Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
What I find unacceptable in Home is the lack of a swear fillter. Seems I'm the only one thinking that way, but so be it.

You are not alone there... but I'm also very hesitant to suggest censorship. I'm a strong supporter of the 1st amendment, even when it means people are allowed to say things that I find offensive. However, I agree, and secretly I wish there was better censoring of fowl language. I suppose you could just mute the offending parties... something you can't do in real life... well not easily that is. :)
It may lead to various kinds of conflicts however if people do not understand there are people treating it differently than they are. Which is why I asked how you guys approach it. Your responses changed my attitude from 'people that don't understand it's not a real world don't have a brain' to 'okay, their approach is just different from how I am approaching it, which is fine'. :)

True, but speaking frankly, unfortunately I think people have gotten less tolerant over the years due to less physical contact with strangers thanks to things like online gaming, online networks, and so on.

Not that Home is going to change that, if anything it might just make it worse, but at the end of the day, all you need to get along with others is to be tolerant of differences. The real problem is likely going to be the same thing you'll run into on internet forums and that's abusive people who's only interest is starting fights, spreading FUD, false rumors, and so on. That's when you hope there will be some decent moderation, and repeat offenders being suspended or even band from Home... but I'm afraid that is very unlikely do to the tremendous amount of users.

Fortunately, we will always have the option of muting them, blocking them, walking away, jumping to another space, or just leaving. Something that in real life when faced with a troll out for a fight, you very likely won't have the luxury of doing.
I want to read this thread to see if people have found new goodies or share new experiences, but there are too many damn "I am not in yet. Nope." posts. Could you please stop that, honestly?
So urm, I've downloaded it and it doesn't work, am I the only one it's not working for?

All I get is an error C-931 code when it tries to go online but I dunno what that means or what to do with it.
Anyone know a list of thing you can get without PSN money?

Home's release is a very disappointing start... I would have expected some repairs by nearly 24hrs lol
So urm, I've downloaded it and it doesn't work, am I the only one it's not working for?

All I get is an error C-931 code when it tries to go online but I dunno what that means or what to do with it.

Sounds like they have the servers down, perhaps to fix any issues that have come up... that's pretty typical of a beta.

Anyone know a list of thing you can get without PSN money?

It's in the same forum as this thread, and a link to it was posted just a little while ago:

I started a thread for those interested in finding out about and keeping updated lists on all the prizes that can be won in Home. Info and input are always encouraged!

You can even win full arcade systems which you can place in your personal space or clubhouses. 👍

Home's release is a very disappointing start... I would have expected some repairs by nearly 24hrs lol
It's a beta, with millions downloading it and flooding the servers... what did you expect?

The whole point of a beta is to test out features, servers, and such. See what needs fixing, shut it down, work on it, then test it out some more. If this doesn't work for you, I might suggest you wait until the beta is finished, and even wait longer for any additional new hic-ups to be resolved.
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What I really don't understand is that people do not understand it's a virtual world and it's not real. Some people have about the same brain size as a peanut.

You play a race driver in GT5P: nobody assumes you are a race driver in real life.
You play a mercenary in Far Cry 2: nobody assumes you are a mercenary in real life.
You play a Strogg in Enemy Territory Quake Wars: nobody assumes you are a cybernetic alien being in real life.
You play a ragdoll in LBP: nobody assumes you are a ragdoll in real life.
You play a homicidal maniac in Fallout 3: nobody assumes you are a homicidal maniac in real life.

But when you play a character/gender in Home: almost everybody assumes you are that same character/gender. :confused:

I really don't see the logic in that? To me it's just another game. :) I have avatars looking like my favorite game characters, male and female alike. I have a fat dude looking like a bum with no shoes. I have a nice looking girl. etc. etc. I pick a different character depending on my mood.

So what's your opinions on this?

But this is social networking...not a game. Several people will tell you that. It would be like making a MySpace and putting a bunch of pictures of some girl on there.
What I find unacceptable in Home is the lack of a swear fillter. Seems I'm the only one thinking that way, but so be it.

Lack of? I found they increased the words censored up by a large amount compared to the Closed Beta. It even censors it when you say "Hello" without using the Quick-text feature :scared:

That probably happens in the NA version ... I assure you that in the EU I read lots of cursing, in many languages (at least, in all the ones I know)
That probably happens in the NA version ... I assure you that in the EU I read lots of cursing, in many languages (at least, in all the ones I know)

I see, they'll probably add an update for that when they get it localized.

It may lead to various kinds of conflicts however if people do not understand there are people treating it differently than they are. Which is why I asked how you guys approach it. Your responses changed my attitude from 'people that don't understand it's not a real world don't have a brain' to 'okay, their approach is just different from how I am approaching it, which is fine'. :)

What Home is to you is what it is to you, but it might not be to someone else. ;)
If you can find a way to enjoy it the same way you would any other game, then I say more power to you. Can I just ask if there is a trophy for dancing in so many people's faces? There seems to be a handful of people who do nothing but.

I'll see if I actually can make something that resembles me. :) The 'Hitman' character I created will be a good basis.
In all honesty, it doesn't have to be just like you, just remotely close to age and sex for it not to weird people out.

If using a headset you could always set the voice changer in the XMB so that no one will ever know who/what you are. Or even match it to your current avatar.

You are not alone there... but I'm also very hesitant to suggest censorship. I'm a strong supporter of the 1st amendment, even when it means people are allowed to say things that I find offensive.
Privately owned and international system. The 1st amendment does not apply. I am of the opinion that if we want to go on to Sony's servers and use Sony's software then we should abide by Sony's rules. If they chose to put in some kind of filter then I am fine with that. Their house their rules.

In fact, I believe offensive behavior and content is addressed in their ToS, as well as their right to boot you or shut the whole thing down. See, instead of filters or active censoring of any kind they have chosen to allow us to prove ourselves before they bring down the Ban Hammer. A few have proven themselves ban-worthy already in my opinion.

It isn't too bad yet. And I think that it will peak in a while but then die down as dancing in my face is not nearly as trash-talk worthy as pwning me in a game.

And on that thought: Once game launching of multiple games is active all you have to do is tell them to prove themselves in-game. If they refuse make fun of them for being all talk and no action. If the agree ask them to launch it and then back out at the last second. Poof, they're gone.

However, I agree, and secretly I wish there was better censoring of fowl language.
Yeah, the clucking and chirping has gotten out of control. :sly:
Privately owned and international system. The 1st amendment does not apply. I am of the opinion that if we want to go on to Sony's servers and use Sony's software then we should abide by Sony's rules. If they chose to put in some kind of filter then I am fine with that. Their house their rules.
Agreed, and while I don't like the "foul" ;) language, I also am not a fan of censorship... but as you say, it's their network and I'm just a guest, and if they can come up with a way of censoring language that doesn't interfere with those who are not saying anything offensive, I'm cool with that.

Yeah, the clucking and chirping has gotten out of control. :sly:
After playing around with it I wasn't wowed by it but I wasn't disappointed with it. I see how it could go really far and do quite a few things but right now it's just kind of meh. I wish the avatar characteristic were more plentiful though as I had quite a hard time make one that looked like me. Maybe Sony could do an integration with the PS Eye and have face recognition software with it like Tiger Woods 09 has.













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Those checkered pajamas shall be the standard that all my other clothes must follow!

I almost forgot.

I decided to see if there was anything bar-like that you could do in Sully's Bar.

I could not find a way to appear to drink anything, but I did see a whiskey bottle and glass on the bar at one spot and a beer bottle in another. So, I sat on the bar stool in front of the whiskey bottle, realized my guy appeared to be staring depressingly at it, and moved along. I don't care if it is just supposed to be milk, let me get a drink at the bar.

Beer would be best, but I know how alcohol in gaming environments is taken by the outside world, so we can learn from experience and just call it root beer.

I have yet to step foot in Far Cry.
I could not find a way to appear to drink anything, but I did see a whiskey bottle and glass on the bar at one spot and a beer bottle in another. So, I sat on the bar stool in front of the whiskey bottle, realized my guy appeared to be staring depressingly at it, and moved along. I don't care if it is just supposed to be milk, let me get a drink at the bar.
Yeah, could be fun. And should be able to get drunk, with similar effect as in GTA IV.
There should be another Sub Forum in the PS3 forum called "Home".

You're expecting a Beta version of something this large to fix itself overnight?
Well, no. But it has worked properly the whole day until now.
I'll say this again, if you're having a hard time getting in, keep trying. Eventually, a new Home will open up. It's great when that happens. You spawn with about 20-25 other people and there's nobody inside. That just happened to me in the Bowling Alley. It was then a mad dash to the empty lanes.

For those seeing the Sexual Harassment in Home for the first time, remember this; it was 10 times worse the first week Home opened up for closed Beta users. There will always be perverts and idiots, so push the SELECT button, scroll down a choose the report option and fill it all out until it downloads to Sony, if they bother you. The more you do that, the more Sony will thin the idiot herd. If you enjoy the sick pleasure of watching these idiots, do nothing, watch and get you jollies off while you still can.
For those having troubles: Sony says, "We know. Jesus, just leave us alone so we can fix it already."

PlayStation Home Beta Update
Posted by Patrick Seybold // Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

We are aware that some people may be experiencing difficulty in accessing the PlayStation Home beta at present. This is due to overwhelming demand for the service as people access Home for the very first time since it became Open Beta and appeared on the XMB.

While we prepare solutions to ease the problem, you may continue to experience difficulties accessing Home. We kindly ask for your patience as we work to meet the incredible demand for this revolutionary service.