Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
Was hoping that I'd be able to make a Chuck Norris Character but I see that it is not entirely possible yet.
If you buy, lets say a table on the US account. Do you have to pay for it again on EU account then?


The free items we Closed Beta users got were not transferable. We had to download them all over again for the different regions we had of Home.
The EU home is actually impressive, even though it is minus the game spaces.

A. The shopping centre, not fantastic just like all of them.

B. The plaza, wow, just wow. It is soooooo relaxing, sit infront of the running water with a bunch of mates, just so calming. The chess and draughts boards, a nice way to spend time or meet people. The 'whole world in your hands' screen is actually our only place worth dancing at. Loads of people just chilling, laughing, dancing and god knows what else. On that note, the screens themselves are fantastic. The ads around the place can be annoying though.

C. The cinema. The EU download is NOT 9mb, it is more like 30-35mb if I remember correctly. It is like you would expect A realy cinema, some interview in the main hall on a big screen, an empty upstairs spot, tonnes of ads inside and outside of the cinema. Now, the good bit, about 8 different Auditoriums all with different movies on, be it some GT thing or Red Bull air race. So realistic.

D. The bowling centre, all the same, we all know what it is.

E. Our home, all the same.

Such an amazing place.
I got a chick to my apartment last night, who else has achieved that? lol ;)

should be a gold trophy for that :D

Anyway to make it very easy to understand why there are problems.
1. It's a global release, which is the best sort of release. But when it comes to online there will be some problems with connection.
2. It's a lot of content of Home that is downloaded the first time. Which means increased jamming of the servers.
The solution is very easy. Live with it, in a week or so it will be a lot better.
Mostly home has shown me the huge diference in priorities between myself and most of the gaming community. I've never met so many folks who have never heard of Gran Turismo for a start.. and to then have to stand patiently by while someone explains "Its like Burnout but slower"


What planet am I on now? Obviously not GTPlanet, cos its only allowed 32 members.

Thank god its only a beta. If there is a request thread for later Home features, I'd like to throw in a requisition order for security guards with tasers...

The sexual aspect of the virtual saddos is funny... a chick avatar walks in and immediately gets surrounded by dancing idiots

"Hey sexy"

"Wanna see my pad?"

It will level itself out no doubt but its currently like a club 18-30 package holiday circa 1985
I was just in HOME for the last few hours and had a guy supposedly from Compton saying crap like "What you lookin' at ni****?!?" So I just stood there staring some more. And I witnessed the "OMG, It's a chick!" crap entirely too much in the few minutes I was in the bar and waiting for a pool table to open up, VagabondAngel. :rolleyes:

And if we can have security guards and/or bouncers, I nominate Pako! 👍
ive noticed something today while on the JPN server. the harasment of women on home only exists on the US and EU server. my avatar for that server is a chick just because if i got all the free stuff i might aswell use it and im not using a chick on the US server. but anyways im getting off point. i walked around and visited the game spaces and did all the fun stuff and not once did anyone ever come up to me like you see they do on the US server and start dancing and hitting on me. i had one or 2 people come up and try talking to me but i just wrote i didnt speak fluent Japanese and they just acknowledged and walked off. my thoughts. parents obviously dont beat there children enough outside of japan.
The EU home is actually impressive, even though it is minus the (developer) game spaces.

A. The shopping centre, not fantastic just like all of them.
Except for some odd reason Chess is missing in the Asian versions of Home? (Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan)

B. The plaza, wow, just wow. It is soooooo relaxing, sit infront of the running water with a bunch of mates, just so calming. The chess and draughts boards, a nice way to spend time or meet people. The 'whole world in your hands' screen is actually our only place worth dancing at. Loads of people just chilling, laughing, dancing and god knows what else. On that note, the screens themselves are fantastic. The ads around the place can be annoying though.
I agree. Even with the totally new Plaza for the NA version, I still think by far the EU Plaza is the most pleasant looking. I hope they add a Listen@Home stage though as it would be nice to listen to some European music there. 👍

C. The cinema. The EU download is NOT 9mb, it is more like 30-35mb if I remember correctly. It is like you would expect A realy cinema, some interview in the main hall on a big screen, an empty upstairs spot, tonnes of ads inside and outside of the cinema. Now, the good bit, about 8 different Auditoriums all with different movies on, be it some GT thing or Red Bull air race. So realistic.
Totally agree as well, it really captures the BIG multi-plex environment. Not only that, but the EU theaters have some great videos and trailers! The only exception is the theaters themselves. Unlike the other versions of Home, the EU theater rooms you cannot walk around in and find a favorite seat. You only get to zoom in and out of the picture.

If you get a chance, definitely check out the theater rooms in the HK Home... they have a pretty cool design. Also the video for Aquanaughts is worth checking out. 👍

D. The bowling centre, all the same, we all know what it is.
While you are visiting the HK Home, be sure to check out their Game Space... they have Darts and the Namco Musuem Arcade room. 👍

Such an amazing place.

I got a chick to my apartment last night, who else has achieved that? lol ;)

should be a gold trophy for that :D

And if it turns out it is really a guy, then you lose a Platinum? ;)

Anyway to make it very easy to understand why there are problems.
1. It's a global release, which is the best sort of release. But when it comes to online there will be some problems with connection.
2. It's a lot of content of Home that is downloaded the first time. Which means increased jamming of the servers.
The solution is very easy. Live with it, in a week or so it will be a lot better.
Here ye, here ye. 👍

And if we can have security guards and/or bouncers, I nominate Pako! 👍
I second that nomination!

Home needs a Mod of War!

PS: I tried to find that great photoshop job someone did from the following pic that became his Mod of War avatar:

Another boring shot from my desk at work. This blasted sun makes it hard to see my work (or Gtplanet).


Pako... that stare... that goatee... the build... even the stripe down your face and chest (although not red and on the right instead of the left side) made me immeadiately think of a certain famous video game character...

So have you ever considered going as Kratos for Halloween? :)

Unfortunately I couldn't find it... :odd:

I did however stumble across this bit of history:

I don't have any of my baby pics scanned and handy... so this will have to do...


I'm holding onto this one of my son for ransom when he brings his dates home. That should keep him on his best behavior. :)

Here is a more recent shot of us all...


But my favorite...

Here are the Digital-Nitrates...



See... now if the Simpsonizer allows for soul patches... Home certainly should! :D

ive noticed something today while on the JPN server. the harasment of women on home only exists on the US and EU server. my avatar for that server is a chick just because if i got all the free stuff i might aswell use it and im not using a chick on the US server. but anyways im getting off point. i walked around and visited the game spaces and did all the fun stuff and not once did anyone ever come up to me like you see they do on the US server and start dancing and hitting on me. i had one or 2 people come up and try talking to me but i just wrote i didnt speak fluent Japanese and they just acknowledged and walked off. my thoughts. parents obviously dont beat there children enough outside of japan.
I quite agree. I also have found that in both the HK and JP versions of Home people are noticeably more respectful of each other. However, neither my wife nor myself are really put off by some of the childish antics exhibited by a lot of the new comers to Home. I think as the novelty of such behavior wears off, it wont be so bad, and besides, it really is so easy to avoid if it becomes unbearable. 👍
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Had a great bowling match with a few guys today who were from France and because they didnt speak english at all (asked me where I was from etc in French) it was nice opportunity to brush up on my French! It was another one of those 'this is why Home is so neat' moments because you get to meet people from other countries and have a bit of fun. It was a very close match with me winning on the last bowl for which I got a strike and was propelled into the lead! :)

I still can't get onto Home unless it's very off peak times, i was up at 4am this morning so i thought i'd try it, sure enough it worked. But 10am this morning, error after error.
Mostly home has shown me the huge diference in priorities between myself and most of the gaming community. I've never met so many folks who have never heard of Gran Turismo for a start.. and to then have to stand patiently by while someone explains "Its like Burnout but slower"


What planet am I on now? Obviously not GTPlanet, cos its only allowed 32 members.

Thank god its only a beta. If there is a request thread for later Home features, I'd like to throw in a requisition order for security guards with tasers...

The sexual aspect of the virtual saddos is funny... a chick avatar walks in and immediately gets surrounded by dancing idiots

"Hey sexy"

"Wanna see my pad?"

It will level itself out no doubt but its currently like a club 18-30 package holiday circa 1985

I am sitting here with the worlds biggest hangover (Drinking till 4 in the morning doesn't help) reading this post and my god it has made me chuckle. Especially the Gran Tourismo - Like Burnout but Slower. Hahahahahaaa Brilliant. I love the uneducated :dunce: out there, they really have no idea.

:)👍 Thanks for making me laugh out loud LOL.
I still can't get onto Home unless it's very off peak times, i was up at 4am this morning so i thought i'd try it, sure enough it worked. But 10am this morning, error after error.

Sony issued a statement they they know about the connection issues and they are sorting out the problem over the next week or so, they said something about a new patch which will update the Home version and I suspect they are going to add tons of servers to handle the load.

Sony issued a statement they they know about the connection issues and they are sorting out the problem over the next week or so, they said something about a new patch which will update the Home version and I suspect they are going to add tons of servers to handle the load.


They've already taken Africa and Russia off Home due to overloading, or thats what the message my Russian frend got said. PSN discrimination to the minorities much?
I still can't get onto Home unless it's very off peak times, i was up at 4am this morning so i thought i'd try it, sure enough it worked. But 10am this morning, error after error.

i did like this...

1. Bring a Sixaxis to your computer (if you have a computer close enough to hear the TV).
2. Go into Home and wait for the first error message. When you hear noise tap X a few times.
3. Keep waiting for the noice again... and again... and again...
4. Suddenly you've been sitting there a few minutes without a noise. Voila! Message of the Day appearing on the TV.
Where do I go to report a bug? I was playing Icebreaker and all was going well until this happened:


It makes it a bit difficult to keep playing when your ball won't come out... :lol:
It makes it a bit difficult to keep playing when your ball won't come out... :lol:

That's wild, I wonder if it will eventually come out if you wait for it to hit the bottom left corner precisely where the two corners of the blocks meet.
That's wild, I wonder if it will eventually come out if you wait for it to hit the bottom left corner precisely where the two corners of the blocks meet.
It bounced around for a few minutes and didn't come out so I went upstairs and grabbed my wife's camera to take a picture. The picture came out terrible so I hunted down some batteries for my camera to take the picture I posted. Total time from when the ball went in until I stopped the game was around 8 minutes or so. I didn't really feel like waiting much longer than that, especially with as popular as the arcade games are.
I have just been enjoying a few peaceful chess games in the EU plaza, then I went off for a bit of a dance, I am not kidding when I say there was a train of 20 or so people doing the running man dance to 'whole world in his hands' or whatever its called :P