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  • Thread starter McLaren
Very nice purchase TB. 👍

Now you need to do what I did when I got my 50" , upgrade the surround sound system , and a new reciever , then I can guarantee that your wife will have to pry you off the T.V. :lol:
upgrade the surround sound system , and a new reciever , then I can guarantee that your wife will have to pry you off the T.V. :lol:
While I would certainly not turn down a new receiver, as mine is not all that old, I'll be sticking with it for a while. Besides, getting her to agree to the new TV is a major leap - she has said on numerous occasions that she's happy with a 13" black and white with mono audio. :ill:

Fortunately, she's surrounded by myself and my 2 boys and the 5 year old can already tell the difference between crappy VHS audio/video over the TV and Blu-ray through the receiver so she doesn't really have a choice. :D
Here's my latest purchase:


Yes, it needs ironing. ;)

WANT. Love Spyker Squadron stuff!
Samsung Blackjack since my Blackberry fried itself from the inside. Not to bad, only cost me $30 since my contact was almost up anyway.

This technically would be mine...

Canon EF400 ƒ/5.6 L

Not my picture, just one that I found...

What do you mean by technically?

👍 Great stuff by the way. Is it your first L lens? I'm like a crack addict with them, always looking for my next hit :lol:

That lens has gotta be close to the £2000 mark, or am I way off?

Shouldn't be. You can pick up a new one in Oz for about $2K AUD but then again, you guys could be getting ripped off up their.
What do you mean by technically?

👍 Great stuff by the way. Is it your first L lens? I'm like a crack addict with them, always looking for my next hit :lol:


Shouldn't be. You can pick up a new one in Oz for about $2K AUD but then again, you guys could be getting ripped off up their.

It's more than likely in the UK.
400/5.6 is a lovely lens. I bought mine in October 08 before the dollar rates went crazy. Paid about £750 for it. I think they're nearer a grand now.
What do you mean by technically?

👍 Great stuff by the way. Is it your first L lens? I'm like a crack addict with them, always looking for my next hit :lol:


It's my 3rd, though I only have 2. This'll sound weird...but I traded my 70-200 2.8 for it. I also have a 17-40.
I grabbed some camera stuff about a week ago for my upcoming trip.

Hoya Pro 1 Digital Circular Polarizer 67mm along with a 52mm-67mm step-up ring so I can use the filter on my smaller lenses.

Manfrotto 484RC2 mini ballhead

It's fairly small and simple. Right now it's on my tripod but after I stash away some money for a quality head, this one is going on my monopod. It's nice having the free range of movement without having to tilt the monopod to awkward angles. It tightens down real secure, it can be moved but it takes a lot more force than what the gear will impart on it.

Also got some cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth.

Hey FoolKiller, how is Wolfenstein? I'm thinking about grabbing it when I get FFVII. I know it's pretty much a console-ized version of the classic, but does it play good or does it feel clunky and awkward with a controller?
This'll sound weird...but I traded my 70-200 2.8 for it.

:eek: wow that's crazy, the 70-200 2.8 is probably the best lens ever built by Canon. I guess however if you need more range, then you've got to do what you've got to do.

Oh and Icarus25, the 484RC2 is an awesome ball head, you'll love it. I picked one up a few months ago and I use it to hang my camera upside down off a car with it... brilliant and sturdy!
Hey FoolKiller, how is Wolfenstein? I'm thinking about grabbing it when I get FFVII. I know it's pretty much a console-ized version of the classic, but does it play good or does it feel clunky and awkward with a controller?
I previously only played it on an older PC with a keyboard and the analog sticks work much better for me than arrow keys and a spacebar.

It feels odd now because it lacks a ton of features that modern FPS' have. For example, I keep trying to aim up for a headshot, but you can't. And 2D objects in a 3D space look very weird on an HDTV.

Honestly, though I have to say that it is incredibly easy. I am using the second-hardest difficulty (Bring Em On) to get the gold trophy in the end and three floors in I have max lives, max health, and max ammo.

The bonus it has is that trophies unlock stuff for the new game. It told me that I have earned $1000 of in-game cash for upgrades.
Is that the 3D0 one, the PC one or the Mac one? Cause it would be a shame if they just ported the PC version.
I only ever played the PC version, and it feels like that. If there were some minor differences between the versions that I am missing I wouldn't know.
If there were some minor differences between the versions that I am missing I wouldn't know.
Mac version had better graphics (higher res sprites) and tighter controls (probably irrelevant in this case), 3D0 was the Mac version with an amazing orchestral score.
Mac version had better graphics (higher res sprites) and tighter controls (probably irrelevant in this case), 3D0 was the Mac version with an amazing orchestral score.
Then this is most definitely PC. Same crappy graphics and midi sounds.
I think I'll grab Wolf sometime then. Never hurts to have trophy games. Might be worth it for the extras in the upcoming game as well.
:eek: wow that's crazy, the 70-200 2.8 is probably the best lens ever built by Canon. I guess however if you need more range, then you've got to do what you've got to do.

Try out a 500 F4 IS...that's the best lens they make:D

70-200 is good sure, but the 400 5.6 is pretty much on the same level of IQ/Quality...just a totally different lens.