2nd GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship (Finished - Season Over!)

  • Thread starter Ardius

Practice room open right now in the R130 lobby. Password is gt5p.
If anyone is wondering, I haven't updated the tables yet because once again imageshack screwed up, so I'm leaving it till the next race results update.
If anyone is wondering, I haven't updated the tables yet because once again imageshack screwed up, so I'm leaving it till the next race results update.

Yes I was wondering :boggled: and Thanks for keeping us updated :)
I'm losing time in the last corner. Did a 1'32.9 today with a 1'07.1 2nd sector, also done some 1'06.6 times at the 2nd sector, yet lost that in the final sector, I know it sometimes is because I drop down to 2nd instead of 3rd for the hairpin, but infuriating nonetheless.

I'm up at Lord's tomorrow, and the later train gets me back here for quarter to 10. Chances are the walkway will be closed which means a slightly longer way back home. I will be racing tomorrow night, but could you please hold it till 10:05 if I'm not already in the room? I know we normally do hold it to 5 past anyway.
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It's annoying, I haven't had the time to put any practice in the last few days because I've had family come over, which means the instant I get a chance to practice I am going to need some hardcore, non-stop practice.
Had a practice today and took off the automatic gears for the first time after watching some of those clips off that link fishfash put on these pages. I can say i was a little faster which was good, as it was my first time ever doing the gears myself. Think i could still knock off a few more tenths if i get more time 2 practice.
QUACK QUACK yall better be on your toes tonight boys, i went and got me some new CARBON FIBER WINGS this week, i have been trying them out this week, and let me tell yall my arms dont get near as tired as they did before, i can flap them much faster and for alot longer . loooooool
Just 3 and a half hours to go now :D.
I don't think it will be much of a big grid tonight:

I don't know who will be the quickest tonight, maybe there will be a surprise from somebody, maybe not. Whatever happens, I am looking forward to a good, competitive race. Shanghai is definitly one of those circuits where you have to pay attention to detail otherwise you could end up a few tenths slower or even off the track, so it should be an interesting one :)
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Well i just hope i wont make any mistakes:(

Edit: I noticed that you made an error in the teams standings. It seems that Team Lofus leading the Eu and NA servers lol
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We're going to need the password soon Ardius lol.

Also, on my screen, for some reason there are two sets of NTSC Championship tables and no PAL Championship table?
Kak, if we haven't received the password by 9:45 you need to make one yourself and tell all in here, or PSN message it to everyone.
Haha, sorry guys I totally forgot, had a busy day!

I will be turning up for this one too! And I managed to get some practice in as well as it being a fairly consistent track for me 👍

Edit: I noticed that you made an error in the teams standings. It seems that Team Lofus leading the Eu and NA servers lol

Ignore it, I was trying to update the tables with the Italy results but imageshack screwed up and didn't upload properly, so it just linked the last images.
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Tada, they sent me home early, incredible! I'll be able to race but I'm in no way expecting a podium. King, Kak, fish, LewyOs and boss will all be faster than me for sure, I hate this track and i've done no practice for it. Sorry if this is a bit sudden Kak, but they sent me home early and I did want to race. Hopefully I can salvage some points at least to take to Suzuka.
Well that's just great lol, I really needed to salvage some points from your lead so that it would come down to the last race, not the other way around lol.
Looks like the Championship is definitly in your favour unless I do amazingly well at Suzuka and you're really terrible at Interlagos and I somehow doubt that scenario.

Ahh well, I guess I couldn't have it all in the end.
QUACK QUACK yall better be on your toes tonight boys, i went and got me some new CARBON FIBER WINGS this week, i have been trying them out this week, and let me tell yall my arms dont get near as tired as they did before, i can flap them much faster and for alot longer . loooooool

SPECQUACKULAR :lol: Don't tell anybody but I put the HEMI in the BMW Sauber last night so I'm expecting to be pretty fast :mischievous: down the straights anyway :P
Great race for me :D
I qualified 2nd on a 1:33.3XX, which was pretty bad since my best time was 1:32.7xx, which would have been enough for pole.
Gyles beat me by a tenth.
I got a good start and kept up with Gyles until turn 8 I believe, where Gyles went wide and I managed to squeeze through. Then from there I just kept the lead with no hassle at all, not even one penalty! Unfortunately I couldn't clench the fastest lap..Gyles got that with a 1:32.255 (how the hell did he do that!), my best time was a 1:32.7, so I was happy with that.

Race order:

1st. Kakundoo - 10 pts (Brawn GP)
2nd. fishfash - 9 pts (Team Aguri)
3rd. Sureboss - 6 pts (Team Aguri)
4th. Appie - 5pts (Jordan GP)
5th. Kingmart1n - 4 pts (Williams)
6th. Ardius - 3 pts (Brawn GP)
7th. Shaggy Alonso - 2 pts (Jordan GP)

Pole Position - fishfash
Fastest lap - fishfash - 1:32.2xx

Well, I got off to a good start after qualifying 5th and tried to make it round the outside of people on turn 1 but Kingmart1n seemed to brake very hard and I nudged him, then Sureboss came accross and collected him resulting in a nasty crash. I drove on but then realised my nudge on King might have caused the whole incident so I waited till I was overtaken by both on the main straight. Then I made a catalogue of errors, including losing it on the final turn taking too much kerb and planting the car in the wall, then one at turn one I spun stupidly when I was catching King and Ardius. My qualifying lap was a 1:34.8xx I think but my fastest lap in the race was a 1:33.251 so I definitely improved as the race wore on, but It was far too late. Embarrassing performance :ill:

Congrats to Kak who withheld Gyles for virtually the entire race. Should make things exciting going into the final two races 👍

EDIT: Haha whoops!
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What was up with the slipstreaming tonight? Was sat tight on someones bum down the long straight and got no assist!

Good race, well done Kak. Good result for me, did get hit twice in the first corner (Ardius let me by in the 2nd part of that corner, I think Shaggy was the other as he was really slow along the long straight? Didn't make much odds though, was 16secs behind Gyles, maybe lost 5-7 secs in the corner incident, had two decent stops of bang on 8s for both, had two small corner cuts, one at the hairpin at the end of the lap, one on the left before the long right onto the straight.

Edit (seen Shaggy's post): Didn't see the hard brakes of King.

I could have done with some practice time today, was losing .5 a lap on my normal laps after my 2nd stop. A best of 1'33.425

First Podium is nice. Good result for Team Agurri too. 15pts I make that.

Appie exists twice! CLONE!

I propose that Ardius is forced to make a photobucket account and get a reliable source, instead of imageshack ;)
What an up and down race! Starting off, I got disconnected before qualy, so only managed one lap and made a small mistake right at the end that cost me 2 seconds and perhaps 1 or 2 positions on the grid.
Started 7th, and going into turn 1 I held back and let the pack sort it self out - which it promptly did! Ended up spinning Sureshot into turn 2 (sorry for that!), gave the position back and went to following Sureshot around for the 1st lap.

Somewhere along the line kingmart1n and Shaggy Alonso had an off and were running behind me, as I entered turn 1 on lap 2, I saw kingmart1n approaching from behind and then bam! I had a wheel gone and was into the gravel - no idea what happened there!
Continued on in lap 2 and then amazingly went between the wrecks of Shaggy Alonso and kingmart1n through the blind entry into turn 4, I was amazed when I did that as I had no time to react and squeezed through a tiny gap!

For the rest of the race I was chasing Sureshot and Appie about 15 seconds up the road, had a few moments with Sureshot in between pit stops but nothing really happened except for half way through where kingmart1n caught me up and promptly spun himself on the final corner's bumps.
Finally, on the second-to-last lap kingmart1n caught me up again and we had a brief battle, ending up with us side-by-side down the back straight into the hairpin where I yielded as he already had the inside line and was slightly ahead of me already. I then had a brief spin in the last turn and finished the race 1 lap later - job done!

Was quite satisfied with that result, I was fairly consistent running 1'34s for most of the race and having a couple of good battles without too much incident. More points for Brawn and congratulations to Kak for another win 👍
I couldn't believe I got pole with the controller :crazy: Well it was 2 seconds slower than the wheel, probaby would have been a low 1:31 with a wheel.

At the start I was in 2 minds on whether to let everyone go past me, but decided to make my usual start. I could see Kak and Appie behind me half way round the lap and I went wide to let Kak go by and then let Appie by me on the next corner. I was expecting to fall back but somehow I managed to hold onto 3rd and a few laps later when Appie made a mistake I got passed. A few laps on from there I closed right onto the back of Kak but then got a penalty. From then on I made just 1 more penalty and was surprised to get the fastest lap as well.

Quite a fun race, I will use the controller for the last few races.

Well done Kak, you left everyone behind 👍
I qualified 3rd. I got a rubbish start and in 2 T1 shaggy was close and just caught the side of my car. Had loads of ground 2 make up and when i caught ardius up i can out the last corner and lost it and hit the wall. That put my back 2 square 1. I finally caught arduis on lap 18 coming 2 the long straight and put my car up the inside for the corner and took the place 2 finish 5th.