- 3,542
- Marin County, C
I illegally download music... and I also spend $400+ a year on CDs... I think thats enough...
It makes me wonder if people who download music illegally also buy more music than others because they are also more likely to want to listen to music.the primary reason from the non-P2P camp for not buying music was attributed to plain old apathy.
It probably wouldn't take that long for the bios to be hacked, but I'm not sure about all the details involved in that. Now that I think about it a proprietary media format would probably be a fairly effective solution, like the PSP. PC games...that's another story.
It's disputed because of all the flaws in the study that are based almost entirely on whether they are being honest.
And AGAIN... as apparently you and YSSMAN have refused to answer... If you *buy a lot of stuff... does that give you the right to steal some of it?
And AGAIN... If people lie, and these "studies" are based on limited surveys... how on earth is that proof of anything?
* Not that there is any proof that the majority of people downloading illegal copies of music, movies, and games are - and more importantly, there is no factual data that supports the notion that they do, only theories... largely propagated by pirates themselves as a justification for ripping people off.
Or is it that, yeah they will buy more songs than non-pirates, but it isn't a 1:1 ratio and they don't delete the stuff they don't buy?
And you also deleted the songs you didn't buy? That is the question. Was it a 1:1 ratio?Its a tough call, but I can relate to the "test & delete, go out and buy" method. I did that with M83 as well as Coldplay (long, long ago).
I don't want it just on an artist's Web site. I want it on iTunes, Amazon, etc. It's really hard to have recommendations for music you may like when you are pigeon-holed to one artist.The method you talk about with the full streaming tracks on artist's websites should, in theory, be able to curb that.
No, because my suggestion is testing the actual truthfulness of this research. If it is a try and buy thing for 73% of people the full music streams should be fine. Or maybe a DRM locked and time-stamped track that you can only play on one device and quits working after a certain time period, and then you pay to unlock it if you like it. Basically, any form of system that allows you to try then buy, but doesn't make it possible to permanently steal the track. A creative commons concept does not test this as it doesn't allow us to see how many people that paid nothing deleted it or kept it anyway.However, this is where the Radiohead and NIN model should come into play; Download it, and pay what you think its worth.
It's disputed because of all the flaws in the study that are based almost entirely on whether they are being honest.
And AGAIN... as apparently you and YSSMAN have refused to answer... If you *buy a lot of stuff... does that give you the right to steal some of it?
And AGAIN... If people lie, and these "studies" are based on limited surveys... how on earth is that proof of anything?
* Not that there is any proof that the majority of people downloading illegal copies of music, movies, and games are - and more importantly, there is no factual data that supports the notion that they do, only theories... largely propagated by pirates themselves as a justification for ripping people off.
May I ask, who should I trust then if I can't trust universities, governments, and intellectuals?
Just thought I'd say the last thing you should trust is the government.
It's not birlliant where I live (the local Blockbusters is tiny) but you do raise a valid point. For the record I am not a heavy downloader of anything let alone pirated movies and TV shows and I rent even less frequently I am meerly being open on the subject. What I can and can't and do and don't download has no bearing on what I rent, but it can have a bearing on what I buy. However, as I said your point is more than valid and I think it highlights a big market where pirracy can hurt that I hadn't been thinking about until I read your post, the rental industry.Is the rental industry that bad in Manchester? I also never saw Firefly on TV, but Famine suggested it to me. So, I rented it, legally, from Netflix. After watching the pilot I ordered the boxset. I do movies the same way.
I still don't see the "try before I buy" excuse in this day of rentals, as I have that same opinion, but do it legally.
Quit being misleading and spreading lies by saying all downloaders are thieves.
Show me exactly where I EVER said all downloaders are thieves.... saying that is just another example of you being misleading and spreading lies... you've done it before, and your doing it again, and frankly I'm absolutely sick and tired of it, and until you stop we will never see eye to eye.
And as for both you and YSSMAN's excuses for downloading pirated material, it's just another example of someone so self absorbed with their own wants, and feels they are entitled to get whatever they want, like watching the latest Top Gear episodes even though the people who have the right to that material have clearly not made it available to you, so you simply steal it - or because you didn't take care of your CD, DVD, games, etc you feel you are owed a lifetime warranty despite no one promising or offering you one, and thus justify stealing copies instead of what the rest of us do.. and that's purchases a replacement.
It's bad enough that you have posted many lies and knowingly misleading information on this forum, but to try justifying being a thief and supporting the actions of other thieves is repulsive to me.
Then that's an AUP violation. Report it, let the mods decide and stop resorting to personal attacks. You asked for proof of Brad's claims. Joey and Brad posted sources that they believe supports their argument. The fact that you don't think that said sources do (and yes, I understand your reasoning behind saying so) does not give you the right to claim as fact that they are intentionally being misleading and brand them as complete liars.saying that is just another example of you being misleading and spreading lies... you've done it before, and your doing it again, and frankly I'm absolutely sick and tired of it
or because you didn't take care of your CD, DVD, games, etc you feel you are owed a lifetime warranty despite no one promising or offering you one, and thus justify stealing copies instead of what the rest of us do.. and that's purchases a replacement
New technology has posed a great challenge/threat to the entertainment industry, but at the same time has afforded them exciting new ways in which to sell their products - sadly, the music and movie industries have been too slow to adapt to the changing technology and offer loyal consumers better value for money. I think that the future of music and movie distribution lies in applications like napster that allow you unlimited downloads so long as you pay a subscription fee, to ensure that artists are paid at the same time as allowing the consumer the same freedom as those who decide to break the law.
BramTurismoWhy should I go and buy a 20 dollar movie when I'm only watching it once
I don't see what the number of films on TV has to do with downloading a film at all?Why should I go and buy a 20 dollar movie when I'm only watching it once, and the number of channels of TV is so huge that the amount of movies displayed on TV every night is just overwhelming.
Amazon take marketplace sales from Norway meaning that you don't use paypal at all, so no risk of an account being hacked exists.Also, I can't find Feeder's Polythene album in the stores. Before you say "Use Amazon" think about the online pay methods. Would you rather buy an online CD using Paypal and run risk of getting your creditcard hacked, or would you download this in a matter of an hour and be safe?
Ah right so because they earn money from concerts, tours and record deals its OK to deprive them of money from record sales.These bands earn most of their many from their concerts and tours and record deals anyway. I listen to two main bands, so I honestly cannot be bothered using an unreliable Paypal account over the internet stacked with hackers just to get my hands on some old records. Hell, I don't even a internet useable VISA card...
I'm not justifying illegal downloading, but for myself, meh, I always stick with my own music
Isn't the entire bases of your argument that (you seem to have left out "ALL") people who download things from the internet are the thieves?
I'm not posting lies or misleading information, why not just drop it?
I've shown you named sources that support my side of the argument, you choose to ignore them and say they are wrong, yet you provide me with zero evidence against. I ask again, if I can't trust governments (ok I can't Omins), universities, and intellectuals who can I trust?
You asked for proof of Brad's claims. Joey and Brad posted sources that they believe supports their argument. The fact that you don't think that said sources do (and yes, I understand your reasoning behind saying so) does not give you the right to claim as fact that they are intentionally being misleading and brand them as complete liars.
And yes, when someone claims something is a fact, and the source they cite not only doesn't come to that conclusion, but even the source itself isn't based on actual factual data, but rather just what a small sample of people told them in no way makes it a fact, and saying it is based on that is most certainly a lie, and at the very least grossly misleading.
Fixed, and "No". Again, show me where I ever said that... and I'm still waiting for you to show me where I said all downloaders are thieves. I know you can't because I know you lied about me saying that.
First of all I most certainly did not ignore them (another lie), and by support, do you mean a survey of around 2,000 individuals "claiming" to purchase more content because of downloading illegal copies of music, and whose accuracy is entirely dependent on the honesty of the participants, and the hope that they represent the hundreds of millions of consumers around the world..??? And thus, what facts can possibly come from them? And which arguments do they support exactly?
Now maybe if YSSMAN and Joey weren't even teenagers yet, and had not yet learned the difference between a fact and a theory, then I would absolutely be very understanding, and would gladly help them better understand this...
Saying it is a fact that people who download buy more stuff than those that don't is not only NOT a fact... but again, it begs the question... for even those that do, how does this justify stealing?
I would consider this very topic to be one based on opinion, but others in here have tried using facts to support their ideas even though i feel it is simply a matter of what you feel you are or are not entitled to.
OK we've had our issues in the past and for that I apologise, in this post alone you have shown me that I was being a royal arse about the whole thing.
Hacking bios is not equivalent to file sharing.
Man, you love yourself some facts.
Seriously, and just out of curiosity, what do you do when you debate a topic with someone that is purely based on opinion? Something like gay marriage, which does not require scientific means to support or castigate it?
I would consider this very topic to be one based on opinion, but others in here have tried using facts to support their ideas even though I feel it is simply a matter of what you feel you are or are not entitled to.
I'm having trouble understanding artificial scarcity. Does that mean that prices are too high for downloadable music or that it's basically worthless?
That's one of the big problems with piracy, and that I agree with you, there are a lot of people who feel they are entitled to it, and as long as it is easy to do, they will continue to do it, regardless how it may negatively impact others.![]()
One of the reasons Ferraris cost more than Toyotas is because Ferrari makes very few models each year, or may not have the resources to create as many models each year. That's scarcity.
And if someone was allowed to make exact copies of all the recent Ferrari models and you could get them for free... anyone want to guess what would happen to Ferrari? Want to guess what would happen to the resale value of recent legitimate Ferrari's with a market flooded with identical copies?
Wouldn't it better to tell Ferrari: hey you know if you guys created showrooms attached to your factories, where cars could get onto the sales floor directly from the production line, it would be impossible for crooks to steal your hard work?
That's where my understanding gets sketchy.
And if someone was allowed to make exact copies of all the recent Ferrari models and you could get them for free... anyone want to guess what would happen to Ferrari? Want to guess what would happen to the resale value of recent legitimate Ferrari's with a market flooded with identical copies?
It's why there are laws to try and protect people and businesses from piracy and copy right infringements, and why we tax payers pay a lot of money for our governments to go after these crooks, and why many businesses spend a lot of money trying to protect themselves from such people - thus either increasing the cost of their products, or laying employees off, or making other cut backs and how that can negatively impact legitimate consumers, and why many of us suffer from restrictive use policies.
You don't have to apologize for anything, man. At any point now or in the past.
This might just be a case of agree to disagree, without a truly extensive research study to support. That's difficult, however, because it largely depends on user's opinions as i stated earlier. I wonder if the entertainment industry would ever consider funding such a study rather than tumultuous court cases? But then again, that would just be market research.
The theft of intellectual property is a very murky subject.
If as Joey suggests, and that all digital media should be made available for free and leave each person to determine how much it is worth, I have no doubt it would result in a totally flawed business model that would collapse in no time, putting a great number of people out of work, and resulting in only extremely low budget "crap".