

It will be a lot more interesting when they open up more shops, but all in all I can see a lot of potential in this system. I spent a while rearranging my furniture, changing the paint, placing lighting, etc... Looking forward to being able to purchase new furniture, picture frames, etc...

anyone know if theres a language option on the japanese version???? as it all looks very nice,but not being able to read japanese,sort of puts me of from playing home.......
Sign in on your US account and play, it connects you to the US servers and everything is in english.

OK, so I assumed that each regions Home would look identical, and have the same spaces, and games... and I could not have been more wrong.

The Japanese Home looks totally different from the NA Home with the exception of the Personal Studio and the Mall. Everything else looks completely different and it even has some additional spaces including what appears to be a Developer's Space, because inside it has offices that you can roam around in that look like you might see in the office spaces of a game developer, with multiple desks and computers with posters and drawing boards of various game designs.

It also has a TGS 2008 space, where you can play games like GT5P, watch videos, and get direct links to the browser pages for those games.... the space itself also looks really nice.

In addition, the Central Plaza and Bowling alley look different, and in the Bowling Alley they also have a nice game of darts available and besides the regular PSN arcade room, they also have a classic arcade room where you can play games like PAC-MAN, Dig-Dug, Xevious, and Galaga. 👍

The Home Theater in Japan also features two screens instead of one.

So this got me thinking, maybe there are different looking Homes for other regions as well, and with different games and content.

So I signed onto the PSN with my Spanish account and went to Home and while not as differnet as the Japanese Home, it does have a different Plaza, however the Bowling Alley and Poll Hall/Arcade Rooms are the same as the NA Home.

Normally, when playing games with servers that are in different regions, even when you use a PSN account in a region other than the one you are actually on it won't connect to that region's servers, because it goes by your actual IP address. This appears not to be the case with Home as I am able to visit every different regional Home. 👍

Now I am guessing they do this so that at least we have an option of visiting Home spaces outside our regions, so that we can meet up with friends in Home that are from different regions.

Any way, for those with access to the bets I definitely recommend you log-in using other regional PSN accounts and visit those versions of Home as they offer even more variety in terms of spaces, videos, content, and games. 👍
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In addition, the Central Plaza and Bowling alley look different, and in the Bowling Alley they also have a nice game of darts available and besides the regular PSN arcade room, they also have a classic arcade room where you can play games like PAC-MAN, Dig-Dug, Xevious, and Galaga. 👍
I wonder if this is why we haven't seen any more Classics in the PSN Store.
In addition, the Central Plaza and Bowling alley look different, and in the Bowling Alley they also have a nice game of darts available and besides the regular PSN arcade room, they also have a classic arcade room where you can play games like PAC-MAN, Dig-Dug, Xevious, and Galaga.

Remember what I said about region locking? Just one little switch for SONY and it's bye bye, classic arcade room...

( I don't say that to make home bad, I just think it's worth to mention... as I already know Europe will be getting the weakest content, as usual.)
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I got invited and downloaded the HOME BETA but I left my controllers at my cousin's house and I can't do anything with a Blu-ray controller. :(
Do you know the next criteria for invitations? I havn't checked yet, I'm at school and will check when I get home quite a bit later...
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I'd seriously advise against trying to get into Home like that... bear in mind that Sony are no doubt more than capable of tracing which IP addresses/consoles are accessing Home via illegitimate pathways and bound to take appropriate action...

As Ted The Dog points out on the PSN forums, the fully open beta is only weeks away as it is - so is it really worth the risk of being banned from Home (or worse) just to get into this stage of the beta trials? I don't think so... we've waited this long, a few more weeks makes little difference.