The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
That made my day.

Also, Brony Movie night is up in 30. Anyone else gonna be in there?
I'll probably be there if I can burn through all of these stories in that amount of time (most of them a mediocre enough for me to skim them, but one of them is actually really good. Which makes me wonder why the hell the author wrote it, actually).

It never ceases to amaze me how many crybabies come out of the woodwork every time one of those posts go up. Are Cereal, Seth and Phoe not allowed to have fun or something?

Nah, I'll be at the GMT-friendly one tomorrow.

Also I love the little RP style stories they do. They're funny and divert from the usual drudgery of news and such. Anything that stops the EDaily team having a collective heart attack from the workload.

Also I just listened to three remixes of New Lunar Republic at the same time. They synched perfectly. I need to write something about it now! It's like enlightenment!
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No BMN for me, there is a couple of things that I need to cover.

Apart from that:

(Win,By Celestia)
What's it about?

It's about Star Fighter, my OC and his misadventures on finding friends.

As much as I try, I can't even finish the first chapter. It's all perfect in my mind, but when it comes to describing everything on paper, everything goes to trash. :guilty:
I abandoned it once, and I will probably abandon it again once and for all.
That is the talent I don't have...:(

Good Night.

As much as I try, I can't even finish the first chapter. It's all perfect in my mind, but when it comes to describing everything on paper, everything goes to trash.
I abandoned it once, and I will probably abandon it again once and for all.
That is the talent I don't have...

I write my stories three times from scratch. Or at least, I'll write for a hour each time. The third time is always the best because I remember the strengths of the last two adn forget the boring parts, the weaknesses.

Also if I write something up, and it sucks, I abandon it for a week and use spare time to think of ways to use it, different approached, etc.

I had real issues writing that Halo fic, then after slowly building up ideas for a week, I managed to blitz it in a few hours, only needed a little bit of tweaking then I was happy.
Neither can I...

Five minutes in Audacity and all three NLR songs are synched...roughly. The bassy bits after thirty seconds are just...impossible. Yet it still sounds pretty awesome. Might consider uploading it to YouTube.
I love me some self-deprecation, as a member of the Sonic fanbase this technically counts:
That and we honestly just haven't received a good enough Sonic story yet. For some reason they are always filled with awful grammar and mary-sue up the wazooo oc characters that none of the pre-readers liked.
A member of another forum I go to got this in response when he queried about a Sonic crossover fic.

And for some reason, I just find that absolutely hilarious. Like a "this is the reason stereotypes exist" joke.

Also, this.
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A Little Piece of Heaven is up on DA, and on the update queue for ED. Time to hit the hay over here, so to speak. Lot's of work tomorrow, and I'm pretty burnt out.

I just don't get it. Say you have writing talent. You can craft a good story. Spin a strong yarn. Regale a proper tale.

And then you write a sequel to Cupcakes. A fantastically written, deep, philosophical story that makes for a powerful read about the true meanings of your destiny and feelings of loyalty. But which is still a sequel to Cupcakes. What the hell?
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I just don't get it. Say you have writing talent. You can craft a good story. Spin a strong yarn. Regale a proper tale.

And then you write a sequel to Cupcakes. A fantastically written, deep, philosophical story that makes for a powerful read about the true meanings of your destiny and feelings of loyalty. But which is still a sequel to Cupcakes. What the hell?

Cupcakes just lost its charm (The original one, you just needed the original one, not more pointless sequels).

Also pic:


Inappropriate, I guess.
I love me some self-deprecation, as a member of the Sonic fanbase this technically counts:

A member of another forum I go to got this in response when he queried about a Sonic crossover fic.

And for some reason, I just find that absolutely hilarious. Like a "this is the reason stereotypes exist" joke.

You have no idea how long I've been planning on drawing a comic ponifying the Finalhazard battle from SA2...

Oh man... Why did I laugh so much at that video? Why did Pinkie's part fit so perfectly?

...Gravekeeper will never trip me up...

Ok, you know what? Screw my social life. Screw work. Screw sleep.

It. Is. On. *Fires up LibreOffice*
@Toro; Maybe they did it with the specific intention of screwing with people minds.

Anyway, Drawfriends stuff

Kill it with fire.


This is amazing.


It begins.

Also, that BMN chat is awesome.
Of course people start posting right after I started editing my last post.

Five's Company is the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

In other news:

You can't control Dash. Its unpossible. That story is a great example: Even Dash can't control Dash. Look the ending, where she basically subverts the entire point of her writing the story, just so she could show up the people she was writing in response to how to do it "better."
And then:



Ok, you know what? Screw my social life. Screw work. Screw sleep.

It. Is. On. *Fires up LibreOffice*
> Implying I'm not already down below a dozen.

Anyway, Drawfriends stuff

Kill it with fire.


What the 🤬 is this 🤬?


It begins.

Luna in socks only.

Also, that BMN chat is awesome.
So many DashiePie jokes! I dumped out as soon as Boast Busters started, though.
Did the Vinyl Scratch tapes use to have a [Shipping] tag?

I still need to read 3, so I'm not sure, but I don't remember that being there.

EDIT: This needs to be canon;

Ok, maybe not but it's still awesome.


What they did there....I see it.

EDIT: And now....I am sad.

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^I honestly expected the series to have a much longer run than it did.
Myabe another equally talented writer will start it back up somehow. Although, having not read 3 or 4, there's no way for me to know if that's possible without completely screwing over the story they have set up.

Anyway, I'm tired, I've got a headache, and I have work early tomorrow, so I'm calling it a night really early tonight.
Also, I wanted to make sure I got to use this sleep image before anyone else took it, because it is my favorite thing ever.

G'night everypony.
Ponies. On a GT forum... Now I've seen everything. lol

Eh, nothing wrong with that. I'm a brony as well. ^_^

But seriously, this show is EVERYWHERE I GO on the Net. Wow.
Ponies. On a GT forum... Now I've seen everything. lol

Eh, nothing wrong with that. I'm a brony as well. ^_^

But seriously, this show is EVERYWHERE I GO on the Net. Wow.
Hey now.

I know you. TSS Members? On my GTP? Craaaazy.

In other news, MintBerryCrunch is going to kill himself when he wakes up tomorrow and realizes that Macintosh got its final update 15 minutes after he went to bed.
Ponies. On a GT forum... Now I've seen everything. lol

Eh, nothing wrong with that. I'm a brony as well. ^_^

But seriously, this show is EVERYWHERE I GO on the Net. Wow.

Welcome buddy, I usually have pics for these ocassions but today I'm quite busy, so bonus Rarity for you :cheers: .


And you should check the MMO champion forums, those goes like crazy, I barely manage to keep up, however I haven't check out that thread today.
I've started my new fanfic :D I won't give everything away, but it's about Equestria after the outbreak of a virus that essentially turns normal ponies into zombie-esque beings :) Should be good fun to write.
Good luck.

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Virus? Zombie-esque beings? I'm interested to see how it turns out Tesla.

Also, I wanted to make sure I got to use this sleep image before anyone else took it, because it is my favorite thing ever.

I actually used that image last night, but I don't mind anypony else using it.

Anyway, I was going to read part 3 of The Vinyl Scratch Tapes now, but I'm far too tired, so I'll read it tomorrow instead. As for part 4, I'll save it for another time, preferably after I've read a particularly moving Sad/GrimDark fanfic just so I can use it to lift my spirits.

Oh, and Welcome to the herd SuperKlonoaGT!

G'night everypony:
Hey now.

I know you. TSS Members? On my GTP? Craaaazy. Didn't expect to see you here as well... I thought the Tornado on here was a different person, but it looks like you're the one and the same as on TSS. O_o

I've only been here (well, lurking around here, anyway) since GT5 released, btw, but it looks like you've been here for...quite a while. o_O;