Bad ffb after last patch 2.04

To those complaining about new understeer, I noticed a new change. If you had made your tires RED in a previous corner, it will lose grip leading to next soon to come corner. Much like rolling through grass, but to a lesser effect. It is a welcomed change, perhaps I didn't notice this before, but it seems more pronounced now. Try changing your approaches, slow in, fast out seems more important than ever before. (I know, someone will say next "It was ALWAYS important!" lol
To those complaining about new understeer, I noticed a new change. If you had made your tires RED in a previous corner, it will lose grip leading to next soon to come corner. Much like rolling through grass, but to a lesser effect. It is a welcomed change, perhaps I didn't notice this before, but it seems more pronounced now. Try changing your approaches, slow in, fast out seems more important than ever before. (I know, someone will say next "It was ALWAYS important!" lol

Interesting. I can see what your saying being true.

Now to test this theory. I've noticed a slight grip loss here or there after update. Could be I was beating on the tires as you mentioned. Very interesting!
To those complaining about new understeer, I noticed a new change. If you had made your tires RED in a previous corner, it will lose grip leading to next soon to come corner. Much like rolling through grass, but to a lesser effect. It is a welcomed change, perhaps I didn't notice this before, but it seems more pronounced now. Try changing your approaches, slow in, fast out seems more important than ever before. (I know, someone will say next "It was ALWAYS important!" lol

Somehow this makes sense because you make the tyres very hot and the rubber will start to melt. And will change how people approach corners for sure.
I've tried my DFP in GT5 for the very first time to beat the Vettel and Loeb challenge.
First thing i notice, the thing wants to rip my hands off even on the weakest FFB setting (if 1 is meant to be the weakest). I feel every bump down in my toes and my whole arms hurt from driving. Is this normal?
I've tried my DFP in GT5 for the very first time to beat the Vettel and Loeb challenge.
First thing i notice, the thing wants to rip my hands off even on the weakest FFB setting (if 1 is meant to be the weakest). I feel every bump down in my toes and my whole arms hurt from driving. Is this normal?

You hadn't tried it before the update? LoL
You hadn't tried it before the update? LoL
Nope, as long, as i could make events on gold on gamepad, i did it that way.
Also i had the exact same experience, as i had now, with GT4. I thought it will be better, but nothing has changed. How was it before then, just out of curiosity..?
Nope, as long, as i could make events on gold on gamepad, i did it that way.
Also i had the exact same experience, as i had now, with GT4. I thought it will be better, but nothing has changed. How was it before then, just out of curiosity..?

Why would you want to use a game pad when you have a wheel?

Care to explain this mystery?
Hitting a curb and the wheel moving from that is not relative to bump steer IMO

Bump steer is more thought of when you lower a car and hit bumps going straight. The bumps cause the suspension to travel this travel with the lower car changing the angle of steering will make the car steer one way or another. If you ever experienced it you know what it is.

Common in lowered vehicles without raising the steering rack up and Getting tie rods angle right.

Anyway a manual steering rack. Which I expect the feeling of in GT5 using racing cars or at least a quick ratio gearbox. These items will leave curbs and other forces on wheels and tires going through the wheel and the driver will indeed feel it.

I see road cars power steering absorbing any shocks. Not a racing car though.

They are getting close just need to give some more user control for preference here.

First of all, a curb is a bump if you hit it with your tire. You are disagreeing with this? Really?

Most cars in GT5 have power steering, but that has nothing to do with bump steer anyway, it has to do with suspension and steering geometry.

Bump steer isn't just ''thought of in lowered cars'', it depends on steering geometry. Whether or not ''you feel it is relative to hitting a curb'' or not, whatever that means.

My point wasn't that you would feel it anyway, so most of your post is irrelevant to that point. My point is that you might not feel it as a ''turning'' force, but as more of a vibration in a car, if the car has correct steering geometry. Maybe it is more realistic now than it was before, like I said.

I had a theory why maybe PD lessened a certain type of force feedback while going over curbs. The force people are complaining about being lessened this last update.

You saying this:
''These items will leave curbs and other forces on wheels and tires going through the wheel and the driver will indeed feel it''.. doesn't add anything to the conversation.

That doesn't even make sense as a sentence, it isn't a response to what you quoted because you don't differentiate between a turning force or a vibration. Even if it did you don't give any examples or why you say that- but I have a feeling you're trying to disagree.

It' like me saying, ''Here's why I think PD made the sky is blue in GT5'', and providing a link explaining light refraction, and you responding, ''I disagree, the sky isn't green''.

Pretty weak...

Now tell me again why you think bump steer doesn't have anything to do with bumps and steering? -Or why it ''isn't relative to hitting curbs and the wheel moving'' as you put it.:crazy:
Bump steer happens when the suspension moves having an effect on steering geometry.

Hitting a curb jolts the wheel from the force trying move the wheel that hit. Nothing to do with bump steer.

If that's what your trying to say, then never mind me.

I also wasn't disagreeing with your FFB or agreeing. I didn't think you grasped what bump steer is and when it would happen.

If your wheel vibrates something is out of balance. I don't want my wheel vibrating. LoL hitting a curb say at a 45 degree or so. I would expect the wheel to jolt or move as that tire/wheel should have a force on it that would in real life. I got this on a few tracks with tall curbs. Haven't tried since the update. If that effect is gone then well I'm at awe.

Also your getting way to serious over me trying help.
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Did some more racing online today. I like the FFB much better now. There is no dead spot, just a more realistic center. The slightest movement still causes the car to react, it's just not unrealistically fighting you to go straight.

Feel like I'm a much more precise driver now. Hope they refine the kerb feel, but not revert to the old style of ffb. Just a few more tweaks is all that is needed.
Go to the SEN (SENSITIVITY) setting and instead of 900 set it to OFF.

When SEN setting is set to OFF on Fantatec FMW it takes the actual information regarding steering-degree value from the game and does not "force" it via own OS.

Have been doing that since i first got my fanatec so unfortunately thats not the issue for me.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
On my G25, the deadzone is better now; the wheel has a bit more weight when going in a straight line with less oscillation. But, there is also less resolution in FFB, so it's not as easy to feel when you are on the edge (not that it was ever that great to begin with).

I've played GT5 so much that I've just gotten to where I instinctively start counter-steering before the wheel tells me I should. It sucks, but it is what it is. Watching someone new to the game trying to drive even relatively neutral cars on my rig is quite entertaining though. :)
Bump steer happens when the suspension moves having an effect on steering geometry.

Hitting a curb jolts the wheel from the force trying move the wheel that hit. Nothing to do with bump steer.

If that's what your trying to say, then never mind me.

I also wasn't disagreeing with your FFB or agreeing. I didn't think you grasped what bump steer is and when it would happen.

If your wheel vibrates something is out of balance. I don't want my wheel vibrating. LoL hitting a curb say at a 45 degree or so. I would expect the wheel to jolt or move as that tire/wheel should have a force on it that would in real life. I got this on a few tracks with tall curbs. Haven't tried since the update. If that effect is gone then well I'm at awe.

Also your getting way to serious over me trying help.

I was really just wondering what you meant.. because I really didn't get it... and it sounded more serious than I was, because I really only thought it was ''something to think about''.
I have no idea if you can feel bump-steer or roll-steer (different).

But I still wonder if lessening the FF affect when you hit a curb, like it is now in GT5, is more or less realistic.
I really hope PD fix the FFB with 2.05. I can get use to less feedback (even at level 10 with power steering off) but the dead zone from center is driving me nuts. From all the posts, it seems that there are a few people that like it, but as for me, I have driven with the T500RS almost as long as it's been out and have gotten so use to it and the FFB was amazing, even when driving the x201* (minus hitting the kurbs), and for them to change it now makes no sense. I am not willing nor do I have the time to re-learn how to drive the cars I love with the new FFB, it's like driving a completely different car. Such a huge disappointment.

PD, Please revert back to the original settings. Please..!
Well dfgt feels the same...Havent tried the x2011and 2010 nor the fgt .
I know it was nearly impossible to drive the x2011 straight at high speeds.
I've raced with the new FFB for a week now and I'm starting to like it more and more (still on 2.04, using a T500RS, ffb lvl 8). The feedback I get from the wheel seems to correspond very well with what is actually happening with the car (understeer, oversteer, bumps) and I think it does it better than before version 2.04. I do miss the pronounced response from the wheel when going over a high curb, but comparing the wheel force feedback with the camera shake (bumper cam) when going over a curb, they match quite well (at least with a stock Mini Countryman on Madrid). I do think however, that the car should respond more profoundly when hitting a high curb, even with soft suspension.
I've raced with the new FFB for a week now and I'm starting to like it more and more (still on 2.04, using a T500RS, ffb lvl 8). The feedback I get from the wheel seems to correspond very well with what is actually happening with the car (understeer, oversteer, bumps) and I think it does it better than before version 2.04. I do miss the pronounced response from the wheel when going over a high curb, but comparing the wheel force feedback with the camera shake (bumper cam) when going over a curb, they match quite well (at least with a stock Mini Countryman on Madrid). I do think however, that the car should respond more profoundly when hitting a high curb, even with soft suspension.

I have similar a experience 👍
I have similar a experience 👍

The new settings gave me the confidence to attempt the Top Gear Lotus challenge once more, I gave up on it a long time ago. I bronzed it and golded the camper van. Spent the next few hours driving around the track in a 458.

I've been running my wheel on ffb8 since. Powersteering off, not that I tried with it on. It feels real good, I can read the car easier and have time to reply to it questioning my authority over it.
I race simulators on PC almost daily. Carrying the wheel back and forth isn't really what i want to do.:)

It's much easier to carry the console over. Or have them share the same space (despite what you've heard, they don't try to kill each other when you're not there).
2.05 is live. Any change?

I'm still unsure if it did actually change. But I think maybe it did slightly, I feel like the resistance when turning has increased a little bit (maybe not as much as before), and the force feedback from bumps, oversteer and understeer seems a little stronger as well.

Anybody else feel a difference?
It seems like they tweak it quite often with these updates, some more than others obviously, but there have been updates where they didn't mention anything about force feedback in the notes where I have felt (or thought I felt) subtle differences.
Overall my G27 feels very good. It has good feel of oversteer and understeer but I miss the feeling of the curbs! Just feels flat,like running off track at laguna seca in GT3..Its like your still on the track..