Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
I'm not too thrilled with Home to be honest. I haven't made it to the pool hall or whatever yet, but it looks like a money pit for Sony. I think items should be free in a beta. $0.99 for a sofa? Maybe its just me, but there used to be quality downloads for games that were free. Now everyone feels the need to charge for every little thing.

Ok...let's try this.

How can I have fun in HOME without spending a dime?

Eric & Delerious... as wallrunner said, unless you are into virtual real estate, interior decorating and virtual fashion, then EVERYTHING is currently free... or hadn't you noticed?

  • Using Home = FREE
  • Creating life-like avatars = FREE
  • Listening to music at the Listen@Home stage = FREE
  • Multiple standard areas to explore and meet and greet = FREE
  • Multiple developer spaces to explore and meet and greet = FREE
  • Multiple hidden spaces to unlock and explore = FREE
  • Call a friend on the Home Phone = FREE
  • Invite friends to join you or you join them = FREE
  • Joining Private Clubs = FREE
  • Participate in developer meet and greets and Q&A sessions = FREE
  • Watching exclusive movie trailers = FREE
  • Bowling = FREE
  • Shoot Pool = FREE
  • Play Darts = FREE
  • Play Saucer Pops = FREE
  • Play Chess = FREE
  • Play Checkers = FREE
  • Participate in organized and unorganized gaming tournaments = FREE
  • Play arcade games = FREE
    (and win special clothing items as prizes) = FREE
    • echochrome
    • Ice Breaker
    • Carriage Return
    • Mercenary Madness
  • Play Classic NAMCO arcade games = FREE
    (and win special clothing items as prizes - including your own arcade systems to place in your club and personal spaces) = FREE
    • Pac-Man
    • Dig-Dug
    • Galaga
    • Xevious
And that's just the open betas... as has been announced there are several more addition to Home in the works, like the Red Bull Island space, Hall of Fame space, and so much more.

Besides all that, even the items you seem bent out of shape that cost money, like clothes, furnishings, spaces, and clubs, much of that is also already given to you FREE.

Unless you have a massive addiction to wanting a huge virtual clothing and furnishing collection, if your concern is cost, you have ZERO to complain about.


Honestly... I have never in my life seen so much whining and complaining about so much FREE stuff, games, and a free roaming virtual environment in my entire life.

Seriously... it's time for a reality check or just move on already. If you are so disappointed in all the free stuff and what you can do in Home, there is an easy solution.... don't use it. 👍
Anybody else get into the Smugglers Den?

In deed. I particularly like the mounted shark head on the wall. :D

There is also the Film Room and Artifacts Room located upstairs. In all three secret rooms there are Artifact Viewers available located on the desk in each of those rooms.

Just walk up to a desk and a message alert will pop up showing you there is an Artifact Viewer. Just press X and you will activate the viewer.

In total I think there were about 50 different artifacts to look at.

If you have not yet checked out the Home Theater space in the Hong Kong version of Home, it's worth it just to see the design of the seats... or as my wife calls them, eggs. :D

I had her going for a while when I kept saying how cool I thought they were and how we should have some made for our theater. I almost had her convinced I was serious. :)

BTW: For those that have not figured it out yet, even in the theaters you can choose the Full Screen option. In some cases you can do it from the seats, or just keep walking towards the screen until the "Video Screen" pop-up message appears. Then press X to zoom in to the full screen view.

Even when you are in the full screen view, you can still use the right stick to look around, so your view is not fixed. To get out of the full screen view, just press O.

The only exception to this is the EU theater rooms. Each of the ten theater rooms do not allow you to walk around. Your only choice is to zoom in or out on the video being shown.
I agree with everyone complaining about home being pretty lame so far,
Yeah I know... it's so lame to have all these free games and interesting ways of socializing with others from thousands of miles away.

Truly lame.

Good news though, you don't have to use it. 👍

what happened to the home plaza? It used to be freaking awesome place with plenty of (hidden) spaces to explore, but now - well, now it's just a small, quite boring... plaza lol.
Clearly just a personal subjective opinion, but I prefer the layout of the new Plaza... although my favorite as far as design goes is the EU Plaza, and if hidden areas are your thing (wondering why you want that) ;) you should check out the HK Plaza... it not only has a lot of hidden areas, but it also has some amazing virtual bay views.

(i know there's a new mini game, but that just doesn't cut it!)
I know... having a free game instead of more hidden areas bites...or does it?

Also the listen @ home area was much nicer, now you barely can see it?!
Well now you aren't making any sense... and one doesn't have to hide behind a subjective opinion either. Objectively, it is so much larger than before, the older one would always get over crowded, and the old one had only three songs to chose from and no interface at all. In addition, even if the majority of people wanted to listen to one particular song, anyone could walk up and change it.

Seriously, are you even sure you were at the Listen@Home area, as your description doesn't come close to reality.

...the new gamespaces don't impress me much, too - they appear rather depressing and seem to be designed as a stalkers' heaven.
Wow... alrighty then.

Is that why you want lots of hidden areas in the plaza? ;)

Of course, just my opinion and first impressions...
Noted. 👍
Lol, triple poster no moar.

In any case you completely owned EVERYONE.
My god, you can be quite sarcastic lol.
Downloaded it. Then, 5 minutes later, have to download something else to keep on playing. Personally I would have prefer one, long, original download than having to do this, but I guess I'll get over it.
Just so you know Digital-Nitrate I knew you would do that and it's pretty lame also. You seem to think your opinion is the only one that counts... you fail to see that there are people with a different taste than yours!
Just as an example I completely disliked the Eu plaza since I saw it 1st time, the Na one was completely different and I loved it, especically the listen@home area... The new plaza is much more like the old Eu and that's why you like it, and me not!

On another note since i've seen this a lot from you why do you need to triple, quadraple post, can't you just make one post at a time? Are you so important?

You really don't have to answer btw, because we both cannot discuss any matter since you never can / will accept differing opinions than yours, just like a real fanboi.
H20HYBRID_GT... expect a PM in a few minutes...

Lol, triple poster no moar.

I figured each response was not only long, but on different topics... my bad. :)

In any case you completely owned EVERYONE.
My god, you can be quite sarcastic lol.
Repeat complainers and or those whose complaints make very little sense often bring out the sarcastic side out of me. :indiff:

OK, so while I'm on a roll, let me try and answer/respond to Robin's questions:

I have a few questions and I would be grateful if someone could answer them.. :)

1. Can you turn the camera up down invertion off?
I'm not sure what you mean, but if you are talking about adjusting the 3rd person camera view, you have full control over that with the right stick. You can also zoom in and out on your avatar using the R3 button.

2. If you download rooms on other accounts can you delete them from that one account alone? i.e. if I want to delete home content on jpn account I dont use.
That's a great question, especially if someone is really short on HDD space... although it appears by the way it looks on my PS3, that all the content is being downloaded to the 3GB space that’s reserved for Home. I've downloaded all the spaces from all the different regions of Home and yet the only files other than Home are a couple very small ones. One in each user's Saved Data Utility folder, and another in the shared Game Data Utility folder. So if this is the case, there appears to be neither the choice to delete that content, nor the need, as the 3GB space must still be reserved for Home.

3. How come the EU Home again gets the short straw and currently doesnt have any extra spaces like Far Cry 2 and Uncharted? I also thought Diesel was coming launch day with some promo clothing.
First of all, EU Home had more content in the closed beta than the NA Home, and it was already announced that the Far Cry 2 and Uncharted spaces as well as the additional stores in the Mall were not going to be available upon launch in the EU Home... In fact, the only region that got the Far Cry 2 and Uncharted spaces was NA, as planned, and speculated on due to the need for multiple language translations for all the other regions of Home.

But why does that matter? PS3's, PSN stores, and PS Home are all region free. Enjoy them all.

4. Can people on your friend list see what clubs you have sent and invite / joined?
You lost me at the end of that question?

The best guess I can come up with as far as what you meant to ask is that no, as far as I know there is no profile info on your friends that lists what clubs they are members of. However, if you are a member of a club, you can view a list of all the other members, sub-leaders, and leader of that club.

If you were also asking whether or not it is possible to invite someone or a friend to join a club you are already a member in, I believe that is only possible if you are a leader, and maybe a sub-leader, but I really do not know for certain, just an educated guess on my part.

5. Is it true that the closed beta people could get all the clothes, furniture from the stores for free? And did they all get the summer house free? If so DAMN you guys were lucky..
Yes. Anyone with access to the closed beta, as a reward for helping them test the service, was offered the opportunity to download all the items that are currently now for sale in the Mall. I believe in total there were about 20 clothing items, 20 furnishings, and the Summer home.

6. Is it me or is the bowling way too sensitive, I thought it would be like Wii Sports.. then I threw the ball and was like.. OH, it isnt!
I have not gotten into the bowling, but there is a dedicated thread on GTP for those who are. There have also been a few scheduled tournaments, so if you get into it, you may want to keep your eyes and ears out for any upcoming events.

I also have a few comments about home, firstly it is sadly filled with the same sleeze as any other uncontrolled online environment with people being extremely rude to others and I have also seen the way women (or so called women) are treated in there... real pity because its only a few loosers who are like that in there... most of the other people are quite plesant.
Quite true. As I reported a couple weeks ago during the closed beta, my wife's avatar was drawing a lot of unwanted attention. However, it was more funny than annoying. If telling them she wasn't interested wasn't enough, all she had to do was walk away, or even just jump to a different space. It's not real life, and there are plenty of options one has to minimize and even avoid such situations.
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I'm not sure what you mean, but if you are talking about adjusting the 3rd person camera view, you have full control over that with the right stick. You can also zoom in and out on your avatar using the R3 button.
He means he wants to reverse the look up/down movement. And that can be done from the menu (press start), in the settings menu. It's one of the things I changed first.
He means he wants to reverse the look up/down movement. And that can be done from the menu (press start), in the settings menu. It's one of the things I changed first.
Gotcha! Like being able to reverse the stick control on a flight sim, so that pulling down the stick will cause the plane to go down instead of up. 👍

I have not messed around much with the settings menu, other than adjusting the headset and sound levels.
Well it's certainly the comunity tool it was intended to be, the amount of random people who you just start chating with is astounding, at it's core I'd desctibe it as a HUGE game lobby, with many social alements thrown in. The mini games, chess, bowling, arcades ect ect are all well exicuted and many bar the arcade games are multiplayer which adds to the comunity aspects. It's prety bare bones at the moment, especialy the EU version and I hope the updates come thick and fast, especialy the game start list....1 game? come on! but it should be a fantastic experience as the system develops. The most intuative and radical system yet on the console scene Sony really is going the extra mile with this, reminds me of the Dreamcast home system.

As to all those complaining about this that and the other, your all entitled to your opinions, I just think "some" of you have missed the point of Home, If your not a social gamer or you were expecting some sort of RPG I can see you not liking Home, which is a shame but not the end of the world. After the mass download yesterday and the server overload (we all knew it would happen) thinks look rock solid this morning in home.
Well it's certainly the comunity tool it was intended to be, the amount of random people who you just start chating with is astounding, at it's core I'd desctibe it as a HUGE game lobby, with many social alements thrown in.

People were chating? Really? You would desctibe it? How? Alements:dopey:alements can be thrown?

Lol, most epic sentence ever.
Thankyou to all of you guys who answered my questions, really helped a lot :) 👍

I guess if you want to remove stuff downloaded from other regions Home's you can't because you would have to delete the entire 3GB file. But as DN said that space is gone anyway so I guess it doesnt matter too much.

I spent quite a lot of time in Home today, actually most people are interesting and friendly to talk to and you can have a decient proper conversation even with the girl avatars (if are they really girls) if they arnt being constantly harrased by some sad people.

It was also nice to see all of the other EU people in there and I also noticed loads of guys from AUS and NZ... do they connect with this server? I also find it hard to believe that everyone from these countries is dumped into the same Home space.. i.e. not everyone on EU Home is in the same one plaza right? There has got to be multiple ones.

Everyone seems to do running man congas infront of the 'whole world in your hands' screen..:lol: It is mad but quite entertaining for a while. :sly:

Oh and the big glass door which leads off into another area of the plaza... was that open in the closed beta?

I would really describe Home as '3D MSN' and if thats what they aimed to do then Sony have suceeded tremendously in that respect.

I had one of the greatest times ever on a gaming console on Home a little while ago. I laughed almost all night playing pool, getting constant gutter balls and exploring the area with a few friends. We also made the ugliest characters ever seen by a human eye dance salsa..Homes is the future and the possibilities are endless for this new type of social interaction. Thank you SOny!
You really don't have to answer btw, because we both cannot discuss any matter since you never can / will accept differing opinions than yours, just like a real fanboi.

That's funny, coming from a troll. :rolleyes:

Has anyone tried hooking up a microphone to broadcast your own music to the people of Home?
Has anyone tried hooking up a microphone to broadcast your own music to the people of Home?

Havent tried it but have heard it and its annoying and rather stupid.

Im slightly miffed at there not being any applicances available for your space seeing as many have already been done (remember Phil Harrison chucking his Bravia down the stairs!:sly:) they should be free because those items are going to be Sony electronics and are just 3D advertising.

Something else came to mind, Hexus has a thing on at the Theatre, could GTPlanet do something similar although god knows what we would show! Would be some good advertising for the site! :)

I had one of the greatest times ever on a gaming console on Home a little while ago. I laughed almost all night playing pool, getting constant gutter balls and exploring the area with a few friends. We also made the ugliest characters ever seen by a human eye dance salsa..Homes is the future and the possibilities are endless for this new type of social interaction. Thank you SOny!

I agree it really works well on the social elements, but the other side of things need some polish.

Time for me to take a break, hopefully all is good tommorow for the Australians. Our server works fine now:) Nice road ahead.
I don't want to get chastised for triple posting, so be warned... this is going to be long and cover multiple topics... :)

Hmmm, nice read btw. I might hop on now, where is the listen@home thingo you talk about?
It is in the NA version of Home, located in the Central Plaza. It's very easy to spot as it is on a large stage, and you'll likely see people dancing on and in front of the stage. Also, the closer you get to it, the louder the music will get.

Well it's certainly the comunity tool it was intended to be, the amount of random people who you just start chating with is astounding, at it's core I'd desctibe it as a HUGE game lobby, with many social alements thrown in.
It is pretty weird... even when you are chatting with a GTP friend. For instance, I saw LaBounti in Home so we sat there on a bench in the plaza just chewing the fat... it was really sureal.

The mini games, chess, bowling, arcades ect ect are all well exicuted and many bar the arcade games are multiplayer which adds to the comunity aspects.
I agree. I was particularly impressed with how well the multi-player aspect of bowling, pool, darts, chess, etc are executed. A few days ago I was playing a game of speed chess with someone, and we were having a blast trash talking each other... definitely in a mutually satirical way mind you. :)

It's prety bare bones at the moment, especialy the EU version and I hope the updates come thick and fast, especialy the game start list....1 game? come on!
Which game? I didn’t think there were currently any games that you could launch from Home. The only game I can recall that you could launch from Home was GT5P, but that was only when the TGS2008 space was available, and you also had to have a Japanese version of GT5P.

I'm still not clear on how this whole game launch thing is going to be handled. If all you are doing is leaving Home to play a game, it's easy enough to quit Home and then play the game. However, if it will allow us to synch up with other people in Home so that we can go directly into a multi-player game, now that would be useful. Especially when organizing online game tournaments. 👍

but it should be a fantastic experience as the system develops. The most intuative and radical system yet on the console scene Sony really is going the extra mile with this, reminds me of the Dreamcast home system.
I saw a very interesting article that came up among the list of top stories in Google News, that described PS Home as not just a game and not just a social network, but rather a "development platform". I was intrigued so I clicked on the link and it turned out to be a pretty interesting read... I'll go look for the link and post it for those curious.

In the meantime, if I recall correctly, it basically mentioned how Sony created and released compressive Home development kits, that basically would allow a company, game developer, or who ever to create their own "Space" in Home, with all the necessary tools to allow them to pretty much create whatever they want. In some ways it reminded me of LBP, and the notion of basically giving away and or making available all the necessary tools to allow that person to make what ever their imagine can come up with.

Based on the footage I have seen of the upcoming Red Bull Island... it seems there is no limit to what a creative developer might be able to come up with. 👍

As to all those complaining about this that and the other, your all entitled to your opinions, I just think "some" of you have missed the point of Home, If your not a social gamer or you were expecting some sort of RPG I can see you not liking Home, which is a shame but not the end of the world. After the mass download yesterday and the server overload (we all knew it would happen) thinks look rock solid this morning in home.
Well said! 👍

Thankyou to all of you guys who answered my questions, really helped a lot :) 👍

I spent quite a lot of time in Home today, actually most people are interesting and friendly to talk to and you can have a decient proper conversation even with the girl avatars (if are they really girls) if they arnt being constantly harrased by some sad people.
For those that want to be more convinced the person they are chatting with is really a guy or a girl, I'd recommend insisting that they at least say "hello" using a mic. Granted it's not fool proof, and it will limit you to chatting with people that have a mic, but I bet most imposters would have a hard time faking that. :)

It was also nice to see all of the other EU people in there and I also noticed loads of guys from AUS and NZ... do they connect with this server? I also find it hard to believe that everyone from these countries is dumped into the same Home space.. i.e. not everyone on EU Home is in the same one plaza right? There has got to be multiple ones.
My understanding is that like the NA Home, EU Home uses multiple servers, but it will still tell you if your friends are in Home, and you not only can chat with them via the Home Phone, but you can also invite them to join you, or join them, and that will switch you to the same server. 👍

As far as the servers for EU Home goes, as you already experience, it appears they have joined together all the english speaking countries that fall under the EU PSN umbrella. Which would include UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

I used my Spanish PSN account to acces Home, and it was clearly a dedicated server for Spain, but still has the exact same content as all the other EU Homes.

Everyone seems to do running man congas infront of the 'whole world in your hands' screen..:lol: It is mad but quite entertaining for a while. :sly:
Wait till you see my Frankenstein avatar doing the robot. :D

Oh and the big glass door which leads off into another area of the plaza... was that open in the closed beta?
No that was closed. There is a similar "closed door" area in the HK/JP and the NA Plazas as well, but they look different.

Has anyone tried hooking up a microphone to broadcast your own music to the people of Home?
<--- guilty as charged... actually my wife was the guilty party, I just helped. :D

The real fun is creating celebrity avatars, and then using the mic to play recordings of them... whether it be a popular singer singing one of their hits, or a comedian telling a joke... We've done that a few times and we always get some pretty funny reactions.

The first time I did it, was with an Obama avatar that I made, and I played his famous "Yes We Can" speech... and it was amazing. As a testament to the inspirational tone in that speech, after less than a minute I had drawn a large crowd around me, and nearly everyone would cheer at all the right moments. There were only a couple people who clearly were not fans of our President elect, but after they made their rude comments everyone just ignored them and they walked away.

My concern though is that this feature could get abused by clever marketing firms, by hiring a bunch of people to roam around Home using the mic to promote what ever product it is they are pushing. Granted, you can mute anyone you like, but I hope this doesn't happen.
@ D/N

See, when you use the mic like that, to do celeb impersonations and maybe some recorded speech thats ok... but im talking about stuff like home made rap coming through a really poorly calibrated headsead screeching etc... thats terrible!

As for getting girl avvy's to speak I doubt they will which is probably better for their own good because the minute some of those people actaully hear a girls voice you can imagine whats going to happen, most people girls or guys arnt using a headset. I was suprised at the lack of people using headsets as it would be far easier to get conversations going... although there is something quite nice about seeing people talk with speech bubbles sitting down next to the stream for example.. its like reading a graphic novel. :)

I like the graphics in Home, very pretty and its amazing that it looks visually better than some of the best PS2 games and its free! One thing I have an issue with is the shadow effects and the slight downgrading of facial quality when leaving the dressing room thing and entering the real home world. Basically the face you do in the room doesnt look the same as the face when your out an about... the shadows effects can cause it to look nothing like the original and I swear its downgraded.

Oh and off the subject I sent you a PSN message D/N, isnt relevant now but did you get it?, it seems youve never get any messages from me lol, even the one I sent for a friend invite years ago!

Which game? I didn’t think there were currently any games that you could launch from Home. The only game I can recall that you could launch from Home was GT5P, but that was only when the TGS2008 space was available, and you also had to have a Japanese version of GT5P.

I'm still not clear on how this whole game launch thing is going to be handled. If all you are doing is leaving Home to play a game, it's easy enough to quit Home and then play the game. However, if it will allow us to synch up with other people in Home so that we can go directly into a multi-player game, now that would be useful. Especially when organizing online game tournaments. 👍
While I have not tried it yet with the open Beta, Warhawk could be launched within the closed Beta.

Well it could for most people, I had a slightly strange problem. You see my PSN ID (ScaffUK) is apparently a rude word according to the Warhawk profanity filter. If I try to create a Warhawk server with my PSN in it, I get a Profanity filter error. Now setting up a server in Warhawk that was easy to get around (as you can rename the server), but launching Warhawk from Home does not allow you to re-name the server, it uses your PSN ID as the server name.

You do get most of the server set-up options (you set them up on your PDA), but re-naming the server is not one.


See, when you use the mic like that, to do celeb impersonations and maybe some recorded speech thats ok... but im talking about stuff like home made rap coming through a really poorly calibrated headsead screeching etc... thats terrible!
Couldn't agree more. It's especially bad, and potentially dangerous when you are using a headset and have it selected as the output device, thus all the incoming chat goes straight to your ear, or ears if one is using full headphones.

I thought I had the sound level at a reasonable level until I heard an unbelievably loud crackly noise, which was coming from someone’s mic in Home... I swear I have not done that much damage to my hearing since I was twenty years old attending a Who concert... it was brutal!

As for getting girl avvy's to speak I doubt they will which is probably better for their own good because the minute some of those people actaully hear a girls voice you can imagine whats going to happen, most people girls or guys arnt using a headset. I was suprised at the lack of people using headsets as it would be far easier to get conversations going... although there is something quite nice about seeing people talk with speech bubbles sitting down next to the stream for example.. its like reading a graphic novel. :)
I agree, there is definitely something to be said about the advantages of using the text bubbles, especially if you have a keyboard. Not only is it more pleasant... in terms of avoiding any bad mic problems, but you don't have to worry about talking over each other, and because the text bubbles stay up for a while, it's less likely someone will miss something you said. In fact, even if you did miss what they typed, by pressing the L3 button you can also see a chat log. 👍

That said, I had a pleasant conversation with LaBounti, and one thing came up, which is hard to reproduce in a typed chat, and that was our laughter. Granted, there is a laugh (albeiet a corny one) response option in the R1 menu, but it just isn’t the same thing as real laughter.

It's definitely a toss up for me regarding which I like better in Home, voice chat or text.

I like the graphics in Home, very pretty and its amazing that it looks visually better than some of the best PS2 games and its free! One thing I have an issue with is the shadow effects and the slight downgrading of facial quality when leaving the dressing room thing and entering the real home world. Basically the face you do in the room doesnt look the same as the face when your out an about... the shadows effects can cause it to look nothing like the original and I swear its downgraded.
It's the same way with games. LBP is a great example of this. If you click on the PopIt menu and select customize character, it will often zoom in close, and you'll see amazing detail in the sack character you are making... right down to thin threads.

However, this is also true for just about all forms of video, movies as well. We see a lot more detail because its zoomed in, not because its just in the create avatar mode. In fact, you can see the exact same detail in your avatars face by forcing the camera to get really close. One spot that's easy to do that in is on the balcony of your free personal space "Harbor Studio". Once on the balcony start rotating the camera view around and it will zoom in on your avatars face. When I did it, it showed all the fine details in the face as it did when it zooms in on it during the creation process.

Bottom line, the detail is still there, it's just a matter of how close you can get the camera to zoom in on someone's face in order to enjoy it... assuming it's an enjoyable looking face that is. ;)

Oh and off the subject I sent you a PSN message D/N, isnt relevant now but did you get it?, it seems youve never get any messages from me lol, even the one I sent for a friend invite years ago!
I'm really sorry about that. I get a lot of messages, and I sometimes don't notice new ones. :embarrassed:

However, I've added you to my friends list and I'll go check my mail for that message. 👍

Speaking of sending out Add-Me notices, I am always amazed how many Add-Me requests I get in PSN, but without a single letter in the body of the message letting me know who the heck they are. Obviously if I recognize the PSN ID that's different, but most of the time I have no idea who these people are. What's worse is that I'm already close to the max allowed number of PSN friends, so now if I get a request that I don't recognize and has nothing in the body of the message to let me know who they are I just decline them right then and there.

So for those sending out invites to various people, I highly recommend you also mention who you are in the add request message. 👍

While I have not tried it yet with the open Beta, Warhawk could be launched within the closed Beta.

Now setting up a server in Warhawk that was easy to get around (as you can rename the server), but launching Warhawk from Home does not allow you to re-name the server, it uses your PSN ID as the server name.

You do get most of the server set-up options (you set them up on your PDA), but re-naming the server is not one.
That sounds pretty good. I'll have to give that a try... heck I've only owned Warhawk for nearly a year now and still have not played it once. :odd:
How come there are no sexy goatees to put on my sexy avatar? Why can't I put dozens of HDTVs in my house? The personalization options are disappointing.
How come there are no sexy goatees to put on my sexy avatar? Why can't I put dozens of HDTVs in my house? The personalization options are disappointing.

The options for facial hair are scary and limited. Considering how detailed and specific you can make the facial features, I was very disappointed in the facial hair options... and like you, was shocked to find there wasn't any goatees to be found... :odd: and some of the moustache choices are soooo wrong on sooo many levels :ill:

Now my wife is looking at my goateeless virtual twin and suggesting I consider shaving my goatee off... :eek:
Does someone if there are some secret Spaces in the EU servers. i already been in the bowling ally, theater and Shopping Mall.
Does someone know if there are some secret Spaces in the EU servers. i already been in the bowling ally, theater and Shopping Mall.

Nope that's about it, the EU version doesn't seem to have been given the extra's the other territories recived, no bar, no Farcry2 area etc:grumpy:

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