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  • Thread starter McLaren
In the beer or just on the edge of the glass? Whenever I order it there is always an orange on the side of the glass. Even when we order pitchers at Hooters they put the slices on each individual glass.

This waitress was talking about cutting it up and dropping them into the beer, making it look like orange beer punch. The only time the orange wound up in my beer was when I did it myself, once.

It's on the side but it usually falls in. That's the point. The floating orange is just for aroma as you sip the beer... brings out the citrus notes within the beer.

I've never had a citrus-blue-moon sangria if that's what you're talking about.
It's on the side but it usually falls in. That's the point. The floating orange is just for aroma as you sip the beer... brings out the citrus notes within the beer.
That is what I don't like. A proper wheat beer doesn't need that. Suddenly people have been putting lemons in my Franziskaner bottle. No, no, no, no, no. That is a beer brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot. Why would you ruin that?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but certain beers suggest serving with a garnish like Blue Moon does with orange. I'm sure Franziskaner isn't one of them, and I too hate when people garnish beer when they shouldn't.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but certain beers suggest serving with a garnish like Blue Moon does with orange.
Correct. Blue Moon - orange Corona - Lime, but I believe a beer should be able to stand on its own. It should say something if the brewer is asking a bar to add something to change/affect the taste.

I'm sure Franziskaner isn't one of them, and I too hate when people garnish beer when they shouldn't.
👍 I was at a place having a Cinco de Mayo thing and every single Mexican beer came out with a lime. :ouch:
Correct. Blue Moon - orange Corona - Lime, but I believe a beer should be able to stand on its own. It should say something if the brewer is asking a bar to add something to change/affect the taste.

👍 I was at a place having a Cinco de Mayo thing and every single Mexican beer came out with a lime. :ouch:

So take out the orange or don't order one. :lol: And fail on the Mexican joint. :lol: Ours is so cheap they only give you limes with a margarita.

My uncle finished his keg of Stella with the luau. Any suggestions on what to get next?
And fail on the Mexican joint.
Well, in their defense they weren't a Mexican joint. It was a pizza and beer place that was just doing a thing with 8 different Mexican beers available.

My uncle finished his keg of Stella with the luau. Any suggestions on what to get next?
Considering the time of year probably a wheat or hefeweizen. If cost is an issue then look into Shocktop or Honey Moon (Blue Moon's summer ale). If not then import some good stuff or go for something like Leinenkugel.
I'm hoping for an Erdinger hefe. I need to find out what it was I drank at this place called Checkers Old Munchen. Some wheat beer that I think was called Klaus-something. He probably won't get one until we have another big party anyway... which will likely be more towards the holidays. I'd be down for a pony of Kostritzer.
That is what I don't like. A proper wheat beer doesn't need that. Suddenly people have been putting lemons in my Franziskaner bottle. No, no, no, no, no. That is a beer brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot. Why would you ruin that?
There's a local brand over here called Eisenbahn that brewes beer according to that law too. It's pretty good. 👍

Spiral-bound road atlas. With five car shows coming up these next two weekends, I've got a lot of driving to do.


Came with two free months of Car & Driver at FYE 👍
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For doing really well in School, I promised to take my Son to go see Up in 3D at the Alamo Drafthouse (got to love a movie theater with comfortable seating, full menu by an actual chef, and that serves 20 different types of beers from various microbreweries :drool:).


OK, besides having one of the most understated film titles of all time, and trailers that reveal very little about the real meaning and heart of the film... it is also the ONLY Pixar film that has caused me to shed a tear. :(

I'm a pretty tough guy, but Up had me tearing up... maybe it was because I'm a husband and a Dad, but looking around the theater I certainly wasn't the only one. It isn't to say the film is sad... or ends in tragedy, but there are a few moments during the montage that plays near the beginning of the film that are very touching and emotional, and I would dare any person with a heart and soul not to well up a bit while watching it. There are also some touching moments regarding the young boy's absent father.

In fact, this was the first time my wife and I have ever seen my son who will soon be 7, ever cry during a movie. Sure, both he and his younger sister have cried on occasions when they get hurt, or if they have a meltdown of sorts... but never because of empathy, especially for a fictional character. Needless to say both my wife and I were very proud of him, and made sure not to make him feel insecure about crying... which I could tell he was embarrassed and did his best to hide it from me. :)

The film was also an important reminder for me to spend more quality time with my wife and kids. 👍

In fact, over the last couple days since we saw Up, I've been ending my work day early, picking the kids up from school with my wife and going on mini-adventures with them around the Texas Hill Country... No, balloons were not involved... yet. ;)

Not sure when I'll have time to catch up with all the GTP buzz, but I'll be visiting GTP soon enough. 👍

Oh yeah... the film was awesome BTW. Also the 3D effects were not over done and made it seem all the more personal without distracting my attention away from the story... it also didn't hurt that like my avatar, there were dogs playing poker. :D

My only significant criticism is...
I really did not like the way the villain was disposed of, and in fact, I had expected and hoped that considering the heartfelt message of the film about family and redemption that in the end the villain would see the error of his ways, and would instead rejoin society instead of falling to his death. 👎

Overall though, I thought it was a brilliant film! 👍👍

Of course it's a Pixar movie so that shouldn't come as a major surprise. :)

Go see it, but you might want to bring a handkerchief. ;)
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Nice writeup, D-N. Up! is certainly on my list of movies to see very soon. Maybe I can talk my wife into going this afternoon before she goes to work tonight...

10 hours driving lessons.
All at once or 600 one minute stints? :P
Forgot to show these off in this thread, big purchase for me since I blew my car budget for a while but whatever. 16" rims and new Goodyear Eagle GT tires.


Oh and last night the Sims 3, I stayed up entirely to late playing it.

Rims look good Joey. A nice alternative to any of the OEM rims you see about, without looking out of place 👍
Forgot to show these off in this thread, big purchase for me since I blew my car budget for a while but whatever. 16" rims and new Goodyear Eagle GT tires.


Oh and last night the Sims 3, I stayed up entirely to late playing it.


How was it? I got it on newegg on the cheap. Is there an online feature for the game yet?
It seems better thought out than the previous games and makes you focus less on mind numbing things like going to the bathroom. The build mode isn't bad although it could always have more stuff in it, but that's what the 10 expansion will probably do. The one thing I do not like is that the create a sim feature is lacking a lot of styles, but you can buy, yes I said buy with real money, in the SimStore. Thanks EA for nickle and dimeing us again. Oh well, I'm still going to have fun with it.

I don't know if there is online or not, I rarely game online.
I'm a pretty tough guy, but Up had me tearing up... maybe it was because I'm a husband and a Dad, but looking around the theater I certainly wasn't the only one. It isn't to say the film is sad... or ends in tragedy, but there are a few moments during the montage that plays near the beginning of the film that are very touching and emotional, and I would dare any person with a heart and soul not to well up a bit while watching it. There are also some touching moments regarding the young boy's absent father.

I consider myself a pretty tough guy also so you're not alone. Between the early montage and later on with subtle references to that montage when he makes a promise to the boy, and not to forget the adventure book that he later reads. UGH, I was an emotional wreck at times. :(

Great movie, loved it. 3D in color is also nice without the blue/red hues washing out all sense of reality.
Great movie, loved it. 3D in color is also nice without the blue/red hues washing out all sense of reality.
So the 3D was decent? Both are playing in town and I'm torn as to which one to see.
Well got myself - David Malin: Ancient Light: A Portrait of the Universe



This book brings together the finest collection available of star clusters, galaxies, nebulae and other such spectacular phenomena caught on film. Each beautiful image, made from a series of delicate yet rich platinum prints, is accompanied by a clear and engaging caption. Malin's short texts (approximately 100 words) describe the depicted phenomena and some of the mythology surrounding them. The book is divided into nine sections, using the constellations as a framework to identify the positions of the images in the sky. Each section is introduced by a short text describing the featured constellations and a celestial map. In his introductory essay, Malin outlines the history and importance of photographing the night sky, describing how very long exposures taken with a telescope reveal stars and distant galaxies too faint to be seen by the eye. By studying galaxies, we learn about our origins and perhaps our destiny and, the origins of the ingredients of life and the destinies of stars like the Sun and the planets associated with them. Much of our current knowledge on these subjects was gleaned from black and white photographs like those in this book, which were originally taken for scientific purposes. Using the world's most sophisticated telescopes and his own revolutionary techniques, Malin brings us awe-inspiring images of distant worlds and amazing phenomena. He is a pioneer of space photography and has invented new ways of capturing the unseen universe on photographic plates, leading to the discovery of two new types of galaxies. His photographs capture light that has travelled immense distances, sometimes thousands of light years, to reach us.
So the 3D was decent? Both are playing in town and I'm torn as to which one to see.

I thought it was. It's better if you are centered in the theater. Not sure if there's a difference in quality from theater to theater, but this is a newer "digital" theater with DLP Projectors. I thought it look good and it's a crack up seeing everyone wear George Burns glasses all around you. :D
Very Nice !!! :)
Thanks, Daddy! Looking at the specs and reviews, I have no doubt that it'll blow the doors off of my 32" LCD!

For the price, I certainly couldn't pass it by, either. Thanks for that, D-N!

Downside - I can't even open the box until the cabinets and fireplace are done. Talk about motivation! :lol:
Thanks, Daddy! Looking at the specs and reviews, I have no doubt that it'll blow the doors off of my 32" LCD!

For the price, I certainly couldn't pass it by, either. Thanks for that, D-N!

Downside - I can't even open the box until the cabinets and fireplace are done. Talk about motivation! :lol:

Awesome man! Congrats on the new screen. So when's that little remodel job getting done? ;)