Official Playstation Store Thread

Dirt looks nice, the damage is impressive. I am still not sure if I am getting this game though, the retard online and the fact that there are too many lone races (according to reivew) may put this game on my rent list.

Very nice looking game still.
Dirt has a smooth frame rate and there is less over bloom. I have not tried it with the DFP yet. NCAA was not fun at all. Feels like every football game EA has made in the Tiburon era.
Dirt looks nice, the damage is impressive. I am still not sure if I am getting this game though, the retard online and the fact that there are too many lone races (according to review) may put this game on my rent list.
It would be nice if it gave the option of both online timed stage racing (which is what it has now), as well as online races where everyone is racing together a la MotorStorm, but in fairness to the game, almost all Rally races, including the World Rally Championship are always staged races with each car racing the clock, and to do it any other way would be impossible considering the roads they run it on, the amount of the road needed to slide through a turn, and the number of cars in a race.

In fact, that was one of my beefs with Gran Turismo, as it never offered a realistic timed stage rally race. 👎

So for me at least, I like the online racing system for DiRT as it is more inline with real world rally racing, but I agree that it would have been nice if it also offered an arcade like online multi-player racing option.
Just played the Dirt demo. That was more fun than I thought it would be. I drove like a drunk blind chimp on the first lap, but it was still fun. A bit too easy to beat your opponent, but oh well.

Graphics look great for what Dirt is. An arcade racer. Framerate was also pretty good. I'm impressed.

What I really like about Dirt was this is what I thought the Gran Turismo series should be made like, except the arcade style game play and graphics. I understand that's impossible, since they're too many tracks and cars in GT series to provide detailed info for in the style Dirt does, but it would've been nice.

I highly recommend using controller 4 setting. It's a traditional GT setup.
Feels like every football game EA has made in the Tiburon era.
Were you surprised? Really? I've been saying this since 02, when I played my first Madden game.

So for me at least, I like the online racing system for DiRT as it is more inline with real world rally racing, but I agree that it would have been nice if it also offered an arcade like online multi-player racing option.
Does Dirt have any kind of Rallycross type racing? I haven't played the demo yet. It's been a while since I have seen a good Rallycross game. That would be pure mayhem starting out abreast and going at it online. It would be fun as long as people didn't purposely wreck you. It would definitely be better than the head to head on a narrow, should be timed, course in GT.

At least it looked fun the handful of times I caught it on TV.

I got through all the video previews but my downloads slowed down when I got to the Heavenly Sword stuff, and as it was getting late by the time I realized it I didn't have time last night to wait on the game demos.

Folklore seems much more interesting now, especially from a story-based point of view. Time shift looks like it can be a lot of fun, especially if you can make your character do all that stuff he does in the trailer.

Wall-E was too much making of and not enough trailer for me to even know what it is really doing.

I did watch the Bros Solomon red band trailer in hopes that it would make it seem better, but no. It still looks like Knocked Up backwards. And I think I already figured out the ending. It's a shame because I like Will Arnett and Jenna Fischer, but this looks bad.
EA claimed to have rebuilt the animation engine but it still plays the same way and the visuals still dont resemble actual humans. If they at least made it look different then I could be tricked into believing its a new game.

Dirt has rallycross races. What I've seen of the 360 version was an inconsistent frame rate when too many cars are bunched up. I mean like 20-24fps in most cases.
I just tried DiRT with a Logitech EX wheel (180 with Force Feedback) and i must say it is better with a gamepad.
The Euro store has been updated a day early to coincide with Sony's press conference at Leipzig, contents are....

Folklore Demo
Warhawk Trailers
Leipzig 2007
Stranglehold Trailer
UT3 Trailer

...that's right an English language version of the Folksoul demo, which apparently will only be available to download for a limited time (until the 31st I believe).

Downloading now.

Thanks for the heads-up Scaff. 👍

I'm downloading the Folklore demo now and it's moving along fairly quickly considering it's a 1.1 GB file. (Finished in less than 10 minutes)

I noticed that games, and I assume demos as well, can be given an "expiration date", so I was wondering if they also put an expiration date on this demo. I couldn't imagine why they would, but then again, I'm not sure why they would also make the demo available for a limited time either. Anyway, after downloading the demo and installing I checked for an expiration date and there is none. 👍

For those curious about the video clips from the Leipzig GC event, here are the ones that are currently available:
  • 1'16" (178 MB) Snakeball
  • 1'13" (125 MB) Heavenly Sword: Nariko Trailer
  • 15'18" (857 MB) * MGS4: Gameplay Trailer
  • 1'56" (270 MB) Playstation Eye Trailer (very interesting game concepts)
  • 4'48" (620 MB) Leipzig PSN Trailer
* (This is not a new gamplay video clip. It's the same 15 minute long clip that was released back in July. The difference is that while the older version was narrated by Hideo Kojima in Japanese with English subtitles, this new version is dubbed in English... but oddly enough they didn’t get rid of the subtitles?

The new edition does have a slightly higher bit rate, but not so much that you can really tell the difference, so if you already downloaded the first version, and don't mind Kojima's Japanese narration and English subtitles, considering the 857 MB size of the new edition, it's probably not worth downloading again.)

And the three new Warhawk trailers are:
  • 1'57" (168 MB) Ground Combat
  • 1'22" (120 MB) Air Combat
  • 1'06" (116 MB) Multiplayer

Just to let folks know, the Strangehold and Unreal Tournament 3 E3 Trailers are the exact same trailers that were posted on the NA PS Store back in July, so if you already downloaded them, no need to download these.
Can someone explain to me why there is different PS Network stores?? All the demos/games from all the regions work on all PS3's, so why doesn't each store have the same content?? Bloody silly if you ask me!
There are legal reasons they have to have regional stores, because even with "region free" files, license agreements and copy rights vary from one region to another. They also need multiple regional stores as languages, currency and costs will vary.

The good news is that at least so far Sony has been very nice to basically "look the other way" and let users bypass regional restrictions and set up foreign accounts. After all, it would be very easy for Sony to confirm our locations by our IP addresses, and thus lock us out from even viewing regional stores other than our own.

That said I agree, it would be much more convenient if all stores had the exact same content, or at least clearly identified the different content, as I've found some significant differences that you wouldn't know are there unless you downloaded both files and compared the two.

This is why when I post about new files for download I try to also let folks know how they might differ from one region to another, so at least we all can try and keep each other well informed.

Many times even the exact same videos have been compressed differently, so one region has a higher bit-rate version of the same file in another region. OK, I'm nit-picking, but it still bugs me. :)
The good news is that at least so far Sony has been very nice to basically "look the other way" and let users bypass regional restrictions and set up foreign accounts. After all, it would be very easy for Sony to confirm our locations by our IP addresses, and thus lock us out from even viewing regional stores other than our own.

the system works :)👍
so yeah... uh, Warhawk is now available for download in the US store:)
Also they added a nice new 1080p wallpaper for Warhawk.

Personally though, I'm going to get it the Blu-ray version as I like the ability to play it on other PS3's and have the choice to sell it some time down the road.

BTW: Since it never got posted, here are the new files added to the US PS Store on 8/23/07:

  • Game Demos
    • (1.1 GB) Folklore - Limited Time Only (I believe just one week)

  • Game Trailers
    • 2'28" (312 MB) Haze - E3 2007 Trailer
    • 1'18" ( 92 MB) TimeShift - Gameplay Trailer
    • 6'54" (654 MB) Heavenly Sword - Making of... No.3
    • 2'13" (186 MB) Heavenly Sword - Anime No.3
    • 4'21" (377 MB) MGS4 - GC 2007 Trailer "Beauties & The Beast"

  • Movie Trailers
    • 2'22" Thing We Lost in the Fire -
    • 2'32" National Treasure 2 -
    • 2'32" Vantage Point

  • Wallpaper
    • Heavenly Sword - Anime No.3
    • Warhawk - Eucadian
    • Warhawk[ - Chernovan
    • Folklore
    • flOw
8/30/07 USA PS Store Downloads:
  • Games
    • $40 Warhawk
    • $30 Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online
    • $10 Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix

  • Game Demos
    • ( 52 MB) Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix
    • (569 MB) NASCAR 08
    • (729 MB) Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08
    • (607 MB) All Pro Football 2K8

  • Game Trailers
    • 2'14" (191 MB) Heavenly Sword - Anime No.4
    • 4'40" (689 MB) Heavenly Sword - Making of... No.4
    • 1'57" (111 MB) Folklore - Surviving the Netherworld
    • 2'02" (144 MB) Clive Barker's Jericho

  • Movie Trailers
    • 1'52" Bee - Trailer 3
    • 1'53" Beowulf

  • Wallpaper
    • Heavenly Sword - Anime No.4
    • Super Puzzle Fighter 2 - 1
    • Super Puzzle Fighter 2 - 2
    • Super Puzzle Fighter 2 - 3
    • Super Puzzle Fighter 2 - 4

8/30/07 Hong Kong PS Store Downloads:
  • Games Add-ons
    • Ninja Gaiden Sigma - Survival Mode: Weapon Master
August has been so nice for the PS Store......heap's content. Motor Storm's content clearly has been delayed to September.. Lair Demo must have been canned.

Tekken DR5 online is pretty cool. It takes a while to get used to the occasional lag but if both playes have at least 2 bars even its good, 3 bars each and it seems hes sitting next to you. I got my butt lit up but it was cool watching the guy thrashing 3 of us in the roomget owned and owned hard when a new guy joined. There is no chat and most have voice turned off to save bandwidth.

Between Warhawk($40) and T5DRonline($30) PSN has two gems for online titles.
August has been so nice for the PS Store......heap's content.
Isn't that the fact.
  • 4 Games
  • 8 Demos
  • Too many game trailers, gameplay footage, movie trailers, and wallpapers to count.

Of course, that's made me have to copy a lot of the files off the PS3 to my PC to make room, because I still haven't decided whether or not to swap out my HDD for a 250GB drive, or just use an external portable 500GB USB drive, so that I can use the drive on my PC as well.
UK PS Store Update 8/31/07
(other than pricing, applies to all Europe, Middle East, India, South Pacific, and Australian regions)

  • Games
    • £20 Warhawk

  • Game Demos
    • DiRT

  • Game Trailers
    • 3'08" (433 MB) MotorStorm: "Coyote Revenge VIP Pass" - Interview with Jed Ashforth

  • Movie/Blu-ray Trailers
    • 2'09" All the King's Men
I tried some of the new US Demos...

Tiger Woods

Boring, actually, i tried ti deal with it but i'm tired of seeing Tiger Woods face over and over again when i want to play golf, got bored of that 1999 actually. And the commentary is very annoying. I know when i miss, you don't need to tell me.


This feels like a 5 year old game with new graphics. Same old physics, damage models e.t.c. although they've added more smoke. But thats it.

Super Puzzle Fighter

Best out of these three, but still it's not my type of game. Dr Mario revisited.
UK PS Store Update 9/6/07
(other than pricing, applies to all Europe, Middle East, India, South Pacific, and Australian regions)

  • Game Add-ons
    • £4 MotorStorm - Coyote Revenge VIP Pass

  • Game Trailers
    • 2'52" (243 MB) Gran Turismo 5: Prologue (new trailer)
    • 1'49" (274 MB) LAIR - Launch Trailer (same as E3 Trailer released on 7/11 in the NA Store, but is in 1080p)
    • 2'10" (147 MB) Heavenly Sword - Anime No.4: The Divine Birth (same as the one released on 8/30 in the NA Store)
    • 4'29" (322 MB) Heavenly Sword - Making of No.4: The Sound of Combat (same as the one released on 8/30 in the NA Store, but at half the bit rate)

  • Movie Trailers
    • 2'28" The Invasion (same trailer that was released back on 6/28 in the NA Store, but at 3x average bit rate)

US PS Store Update 9/6/07

  • Game Add-ons
    • $3 Ninja Gaiden Sigma - Weapon Master
    • $6 MotorStorm - Coyote Revenge VIP Pass (includes all the cars below +5th bonus car)
    • $1 MotorStorm - Vehicle 1 (Bike: Wakazashi Razor)
    • $1 MotorStorm - Vehicle 2 (ATV: Wombat Mudslide)
    • $1 MotorStorm - Vehicle 3 (Mudplugger: Atlas Varjack)
    • $1 MotorStorm - Vehicle 4 (Big Rig: Atlas Arizona)

  • Game Demos
    • Strangehold
    • NBA Live 08

  • Game Trailers
    • MotorStorm: Coyote Revenge
    • Heavenly Sword - Anime No.5
    • Heavenly Sword - Making of No.5
    • Turok - "Quiet Kills"
    • Lair - "World in Chaos"
    • PixelJunk Racers

  • Movie Trailers
    • Resident Evil: Extinction - Trailer 2
    • Drillbit Taylor

  • Wallpaper
    • Heavenly Sword - Anime No.5
So, how many more crappy sports game demos can we get? Of the ones I have played so far (NCAA football 08, APF 2k8, and Tiger Woods 08) they have all been absolutely horrible.

Anyone tried NBA Live 08 yet?
Im hoping that NBA Live 08 being a Sony game wont be as god awful as the EA junk that has been pouring from the store the past few weeks...

Yep, so I have low hopes for this demo as well.

I hope the Stranglehold demo is better, as the whole movie and game on one disc thing has me nervous that it is like the two-pack of movies you can buy at Wal*Mart, where one is a decent film and the other is a horrid piece of junk the studio is just trying to get out of the warehouse.