What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Role Models - (7/10)
Typical sex comedy in the same vein as Knocked Up. I find it interesting that the sex comedies have taken two directions. Some are still focused on high schoolers trying to get some, while others have grown up with me and focus on young "professionals" who also have sexually charged funny situations happen around them. Role Models is a bit of a mix although all sexual stuff relies solely on Sean William Scott playing himself. Paul Rudd is playing his Knocked Up persona again. The medieval role players were where the biggest laughs were to be found. "Rub a dub dub!" (It makes sense if you saw it). So, if you liked Knocked up and 40-Year-Old Virgin you will likely enjoy this too, especially if you think the only way they could be better is if Stifler, from American Pie were in it.

Waitress - (6.5/10)
There is an extra .5 because the relationships don't end like you expect. Yay, for originality. It would have gotten a full extra point if the writers could have written themselves out of their plot device with something better than a little Andy Griffith ex machina (yeah, he's in it). Basically, a waitress is miserable with her abusive husband, but she makes excellent pies in the pie house she works in. She gets pregnant from her husband, but isn't happy about it because she no longer loves her husband (she was drunk). The new young obstetrician in town gets her attention and an affair ensues. Nathan Fillion plays the doctor and is really the only enjoyable bit of this film as he does his usually goofy/serious thing.
Godzilla : Tokyo SoS

Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla

Godzilla 1985

Godzilla vs Mothra: Battle for Earth

Next up: Terror of MechaGodzilla
Waitress - (6.5/10)
There is an extra .5 because the relationships don't end like you expect. Yay, for originality. It would have gotten a full extra point if the writers could have written themselves out of their plot device with something better than a little Andy Griffith ex machina (yeah, he's in it). Basically, a waitress is miserable with her abusive husband, but she makes excellent pies in the pie house she works in. She gets pregnant from her husband, but isn't happy about it because she no longer loves her husband (she was drunk). The new young obstetrician in town gets her attention and an affair ensues. Nathan Fillion plays the doctor and is really the only enjoyable bit of this film as he does his usually goofy/serious thing.

I believe I skewered this movie in an earlier review.

Role Models - (7/10)
Typical sex comedy in the same vein as Knocked Up. I find it interesting that the sex comedies have taken two directions. Some are still focused on high schoolers trying to get some, while others have grown up with me and focus on young "professionals" who also have sexually charged funny situations happen around them. Role Models is a bit of a mix although all sexual stuff relies solely on Sean William Scott playing himself. Paul Rudd is playing his Knocked Up persona again. The medieval role players were where the biggest laughs were to be found. "Rub a dub dub!" (It makes sense if you saw it). So, if you liked Knocked up and 40-Year-Old Virgin you will likely enjoy this too, especially if you think the only way they could be better is if Stifler, from American Pie were in it.

Just watched this about the same time as you and would pretty much review it the same way. The movie was a bit shorter than I thought it would be, but there are some funny moments and the movie is enjoyable. Definitely probably worth a rewatch to catch the "Rub a dub dub!" quote.
Just watched this about the same time as you and would pretty much review it the same way. The movie was a bit shorter than I thought it would be, but there are some funny moments and the movie is enjoyable. Definitely probably worth a rewatch to catch the "Rub a dub dub!" quote.
It is the last thing the LAIRE guy says after they first meet. He pats him on the arm and goes, "Rub a dub dub!" and then walks away.

The Grapes of Wrath (1940) -- Directed by John Ford and starring Henry Fonda, this great movie abuot a poor Midwest family being forced off of their land and they travel to California, suffering the misfortunes of the homeless in the Great Depression. Great movie, great piece of knowledge and history on film. #153 in IMDb's Top 250 and 8.5/10 from me.

The Ladykillers (1955) -- Very funny and much better than the remake, as is usually the case, though the first 40 minutes are kinda boring. Funny to see Peter Sellers when he looked 12 and Alec Guiness without a beard or mustache looks perversly sinister. 7.5/10

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) -- I have to admit it amazes methis movie is on IMDB's Top 250 list (#210). I found it extremely boring and Vivien Leigh to be one of the most overacting women in cinema. I know otherversions of it and even the book are much more graphic and would allow the acting to be better and much more meanigful, but I guess this is one of the movies ruined by 1950s censors. For the untrained old movie people it'll probably be one of the hardest movies to watch, since it lasts more than 2 hours, of which 1:57 are of dialogue. Very hard to watch and the end, although not very predictable, isn't what I hoped for. 5/10
It is the last thing the LAIRE guy says after they first meet. He pats him on the arm and goes, "Rub a dub dub!" and then walks away.

I completely do not remember that. :grumpy: If I watch the movie again, then I will look out for it.
I finally got to see "Pretty in Pink". Considered a classic by many.... people I know. :D I just bought it because it was five bucks, plus, it had Alan from my favorite sitcom, "Two and a Half Men".

I did love the 80's atmosphere, but my favorite part probably was James Spader. I didn't know he was so good at playing a jerk, even back when.

There were many parts that didn't make any sense, or parts that were left too short, but I thought it was a pretty decent movie. "B-"


It was awkward, in a good way. I think the hype around it has been a bit higher than it really should be, but in all honesty, it is a solid film that deserves a watch. Although with Adventureland and Monsters vs Aliens dropping soon... It may get overrun by others.
It was awkward, in a good way. I think the hype around it has been a bit higher than it really should be, but in all honesty, it is a solid film that deserves a watch. Although with Adventureland and Monsters vs Aliens dropping soon... It may get overrun by others.
It had hype? Aside from a handful of trailers on TV no one I know said they saw it or wanted to. Maybe it was college town hype?
I don't know if you can call it a hype, but there certainly were one around my crowd.

I watched it, and my take is pretty much like Brad's. Very well made, but my expectation(from all the feedback) of it was bit higher.
It had hype? Aside from a handful of trailers on TV no one I know said they saw it or wanted to. Maybe it was college town hype?

Perhaps it was, I don't know. The reviews were all pretty positive, maybe that was the perceived hype for me. I don't want to make it sound like a bad movie, because it really was very good... But, I don't think it was an A-level movie that Entertainment Weekly branded it as.

I think I liked Forgetting Sarah Marshal better.


I need to admit, however that despite my hatred of Rush, my appreciation of the band has grown because of the movie. Weird.
The Haunting in Connecticut - For me, this film was good for just one thing: Now I know to spell the State with a "c" before the "t". All this time, I thought it was "Conneticut". I have no idea how my misspelling went unchecked this long. lol

If I had to find something good to say about this movie, I guess it wasn't a foolish, total joke. Like the most horror flicks these days. By my observation, they actually at least took the job seriously. But I didn't care about the story, acting was so-so to just plain bad. It also kept going for that cheap, jumpy scare. And even those, you see it coming from mile & a half away.

This one, I wouldn't recommend, personally. "D-"
Death At a Funeral - Possibly the best british comedy ever. I loved it when i saw it at the cinema. I loved it when i saw it on dvd last year. But it's taken forever for me to see it again as knowhere seem to sell it. So i resorted to renting it again. Still brilliant. I'm not sure if the humour will translate or not. I have an American friend who thought it was crap. And Chris Rock is remaking this (save us all!)

Mutant Chronicles - Not quite as bad as i remembered. But still pretty bad. The cast are all good. It's just a big mess of a film really. And my one of my fav actors, Sean Pertwee is in this, but for all of 10-15 mins!

Quantum of Sausage - (Sorry i mean solace) I understood this a bit more 2nd time around. 1st time round i didn't havea clue what was going on. Partly cause the film is pretty bad, but i think mostly cause me and my "friend" were mucking about and tickling eachother the whole way thru the film.
This isn't a Bond film, i still don't like Spudface (Craig), but it's a fun way to waste 108 mins. Action scene after action scene basically.
Dances With Wolves: Director's Cut

We all know what this movie is, but this was the "Director's Cut." An extra hour, which makes the movie total to 4 hours. It made quite a bit of difference, just like all 'Director's Cut' movies usually do. It basically showed more of the relationship developing between Stands With Fists and Dances With Wolves. It also showed more how Lieutenant Dunbar descended into the life of the Indians.

However, Kevin Costner's acting was still horrible in some spots. "Bad horse. Bad horse." "Go home. Go home." :rolleyes: So, for that, it gets a 9.5/10
You liked it a lot more than I did. :D

I saw WarGames and The Flamingo Kid on TV over the weekend. Both pretty nice 80's flicks. Flamingo Kid, I'd highly recommend. I wasn't planning on watching a movie on TV, but it was so good, I couldn't turn the channel. WarGames, I had never seen this one either. While it's far from great, it has its moments. Especially the opening was super-gripping, starring(just in the opening) super-young Michael Madsen!

I'd give Wargames a "C", The Flamingo Kid a "A-".
I highly reccomend seeing Religulous though. It makes you really think and thats something you hardly ever get to do in the theater. Also It'll probably be you and like two other people if you go and seee it. I can't be bothered with doing a review right now as I'm in school. Possibly when i get home.
I want to see this film - it's out here on Friday, and so I might have to order some tickets... strangely, I can see this film being alot more popular here than in the US. I'm surprised that this is the only mention of the film on GTP, considering that it came out ages ago. Anyway, if I do indeed go and see it, I will also perhaps write a review on it :)

Quantum of Sausage - (Sorry i mean solace) I understood this a bit more 2nd time around. 1st time round i didn't havea clue what was going on. Partly cause the film is pretty bad, but i think mostly cause me and my "friend" were mucking about and tickling eachother the whole way thru the film.
This isn't a Bond film, i still don't like Spudface (Craig), but it's a fun way to waste 108 mins. Action scene after action scene basically.
I saw this at the weekend, and was pleasantly surprised, having heard largely negative comments from workmates etc. It would have been helpful had I known that you really need to have seen "Casino Royale" recently, which I haven't (despite owning it on Blu-ray!). As such, it was a bit confusing... however, I liked the idea of Bond stories sequeing into each other. I also like the way that Bond's character and relationships (i.e. with M) can be seen to develop. Daniel Craig is also, dare I say it, perfect for the role of a darker, tougher, and more emotionally detached secret service "fixer". There are a few things I didn't especially like, though - notably the over-the-top action scenes, but otherwise I enjoyed the film. No great depth and hardly a cinematic masterpiece, but a solid film anyway. 7/10 aswell 👍
Like everyone else apparently, I also watched Quantum of Solace recently.


Quantum of Solace 👍👍

Not as good as Casino Royale for sure - but it still works on many levels. It really fleshes Bond out as a guy who cares about no one, and would be nearly indestructible if it weren't for his weakness for women - seemingly all of them. Judy Dench kinda phoned in some of the acting on this one, and the plot was WAY too hard to follow - although I managed to limp along.

In general, it was fun, it was bond (stuff blows up, people get punched, and women get chased), and I've spent a few hours in far worse ways.

Here's another one I watched. This one I watched nearly against my will.


Milk 👍👎

First, a warning for you squeemish guys out there. There are just about no women in this movie - but everyone in it acts like one (except for the one woman in the film). There is a lot of guy-guy action in this movie, so beware.

The movie is very political in nature, but general is about the struggle for "gay rights". Milk is an activist for a small gay community in 'Frisco.

The acting was excellent (much as I dislike Sean Penn), and the plot moves at a decent pace. I was striken by something that usually ruins movies for me, though, which was that I didn't really get attached to anyone in the film.

But the movie struck a chord with me. I am for equal treatment of gay people under the law. So on that level, I was drawn into the political battle. But every time I was presented with something horrible that the other side was trying to do to widdle away gay rights, I was presented with something nearly as distasteful presented by Milk.

For example, the Christian right wanted to pass a law that allowed public schools to fire gay teachers - which I don't believe the government should be doing. But Milk's response was to get legislation enacted that prevented ANYONE from firing ANYONE just because they were gay - which is also unconstitutional and infringes freedom. So throughout the movie I kept looking for the middle path.

It doesn't get two thumbs down from me just because it did work, on some level, to draw me in to the gay rights debate. Overall though, not a fun moviegoing experience.
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I watched The Transporter 3 5/10 maybe less.
Can definitely say that I did not like this installment.
I thought 1 and 2 were better.

Also watched I Love you Man 8/10
I liked it, had its funny parts. but I think it was more interesting because we have friends like the two in the movie.
Just watched Changeling
One of the best films I've ever seen. It might even be better than Gran Torino, which was my most recent favourite. It's gripping from the very start, the performances are superb and the direction is brilliant too. What really stands out is the story itself, a true story that is very emotional throughout. You should definitely watch this film if you can.

I watched Knowing last weekend against the judgment of critics, but I really don't care what critics think about movies so whatever. Like I thought I enjoyed it while it wasn't spectacular it was by no means bad like the majority of critics out there claimed it to be. This movie definitely had moments where I just sat there in awe and thought "holy ****". I'd recommend to go watch it if you think it looks interesting.
Yep I watched Knowing the other night also and saw lots of bad reviews before I watched it .. The film was a reasonable story up until a rather cheesey ending! but I do have to say that some of the disaster scenes were nothing short of spectacular! 👍

Well worth a watch just for the top notch CGI's :cheers:

7.5 / 10 from me if I try to forget about the crap ending ;)
Yep I watched Knowing the other night also and saw lots of bad reviews before I watched it .. The film was a reasonable story up until a rather cheesey ending! but I do have to say that some of the disaster scenes were nothing short of spectacular! 👍

Well worth a watch just for the top notch CGI's :cheers:

7.5 / 10 from me if I try to forget about the crap ending ;)

Yes I'll agree the ending was kind of dumb but other than that the rest is well done and of course the disaster scenes are the ones that made me go "holy ****" in awe.
The Damned United
Not having any knowledge of the time, or the events that happened I found this fairly entertaining. At no point was I bored and there were a few chuckles to be had.
