Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
Remember what I said about region locking? Just one little switch for SONY and it's bye bye, classic arcade room...
As they have yet to block any acces to stores from other regions I don't see a new reason for them to do it now. The separate regions are due to targeted advertising/releases/whatnot, as is the store's regions. So unless everyone on Earth is logging in to a Japanese account to play Dig Dug (which I can understand DIG DUG FTW!!!!) I don't see them needing to do this.

That said, I could also see them easily locking it once it becomes available to the public. Right now they are doing load testing, so having others come in from other regions is actually helping their current tests. Afterward, there will also be no reason for them to actually leave it open to all regions.
OK, so I assumed that each regions Home would look identical, and have the same spaces, and games... and I could not have been more wrong.

The Japanese Home looks totally different from the NA Home with the exception of the Personal Studio and the Mall. Everything else looks completely different and it even has some additional spaces including what appears to be a Developer's Space, because inside it has offices that you can roam around in that look like you might see in the office spaces of a game developer, with multiple desks and computers with posters and drawing boards of various game designs.

It also has a TGS 2008 space, where you can play games like GT5P, watch videos, and get direct links to the browser pages for those games.... the space itself also looks really nice.

In addition, the Central Plaza and Bowling alley look different, and in the Bowling Alley they also have a nice game of darts available and besides the regular PSN arcade room, they also have a classic arcade room where you can play games like PAC-MAN, Dig-Dug, Xevious, and Galaga. 👍

The Home Theater in Japan also features two screens instead of one.

So this got me thinking, maybe there are different looking Homes for other regions as well, and with different games and content.

So I signed onto the PSN with my Spanish account and went to Home and while not as differnet as the Japanese Home, it does have a different Plaza, however the Bowling Alley and Poll Hall/Arcade Rooms are the same as the NA Home.

Normally, when playing games with servers that are in different regions, even when you use a PSN account in a region other than the one you are actually on it won't connect to that region's servers, because it goes by your actual IP address. This appears not to be the case with Home as I am able to visit every different regional Home. 👍

Now I am guessing they do this so that at least we have an option of visiting Home spaces outside our regions, so that we can meet up with friends in Home that are from different regions.

Any way, for those with access to the bets I definitely recommend you log-in using other regional PSN accounts and visit those versions of Home as they offer even more variety in terms of spaces, videos, content, and games. 👍

Well i finally managed to set up a uk account and to my horror the uk version of home looks like a pice off crap compered to the japanese version.
Just got my invite to the Home beta, I was actually pretty surprised, I had no idea I would get one. Gonna go download it now, and in the email it said that between 5 and 7 PST they will celebrate version 1.0 and do a load test of the new features. Cant wait
Just got my invite to the Home beta, I was actually pretty surprised, I had no idea I would get one. Gonna go download it now, and in the email it said that between 5 and 7 PST they will celebrate version 1.0 and do a load test of the new features. Cant wait

That's old, the load test was a few days ago actually. They just haven't updated the "MOTD" yet.

Edit: Nevermind, just checked PS3F, I guess they are.

I played for five hours! LOL

Orin was there when I got there, and was still on there when I left.

Finally getting the hang of bowling. Found my sweet spot, and should break 200 in no time.

How do I get an Ice Breaker outfit?
Oh dear, I got invited too, on my US account. I have only used that account once to download something from the US store. They must be desperate inviting me too in order to get enough people from the US. :dopey:
This Home beta business is already giving me grief and I haven't even got an invite yet... I am checking three different email accounts, as well as their junk folders just incase I get an invite today. Unfortunately, I left my computer with the browser still showing my junk folder open, and so for the last hour or so, anyone walking past my screen would have noticed that my most recent email (thankfully still unread) is entitled "Kenneth's walloping phallus" :ill:
This Home beta business is already giving me grief and I haven't even got an invite yet... I am checking three different email accounts, as well as their junk folders just incase I get an invite today. Unfortunately, I left my computer with the browser still showing my junk folder open, and so for the last hour or so, anyone walking past my screen would have noticed that my most recent email (thankfully still unread) is entitled "Kenneth's walloping phallus" :ill:

While I have not had an e-mail from Kenneth, I have been checking my in-box far more than is healthy.

Still nothing.

It looks like the invites are about to roll... *note to self, don't get excited*

Weird place Home.
Yes, it sounds like it :scared: It sounds like females (well, female-shaped avatars anyway) are getting hassled quite a bit... shame, really, but I hope that sort of juvenile behaviour gets stamped out quick-smart...
It looks like the invites are about to roll... *note to self, don't get excited*
Given how old the two of us are this really is a bit embarrassing isn't it (not that I actually care about being embarrassing).

Yes, it sounds like it :scared: It sounds like females (well, female-shaped avatars anyway) are getting hassled quite a bit... shame, really, but I hope that sort of juvenile behaviour gets stamped out quick-smart...
Does sound a bit concerning, but we do know a certain hockey playing lesbian who will sort them out.


Given how old the two of us are this really is a bit embarrassing isn't it (not that I actually care about being embarrassing).
:lol: It's nothing compared to what is happening over at the PS forums... some people have no shame or dignity :P
I too am checking my inbox every 10 minutes on 2 e-mail accounts, 1 of which is for my jp account/

Yeah checking my UK and US account email a couple of times a day! Its becoming a slight obession! Still no dice though.. :indiff:

:lol: It's nothing compared to what is happening over at the PS forums... some people have no shame or dignity :P

I can imagine what its like over there considering what its like on a normal day! :sly: To be fair though im also getting slightly hyped about it because its been like 3-4 years in development and its so nearly here!

Now you all have me checking my email a lot! My hotmail one for my main account. And then realised I've forgotten the password to my gmail account for the GTP account, because I rarely ever use it. AAARRRGGGGHHHH

Ok I'm not that upset, even if I was invited I'd have to wait to bring my PS3 back home before I could download Home, if that makes sense!
I just think to myself. It'll be out soon. I don't need the beta. I already have games to play, I don't need to occupy myself with Home beta. Who am I kidding... Back to checking my emails.
The e-mails are being sent as of NOW

Given the volume involved the process could take hours - so keep checking

The e-mails are being sent as of NOW

Given the volume involved the process could take hours - so keep checking


.....waits 10 minutes before the news comes through that the servers sending them have broken down, again. :rolleyes:
We can always do what others have been doing, profile sharing. See this for info.

BTW don't waste your time trying that password and username as some *****change the password every 2 minutes.

Do this knowing the risks.

Gamesharing of this type is not looked upon kindly by Sony, in addition as Home is still at Beta status it breaks the T7Cs of the Beta test.

At the very least you will find yourself kicked off the Beta, and you will end up with an account that will not get any future invites.

I can assure you (as a Sony Beta tester) that the above actions can and do happen.

I strongly suggest that you do not do the above.


I installed Home, put on a decent face and some clothing, walked around a bit on the Plaza and left Home after about 10 minutes to do some more racing in GT5 Prologue. Maybe someone can explain me the fun of Home. 👍
I installed Home, put on a decent face and some clothing, walked around a bit on the Plaza and left Home after about 10 minutes to do some more racing in GT5 Prologue. Maybe someone can explain me the fun of Home. 👍

More or less it's a Social Hub. On Tuesday when SF II HD came out, I met up with a bunch of folks in Home and we hosted a "mini" tourney. Granted, I didn't do well, but it was still really fun talking about SF II HD and getting some pointers, etc. Really cool stuff.

If you're into being social with people, meeting new friends, and having fun, it's great. If you're not into that and just want to play games, it's probably not your type of thing.
More or less it's a Social Hub. On Tuesday when SF II HD came out, I met up with a bunch of folks in Home and we hosted a "mini" tourney. Granted, I didn't do well, but it was still really fun talking about SF II HD and getting some pointers, etc. Really cool stuff.

If you're into being social with people, meeting new friends, and having fun, it's great. If you're not into that and just want to play games, it's probably not your type of thing.
It does sound like fun, provided that the socializing isn't too cumbersome. If communication includes voice and/or message typing than I'm all game. 👍
If there's only going to be predefined texts to choose from, than probably not. Or maybe just to come together for a private game. We'll see. :)
It does sound like fun, provided that the socializing isn't too cumbersome. If communication includes voice and/or message typing than I'm all game. 👍
If there's only going to be predefined texts to choose from, than probably not. Or maybe just to come together for a private game. We'll see. :)

Both voice chat and text chat are available options :)
I totally got an invite and I don't have a huge care factor. Lucky me :).

Though you need to register it by 1st of December and I'm not sure that I'll even have access to my PS3 by then, so if that's the case I'll give it to one of you guys.

I don't believe it, my ps3 broke down last week and now i recieve a beta invite! I would've liked to make the most of it but my console's out for the count until at least the 5th Dec
(almost as though to rub it in my face, the code is only valid till the 1st!!!).

ssooooooooooooooo... ...anybody interested in a free code?... anybody?

PS: im in the UK if it matters
PM me (but i've only got one code) ;)

Edit: Gone!! H20HYBRID_GT PM'ed me so hopefully he's got the code by now.

Good luck
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I have been checking my various email accounts for my various login's, no luck yet :(
Did you have to fill out something in order to get an invitation? Or do they just randomnly send them out to PSN users?
I haven't gotten one..